
Recently, in the comments to my Secret Life as a Group of Women post, our old friend evilwhitemaleempire offered this intriguing theory as to why I started this blog:
Your just a runt.
You put up that picture of Charles Altas so folks will think your not.
Your entire adult life has been about coping with the aggressive sexual displays of bigger, taller, more attractive men by throwing anti-male grenades at them. That’s why your a feminist. … you support the false rape/harassment industry because it acts to jail all those better men you can’t compete with.
You and your mangina ilk are what you have always been since high school. Nerds who think they can win the cheerleader if they can get the football captain jailed as a rapist.
I can’t fault his logic here, though evil here is making several incorrect assumptions that call into question his conclusion. One, I don’t actually support sending innocent men to jail on false rape charges, even if they were the captain of the football team in high school. Two, even in high school, I was never interested in the cheerleader type; as a nerdy alternative-music-loving slacker guy, I was much more interested in the girls who listened to The Jam rather than Journey. Also, the high school I went to was basically a high school for nerds; even the cheerleaders were a little nerdy. We didn’t have a football team; our basketball team was legendary for the length of its losing streak, while our chess team, meanwhile, racked up victory after victory.
But enough about my high school. The key point here is that manosphere dudes have somehow managed to convince themselves, despite massive evidence to the contrary, that sexual attraction is a very simple and straightforward thing: men want cheerleaders and Hooters waitresses; women want jocks and thugs. These are iron-clad rules, and apply to everyone, including the nerdiest of nerds and the feministest of feminists. (By everyone, of course, I mean cis heteros; manosphere dudes have no real theories about lgbt sexuality, and tend to forget it exists.)
So evil assumes that I (and presumably the rest of the feminist guys out there) have adopted feminism as a way to get into the pants of the cheerleaders who wouldn’t date us in high school. On the flip side, manosphere dudes often assume, bizarrely, that feminist women are all secretly obsessed with boning thuggish jocks.
In reality, of course, people tend to be interested in and attracted to people basically like them: gym rats go for gym rats, nerds for nerds, goths for goths, lawyers for lawyers, and so on, and so on, and scooby dooby doo.
To illustrate this point, I’d like to present some relevant anthropological data, in the form of video footage of the “aggressive sexual display” of one “alpha male” of a certain subspecies of homo sapiens. You will notes that this mating dance has attracted the attention of a female of the same type — and not a feminist. Unfortunately, as far as well can tell from the video itself, the dance did not result in successful copulation. In the end, our subject finds himself competing against the aggressive display of another male of the same type.
@Johnny Pez:
And for that, I am grateful. Any man who is up front about thinking cunnilingus is degrading is actually being quite courteous. Like a brightly colored snake, I know from a distance to stay away.
So, MRAL, do you go up to every woman you’re interested in and ask her BMI? Not all people that would be considered overweight by BMI standards look fat.
That’s more feminist politically correct shit. If you have a high BMI, you can usually tell, because you’re fucking fat and gross. If not, congratulations, you’ll pass as a beta, but that’s rare.
I’ma drop some linkies:
BMI is a bunch of bullshit on an individual scale. (See: http://kateharding.net/bmi-illustrated/) It was intended as a measure of fitness in *populations*, not individuals.
OK Cupid Trends vaguely agrees with you on the “rating” of humans by “attractiveness”, but not with your conclusions (i.e. “omega” stoners can only get with “fat chicks”) [aside: Where are the lady-stoners in your universe? Do they not exist, or does being a stoner mean their lady-card is revoked, in your opinion.]
OK Trends on attractiveness & messaging by “attractiveness”: http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/your-looks-and-online-dating/
Basically, according to their data, men rate women’s attractiveness on a bell-curveish distribution, but consistently message only the upper-end of that self-created “scale”. Women, on the other hand, think almost all guys are not very attractive (why, I don’t know, and I’m a woman! Weird!!) but they message the middle of the “curve” at rates that match the “attractiveness” distribution.
