Sometimes I don’t even have to leave my own blog to find wondrous examples of MRA loopiness at its finest. If you haven’t already, I urge you to take a look at the comments for my Be Aggressive! post from Saturday, where you will find a fellow calling himself Men’s Rights Activist Lieutenant making statements like this.
[T]he MRM movement is the road to a better tomorrow, a place in which men will be treated as human beings, and bitches will be no longer permitted to use men as objects. This is the most important fight in the Western world, in my opinion, and I have a high IQ.
Is he for real? For the sake of our common humanity, I hope not. For the sake of this blog, oh, I dearly dearly hope he’s real.
I am not afraid of posting mine, unlike that wimp known as MRAL. But Katz is correct regarding high IQ not translating into much more then proof you test well…mine is 165 and yet I have a terrible time expressing myself or being coherent at times.
“I felt moved to apologize on behalf of all malekind”
FUCK YOU. You’re a self-loathing prick and a FUCKING traitor. Men do not need to apologize to women for ANYTHING. FUCKCUYOU.
Ah. My work is done here.
If you had said superior intellect one of the first things you’d understand as you matured past 12 or so is that saying “FUCK YOU” on the internet or in life only makes you look like an idiot.
Not looking good regarding that superior IQ dude. In fact I’m starting to picture you reloading the page over and over again, and eventually falling down and beating your fists on the floor. Afterwards you’ll be asking your mom to make you a sandwich.
Your impression of David or my impression of you… which one is closer to the truth?
Not only are you smart, but you’re always there with the bacon. 😉
Dang it, now I want a BLT.
Men don’t need to apologize to women for anything! Because we’re all so equal, you see! And I guess by that token, women don’t have anything to apologize for either.
IQ is a funny thing. It only measures *potential* intelligence, and a lot of the times the tests are highly subjective based on who’s giving them. At my school there was one tester who thought the gifted program was evil and would score kids just below the threshold so as not to “subject” the kids to that (I’m not speculating–this actually happened, and I was one of the kids whose IQ mysteriously jumped when re-tested the next year). A dozen years later or so, one tester was giving CRAAAZY-high scores to everyone. As in, just about every kid who tested gifted was a geeeeeenius, but not really. No clue what was up with that.
And it’s been shown that socioeconomic status, nutrition, sleep, and all of that good stuff can affect outcomes.
On the one hand, as one of those people who could and continues to get through school with minimal effort, I do think there’s something to IQ. But at the same time, I’ve done way better in school at every level than my brother, who supposedly has a higher IQ than I do. And there was this one kid who was “gifted” but basically … Butthead. And he died a couple of years ago in a drug-related murder. I was unsurprised.
Shorter version: While IQ may have something to do with something, it may have fuck-all to do with anything.
Also, I’m smarter than MRAL, and that makes everything I say trufax.
Oh hai MARL. You is back! How did I guess?
If you really wanna compare penis sizes, I took an IQ test once and scored in the 130s-140s. Wanna argue now that your “high IQ” is making you somehow see past they grimy, parasite-invested exterior of the MRM to see some sort of gem?
And of course chocomintlipwax (… awesome) is right, in that IQ is not a valid test for anything, even though scores are somewhat correlated with something.
I’d like to also point out how wonderful your own words can be:
“As an MRA, I am egalitarian. Women are treated as equals.”
Actually, and props I suppose, you are being consistant this time. Women are treated as equals, by being labeled under the same absurd and degrading labels as you wish to label men. So, I guess we should applaud you for being an equal-opportunity bigot?
“For women it kind of is who’s hot and who’s not. For men, it’s more complex- an intersectionality of strength and height and attractiveness and social charisma, who can be the most well-liked and get the most pieces of ass.” – MRAL describing the Greek Hierarchy
Noooope.. Never mind. You’d think that a true egalitarian would measure Men by their looks alone as well (or, you know, judge women by more than just a subjective 10 point scale).
Don’t shoot the messenger. It is what it is.
BTW, Bathrobe, you’re a disgrace. You are a mess, a disgrace to the penis. Just get a sex change you self-loathing mangina feminist apologist.
MRAL, doesn’t money come into it as well? You say that for women only looks matter, but surely a woman who is a millionaire would be more powerful than a poor woman?
See.. that right there is exactly what exposes you to be NOT an egalitarian. You really will just say anything to try to make yourself seem intelligent, won’t you?
BTW, are you gonna admit that your whole “durr, I’s Smart!” thing was pure bluster, or are you gonnna admit that I, as your intellectual superior (:P) and a feminist, am right that the MRM is nothing but a big group of reactionary douches participating in a circle jerk of hatred?
