
Uh, you’re not supposed to see this just yet

I will be moving my blog here to WordPress, but I’m still working out the details. In the meantime, my blog is still on Blogger, and you can reach it at

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13 years ago
Reply to  Johnny Pez

Since I am watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force, giant rolling balls of meat named Meatwad.

And I mean humans will have a bonobo society where women run things but men get lots and lots and lots of sex. Actually, everyone will get lots of sex.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago
Reply to  Johnny Pez

Actually, everyone will get lots of sex.

An even more noble project.

13 years ago

So will there be a collapse comment thread function? That’s my one complaint about the reply function, it can make replies all squished and go on forever and argh.

And also that it means there’s no chronological order to the comments, so you have to scroll the whole thing to find new comments rather than just go to the end. So I guess that makes two minor gripes. 🙂 I like the new formatting otherwise!

Iris Vander Pluym
Iris Vander Pluym
13 years ago

On a blog like mine that usually gets only a hundred hits a day and doesn’t generate a ton of comments nested comments are not a big deal, but on a blog like yours it would be a HUGE drag: on long threads it becomes impossible to keep up with the discussion without reading, refreshing, and re-reading the whole damn thread just to see what’s been added. It’s easy enough to reply to an earlier comment by quoting it or otherwise referencing it, especially with the better HTML options available to commenters here on WordPress.

Put me down for an emphatic vote for NO NESTED COMMENTS.

13 years ago

Great to see you moving to a sensible blogging platform. I would also suggest you host it yourself and get your own domain name (it’s not that difficult) but even if not, this is a significant improvement.

13 years ago

Also remember, once you finish the migration, you can setup a feedburner RSS feed for wordpress, replace blogger’s RSS feed with it, and then everyone subscribed to you via RSS will be seamlessly transitioned to your new blog.

13 years ago

Dude, please get on with it. It is totally fucking impossible to post comments on the ‘old’ site, and I have been able to do so in the past without issue.

13 years ago

And I have a super awesome comment I want to post on your most recent thread, but I can’t even get to your email address to email it to you and ask you to post for me because I get the same goddamn blogger error when I try to click on your profile as when I try to post a comment and you don’t have your address posted anywhere else.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I also vote for NO NESTED COMMENTS. Multiple ongoing conversations are more fun, and are more likely to result in cross-pollination of topics.

13 years ago

And I mean humans will have a bonobo society where women run things but men get lots and lots and lots of sex. Actually, everyone will get lots of sex(PFKAE)

I guess that means youre willing to take one or two for the team. 😉

13 years ago

I actually like the nested comments FWIW. One of the main things that drove me batty with blogger is that if someone is late to the game leaving a reply they are replying to one of your original comments and you don’t know what the hell they are talking about. I give a huge thumbs UP to nesting

Lady Raine
13 years ago


When you want to use the wordpress widgets and copy code from other places for things (like a twitter button or RSS buttons in your choice of color or whatever the case) you want to use the “text” box widgets in the dashboard widgets area. There are unlimited text boxes that you can click and drag into the “active” area to the right and then you will have a touch more freedom to add things that you want in the sidebar(s).

But you can also always change your themes until you get one with the freedom you want. Some of them have 2, 3, or 4 different layout options, edit comments options, more sidebar options, etc.

I’m sure you know all this already, but the “text box” is a lifesaver for code that doesn’t show up correctly otherwise in the mess of the widgets area wordpress gives you to use.

Lady Raine
13 years ago

Correction: I should have said *for CUSTOM widgets that you don’t find on wordpress, paste them to the text box, drag them, and drop them*

13 years ago

Tit, there is no power on earth to make any woman that will be in the society I will be creating that will be willing to even let you step onto the island. So no, we would not be taking one for the team since you are not allowed to be on the team.

We want people who are honest in their discourse at the very least.