douchebaggery internal debate misandry misogyny MRA MRA paradox paul elam threats violence against men/women

Internet Inactivism and the MRA Paradox

MRA in action

As I’ve pointed out before, the vast majority of Men’s Rights Activists aren’t really activists at all, if by “activists” you mean people who occasionally get off their asses and try to engage in political activity in the real world. As I put in in my piece for the Good Men Project on misogyny in the Men’s Rights movement,

Men’s rights activists aren’t much like any other activists I’ve ever run across. For one thing, for supposed activists they are almost completely inactive. Sure, they complain endlessly about things they see as terrible injustices against men. They just don’t do anything about them. While some of those who consider themselves fathers’ rights activists—a slightly different breed from your garden-variety MRAs—try to influence laws and legislatures, MRAs do little more than cultivate their resentments.

MRAs seem to be good at one thing, and one thing only: posting angry comments on websites, whether their own or on those of their many enemies – whether that’s on blogs like this one or in the comments section on various mainstream media sites they consider “misandrist.” (Actually: that’s not entirely fair – on a few occasions, MRAs have been moved to make threatening phone calls as well.) They don’t raise money for anything but their own web sites and their pet projects. They don’t organize demonstrations that involve more than a tiny handful of people.  Like, for example, this one, involving one dude dressed like Batman who climbed up onto a highway sign:

Or this one, which involved a dude dressed up as Batman and a dude dressed up as Robin, climbing up on a bridge.

If your protests typically involve fewer people than, say, the line of people waiting to use the Redbox video rental kiosk outside your local supermarket on a Friday night, I think it’s safe to say that yours is not a mass movement, at least not yet.

Am I being unfair in demanding MRAs actually, literally,get off their asses before I consider them to be activists? Perhaps.

But, as it turns out, MRAs aren’t much good at sitting-on-your-ass activism either. Case in point: For quite some time – weeks? months? — MRA elder Paul Elam has been urging readers of his blog A Voice For Men to sign a petition to disbar a District Attorney he and other MRAs have decided is corrupt. But despite his repeated pleas to his readers to sign the thing, it has not yet garnered the required 1000 signatures, even though at least a few of his readers have talked about signing it more than once. [Edited to add: it has now gotten more than 1000 signaturesd.]

Today, this particular example of internet inactivism prompted Elam to lash out at his non-signing readers. Declaring himself “tired and frustrated” and “sick of this shit,” he once again begged his readers to sign. Then he went a step further, suggesting that he might limit commenting on his site to “activists that are contributing to this site in one way or another” as a way of encouraging activism and discouraging those who are “sucking up air and doing little else.”

I don’t think further exhortation on his part – or limiting the comments there to “real” activists only – is likely to make much difference. [Edited to add: Nagging a few more people to spend two minutes signing an online petition is one thing. Actually transforming them into real activists is another.]  Elam is running up against the inherent paradox of Men’s Rights “activism” – the fact that most of those complaining the most about alleged injustices against men are not in fact interested in changing anything. Their “activism,” as it were, is little more than an excuse to wallow in their own bitterness, and to blame others for their own problems.

If MRAs really cared about domestic violence against men – as opposed to using the issue as a rhetorical weapon against feminists – they would be raising money and devoting their time to actually building shelters, like the (mostly) women who built the first shelters decades ago, and the (mostly) women who keep these shelters going today. If MRAs were really interested in stopping prison rape, instead of simply complaining about it, they’d be donating money to or working with the advocacy group Just Detention or other groups concerned about the treatment of prisoners. If they were really interested in helping those falsely accused of rape or other crimes, they’d be working with The Innocence Project or some other group fighting for the falsely accused or convicted. Or they would be starting real organizations of their own.

But that’s not, at heart, what the MRM is about. For all but a tiny handful of real activists, it’s not about changing the world. It’s about creating a space where men can kvetch and blame and cultivate their own sense of martyrdom. Actually trying to change the real world would involve , well, going out into the real world, a place where their assertions about the alleged oppression of men are seen as the nonsense they are, a place where their bitterness and hatred of women is seen as bitterness and hatred rather than the righteous anger they like to imagine that it is.

When MRAs do venture out of their self-created bubble they tend to either make fools of themselves – like Batman on the highway sign in the video above – or to reveal themselves to be the angry fanatics they are. Elam, for his part, sometimes even has trouble making his case in the relatively sympathetic environment of the Men’s Rights subreddit on Reddit, and is quickly reduced to sputtering rage when anyone disagrees with him. In the end, sputtering rage seems to be what the MRM is really all about.

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13 years ago

@Nobinayamu…I’ve given the money, I’ve signed the petition. Now I fight the internet fight. You see I am doing my part. Don’t worry, soon enough YOU will enact laws to incarcerate men for writing “hate speech.”

