TRIGGER WARNING: Graphic descriptions of sexual assault; rape apologetics.
Journalist Lara Logan recently appeared on 60 Minutes, giving the harrowing details of the brutal sexual and physical assault she sustained at the hands of a mob while covering the protests for (60 Minutes) in Cairo this past February.
When news of the assault first hit the internet, you may recall, it seemed to open the floodgates of misogyny and racism. Looking at one Yahoo News story on the attack, I found hundreds of vile comments – some blaming Logan for her victimization, or doubting it ever happened; others using the assault as an excuse to spout hateful filth about Arabs and Muslims in general. In the “manosphere” itself, the reaction was predictably appalling, with many MRAs not only mocking and belittling the victim but using the case to push their own retrograde agenda. (See my post here for more details.)
Even within this context, the reaction of blogger Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide stood out for its sheer nastiness; I wrote about it here. In his first post on the subject, Bardamu mocked the victim, declared that “she had it coming,” then suggested that she probably hadn’t been raped at all. Based on no evidence whatsoever, he speculated that she may have just “made the whole thing up to garner attention and sympathy from the weepy, chivalrous masses. “
Bardamu has now used the occasion of Logan’s new CBS interview as an excuse to mock the victim again — calling her, among other things, an “idiot,” a “moron,” a “strumpet” and a “fake-breasted tart” — and to repeat his contention that she wasn’t “really” raped at all. Indeed, he says, the interview has “vindicated” his skepticism about the rape. Why? Because in her interview of 60 Minutes, Logan had spoken about being penetrated by the hands of her attackers. Bardamu evidently finds this highly risable, and somehow manages to convince himself that Logan was merely groped:
But seriously, “they raped [you] with their hands”?
Look, I’m no scholar, but even with feminists’ constant re-defining of rape, I know for a fact that rape has to involve a penis. Specifically, an penis entering an orifice without invitation. If you didn’t get a dick forced into your mouth, vagina or asshole, you didn’t get raped.
Logan and CBS’ deliberate vagueness about the “sexual assault” back in February was no doubt calculated to make people imagine the worst possible scenario that could happen. A line of hairy, creepy men pulling a train on her. Triple penetration at all times, the hairy sleazy monkey-men shooting jizz in every hole in her body, donkey punching her every time she tried to resist. In reality, she probably got spit on a few times, had her butt slapped, and had her silicone tits felt up. That’s not rape, you strumpet, that’s Spring Break in Cancun!
It’s hard to even know where to start with something this appalling. First of all, as a few dissenters pointed out in the comments on Bardamu’s post, it is still rape – “real” rape – when you are penetrated with fingers, bottles, or any other foreign object. When Abner Louima was brutally sodomized with the handle a bathroom plunger by New York city cops, that was rape, real rape. And what Logan says happened to her was real rape too.
As for the rest, I think the only thing to do is to contrast Bardamu’s words with Logan’s account of what happened to her, taken from a transcript of the interview.
As Logan tells the story of the assault, she and her crew were caught in the midst of a mob. Men grabbed her, groped her, and literally tore the clothes from her body. As she describes it:
I feel them tearing at my clothing. I think my shirt, my sweater was torn off completely. My shirt was around my neck. I felt the moment that my bra tore. They tore the metal clips of my bra. They tore those open. … [T]hey literally just tore my pants to shreds. And then I felt my underwear go.
Some men began beating her with sticks and others, with their hands, penetrated her. In this and the following passages I’ve bolded the statements dealing specifically with the sexual aspect of the assault. Logan again:
I didn’t even know that they were beating me with flagpoles and sticks and things, because I couldn’t even feel that. Because I think of the sexual assault, was all I could feel, was their hands raping me over and over and over again. …
They were tearing my body in every direction at this point, tearing my muscles. And they were trying to tear off chunks of my scalp … not trying to pull out my hair, holding big wads of it, literally trying to tear my scalp off my skull. And I thought, … I am going to die here.
