douchebaggery internal debate misandry misogyny MRA MRA paradox paul elam threats violence against men/women

Internet Inactivism and the MRA Paradox

MRA in action

As I’ve pointed out before, the vast majority of Men’s Rights Activists aren’t really activists at all, if by “activists” you mean people who occasionally get off their asses and try to engage in political activity in the real world. As I put in in my piece for the Good Men Project on misogyny in the Men’s Rights movement,

Men’s rights activists aren’t much like any other activists I’ve ever run across. For one thing, for supposed activists they are almost completely inactive. Sure, they complain endlessly about things they see as terrible injustices against men. They just don’t do anything about them. While some of those who consider themselves fathers’ rights activists—a slightly different breed from your garden-variety MRAs—try to influence laws and legislatures, MRAs do little more than cultivate their resentments.

MRAs seem to be good at one thing, and one thing only: posting angry comments on websites, whether their own or on those of their many enemies – whether that’s on blogs like this one or in the comments section on various mainstream media sites they consider “misandrist.” (Actually: that’s not entirely fair – on a few occasions, MRAs have been moved to make threatening phone calls as well.) They don’t raise money for anything but their own web sites and their pet projects. They don’t organize demonstrations that involve more than a tiny handful of people.  Like, for example, this one, involving one dude dressed like Batman who climbed up onto a highway sign:

Or this one, which involved a dude dressed up as Batman and a dude dressed up as Robin, climbing up on a bridge.

If your protests typically involve fewer people than, say, the line of people waiting to use the Redbox video rental kiosk outside your local supermarket on a Friday night, I think it’s safe to say that yours is not a mass movement, at least not yet.

Am I being unfair in demanding MRAs actually, literally,get off their asses before I consider them to be activists? Perhaps.

But, as it turns out, MRAs aren’t much good at sitting-on-your-ass activism either. Case in point: For quite some time – weeks? months? — MRA elder Paul Elam has been urging readers of his blog A Voice For Men to sign a petition to disbar a District Attorney he and other MRAs have decided is corrupt. But despite his repeated pleas to his readers to sign the thing, it has not yet garnered the required 1000 signatures, even though at least a few of his readers have talked about signing it more than once. [Edited to add: it has now gotten more than 1000 signaturesd.]

Today, this particular example of internet inactivism prompted Elam to lash out at his non-signing readers. Declaring himself “tired and frustrated” and “sick of this shit,” he once again begged his readers to sign. Then he went a step further, suggesting that he might limit commenting on his site to “activists that are contributing to this site in one way or another” as a way of encouraging activism and discouraging those who are “sucking up air and doing little else.”

I don’t think further exhortation on his part – or limiting the comments there to “real” activists only – is likely to make much difference. [Edited to add: Nagging a few more people to spend two minutes signing an online petition is one thing. Actually transforming them into real activists is another.]  Elam is running up against the inherent paradox of Men’s Rights “activism” – the fact that most of those complaining the most about alleged injustices against men are not in fact interested in changing anything. Their “activism,” as it were, is little more than an excuse to wallow in their own bitterness, and to blame others for their own problems.

If MRAs really cared about domestic violence against men – as opposed to using the issue as a rhetorical weapon against feminists – they would be raising money and devoting their time to actually building shelters, like the (mostly) women who built the first shelters decades ago, and the (mostly) women who keep these shelters going today. If MRAs were really interested in stopping prison rape, instead of simply complaining about it, they’d be donating money to or working with the advocacy group Just Detention or other groups concerned about the treatment of prisoners. If they were really interested in helping those falsely accused of rape or other crimes, they’d be working with The Innocence Project or some other group fighting for the falsely accused or convicted. Or they would be starting real organizations of their own.

But that’s not, at heart, what the MRM is about. For all but a tiny handful of real activists, it’s not about changing the world. It’s about creating a space where men can kvetch and blame and cultivate their own sense of martyrdom. Actually trying to change the real world would involve , well, going out into the real world, a place where their assertions about the alleged oppression of men are seen as the nonsense they are, a place where their bitterness and hatred of women is seen as bitterness and hatred rather than the righteous anger they like to imagine that it is.

When MRAs do venture out of their self-created bubble they tend to either make fools of themselves – like Batman on the highway sign in the video above – or to reveal themselves to be the angry fanatics they are. Elam, for his part, sometimes even has trouble making his case in the relatively sympathetic environment of the Men’s Rights subreddit on Reddit, and is quickly reduced to sputtering rage when anyone disagrees with him. In the end, sputtering rage seems to be what the MRM is really all about.

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13 years ago

If its so laughably funny Bee, why not give it shot to prove how deranged the old slavey is? I mean what have you got to lose? Or will you just say, “Nah it can’t be true.”

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

David, you know he’s just going to switch to some other nonsense like the Amero or the NAFTA Superhighway. There are no practical limits to Slavey’s BS.

13 years ago

What is next, telling us if he just files his Actual and Constructive Notice by Affidavit To All Parties Concerned of Qualified Elector And Citizenship Status with the county sheriff, he will be a free man on the land?