Doctress Julia
13 years ago

Yeah, none of us care. That’s why we’re here. /s

And, from now on, I am calling you Fopah. XD

13 years ago

@Joe…”Hey, NWO, have you stopped beating your wife?” Again, no answer, just a personal attack.

13 years ago

@Nobinayamu | May 10, 2011 at 2:09 pm

Fine sentiment, yet the UN/UNICEF, all feminist organisations endorse women only food distribution for disaster relief. What are you going to do about it?

13 years ago

@Laughing gull…well I signed long ago against this injustice, since your real name and address and such need to be given it owuld appear to be legit. Did YOU sign the petition or was it just OK by you? Since it was a man being treated like a vile piece of filth was it good?

Marion in Savannah
Marion in Savannah
13 years ago

He really is a one trick pony, isn’t he?

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Is attention whoring a bannable offense? If it’s not, it should be.

Apologies to all the hard-working legitimate whores out there.

13 years ago

NWOSlave – oh for crying out loud, how is referring to a well known trick question a “personal attack”? Have you seriously never heard that one before? Did you not grow up in the U.S.? I think they know that one in England and Canada too.

Laughing gull
Laughing gull
13 years ago

NWO I have no desire to see anyone treated unfairly. Women hate false rape accusations too. I’m sure this has been discussed before at great length judging from previous posts. I’ve tried to find out more about this case, seems Paul Elam’s name comes up on all links and with crowds of strawmen around everything MRA, I tend to be wary.

As far as the petition, all one has to do is read the comments in “A Voice For Men” to realize there may be some duplicates.

If the guy is falsely accused, I hope like hell he gets off. I mean… freed.

13 years ago

@Laughing gull | May 10, 2011 at 2:43 pm…Than sign the petition. Or is a mans justice just a theoretical puzzle to be pondered over?

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Women hate false rape accusations too.

I don’t think we can emphasize this strongly enough. Every false accusation only serves to make it harder for anyone–men or women–who have been assaulted to seek justice.

Still, I have yet to see an MRA who was willing to argue the issue in good faith.

Laughing gull
Laughing gull
13 years ago

I figured, Captain Bathrobe. Love your name.

NWO, refer to previous post.

13 years ago

Somehow I’m failing to see a downside to these jackasses sitting at home and accomplishing nothing outside of their continual ragesturbation. I’d rather have them engaged in do-nothing hatewank than out there in the really real world where they can inflict themselves on many more innocent people in far more destructive fashion.

13 years ago

To all of you who are against the injustice of false rape accusation, why not sign the petition? Unless of course you just don’t care.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

@Laughing gull:

Thanks. There’s a not-very-interesting story behind it.

13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe…I guess you could emphasize your hatred of false accusations by signing the position, or is it all talk?

13 years ago

David might as well change all NWOslave’s posts to “I’M RIGHT CAUSE I SAY SO AND I’M ALWAYS RIGHT!” and save us all some time.

13 years ago

@Amnesia…Well how about you than? I agree with the assumption that false rape accusation do make it harder for true rapes to be prosecuted. Well heres your chance to do something about it. A small show of good faith that you care about men being unjustly treated. Just a few minutes of your time to sign a petition. Fuck it, doesn’t matter. Right?

13 years ago


I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I’d personally rather nail my dick to a burning building than sign anything like this put forward by someone on your side of the fence. Mainly because it’s laughably transparent that the idea is not to reduce or prevent false rape accusations but rather to advance the idea that most reports of rape are false and to continue to blur the lines of what constitutes clear consent.

Doctress Julia
13 years ago

I still vote for ‘Fopah’. lol

13 years ago

@MertvayaRuka…Good for you, lock that fucker up. Piece-o-shit man that he is. Guilty, guilty, guilty. A woman said so. Hang him from the highest yard arm. Death for him and all those like him. And death to me. And death to those who disagree. Because its all about EEEEEEquality.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe…I guess you could emphasize your hatred of false accusations by signing the position, or is it all talk?

Sure, and while we’re at it, why don’t you show your support for women by donating to Planned Parenthood? Otherwise, I will conclude that you hate women. That’s fair isn’t it?

Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. I have no obligation to adopt your pet causes on your say-so. In fact, based on your record of being straight-up wrong about everything, I’m inclined to support the opposite of whatever you support. You have no credibility. Go sell stupid somewhere else.

13 years ago

@MertvayaRuka…Just out of curiosity, I didn’t know there was a “side.” I thought justice for all didn’t have a side. How telling of the feminist hate movement, do what we say or go to jail.

13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe…why would a vote for an organisation that uses my money to abort children which I’m against? Whats your excuse?


NWOslave, your question makes little sense unless you start with the assumption (which I am fairly sure you DO) that a woman receiving food before a man is wrong.

If a woman is given a bowl of soup before the man, no she is not starving him. If he attacks her because she has that bowl of soup, he is wrong. He should just ask her to share.

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