I’ve never understood the whole “toilet-seat, up or down, debate.” Let me put that more precisely: I’ve never understood why people talk about it as if it were some kind of real live issue in our society. Are there really men and women who argue over this? I don’t think I’ve ever even had a conversation about proper toilet seat etiquette, much less gotten into an argument over it. (Or perhaps I have, but have simply forgotten it because it‘s so fucking boring.) Over the course of my life, I’ve probably spent less time thinking consciously about the issue than I’ve spent writing this paragraph.
That’s clearly not the case with our good friend MarkyMark, a somewhat excitable MGTOWer who (wholly unintentionally) provides this blog with choice material on a semi-regular basis. He must get into arguments about toilet seats all the time, judging from the long screed he posted yesterday on the topic of “what the toilet seat says about women.” Apparently, the fact that some women complain about men leaving the seat up – I’ll have to take his word on this, as I don’t think I’ve ever encountered it in my life – is evidence that women are foul, selfish creatures indeed. As he puts it, laying forth his basic thesis:
The toilet seat is living proof that women will complain about anything and everything. The toilet seat shows us that women cannot and will not accept responsibility for themselves. The toilet seat shows us that women have no perspective about anything. The toilet seat is living proof of the eternal solipsism of the female mind. The toilet seat provides empirical evidence that, no matter what or how much they get, women will never be happy. Finally, the toilet seat shows us that women are spoiled, entitled brats. …
The toilet seat shows us what women are REALLY like, and it ain’t sugar and spice and everything nice.
So distressed is poor Marky at the thought of women demanding that the seat be lowered that he’s driven to reconsider the very idea of universal suffrage:
You know what’s sobering? We gave these creatures the right to vote! Yes, that’s right; we gave these childish, immature, spoiled brats the right to decide who has power over us, to decide OUR futures. With the way women handle the toilet seat issue and what it says about them, is it any wonder why they were denied the vote?!
If this were someone other than MarkyMark, I would probably consider this a joke, or satire, or some sort of reductio ad absurdum. But as far as I have been able to determine, MarkyMark does not in fact have a sense of humor; this is a guy, after all, who once wrote a point-by-point “rebuttal” of an article in The Onion.
Presumably at some point in the future Marky will take on the other pressing bathroom-related issue that bedevils the men of the world:
Why do women always go to the bathroom together? Are they lesbians? Are they plotting something? Or … both?
paranoid much ScareCrow? They have medication for that now.
Maybe MarkyMark could hire a professional plumber to install urinals in his bathrooms. Then in the very unlikely event a woman is in his home, she wouldn’t offend him by asking him to put the seat down. Oh the horror!
ScareCrow, David’s too shameless to lie about deleting a comment. You should know that by now.
Scarecrow, well, I didn’t delete it. if you don’t believe me, post it again.
I deleted a couple of your comments on the blogger version of this blog before I moved to wordpress. They were rude comments about a woman who had just died of cancer. I posted a comment saying I deleted them.
I haven’t deleted any comments, from anyone, since moving to wordpress.
(Well, that’s not completely true; I deleted a couple “test” comments I posted.)
…I just read the comments on the “rebuttal”…Chris from Oregon won’t go down on a woman because he thinks we pee out of our vaginas…I think I just lost a few braincells.
Note to MRA’s. Women, unlike men do not pee out of their sex organs. We have a separate opening where pee comes out of. I have conveniently left a link to a picture since the likelihood is that none of you have ever seen one up close before
What does he think a blowjob is all about then?
“…Chris from Oregon won’t go down on a woman because he thinks we pee out of our vaginas…”
I don’t think anyone’s missing out, then. I mean, the only way that fear would make sense was if he not only thought we peed out of our vaginae, but thought eating a vag-owner out meant sticking his tongue up the twat.
Holy crap, if g-spots were that sensitive and easy to get to…the orgasms that could be had!
Alex, avi,
I can’t stop laughing at the same thinking.
I remember a Line from “The Shining” where 9 year old Danny watched a perverted mechanical clock show a 69, and he thought “eewww, kissing pee pees”. Which is how a 9 year old might view it.
Adults who have experienced sex might view it somewhat differently. I know I do.
Chris from Oregon would probably want a girlfriend or wife to give daily blowjobs even though he thinks it’s gross to go down on women. If you won’t give oral sex, then don’t expect it.
I’m still trying to figure out why MarkyMark thinks that feeling annoyed when your partner forgets to do something you have asked them do on a regular basis is a sign that you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
He’s got me thinking. If being annoyed with someone you live with doing something you think is inconsiderate is a good reason for disenfranchisement; what’s the consequence for being annoyed with someone you don’t live with for having a disagreement with the person they live with? Should MarkyMark lose citizenship?