This assault lasted 25 minutes. Logan says:
[T]hat’s when I said, “Okay, it’s about staying alive now. I have to just surrender to the sexual assault. What more can they do now? They’re inside you everywhere.” So the only thing to fight for, left to fight for, was my life.
Ultimately, Logan was rescued and rushed to the hospital. Logan continues:
I stayed there for four days, which was hard. My muscles were so unbelievably sore, because they were literally stretched from the mob trying to tear my limbs off my body. My joints, every joint in my body was distended. And then they, the more intimate injuries, the injuries, the tearing inside. And the mark of their hands, their fingers all over my body, cuts and everything you could imagine. But no broken bones.
This horrific account bears very little resemblance, it hardly needs to be said, to Spring Break in Cancun.
Naturally, a number of the commenters on Bardamu’s site manage if anything to be even more vile than Bardamu himself.
McGlothin suggests that Logan probably enjoyed the experience:
It’s not impossible that she went all the way to orgasm when the testosterone filled raging men fingered and groped her. That would explain the vagueness of her description: she was way enjoying it so much that she could not remember precisely what happened except that they molested her manually.
Attila concurs:
This gynbot just wants attention, and is playing the “Arabs are animals” routine for brownie points. She probably got groped a little, in a way that she has never been groped before, and she may be reacting to the fact that she may have gotten a thrill out of it.
Commander Shepard throws some racism and “slut”-shaming into the mix:
She was raped by their hands? LOL. A pretty blond like Logan probably spent her youth getting gang banged by alphas. In this case the men were beneath her (dirty sand niggers) but even they didn’t penetrate. She’s probably more upset about her bruised ego than her bruised body.
Bardamu wrote his post, I should note, before the interview aired, and before anything beyond a few quotes from it had been published. But it is telling that he has not bothered to go back and watch or read the full account. Not that it would matter; he made up his mind on the case a long time ago, and I doubt that anything could change it. Like many in the “manosphere,” Bardamu and his fans see only what they want to see, and use their imagination – and their prejudices — to fill in the rest.
Also because I love this video so much…
You are not a member of a group of people being discriminated against solely for the colour of your skin and being regarded as inferior.
You and your movement are not Malcolm X. You aren’t Che. You are probably “just another tea partier” in level of “insane things to protest about”.
I love reading the comments here, but it’s amazing how MRAL can completely derail the conversation. Lara Logan and In Mala Fide’s scary article seemed to be only peripherally discussed. How is it possible that someone whining about being rejected by “bitches” can hijack a discussion about rape, victim blaming and misogyny?
@wtf | May 3, 2011 at 3:54 pm
Right? Hundreds of men literally try to tear a woman limb-from-limb and rip her scalp off, western misogynists blame her for being there, and the foremost problem in all this is that men don’t get the continual supply of pussy they feel they’re entitled to. MRAs don’t know what oppression is.
my twat is insulted to be compared to MRAl
Malcolm X did not simply concern himself with blacks either, in many ways he held pro-MGTOW and pro-MRA views, with his impatience for “Female Game” and the bitches that gossiped about him in the Black Muslim temples (for proof, read The Autobiography of Malcolm X, educate yourselves).
His views on women were seen by some as negative, but to a MGTOW they were merely practical. He eventually married a woman who was by all accounts highly exceptional, otherwise he would have had no problems being a MGTOW until he died. Though race is what he’s remembered for, his pro-MRA views are also undeniable. He understand the manipulation alpha bitches engage in and- in my opinion- likely predicted the epidemic in would reach in the 20th and early 21st century with the advent of another vehicle for the bitches- institutionalized female supremacy, ie feminism.
That is it! David, I am formally requesting a temp ban on MRAL for constantly calling every female a bitch regardless of merit.
The stupidity I can stand, I cannot stand the constant name calling of an entire gender for no reason.
