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Jayne Mansfield leaks sex onto Sophia Loren |
Be careful, gals. With warmer weather coming, don’t be tempted to wear skimpier clothes. Because female sexuality works the same as body heat on a cold winter’s day: the more skin you show, the more heat – literal and figurative – leaks out. Eventually, you will run out. And that’s bad news, possibly for you, and definitely for your future husbands. (And really, they’re the only ones who count.)
That, in any case, is the theory of one traditional-minded Men’s Rightser calling himself Alucin. In a blog post today he mused about the differences between traditional religious women and, you know, all those filthy “western” sluts wandering around exposing sexy bits like their legs and their … hair. (Not their leg hair, their head hair. We’ll get to leg hair in a minute.) Alucin writes:
Orthodox Jewish [and] Muslim women [cover] their hair and other parts when in public. The ideal is that they save their sexuality for their husband. Only their husband can see their hair, legs, cleavage, and experience their sexuality.
All well and good, Alucin says. “Western women,” by contrast,
fully display their sexuality, and tend not to value virginity or other traditional sexual morals. Then, when married, they turn into dowdy, asexual androids, gaining weight and wearing their man’s clothes. And forgetting to shave.
They give none of their sexuality to their husbands. It has already been used up. She says that she owns her sexuality, but in fact it was the zillion guys she’s been with who have owned her sexuality. Her sexuality has been farmed and mined.A western woman’s sexuality is for everyone
but her husband.
Here’s one of those horrible hair-showing western harlots singing about hot cleavage in the summertime. (Just so you don’t get too confused by the lyrics, I’m pretty sure the song is from the point of view of a guy missing his girlfriend.)
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>Triplanetary,That's you. The most rabid homophobes experience a huge amount of fear over this–usually without ever recognizing the parallels between the treatment they are objecting to, and the treatment women are expected to put up with, without complaining, on a more or less daily basis. As for Brad Pitt… when are we going to settle on a more up-to-date heartthrob guy to star in all our street harassment fantasy scenarios? Brad Pitt is, like, old and stuff, and he has about 38 children. One of my personal favorites is Naveen Andrews (played Saeed on "Lost"). I also like Daniel Craig. But that's just my personal style. Those guys are also a little bit old, and they appeal to me because I'm no longer a teenybopper either, like I was back in the day when Brad Pitt was the hottest thing ever. What about the dude who's playing Thor in the upcoming movie? That guy is pretty much the definition of a hunka hunka burning love. What's his name again?
>That's you. The most rabid homophobes experience a huge amount of fear over this–usually without ever recognizing the parallels between the treatment they are objecting to, and the treatment women are expected to put up with, without complaining, on a more or less daily basis. Sure, but women who object to street harassment aren't objecting to the very existence of heterosexual men. Homophobes act like being hit on by a gay man in any situation, whether threatening or not, is an affront to their manly penis.Besides, the threat of the situation is reversed. Women really are threatened by men who harass. But statistically, a gay man has far more to fear from a straight man than vice versa. Reacting as if the gay man is automatically a threat is the same as white people who cross the street when there's a black man approaching.
>Sure, but women who object to street harassment aren't objecting to the very existence of heterosexual men. Homophobes act like being hit on by a gay man in any situation, whether threatening or not, is an affront to their manly penis.True. I was actually thinking of some specific conversations I've had with hetero men who specifically admitted to feeling homophobic. I asked them directly what made them so uncomfortable about the idea of, say, going to a bar where gays are known to congregate occasionally (no bona fide gay bars in my town at this moment) and their responses were:-don't like being hit on when they're not interested-don't like having to say "no" over and over again, don't like it when the "no" is ignored-don't like being seen/treated as a piece of meat rather than a person with individual wishes and desiresAt which point I burst out laughing and was like, "Welcome to my world!" I mean, it does happen that gay guys hit insistently on men they find attractive. I've seen it happen with my own boyfriend when we went to the drag ball. But it's also true, what you say, that this insistence is pretty much the worst thing they could possibly have to deal with, and is nowhere near as threatening as the actual threat of physical and/or sexual violence faced by women, gays and lesbians, and ESPECIALLY transgendered men and women.
>Off topic but Cosmo is more evil then I thought.
>I'm envisioning a Giant Slut with Hypnobreasts. Sounds like a new female superhero…Or maybe not so new.
>@ElizabethRead the original articles. It calls out men for "putting their hands in their pockets" and "not being fazed".I believe Cosmo is pretty much the equivalent of FHM or Maxim or any of the men's magazines. Good for a laugh (I will hold my hand up and say that I used to read both.) but if you did anything written in there you would probably get arrested.
>Oh good lord…do they have to give fodder to the MRAs?
>Yes… Yes they do. Just like how FHM and Maxim encourage the idiot behaviour of men to women. It goes both ways (Just go read Askmen's advice columns and try to stifle any laughter from the advice.)
>Laughter is good. It keeps you from going bonkers in this crazy ol' world.Then again, I have always known my sense of humour was juvenile as I find 1,000 Ways to Die amusing.
>It seems that a good many MRAs conflate Cosmo with feminism. In vain do we protest that they couldn't be more wrong.
>Cosmo is one of the worst products of contemporary patriarchy. MRAs think it's feminist because they don't understand that the patriarchy doesn't seek to erase women, it seeks to actively engage them in their own oppression.In today's world that means dressing up patriarchal complicity as some kind of vapid "you go grrrl" liberation.
>To them, everything bad is feminism and everything feminist is bad.
>Sorry for the triple posting, comment fail. http://www.odemagazine.com/doc/6/size_six_the_western_women_s_harem/This is an article written by a woman who was born in a Muslim harem, who compares wearing the burqa and the Western obsession with being the perfect size six. In her mind, there is no difference, since they are both ways to control and contain women.
>Hey! I posted that first! *Shakes fist*! Curse you Lady!!! *Shakes fist harder!*The woman is pretty famous in muslim feminist circles from what I recall. She has a couple of interesting books if you can find them.
>Cosmo is just "The Total Woman" with Spanx substituted for the Saran Wrap. Does anybody but MRAs read it?
>Holly Pervocracy does, but strictly for the lulz, as it should be.
I realize that this is like 3 years too late, but I wanted to take the opportunity to point out to our good MRA Alucin up there that us fat, lazy, married “Western Women” don’t *ever* “forget” to shave. No, every fall we greet winter with open arms, in the hope that *this* year we can finally grow that leg hair long enough to braid! Only speaking for myself, of course. (cough)
And, yes, it does appear that Jayne Mansfield is flashing her right nipple. I do believe that’s why Sophia is giving her the side-eye.
First necro ever worth reading!
Everyone take note: It is acceptable to post in a three-year-old thread if you have something this worthwhile to say. (I am not being facetious here.)
THIS is how necroing is done!
Welcome, janipurr.
Regina Spektor, she is a blessing, I’ve always really liked her. On the Radio this is one of my favorite Regina songs