antifeminism life before feminism that's not funny!

Life Before Feminism: When a Woman’s at the Wheel …

Men’s Rightsers and MGTOWers regularly lament what they see as the baleful influence of feminism on everyday life and popular culture. So it’s perhaps worth reminding people what things were really like before modern – that is, second and third wave – feminism.

Second-wave feminism was in its infancy in 1970 when this charming Goodyear ad was shown on the first broadcast of Monday Night Football.

Obviously, the whole “women drivers suck LOL” attitude lives on — in the form of countless dumb jokes, demotivational posters, YouTube compilations, you name it.

But none of that shit hits on the same visceral level as this ad. I think that’s partly because of the smug, patronizing tone of the narrator of the Goodyear commercial, and the hint of contempt that slips into his voice when he mentions the possibility of a mere woman taking the wheel. I think it’s also because to whomever made the ad—and presumably a great number of those watching it — the idea that women are awful drivers is simply considered an incontrovertible fact; the ad isn’t even trying to be funny.

Indeed, this deliberately cutesy vintage Volvo ad, while equally sexist, seems fairly innocuous  by comparison. (My only question is why that poor woman seems to have married her father.)

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Ernest Chatham MSW
Ernest Chatham MSW
13 years ago

Sorry – This is The Women Drivers Compilation

Ernest Chatham MSW
Ernest Chatham MSW
13 years ago

The other was titled “Yes It’s A Woman”

13 years ago

can you name another woman who has not be svelte, good looking and was just a plain Jane?

How about Mike and Molly? They’re both obese. The fat jokes were a bit much in the first few episodes, but they’ve evened out. I loved the actor who plays Molly in Gilmore Girls, and now she’s one of the 2 leads of this new show.

13 years ago

And how about Kirsten Vangeness as Penelope Garcia on two versions of Criminal Minds? LOVE her. (and I wish they’d stop getting rid of the other women characters. They got rid of JJ, and replaced her with an almost indistinguishable blond clone. The only way you can tell the difference is that the new one lacks a personality.)

13 years ago

That Youtube compilation is a crock… two of the clips were obviously staged. The one with the BMW in the gas station is from a TV commercial. And the last one, with the white van miraculously skidding into a parking place? Oh, come on.

So I’m not inclined to think that any of the clips can be assumed to be genuine. Female drivers are, on average, safer than male ones.

13 years ago

I have no idea how fatness came up but it was hilarious. “Fat people can NEVER know suffering! They eat cakes their whole lives and if you’re only eating cakes, you can’t suffer!”

You know, except for little punks like MRAL who have some weird inner issues when it comes to fat.

…Wait… I’m supposed to be a bad driver AND steal babies?! But what about the cake?! Who will eat it?!

13 years ago

I also thought about Camryn Manheim but that was it. Depressing since I can think of dozens of overweight male actors.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Is Sex in the City considered to have a gender-neutral audience? There have always been female-dominated casts in shows that are considered “girl stuff” that guys wouldn’t want to watch.

I think it was originally intended to appeal to women, but it later crossed over.

In general, I find that HBO’s shows usually have more appeal across gender lines than ordinary network or cable shows. Of course, their shows also tend to be of a higher quality, and that tends to appeal across the board.

13 years ago

That “women drivers compilation” is totally the “list of quotes from feminists” of YouTube.

13 years ago

A few pictures of accidents caused by MALE novice drivers in Germany.

I wish I could mock this topic, but it’s just too sad. Every Monday, EVERY FUCKING MONDAY, when I open the newspaper, there is a story of a young man who got killed in a car accident. Some of them were drunk, but others were simply being reckless despite their lack of driving experience. Sometimes it’s just the driver who dies, but way too often he takes his friends with him.

And why? Read the Wordle cloud posted by Amanda earlier. These guys all just wanted to prove they’re “men”. So yeah, that is why men’s life expectancy is shorter than women’s. Sorry to have to put the blame on yourselves again.

Laughing gull
Laughing gull
13 years ago

Yaaay! a youtube battle! My vote goes for David in round one.

13 years ago

@Amanda…A quote from you, “NWO that ad wouldn’t make any sense, but anyone who has money can run an ad. People run ads that offend me pretty much daily and I wouldn’t try to stop them. Again, your proposed ad, like the original, would make emotional appeals with no hard evidence to support it. The difference between the two is that there exists evidence to support the original ad, but not yours.

This might help set things straight for my “proposed commercial.
And if ya dont like that how about the
massive sexual abuse of children by women.

I was looking for the article on that British woman who sexually molested like a dozen or so 10 year onld boy last month but I couldn’t readily find it, I will though. Don’t fret she was diagnosed with that good old “bi polar thingy.” Kill a newborn PPD, Kill a man PMS. Hit a man it’s “that time of the month.” How the hell did women ever get the right to vote? It’s like they’re ticking time bombs, (well, when it’s convenient).

@darksidecat…A quote from you, “Because, we all know that a woman who committed adultry must not be an abuse victim, she has to be a scheming lying bitch, eh?” Come now, I would never insinuate women aren’t perfect, It’s ALWAYS the mans fault. If a woman commits adultery it’s the mans fault for not meeting her needs, if a man commits adultery he’s an unfaithful pig. The mantra has been recited to men endlessly since birth. Men are broken women.

@Lydia…A quote from you, “And why? Read the Wordle cloud posted by Amanda earlier. These guys all just wanted to prove they’re “men”. So yeah, that is why men’s life expectancy is shorter than women’s. Sorry to have to put the blame on yourselves again.”