“If you are in a country that is progressive, the woman is progressive. If you’re in a country that reflects the consciousness toward the importance of education, it’s because the woman is aware of the importance of education. But in every backward country you’ll find the women are backward, and in every country where education is not stressed it’s because the women don’t have education.” -Malcolm X
As I understand, Malcolm X was at one point very sexist, and may have supported the kind of views that MRAs hold, but later renounced that sexism, as you see by the quote above.
I concur with Elizabeth.
I also extend deepest apologies to briget and the other femmes here for calling MRAL a twat.
So now MRAL is comparing himself to Malcolm X because they are/were both sexist.
He’s doing our work for us.
Yup. I also vote to ban MRAL until he stops referring to women in general as “bitches”. Mostly because his style of trolling is getting boring, and making me almost miss NWOslave. But also because he deserves to be banned.
I would argue against banning MRAL. He is a very unhappy person, and though it is unlikely he will listen to us we might as well try to enlighten him about feminism so that he might be able to enjoy the world more. Sure, he will probably never see how dropping the adversarial and hierarchical lens through which he views human interaction will make him happier, but it does not take much effort for us to try to help him.
The reading of blog comments was one of the factors that led me to feminism, I like having the opportunity to repay the favor, and he will probably stop reading if he is banned.
I am just tired of his calling MY ENTIRE GENDER a rude name.
If he wants to blather on about stuff but stops calling women that, fine. If not, he should be banned.
I should clarify since this is not my blog, *I think* he should be banned.
Honestly, though MRAL’s views are obnoxious, the reason some people want him banned is simply because he keeps referring to women in general as ‘bitches’. If he stopped that, most people here wouldn’t have a problem with him hanging around, even if we think his arguments are crap.
Fair enough.
Odd, I saw a site that called the MRM 4th wave feminism.
Scarecrow – Can you try to remember ANY details? Because I think that would be a hilarious read and I want to try and find it.
I nth at the very least redacting the bitch from MRAl’s statements. I personally don’t care if people call me a bitch because it’s a word that I own and therefore has no power over me as an insult anymore. However, it does demean women as a whole and I find it more unacceptable than the all dreaded c*nt.
also, law1204 thank you for the apology.
I really don’t mind MRAL calling women bitches. I mean, it’s narrow-minded, ignorant and sexist… but I doubt anyone here expects more than that from him. I might care if a friend or acquaintance of mine called me a bitch, but MRAL is just some stranger on the Internet with a severe case of cranio-rectal disorder. Being bothered by his words is just giving him too much power – and it demonstrates to blog visitors who haven’t yet thrown in with either the MRM or feminism just what they can expect from the MRM’s self-styled ‘lieutenants.’
Can we still use the word “bitch” ironically when paraphrasing MRAs?
MRA: (vile misogynistic tripe dressed up with a few ten-dollar words and poor historical analogies).
Me: Ah, so what you’re really saying is “bitches ain’t shit.” Good to know.
To be fair, Elizabeth, he’s not calling all women bitches, just all women except fat chicks, who are beneath his consideration.
So, yeah, I’m not sure how that’s any better.
Sorry for the triple post, but on the subject of Lara Logan: I would imagine that the MRAs who trivialize her assault are the exact same guys who cringe at the thought of having a prostate exam.
Once again, it’s a failure of empathy–a problem is only a problem if it happens or could happen to them. Everyone else deserves what they get.
There’s a part of me that is fine with MRAL being allowed to fully display his utter assness for the entire world to see – there’s also the part of me that doesn’t deserve to be subject to the language of an abuser.
And I don’t think our words will have an iota of effect on him. Only a deep desire to change and years of therapy can help him; once a man’s moral system and sense of entitlement are as fucked as his, it is far beyond my ability to address.
LOL. LOL LOL LOL. Me an abuser? Fuck you! It’s women who are the abusers, women who think it’s their God given right to spit on and kick down anyone who they please. Your entitlement and rampant assholeism astound me. Fuck you.