
The Road to a Bitch-Free Tomorrow

A Better Tomorrow, MRA style

Sometimes I don’t even have to leave my own blog to find wondrous examples of MRA loopiness at its finest. If you haven’t already, I urge you to take a look at the comments for my Be Aggressive! post from Saturday, where you will find a fellow calling himself Men’s Rights Activist Lieutenant making statements like this.

[T]he MRM movement is the road to a better tomorrow, a place in which men will be treated as human beings, and bitches will be no longer permitted to use men as objects. This is the most important fight in the Western world, in my opinion, and I have a high IQ.

Is he for real? For the sake of our common humanity, I hope not. For the sake of this blog, oh, I dearly dearly hope he’s real.

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13 years ago

Scott Adams? Is that you?

Sam L
13 years ago

You should listen to him. He has a high IQ and excelled in studies, classes and subjects.

Sam L
13 years ago

Also, to be fair, it used to only be the 2nd most important fight in the Western world, but it’s been promoted to number one since WE GOT OSAMA!


Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Real MRA or parody MRA? It really is impossible to say.

13 years ago

Well, I’m a Mensa member, so you can’t be correct. There you go.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Is there a Poe’s Law that is specifically for MRA’s? After all, it is very difficult to make a statement so outrageous or misogynistic that the most extreme MRA’s wouldn’t agree.

13 years ago

My favorite part about that album cover is that the hand holding the chain is a dog’s.

Best movie ever.

I thought troll at first, but then he said things I didn’t imagine a troll would say, like his strange interpretation of Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman.”

But really, it doesn’t much matter whether he’s a troll. He’s a social fact, and must be analyzed given our available knowledge. The fact that the rhetoric exists to create such a troll, if indeed he is, makes him an acceptable object of study.

13 years ago

Dear god if this guy managed rise to rank of Lieutenant within the MRA ranks it kinda makes you shudder to think what kind of messed up wrongness reigns supreme at the very top of the chain of command.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Part of me really wants him to cough up an actual number for his IQ. Then we go find a feminist who’s got an IQ a couple points higher than his, and have her tell him what time it is.

Then watch his head go ‘splody.

13 years ago

If he indeed had a high IQ, you’d of thought he would pick up on the fact that declaring “I’m smarter than you, therefore I’m right!” is in fact the absolute worst way to confirm your intelligence.

13 years ago

David, you didn’t quote the entire post!

I am smart. I have a high IQ. I’m ten times smarter than that dumbass Futrelle, and I have determined that the MRM movement is the road to a better tomorrow, a place in which men will be treated as human beings, and bitches will be no longer permitted to use men as objects. This is the most important fight in the Western world, in my opinion, and I have a high IQ.

If you cut out those crucial opening sentences, how will people know he’s smart and has a high IQ?

This was one of the guys I ended up feeling kind of bad for laughing at, assuming he’s for real, but what the hell, that thread is hilarious. What I learned:

1. Average middle-class white men, a.k.a. “omega males,” are the most horribly oppressed group in human history because they are unlikely to marry actual, literal supermodels.

2. The MRA movement will somehow fix this problem.

3. No fat chicks.

4. I have a high IQ!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Ric Ocasek is a white middle-class male with brown hair, the archetypal omega, and he married a supermodel. So, really, the Lootenant has no excuse.

13 years ago

and please explain my relationship, my bf has women hitting on him all the time at a school with a 6 to 1 male to female ratio. I am a beta female. I’m also one of those evil feminists who thinks that I’m equal to men. He actually treats me like a human being, he “degrades himself” by eating me out on an almost daily basis, and he actually listens to me when I talk. There are times when we have 4 hour mutual conversations with both of us actively talking, and completely lose track of the fact that it suddenly became 3 in the morning. Oh yeah we’ve also been together for quite a while now. So please tell me how this fits into the alphabetaomega bullshit.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

This does seem to be a pattern for our MRA visitors: arrogantly insist that they are smarter than all us stupid feminists, refuse to seriously engage on any topic, then leave in a huff, still proclaiming their intellectual superiority. Of course, they all come across as entitled douche bags in the process–C students who insist on being given As, due to their supposedly high IQs.