I’m sure you’re broken up to see dead men, I wonder if the women were cheering them on? Nah, women are perfect. Also as far as driving goes men have 60% of accidents and women 40% however women drive 1/2 as much as men, heres the math. For every 100 accidents men are in 60 of them and women are in 40. Now thake the 40 x 2 to equal the number of miles men drive for a total of 80. So for the same amount of miles men get in 60 accidents for every 80 for women.

Reading many of the comments I noticed the repeating theme that MRAL “can’t get laid.” I guessing this is a bad thing. Which can only mean either a woman elevates his status by being accepted by the perfect ones, or that sex is a resource women withhold or use in order to garnish a behavior/material gain.

I do so love coming here to find out how to modify my behavior so as to become more accepted by the perfect ones. Of course I could never actually achieve the infallibility of all women, yet know I might be accepted into the collective moral and spiritual greatness of womanhood for trying to elevate my behavior into satisfying any womans standards, warms my heart.

13 years ago

Wow, that car through the top of the church was, um, special. I think it gives that de-motivational poster a run for its money!

13 years ago

NWOslave, the references to MRAL not getting laid is because he has been the one complaining about it nonstop for the last week or so, which you would know if you had actually been reading the comments instead of skimming.

13 years ago

Well Alex I’d love to stay and chat but work does call. I like to say that I have read many of the comments, obviously since I quoted many of them. His behavior no doubt needs modification. However, “can’t get laid” denotes a sexist deragatory which these perfect impartial feminists threw about with abandon. I do believe feminists were supposed to do away with all these nasty sexist gender roles.

I mean after a hudred years dontcha think they’d have done that by now? And from their own mouths so to speak, tsk, tsk. I mean wasn’t that what the suffragets were alla about? Strange name, implying suffering. Hmmm, when the little girl cried out, “bring me the head of John the Baptist,” was her suffering that she wasn’t able to personally cut his head off with her own hands? Those evil menz, always taking away a womans pleasures.

13 years ago

Well Alex I’d love to stay and chat but work does call.

Somehow I doubt that.

13 years ago

Yet again, proof positive that NWOslave has no idea about anything.

13 years ago

“Get laid” is a sexist term now? Uh. Speaking as a girl, I frequently “get laid”. So, sorry, no.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Women have fewer fatal accidents even when miles driven are taken into account.

NWO, do you ever get tired of being wrong about everything? Does it hurt to keep pulling these “facts” out of your ass?

Yeah, and before you go into your passive-aggressive, self-deprecating little rap that you always do: yes, we know you suck. It’s the one thing we all agree on.

13 years ago


“I’m confused. Was the spare tire not invented until after the cell phone or something? Because my dad used to have a Bronco, and I could have sworn… but I’m a wimminz. Probably I’m just confused.”

Not quite my point.
A young woman changing a flat by herself (regardless of her level of mechanical inclination) at night on the highway without a cell phone might as well put up a neon sign saying “rape me” no? Are there not rapists
and other boogey men lurking about every corner?
Or is all that ‘take back the night’ stuff just another excuse to vent your jealousies and get attention?

13 years ago

“A young woman changing a flat by herself (regardless of her level of mechanical inclination) at night on the highway without a cell phone might as well put up a neon sign saying “rape me” no? ”

Darn it! Disregard what I wrote. I forgot.
NOTHING a woman does is asking for rape.

If people don’t lock their doors they’re asking to be robbed but a woman dressing provocatively, etc. isn’t asking to be raped.

Because women aren’t supposed to be accountable for ANYTHING they do.

Because that’s the whole point behind feminism.
To extend traditional female unaccountability to a whole new level. To turn the world into a playground for that class of adult children known as women.

13 years ago

If people don’t lock their doors they’re asking to be robbed but a woman dressing provocatively, etc. isn’t asking to be raped.

Actually, no, leaving your door unlocked isn’t asking to be robbed.

13 years ago

“Or is all that ‘take back the night’ stuff just another excuse to vent your jealousies and get attention?”

I must admit, I am a bit envious of those that have not been raped. All you smug sons of bitches, flaunting your non-raped bodies! You should all suffer!

“If people don’t lock their doors they’re asking to be robbed but a woman dressing provocatively, etc. isn’t asking to be raped.”

Because of course the punishment for dressing in an inappropriate way should not be being made fun of by the fashion police but being raped.That is totally reasonable. Guess the rapists that choose conservatively dressed victims are just doing it wrong?

How exactly does dressing provocatively hurt others so as to need,”accounting for”?

13 years ago

I’m just laughing at the amount of defensiveness and butthurt over that ‘women drivers’ Youtube video. “It’s not real! it’s staged!!! must scour Youtube for ‘bad male drivers!’ Must find statistics saying men are worse drivers!!! see?? SEE? They’re WORSE!!! HAHahaha!!! I win! I win!!!1111”

If people don’t lock their doors they’re asking to be robbed but a woman dressing provocatively, etc. isn’t asking to be raped.

I, for one, enjoy taking midnight walks through bad neighborhoods with 5 kilos of jewelry and a wad of cash hanging out of my back pocket. What do you mean I might get robbed? I’m tired of this victim blaming! I should be free to dress and do whatever I please, dammit! I also leave my car unlocked and with the keys in the ignition. It’s mine, I can do whatever I want. 😛