Cats also love porn. |
So the guys over at MGTOWforums.com – who want nothing to do with women but somehow can’t stop talking about them all day every day – have some interesting theories on why some women like porn so much, sometimes to the point of addiction.
According to the aptly named womanhater, it’s because they’re picking up tips; apparently, the better women fuck, the better they can fuck guys over:
Women (a few exceptions aside) see sex the same way a lumberjack sees a chainsaw – a useful tool. If they’re ‘addicted’ to it then my guess is that they’re in fact just studying it because they know it is their competition and they’d better learn how to do it like the men they hope to manipulate and extort want it. It’s like any other form of physical performance – you get better by watching the professionals. There’s not a man among us whose swing wouldn’t improve if we spent several hours a day watching professional golfers.
True, at least that bit about golf. Based on my admittedly limited exposure to her work, I’m not sure that all the skills that one can learn from watching Sasha Grey necessarily translate all that well to non-gang-bang situations.
Zuberi, meanwhile, suspects that women watch porn just to spite men:
Are they really addicted to porn or are they desperately trying to keep up with the sheer number of men who watch porn? Are these harpies so insecure that they have to overtake men in everything? It’s pathetic. There’s already a number of women who are drinking themselves retarded trying to keep up with men that they think are power drinkers.
But are they really watching all the porn they say they’re watching? Shade47 is suspicious:
When women look at porn they see pixels on a screen. Just some more attention whoring from women looking for a new angle to reel men in.Almsot every trashy girl Ive met claims to be into porn but when you look at her internet history its all retarded girl games on flash websites and shit. You know they arent covering their tracks by deleting browser history because that would involve understanding computers.
Damn these computer-illiterate, flash-game-loving, only-pretending-to-like-porn slatterns!
AC101202, by contrast, is convinced that a lot of women actually do love porn, or at least the more nasty and degrading parts of it – “facials, ass in the air, DP etc.” Why? Evolutionary Psych 101, dude! Because their reptilian cave-lady brains just love gangbangs:
Pre-civilization, women thousands of years ago spent their days getting nailed by dozens of guys. We all know here a majority of women have rape fantasies …Women who are managers, in positions of power, probably get off most watching degrading actions performed on women. Their lower reptilian brain likes seeing women treated like sex objects, since the women who reproduced best were the one’s who learned to enjoy gangbanging.
Now, I’m no evolutionary psych expert, but, er, what exactly is the evolutionary advantage of facials? I’m pretty sure you can’t get pregnant from semen on your forehead, in your eyes or, say, up your nose. (At least I never have.) Perhaps someone better schooled in evo psych and the general evil of women could explain that to me.
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>Strangesally…Do you "feel" I'm terrible at math or have I erred on a mathmatical problem? By the way, thank you the compliment of not being stupid enough to go around insulting myself. Do I have any other redeeming qualities that you "feel" I deserve?
>Desertrose, It's a little hard to take obliterating the y chromsome out of existence out of context. At least thats what my tiny man brain thinks, perhaps you "feel" differently.
>NWOslave, it was explicitly a parody of what MRA say about women. Add "terrible at reading comprehension" to SallyStrange's list.
>Noted Rachel, I have now had poor comprehension skills added to my list of flaws.Any takers on wether DesertRoses entire post was pure misandry? Perhaps one of you might interpret what my poor comprehension skills have missed? Or was it "satire?"
>Please don't delay on a response because my incompetent piece of shitstained pig gut self must maintain a certain amount of time jerking off to porn.Of course men jerking off to porn is bad no doubt. AKA loser, can't get any, pervert, ect. Yet as Ozzy states "That's not even the ultimate depravity I've jerked it to." Which of course is very good. Man "jerking off" is a loser. Woman "jerking off" is wonderful. Here I had thought feminism was all about removing these stigmas in our genderless society.
>"Of course men jerking off to porn is bad no doubt. AKA loser, can't get any, pervert, ect."Where are you getting that idea? Certainly not from any of us.
>A lot of women like different kinds of porn. Just because one of them likes talking dirty doesn't mean I can refer to her as a slut outside the confines of sex. I have a friend who makes female friendly pornography. There is a lot of it around, it's just that men probably wouldn't want to see it. (Hint a fair few women like gay porn just as we like lesbian porn and a lot of women prefer artistic stuff with attractive men and the idea of love rather than sex as a driving force. The ugly gurnings of a man humping a bored looking eastern european woman's bum is less attractive than say something from X-Art which they prefer). That being said some women do like "our porn". It's a grab bag of taste and preference really.And desert rose is pure anti you. I don't see her threatening me in any way shape or form.
>Well Law I got that idea from what DesertRose wrote, "are incompetent pieces of shitstained pig guts who spend hours jerking off to porn"Now admittedly my reading comprehension skills are quite pitiful but this statement seems to denote a negative action. Do you agree?