Shoot the messenger? Of course not. Ridiculing and mocking you is so much more satisfying, plus you keep coming back for it! It’s like the gift that keeps on being an idiot! 🙂
Also, seconding the vote for bacon/BLTs.
I keep expecting MRAL to start talking about how great Scott Adams is and totally giving himself away.
Mk, My last comment was of course towards MRAL: Ymata pulled an extraordinary ninja that bent time and space. Kudos.
I would love a blt right now… Bacon Lettuce Turkey obviously. 🙂
MRAL keeps talking about the MR revolution, but not what life will actually look like when “men will be treated as human beings, and bitches will be no longer permitted to use men as objects.”
He hasn’t expounded on the actions members of the MRM will take to achieve the revolution. Are they going to actually do anything, or will the massive weight of the repeated misspellings on The Spearhead lead to the inevitable collapse of civilsation as we know it?
I think we should have a poll: who is your preferred rep of the MRM, MRAL or forweg?
See, MRAL is fun, and his endless writhings in the face of logic is amusing, but he tends to run off at the exact wrong time. Kinda kills the buzz. 🙁
I don’t know much about forweg, sadly, so its a tough call for me. I’d have to go with MRAL, if only to get him to actually take responsibility for the crap he posts.
If you want MRAs to actually DO anything, you’re out of luck. Somehow, instinctively, they know that if they have any public face whatsoever, their movement will crumble like a jenga tower after removing the wrong brick.
Did someone mention bacon?? Knew I’d find this place if I followed my nose!!
This conversation with mral reminds me of the screaming kid at the mall and the parent talking it out with him instead of just leaving the mall. Very telling for sure.
Lol. Although I’m often surprised at how hilariously ridiculous MRAs can be, I’m calling troll here. There’s no way this guy is genuine.
Feminism: We do it for the bacon.
To keep it somewhat on topic, MRAL is probably against bacon. Or, at least, against women eating bacon. You see, men eating bacon is manly preparation for a day of manly endeavors. Women eating bacon are just trying to get fat to spite such manly men like himself. After all, women never eat bacon because, you know, they like the taste of bacon. That would just be logical, and you know us womenfolk are never logical.
“The road to a better tomorrow”–it sounds like something from a commercial for GE or Proctor and Gamble. I couldn’t imagine the kind of hell an MRA’s ideal vision of the future is. Would men have ownership certificates for their wives and daughters? Would women be exiled after menopause, when they’re no longer “hot”? Would women be incarcerated for premarital sex, or for withholding sex from their husbands? Would it be impossible for women to file for divorce? Would domestic violence and rape be legalized? Seriously, what do MRA’s specifically want?
Feminism: We do it for the sausage (More innuendo = more fun!)
Again IQ is merely problem solving ability. Application is more important than raw IQ. I was told to have a low IQ as a kid growing up. Ended up on the higher end of the spectrum (158). It’s just application and drive. I assume IQ is like the engine on your car. Lots of power is nice but it should me matched with handling and fuel efficiency and other things that make it useful.
MRAL is however the disgrace to the penis. Man, if you claim to be the mature gender then stop whining and behave sensibly.
BTW, Bathrobe, you’re a disgrace. You are a mess, a disgrace to the penis. Just get a sex change you self-loathing mangina feminist apologist.
Ah, yes, I’m a “disgrace to the penis.” But which penis? There are so many. Could I not be a disgrace to them all? Or am I a disgrace to only one in particular? So confusing.
Oh, and I’m not a “feminist apologist.” I’m an actual feminist, albeit a male one. If you must insult me, please get it right.
Really, though, as I’ve explained to numerous other MRA commenters, comparing me to a woman–by calling me a mangina, or telling me to get a sex change operation–really doesn’t sting as much as you think it would. Simply put, I don’t regard women as being inferior, so there’s no shame in being compared to one. This is also how I know that you and your kind regard women as inferior–because you regard calling me a Big Girly Man as the ultimate insult.
Again, you’d think a guy with such an allegedly high IQ would have already figured this stuff out. Oh well, I suppose even Super-Duper Geniuses like yourself can still learn a thing or two from us of inferior intellect.
Seriously, what do MRA’s specifically want?
I think it depends on the MRA. Our buddy MRAL would probably define it, if he were honest, as “sex on demand with supermodels–and she’s got to pretend she likes it!”
Some of our older MRAs of the Peter Nolan stripe would define it as “revenge against all the bitches who have been keeping me down, especially my ex-wife.”
The last time my IQ was tested I was six, and mine was so high that they literally could not tell how high it was. I broke the test. 🙂
Of course, this means LITERALLY NOTHING.