I imagine this is the sort of thing women put up with every day: mediocre men insisting on their superior intellect simply by virtue having a penis. As a guy, all I can say is: I’m so, so sorry.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Hey fuck you man. When did I ever insist my intellectual superiority over WOMEN (I’m intellectually superior to most men and women) or say that it was by virtue of a penis (it’s not)?

As an MRA, I am egalitarian. Women are treated as equals. It is understandable that some of the bitches find this to be a shock after being pampered and treated as a God all their lives. They, ie you, might mistake equality as female inferiority, because we are so accustomed to female superiority. But tough cookies, bitch.

13 years ago

It is okay CB. Have some bacon flavored jelly beans.

And if you really do wish to treat women as equals, MRAL, stop calling all of us bitches without just cause. No, being told you are not their type does not make them bitches. It just makes them sensible.

13 years ago

IQ does not equal intellectual superiority. This had bothered me pretty much forever. I was put in a program for “bright” kids back in the day. We were selected because we all had high IQs. It made no difference in “intellectual superiority”. What did make a difference was the willingness to study and apply yourself to the problems and projects put before you.

Intellectual superiority comes from developing your intellect, questioning whether you are reaching the correct conclusions, whether you are gathering all of the data necessary to make the analyses that you are making, and whether you are being intellectually robust and honest.

In the past few threads we have seen that MRAL is not willing to ensure that he remains intellectually honest. He is not willing to support his conclusions, he *is* willing to fall on the wrong side of Occam’s razor all too often, picking the stranger of the conclusions that could logically be drawn from a given situation, and demonstrating his inability or unwillingness to support his position with the necessary data/facts/figures.

tl;dr: intellectually superior? HA!

13 years ago

Yyyyyeah, an actually-smart person would know that your IQ, like any other tested quantity, mainly measures your ability to take IQ tests. (You don’t see me justifying every argument I make with “I got great GRE scores!”, for instance.)

It has a tenuous connection to your school success, even less to your workplace success, and absolutely none to whether your social model is valid. An actually-relevant trait to the latter would be how socially aware you are, and MRAL doesn’t even know how to make himself not sound like a complete joke.

He also still hasn’t coughed up his actual IQ score, although I’ll bet he’s a Mensan. He sounds like one.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

It doesn’t matter what my IQ is, it’s high. I won’t say because you femibitches will just latch onto that and claim yours are superior (even though I doubt one of you has an IQ over 90, including Futrelledick). By keeping it nameless I retain a shroud of alluring mystery.

13 years ago

By replying to something specific I said in my post, you’re proving that you read it and thus eliminating any possible justification for not replying to any of the actual criticisms I and others have made.

13 years ago

How does your “great IQ” work towards your lack of social skills?

You admit you lack ability to form relationships then claim to be superior. From a normal persons standpoint unless you’re a brilliant genius who will benefit all mankind by being locked in a lab the inability to connect with other humans makes you a loser no matter what your online test said.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

People who constantly feel the need to brag about their IQs usually do so as a way of compensating. I won’t say for what, in order to maintain a shroud of alluring mystery.

God, I can’t even type that with a straight face. When it comes to entertainment value, you deliver sir! My hat is off to you!

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Actually, MRAL, I said that you proclaimed your intellectual superiority to us feminists. “Feminist” is a term that can include men as well as women (exhibit A, me; exhibit B, the owner of this blog). I then likened this experience to what I imagine is a rather common one for women–having to listen to mediocre men hold forth on the subject of their own brilliance. It was a moment of empathy for me, and I felt moved to apologize on behalf of all malekind.

Your allegedly superior IQ apparently hasn’t helped your reading comprehension any. Ah, well: practice, practice, practice!

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

“I felt moved to apologize on behalf of all malekind”

FUCK YOU. You’re a self-loathing prick and a FUCKING traitor. Men do not need to apologize to women for ANYTHING. FUCKCUYOU.

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