And yes, that is a document I am quite literally staring at as I type this that has been filed prior to release someone from their citizenship.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Bee, you remind me of important matters. There’s a time to blog, and a time to cuddle basenjis.

Be back later.

Sam L
13 years ago

NWO Slave, settle a bet. Are you from the rural midwest?

13 years ago

You know what would be funny? If we got a petition going to have Elam legally change his name to Colonel Froofroo Sillybuns.

And it gets 1000 signatures in a fraction of the time.

13 years ago

I saw your post after I wrote mine David so sorry I mentioned it.

I am shocked though, I just peeked at the Spearhead and nada on that jackass known as Christopher Savoie winning that default against his ex-wife since she took off for Japan with the children. I would think they would be all aflutter with joy that yet another man got his revenge.

Simone Lovelace
13 years ago

JohnnyKaje, I would totes sign that petition.

13 years ago

Thank you very much for the laugh. I would also sign it if such a petition existed.

13 years ago

Here’s a site for them, but I dunno if I want to stick with a name change, or petition him to donate to a worthy cause.

I should have two separate petitions as to what to petition him to do.

ScareCrow P-Man
13 years ago

Wrong. It is now more than 1000 signatures.

I contacted NCFM. The president said that most do not like signing online petitions because if they do not get enough signatures, it can lead to an increase in the bad behavior.

Sorry Dave, but like many things you write about – you are just plain wrong.

Also, if you google “Mary Kellett”, you will see that far more than MRA sites are writing about her corrupt practices and sexual biased policies.

Keep up the lying though – the days of your lies are numbered.

13 years ago

Yawn! Your logic is as sharp as ever, ScareCrow P-Man. Things change? MRAs don’t sign petitions because if the petitions don’t get enough signatures bad things will happen? Nice.

And actually, I have googled Mary Kellett, and it is mostly MRA sites that are calling for her dismissal, and open or general sites that allow anyone to post there. With the one exception of the seemingly straight-up SAVE Services, I’m really just seeing Paul Elam fans reprinting his words. Which can be activism of a sort, I suppose, but doesn’t support an idea of widespread anti-Kellettism.

And the threat, ScareCrow P-Man? Not classy, dude.

13 years ago

Ooh, the days of his lies are numbered! Maybe that anti-feminist stuxnet thingy is almost ready to launch.

No suprises here
No suprises here
13 years ago

Not in the least bit surprising that manboobz and his followers would support this domestic abusing, false rape accusing and child abusing woman and the corrupt practices of mary keller.

Its like marcotte et als support for Crystal Magnum all over again.

ScareCrow P-Man
13 years ago

@Bee – your fear smells delicious!

The action was a 50/50 parenting bill. It didn’t get enough signatures, and they speculated that it set the bill back 10 years. This is what I was told, not my “logic”.

And – as far as my “logic” goes – no “logic” is going on here. The Mary Kellett petition has more than 1000 signatures. This is a fact, not a line of reasoning. I am not surprised that someone like yourself is not capable of distinguishing the two.

When I googled Mary Kellett, I did see quite a few MRA sites, but I also saw quite a few non-MRA sites. Keep it up though… your self-delusions. I guess that if I were silly enough to believe the stuff Dave writes, I’d probably be wrapped up in a world of fantasy too.

They are making a difference – whether you like it or not.

The false rape society at the beginning of the year had only 60 followers – now it has more than 100. And that number will increase even more in the future – as I have not done the URL’s at urinals thing yet – and – I plan to make a television commercial for them too.

It was no threat. Eventually, people who spread hate-inspiring lies will be revealed for being just that – hate mongers. Just like the KKK used rape as a tool to frighten people into siding with them for “protection”, the same thing is happening today.

@mediumdave – Your fear smells delicious too.

It’s no wonder I enjoy reading this blog.

13 years ago

“You know what would be funny? If we got a petition going to have Elam legally change his name to Colonel Froofroo Sillybuns.And it gets 1000 signatures in a fraction of the time.”

@Johnnykaje, I’d sign that petition. Colonel Fopaw Smurf would also be good.

13 years ago

ScareCrow P-Man, I’m surprised that someone as brilliant as you needs to have this explained to them. You said David’s “wrong” because he wrote that the petition did not have 1000 signatures. When he wrote his post, it did not. The fact that it does now (thanks to MRAs signing it twice and lying about their addresses) has no bearing on David’s original post. What’s next? Writing major news outlets and telling them they’re wrong because they wrote articles in 2003 that said Osama Bin Laden is at large?

Point the Second. If a group of people who support an action realize that if a petition that calls for said action doesn’t reach a certain number of signatures there will be a bad outcome for their cause, they should either (1) not start the petition or (2) sign the petition, helping it to reach its goal and preventing the bad outcome. Deciding not to sign a petition that has already been started would seem to doom it to the failure the group fears.

I can’t believe I actually explained all that. Shame on me for feeding the troll, I guess.

As far as the non-MRA sites that mention Kellett, click on the links. They are, as I said, open sites that allow anyone to post there. Apparently Elam’s fans reposted his blog post wherever they could, as he told them to.