As far as messaging success, there is an obvious advantage to being attractive. But plenty of “attractive” men and women message less-than-attractive people, and vice-versa. The prejudice in favor of the pretty people (the “alphas”) just isn’t as strong as you say it is.
I don’t have a point beyond this: MRAL, you ain’t got no data behind your conclusions. And I have data that contradicts your assessment. Put up or shut up.
A negative, judgmental attitude, a mind shallower than a pizza box, and a tendency towards extreme superficiality is far more disgusting, gross, and degrading than an excess of fat cells. Just my $0.02.
Well my thoughts are worth a hell of a lot more than $0.02, so forgive me if I don’t really take your opinion into much consideration.
I am smart. I have a high IQ. I’m ten times smarter than that dumbass Futrelle, and I have determined that the MRM movement is the road to a better tomorrow, a place in which men will be treated as human beings, and bitches will be no longer permitted to use men as objects. This is the most important fight in the Western world, in my opinion, and I have a high IQ.
Having a high IQ doesn’t preclude someone from being a narrow-minded jerk.
I’m just sayin’.
It doesn’t even preclude someone from being wrong.
Whatever, I’m right. You people are simply deluded feminists, probably omegas, who like to believe the world is nice and flowery and accomodating. It’s not. If you’re not an alpha male, things kind of suck. Bitches treat you like shit on their shoe. Beta is tolerable, but omega, you might as well be dead to these bitches and their alpha mangina conspirators. That’s how it is. Get out of the goddamn chair and go outside. Then join the MRM movement to incite some real change on behalf of the suffering beta and omega (90%) male population.
I’m out. Peace.
You guys, you guys. April Flores the amazingly successful porn star a mold of whose vagina you can buy at the sex store near my school is an omega that no man would fuck! I don’t know why people are buying her vagina then. Maybe so they can vomit in it at the idea of fucking a fat fat fatty?
Let’s see, so far MRAL has claimed he doesn’t hate women, all fat women are gross, and that he has a high IQ. Oh, and that his opinions are worth more than two cents.
Either this is a really good troll, or a hilariously sad human being. I’m just laughing either way.
“a place in which men will be treated as human beings, and bitches will be no longer permitted to use men as objects.”
By this you mean… a woman cannot dump a man and then go sleep with some other man later? Or a woman must go down on any man that buys her a meal? Or all women are required to fuck the first guy that hits on them once a month? Seriously, I cannot even begin to comprehend what you mean by this.
You object to women who like men that are (in your opinion or theirs) more attractive than you? Are you suggesting their agency be taken away because you want to fuck them? Because that is how I am interpreting your words.
And, I sincerely, sincerely doubt that 90% of the male population is “suffering” from lack of sex. My informal, anecdotal survey of people I know and no one else, indicates this is not, in fact, the case.
Well, we scared him off. Hopefully a new troll will show up.
MRAL: BMI charts are bogus. Normally, I weigh between 120 and 125 lb. but when I was nine months pregnant, I weighed 155 lb. It was that way during both of my pregnancies. Almost all of that weight was in my belly. According to the BMI charts, I was “fat” since I had a 7 lb. child in me as well as other life sustaining systems to support that child and that made me weigh more than normal. It took me about six months both times to lose the weight.
Should a pregnant woman starve herself to stay in the normal weight of the BMI charts? No, it would cause pregnancy complications or a miscarriage. The BMI charts don’t have any exceptions in them, and therefore they are bogus.
Is my husband weird for saying I was cute during pregnancy? After all, the BMI chart said I was overweight. He also wasn’t grossed out by my large baby belly. According to those BMI charts, my husband is morbidly obese, by the way. I think he’s perfect just the way he is, and I don’t care what a one size fits all chart says about it. I’d rather he eat what he likes and be happy than starve himself to have a 36 inch waist.