Because these sentences are so long, I have been getting sidetracked by other thoughts like is “Marky Mark” the stupidest usename ever? Why did someone obsessed with manlymanliness choose an infantilised name?
MRAs would make great material for a wildlife documentary. Look what crawls out from under the rock of feminism.
MRAL: You said: “You people need to get off your computers more. Talk to a woman, gain her trust, and soon she WILL bitch and moan and “selfish men who leave the toilet seat up”.
You are what, 20? You’ve lived with how many women, not related to you?
For me the number is… lessee…. intimately involved with; I have lived with three; totally about 12 years. I’ve lived with ten more (that would include some overlap with the intimately involved with; shared domiciles). I have spent significant amounts of time with another half dozen I was intimately involved, but not living with (this doesn’t count the female soldiers I’ve lived in field environments with; nor those I shared mixed barracks with, as the former were in conditions where toilets, much less seats, were a bit of a luxury, and the latter didn’t share toilets, nor bathing facilities).
So telling me (at 44 I’ve been having sex for longer than you’ve been alive, had I been foolish, or unlucky, I could have a kid in her mid twenties, going on thirty) that I need to get out more, to find out how women really are… a bit much.
That said, the seat stays down in my house. When I moved in with my present housemate I had to train myself not to put the lid down*
That’s because my former fiancee’s family kept the lid down, so it’s what she was used to. A lot easier to deal with than not. I don’t really care, save that I keep the seat down because in the middle of the night why should I want t have to figure out the lid status. It’s a lot easier to just sit in the dark and piss than to deal with turning on the light to aim.
*which actually increases bacterial dissemination, because of the way it moves air past the lid, but the risks are trivial in any case.
Actually, this is a legitimate complaint. Anyone who has ever fallen into a toilet bowl can attest to that. I once fell into a toilet as a little girl because somebody left the seat up. I was a little kid and didn’t notice or understand. The same can happen to a woman if she has to pee in the middle of the night and isn’t fully awake yet. Or a person of either sex who needs to poop in a hurry. It’s a safety hazard, dammit! Think of the women and children and people with stomach flu!
Men are lucky that they can pee standing up. It’s a privilege that women don’t have (unless they work for it and manage to succeed, but I hear it’s difficult). It’s common courtesy to help us out by putting the seat down.
It’s also gross to leave it open because sometimes pets try to drink out of it and supposedly it can spread fecal particles into the air. =(
Why do the sexist jerks always say they GAVE us the right to vote?? They certainly did not. Women fought for the right to vote and WON it.
My grandmother fell on ice and broke her knee when she was a teenager. Being in the boonies with inadequate treatment, the knee healed in a manner where she could not bend her leg for the next 70 years. When I was gardening with her as a child, she would ask me to turn my back as she walked over to the fence, hiked her good leg up on it, raised her skirt and did what she needed to do in that time of need, in the only way she could do it. It was a few years later that I learned that all women did not pee standing up. One of my other duties at the time to to tend to the “honey pot” in the closet, hiking it down to the outhouse in the morning, dumping it, cleaning it and replacing it for her middle night needs. I also cleaned up after cows, pigs, chickens, and was raised with a realistic attitude about creature waste management.
We got the indoor plumbing and life was so much easier. But she laid down the law of the lid and seat. No matter how superior guys feel about their aim, it never a 100% success to not splatter, dribble, or miss entirely in the middle of the night. We were encouraged to pee outside for those reasons.
I always considered it an act of courtesty, both to women, and guys who had serious sit-down business to attend to, to assume the non-splatter position, and tend to the lid and seat according to good manners at home and in public facilities, and most importantly at the homes of others. I am still amazed to this day, how many guys feel so superior, that they cannot lift the seat, and leave a pissy mess all over the mens rooms in public.
It is also common sense in hygene to close the lid when flushing due to aerosol effect, AND to keep the family pets from drinking there and then licking the faces of kids and friends.
It’s a pretty limp-dick scenario to turn common courtesty and common sense into some sort of world domination conspiracy by women. Sounds more like laziness, childishness, and whining.
Reading the Straight Dope’s bit about what gets aerosolized around the room if you don’t put the lid down before flushing made me a lifetime convert to “forget about the seat, the lid better be down!” camp. My man immediately swiched, too, as has every other man I’ve ever known that I shared a bathroom with on a regular basis.
So yeah, what others have said about the particles. More fair plus more sanitary is a no brainer.
“Why do the sexist jerks always say they GAVE us the right to vote?? They certainly did not. Women fought for the right to vote and WON it.”
Er, no. Since men were the only ones with tangible political power, they GRANTED women the right to vote. No women were involved.
That’s why I always pee in the sink when I can.