That’s totally awesome that you’ve reached out to 100 deluded, bitter crazypeople, though. Keep up the good work.

13 years ago

I see NWO is being less than thoughtful again. If I were in possession of food, and selling it on the black market I’d have to be stupid beyond all belief to sell all of it and then buy it back from some other profiteer.

Which shows why the rest of his attempts at argument fail to actually stand up. But he’s really good at derailing topics.

His arguments, such as they are,boil down to, “Women have all the power, and men will never win. That’s why we have to bitch and whine on the internet. If we did it in visibly activist ways the MSM, the Rothschilds, the UN and all the other oppressive arms of the Female World Order would hunt us down and kill us the way they engineered the mass starvation of men in Haiti; once we achieve the victory we deserve we can be public in our views.”

Conveniently this seems to be the thinking of most MRA types, so it’s just the run of the mill misogynists we have to deal with, which is hard enough as it is.

ScareCrow P-Man
13 years ago

@Xtra: “a petition going to have Elam legally change his name to Colonel Froofroo Sillybuns”

So – you do believe in infringing on the rights of others – and forcing your will upon them – all in an attempt to humiliate them. Why am I not surprised… Isn’t that what rapists do?

2. thanks to MRAs signing it twice and lying about their addresses

This is speculation – not fact. FAIL

3. has no bearing on David’s original post.

Yes it does – it shows he underestimates the activism of MRA’s – the very premise of the article. FAIL

4. What’s next? Writing major news outlets and telling them they’re wrong because they wrote articles in 2003 that said Osama Bin Laden is at large?

Now you’re just being stupid. FAIL

5. I can’t believe I actually explained all that. Shame on me for feeding the troll, I guess.

Trying to pass my arguments off by labeling me as a troll – FAIL.

6. As far as the non-MRA sites that mention Kellett, click on the links. They are, as I said, open sites that allow anyone to post there.

Wrong – some are sites that have nothing to do with MRM and do not allow anybody to post there – FAIL.

7. Apparently Elam’s fans re-posted his blog post wherever they could, as he told them to.

Many did, but apparently, there are people outside the MRM who also noticed the injustices of Mary Kellett.

8. That’s totally awesome that you’ve reached out to 100 deluded, bitter crazypeople, though. Keep up the good work.

Wrong. I did not reach out to them – Paul did – and he reached out to more than 100. EPIC FAIL.

Tell me – why are you so against an investigation into Mary Kellett? If she is perverting the course of justice – isn’t the petition a good cause?

What harm would an investigation do?

Why are you so bitterly opposed to it, and why do you delude yourself into thinking that so few people want to see an investigation done?

ScareCrow P-Man
13 years ago


Oh, and P.S. why is it that you believe that people who suspect Mary Kellett of mishandling evidence, being sexually biased and perverting the course of justice – are “bitter” and “crazy”?

Are you saying that people who want to actively pursue justice and see an investigation performed on a D.A. whose actions and convictions (and sometimes a LACK of a convitcion) are just “crazy”?

When did people standing up for justice become “bitter” and “crazy”?

13 years ago

Right, Scarecrow. I doubt that the MRM has enough guys in it to make up 1000 unique, eligible individuals who’d sign the petition.

And your comment about “fear” is absurd… I don’t own a Siemens centrifuge. Just a Sierra overdrive that refuses to work half the time. You’re really funny, and not scary (to me).

13 years ago

(In case anyone is wondering, I’m referring to this post by Antifeministtech.) I don’t think our boy really understands what Stuxnet is for, if he thinks that it’d be an effective weapon against feminists online.

For one thing, most orgs don’t host their own web sites. For another, web sites are less vulnerable to the kind of disruption that the Stuxnet worm causes. If they go down, it’s not that hard to put them back up again. DOS attacks, no matter how sophisticated, rarely keep sites down for more than a day. Using stuxnet in this case would be like using a sniper rifle against a human wave assault (you’d get a few, but it wouldn’t make much difference). Hence the mockery.

13 years ago

Oh no, ScareCrow P-Man, you misunderstand me (and most things, it seems).

The 100 deluded and bitter crazypeople are the people who have decided to follow the false rape blog. Although Elam’s fans are no less bitter, deluded, or crazy, I’m sure.

I’m not in a position to know everything about Mary Kellett’s life or work, but it looks to me from having read the state supreme court’s opinion that the trial judge made some errors that favored her position. I don’t know enough about legal ethics to know if she was acting unethically in even making these motions that the judge allowed, or whether she was just doing her job and trying to get convictions and mistakenly but in good faith made motions that ended up preventing the jury from hearing evidence that they should have heard. I do know that Elam’s characterization of what she did appears to put it in the worst possible light, and is proved untrue by official court records of what happened. That doesn’t surprise me. He’s an idiot.

I imagine that there should be an investigation done by the bar, and I further imagine that there will be one done. I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m “so bitterly opposed to it,” except perhaps for your poor comprehension skills. I have merely said that the call for her disbarment appears, through a google search, to be located solely within the MRM. And this is true.