If you found a woman that looked like Jessica Alba, you wouldn’t be happy forever because she, like everyone else in the world will age. If you choose a spouse on superficial reasons, you will be sad in the end because nobody can look like a beauty queen forever.
Why not try getting to know people? You have to know you have a problem, you can either complain about it or do something about it.
Calling women bitches is not hateful towards women apparently in MRAL’s world.
Same goes for women who do not fall down in worship of his mighty IQ. That mighty IQ that is so high and mighty it completely fails to let him realise that maybe googling would be a good idea before spouting off on BMI as an accurate description of fat. As Kes so ably pointed out it is a really dumb idea to use BMI as your starting point for fat.
When did 155 pounds become an issue for the average women? My wife is 5.8, I don’t know her weight offhand but I would assume it would be around 155 or so. How is this overweight?
Kave, it is because I am short, only 5’2″, so according to those charts, 155 is overweight for me, even though I was nine months pregnant.
She just got back to me on the weight, 143 right now and she is in my eyes tall and rather slim with just the right curves.
The most she’s ever weighed was with our youngest, 205. No one called her obese then, it was just baby stuff.
“Well my thoughts are worth a hell of a lot more than $0.02,”
Oh. Well why are you giving them away here for free when you could be making enough money to vault yourself into alphamaledom elsewhere?”
“I am smart. I have a high IQ.”
Well, then you truly have no excuse for being an MRA. That shit doesn’t even count as logic in the nearest schizophrenic ward.
“If you’re not an alpha male, things kind of suck.”
Hm, I am not an “alpha male” (by virtue of having a vagina) and my life is awesome. I’ve never been happier. Then again, I’m not worrying about who anyone else is or is not having sex with and why.
Heh, MRA’s invariably have greater intelligence that everyone else… except that they have such trouble answering the simplest of questions.
MRAL, it is impossible to gauge a person’s BMI by sight. Yes, skinny and obese people are usually recognizable as such. But in the middle (a BMI range of maybe 20-27, corresponding to mid-normal to mid-overweight), it’s actually very hard to tell. So your BMI criterion is bullshit, unless you carry a measuring tape and a scale with you to the bars.
Again, answer my question. Would you kick Lizzy out of bed because of her weight?
How about Crystal?
And no fair googling either woman’s BMI first. Just answer the freakin’ question, or admit that your arbitrary standards are based on nothing.
BMI is standardized around white cis males. You do tend to get relatively accurate results for a population, but not for individuals, with BMI if you only count white cis males. However, BMI does not predict either actual body fat percentages or health risks in cis women or non-white populations. Highly athletic people, particularly athletic women, also tend to have high BMI (for the obvious reason that muscle is denser and heavier than fat). Most olympic competetors are overweight to obese using BMI measures.
PS, I was dead on with the pity fuck thing in regards to MRAL, wasn’t I?
I have a BMI of 29 so I guess I’m a fat fat fatty. I’ve slept with about 40 boys over 18 years, most of whom would probably be classified as betas. I was only below a BMI of 25 for maybe the first 5 years and 4 boys of that. I guess according to MRAL I should have given up at that point and hidden in my fat fat fatty closet instead of going out and having fun. Of course it does make me wonder why he thinks it would be better if I had left those other 36 boys out there competing with him rather than taking them at least temporarily out of the dating and fucking pool!
Seriously, dude, why aren’t you encouraging other boys to fuck fatties so you have less competition?
“Whatever, I’m right.”
“I’m out. Peace.” – MRAL
Ah the beauty of online forums, where you can waltz in, raise a big stink, and with nary a blink of an eye do an about face and stroll right back out amongst a furious uproar. You know your arguments don’t make sense, they don’t have to. You know you are right about you being smart because being smart makes you right. So long MRAL, thanks for leaving a bigger mess of the MRA image around here than when you first showed up.
Be seeing you.
(for those who get the reference in the last line…. cookies!)