
Mayday! Mayday!

Ok, I admit it. I actually am a group of women. Here, in fact, is a picture of me from earlier today in the midst of my May Day celebration. After about 9 hours of walking around the pole here — hey, I like to celebrate the fuck out of May Day — I’m a bit too tired to post today. I’ll be back Monday. All hail the goddess!

Also, does no one but me actually like the new punky background to the blog? What if I removed the big jarring black areas?

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13 years ago

I did not notice it in admiring your lovely symbolism of dancing around a giant phallus while wearing purity colours.

13 years ago

OMG Dave, I totally hate your background. It’s distracting. =( I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to sound like a total bitch and it’s your blog, but now that you’ve brought it up…. X_X

13 years ago

I actually liked the black background better, it’s the white that’s bothering my eyes. Everyone’s eyes are different, but low-contrast like this can be very difficult for many people, grey on white is hard for me even when I have “normal” sight (I wear contact lenses most of the time.) Maybe try blue on white like in the links?

BTW, love the new header. And happy May Day!

13 years ago

I don’t mind the background. I am, however, surprised that you’re (by which I mean “y’all women are” dancing around the maypole and not running between two fires to purify yourself and then fucking in the fields to promote fertility for the coming planting season. Or is that later?

13 years ago

Have you been watching the original Wicker Man Bee?

13 years ago

No Wicker Man, it’s Beltane! And I just found out about it. Possibly from misinformed sources who were hoping to lure me outside for a romp in the garden…

13 years ago

That’s not how I imagined you, David, once I found out you were the feminist Borg. I thought you looked like this.

13 years ago

It would only be Wicker Man if it involved sacrifice (if I remember correctly).

My .02 on the background: While I don’t mind the punk-y background, I hate all the white. Any way to fiddle with it and make a different color? Dark red or gray and black? Or something?

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I vote to remove the jarring black areas. They add nothing and are distracting. Just my two cents.

And, Dave, please make up your mind what you are. Just when I had accepted that you were the ultimate omega–Popeye without his spinach to the MRAs’Bluto–you revert back to being a group of women. Of course, you’re just following the MRAs projection, but still.

Simone Lovelace
13 years ago

I actually kind of love the background.

13 years ago

I agree. Though I usually have the browser sized such that the sides aren’t visible, I feel like I only dislike the white because its different from the old blog.

The white does work very well with the content (which has a white background), so… Out with teh old, in with the new?

13 years ago

Oh, I have heard of Beltane before (one of my relatives is Wiccan) but I was never told the naughty stuff since as with most Americans, violence is okay but oooh sex is a bad bad bad thing to let any child even see a wee bit of.

13 years ago

The black marks made me think I had shit on my screen, like eraser shavings or dust. Now my laptop is now covered in fingerprints from trying to wipe them off. So no I hate it and I hope you die.

13 years ago

OK, I came back and tried it again… still don’t like all the white. Ouch, bright. Makes me squinty… but it’s not enough to keep me from reading your blog! :3

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I want the patterns for those dresses.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Just when I had accepted that you were the ultimate omega–Popeye without his spinach to the MRAs’Bluto–you revert back to being a group of women.

Cap’n B, I think it’s one of those it’s-a-dessert-topping-AND-a-floor-wax things.

13 years ago

This is MUCH better according to my eyes, in that I find it much easier to read! Thank you!

13 years ago

Pfft, why are you galavanting like a pagan instead of commemorating labor riots like a good Marxist?

13 years ago

is there any way to have the comments show up from first to last? I just tried to read the previous post’s comments and ended up in the middle of a conversation and very confused when there weren’t nearly 148 comments to be seen on the page I was on… do I have to remember to click back to the “older” comments (the link hidden in very greyed out text) every time I visit?

ScareCrow P-Man
13 years ago

Neither you nor any of your batty followers would know what misogyny really is.

Not even if it crawled up your ass and died.

13 years ago

I like the banner.
The black background doesn’t bother me, but it’s a bit hard to hide at work.

I’m hopefull about the new site.
Let’s see how quickly it eats my posts…

13 years ago

For me it’s dark grey text on white. Very small amount of black.
Looks good.

13 years ago

I’m curious if Scarecrow will take the time to enlighten us as to what misogyny really is.

13 years ago

The black marks made me think I had shit on my screen

I’d just like to point out that this phrase has another possible meaning, which is what I initially read it as, making me wonder what exactly Arksibalt was doing with his/her computer.