
Mayday! Mayday!

Ok, I admit it. I actually am a group of women. Here, in fact, is a picture of me from earlier today in the midst of my May Day celebration. After about 9 hours of walking around the pole here — hey, I like to celebrate the fuck out of May Day — I’m a bit too tired to post today. I’ll be back Monday. All hail the goddess!

Also, does no one but me actually like the new punky background to the blog? What if I removed the big jarring black areas?

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ScareCrow P-man
13 years ago


Imagine the Jews in WWII all being women, and the Nazi’s all men.

Or, the blacks in colonial America being all women, and the slave-owners men.

That would be misogyny.

Simply saying “Fireman”, “Policeman”, “Mailman” – is not misogyny.

Suggesting that David Futrelle is a group of women (feminist trolls), that is NOT misogyny. Perhaps incorrect, but not misogyny.

It is called political correctness gone mad. The slightest little walking on the wrong eggshell gets you labeled as a misogynist.

And you know it is a fact in our society today.

Unless, you are a complete shut in.


Feeling enlightened?

13 years ago

Ah, the random invocation of “political correctness” as if that absolves you of your knowing asshole-ish bigotry.

“Don’t be a bigot”
“Wah, wah, wah, I want to say bigoted things-You are being the PC police! PC police!”

13 years ago

“Politically incorrect” is the PC term for “reactionary asshole with nothing else going for them but their faux ‘edginess'”.

Also men never own women (especially in theae modern times) or inflict bodily harm on people simply for being women. Thank you for enlightening me to my hypersensitivity.

13 years ago

“Politically incorrect” is the PC term for “reactionary asshole with nothing else going for them but their faux ‘edginess’”.

Kind of like “progressive” is the preferred term for “oversensitive, humorless party-pooper looking for things to be offended about”. Just sayin’.