>Funny how I seem to answer sooo many questions yet none of mine are answered. So I'll try again. Was DesertRoses post at April 21, 2011 1:06 PM a giant hunk of misandry?If none of you think it was than an explaination of why not would just make my day.
>"Well Law I got that idea from what DesertRose wrote, "are incompetent pieces of shitstained pig guts who spend hours jerking off to porn"Now admittedly my reading comprehension skills are quite pitiful but this statement seems to denote a negative action. Do you agree?"No, since I have no idea exactly what she was talking about since you didn't provide any context. Any man who spends HOURS jerking off to porn, if it affects his life negatively, should see a therapist and might have a sex addiction. Any man who relies on jerking off to porn because it's his *only* sexual outlet due to a failure with women obviously has social issues, none of which is the fault of women.It appears that DesertRose expresses contempt for any men whose hatred of women, and thus their social failure with women, drives them to seek sexual outlet in jerking off to porn, ergo she feels contempt for men who hate women, not men who jerk off to porn.
>Was DesertRose's post an example of misandry? No. Why not?Because it was a piece of satire. Do you need a definition of the word "satire," NWOaf?
>The Official Position Of Ozymandias, Self-Appointed Queen of Non-Crazy Feminism:Jerking off is awesome.
>Oh, and Avicenna: that fits in quite well with my own experience. Also, men with their shirts off are available in many mainstream publications (c.f. any Hugh Jackman film) which may reduce the necessity for visual porn, although that's just a bullshitty hypothesis with no data to back it up.
>Law, I've expressed no hate for women yet her post definitely expressed a deep hate for men. Please show how anything I've written has shown comtempt or hatred of women.Her post was at 106 PM, read it in it's entirety so that you might put it into perspective. Illuminate me on how I misinterpreted her post as voilent hatred of men.
>Oh OK Sallystrange it was "satire." Thank you! I thought I'd copy and repost it replacing woman and man and male and female.Why do you people continue to rationally explain things to her? Are feminist from the sites Dave quotes equally courteous to their unwelcome visitors? From the excerpts I've seen here, the only way to communicate is to evenly say that females* are incompetent pieces of shitstained pig guts who spend hours jerking off to porn and trolling MRA sites because they're too simplistic to ever think of anything but men. Femalevaginas are in a panic because MRAs have taken from them the only thing they were ever good for–eggs–and now their tiny female brains are frantic to find a new way to apply themselves, but of course as they are evolutionarily** designed to only ever think of sex and men the poor little things are back to square one. Soon we will establish egg banks on every corner, successfully create and preserve artificial eggs, and completely obliterate the double XX chromosome.***Ahh yes now I can see the "satire" of this fine piece. Ya might want enter into the Vagina Monologues.
>"Please show how anything I've written has shown comtempt or hatred of women."Um, I wasn't even talking about you. OR anything you've said.That aside, I don't expect to be responsible for anyone else's words or ideas. I can't answer for what other people I don't know and have never met believe or think. Ergo I have no intention of interpreting DesertRose's post for you or even taking the time to go find it. All I can do is guess what she meant about the jerkoff comment in the context of this site, and for all I know I could be wrong.That said, there's nothing wrong in general with men jerking off to porn. That's my stance and probably the stance of pretty much everyone else here as it is the stance of the larger part of society save a few religious fundemantalists.
>Yeah – that was what DesertRose did in the first place. She took her idea of a typical MRA anti-man screed and changed the genders. Man, you are so dense it's a wonder you reflect light at all. Tell me, are there any gravitational anomalies in your neighborhood?
>Excuse me, that should read "a typical MRA anti-woman screed."
>"Please show how anything I've written has shown comtempt or hatred of women."Uh, I wasn't even talking about you. OR anything you've said.
>law1204, you forgot: everything that goes on here is all about NWOaf.
>Again thank you Sallystrange. When a woman write hatred of men it's "satire" she's basically "always" writing a mockery of what the typical MRA writes and is therefore excused from any accountability. When an MRA writes a deregatory post about women it's "never" satire and the typical MRA "must" be held accountable. Gotcha, no MRAs have any legitimate grievances, they're just afraid of losing privilege.
>NWOSlave: You know, saying true things in a funny voice doesn't make them any less true.
>I don't see anyone criticizing masturbation to pornography, as long as it's done in moderation. It's natural and healthy. It can be problematic if someone chooses to do that rather than be intimate with their significant other. I would call that a red flag for the relationship. On the other hand, it can be a good foreplay activity for a couple to enjoy together.
>I guess this thread proves the notion that negative attention is better than no attention at all, and some people will come back again and again for their fix.
>How do these guys last through the day carrying so much hate?Same thing I ask myself visiting this little slice of heaven. Never underestimate people's capacity for spite, I guess.