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Choose “none of the above.” |
I love to debate. I feel that Im very good at it. I see the Feminist Movement as a CIA funded political agitation mechanism. Many men feel that the Feminist Movement is anti-male, but I feel that its anti everybody. It hurts everyone that comes into contact with it.
My question to you is, would you be able to offer a rebuttal to what I just asserted without resorting to personal attack
reasonably tall … passionate and intelligent so as to be good company, sexually liberated, and attractive – really attractive, fat chics need not apply (hehe, I’m so self-amusing).
Capable of holding a steady job but without making it your #1 priority – since it could interfere with our sexual activities. … If you can accept that I’m responsible for taking charge and my decisions will be final, don’t take yourself too seriously and thinks the world of me.
Family oriented but not anytime soon … open to spontaneous sexual activities (you know, outdoors sex, the odd 3-some with a cutie we pick up somewhere or one of your girlfriends), likes the outdoors (nudity optional), and doesn’t complain when I go fishing with the guys.
ready to have children only after 30 and proving yourself to be a faithful wife and a loving woman, prepared for the duties of a good mother, have class and know when it’s time to speak up and when it’s NOT the time to do so, instead of a stuck-up naggy b!tch who can’t shut up, sociable, know how to please the sexual drive of your partner (little things such as giving me a call when you’ve gotten a new set of sexy lingerie to surprise me), and know that gifts are little treats and rewards, and not a never-ending desire to be pampered.
good spending habits, no ridiculous credit card debts and a sense of home economy; I’m not planning on changing my excellent lifestyle, and I plant to eventually be able to give my children an excellent education – and that’s not possible without good savings and planning. This will also help teaching them to earn their own achievements, respect their parents, and not be spoiled brats.
You should also understand that pets are simple money pits that only serve as something lonely women occupy themselves with so that they don’t have to connect with their husbands.
I’m attracted to all kinds of women, redheads, brunettes, black, white, latinas, you name it, as long as they’re attractive. Not attracted to fat women, and that includes the infamous “curvy” (a word that used to mean actual curves, not fat), and “a few extra pounds,” regardless of your supposed “inner beauty.” Sorry 🙂
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No mystery, these guys. |
I can honestly say the selection on here is mostly scary to me. I have no problem with single moms or girls that are other than stick thin. But for real, if you are gargantuan and just gross … please don’t waste your time with me.
I’m no beefcake but I am healthy and I am getting tired of creepy girls wondering “where all the good men are” when its clear that they have either been eaten by those same girls, or are in hiding for fear of being mistaken for a 7-11 corndog. I am not Arnie, nor would I want to be but I do have biceps and a fairly flat stomach, if you have a massive muffin-top and can’t take care of yourself why set yourself up by hiding behind deceptive photo angles? Just because you have cleavage does not mean you have nice boobs. We’re gonna find out eventually, why lie now? Every woman’s profile says they demand “honesty”, how many actually offer it? Self delusion is not attractive, except to the worst quality guys.
I am a homeowner with a couple of promising careers, a well developed intellect, a decent body and a serious disdain for drama, game playing and bullshit. Therefore I do not feel the need to “capture your attention” with something artificially witty and intriguing. How about you show me that you have what it takes to hold an intelligent conversation for ten minutes, or that you actually care about your future, and could be entertaining and fun for me as well?
>There's this gem in A(n)nals of Online Dating (link here: http://annalsofonlinedating.tumblr.com/post/4749655539/and-he-wouldnt-even-ask-for-a-bj-in-return):"You know people have been asking for generations, “What would Jesus do?”I believe the answer is you."I am SO making that a sig somewhere. It's so bad it's good.
>I can but laugh.
>Some part of me can't help but feel sorry for these men. It's impossible to have a romantic connection with someone without having to open up a little bit and make yourself vulnerable – and this obviously terrifies these men. If only they could learn that expressing feelings and loving someone isn't emasculating, they might not feel such a need to control their partner. And if only someone could tell them that women aren't actually inferior and so loving a woman isn't a dreaded chore.
>red_locker: You can use HTML: < a href = "link URL" > link text < / a > (without the spaces)There's also Date Wrecks, which isn't updating anymore but has some hilarious stuff in the archives.
>a couple of promising careers – "I change jobs frequently and have a spotty work history"a well developed intellect – "I looked at The Fountainhead", and pretend to read the WSJ"a serious disdain for drama, game playing and bullshit – "Unless it's my drama, game playing, and bullshit – that's perfectly okay"Therefore I do not feel the need to “capture your attention” with something artificially witty and intriguing. – "I'm a conversational clod, exceptionally boring, and will roll my eyes at you if you dare interrupt my sparkling genius to tell me about your day"
Man, I swear I’ve seen that middle profile somewhere before. Either he wrote to me at one time (in which case, hahahaha, I’m FAT)or he wrote to SexyTypewriter? It’s gonna bug me.
I for one love the weird badness of online dating profiles, which is why I keep an account open even though it’s now scrubbed of photos and personal information. I would rather someone let their freak flag fly – RenFaire outfits? (Not inherently bad, just really instantly not for me) Photos of them with their ex-girlfriend’s shoulder sorta kinda photoshopped out (Laxy)? Raging misogyny? A long story about how they don’t have a phone (code for “I’m writing this from prison”)? Put it out there, people, so that potential dating partners know what they are getting into.