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Er, not so much. |
Sometimes this job is just too easy. Sometimes I don’t have to even bother to check in on my favorite manosphere sites to find hair-raisingly awful quotes to feature here. Sometimes the Boobz are thoughtful enough to leave them in the comments here.
Take this quote from resident MGTOWer Cold, who currently seems to be spending more time on this blog than I am, comparing rape and child support. (You don’t think these two items are actually in any way comparable? Clearly you do not understand Boob Logic.)
In response to commenter Amused, who pointed out that “being ordered to support a child you’ve fathered isn’t the same as being pinned down and penetrated against your will,” Cold responded:
Exactly, it’s much, much worse. The latter lasts for some number of minutes, the former for at least 18 years. Given the choice it would be a no-brainer for me, and I think a very large number of men agree with me on this.
Setting aside the appalling trivialization of rape as something that’s over in “some number of minutes,” what does this say about Cold’s attitudes towards children? Paying a couple of hundred buck a month to pay for some of the expenses for a child you fathered – your own flesh and blood – is worse than being raped?
If Cold ever becomes a father, through circumstances which are frankly too horrible to imagine, I feel safe in saying that he will not be winning any “father of the year” awards.
I can just imagine the following scenario, some 11 or so years into the future:
Cold’s 10-year-old son: Happy Father’s day, daddy! I’m so glad we’re going to see Toy Story 5! I love Woody!
Cold: Yeah, so does your whore mom, if you know what I mean.
Son: Huh?
Cold: When you get older, you’ll understand. Did I mention that you mom’s a whore? One, please!
Son: Um, daddy, why did you buy only one ticket?
Cold: It’s for me. Get your own. You get enough of my money as it is. I stick my dick in your mom for two fucking minutes, and I’m screwed for life. It’s worse than rape!
Son: Um, daddy, I don’t have any money. I’m ten.
Cold: Well, you should have thought of that when you were a sperm!
Son: When I was a what?
Cold: I’m going in. See you in two hours.
Son: Dad? What am I supposed to do now?
Cold: Not my problem! I’m Going Galt! I’m Going My Own Way! You were a MISTAKE!
Son quietly sobs
Cold: Hey, when we get back to your mom’s place later, remind me to tell her she’s a filthy whore.
And … scene!
(By the way, Cold actually does claim to be going Galt, if self-admitted tax evasion counts.)
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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.
>Cold, I should apologize. You've never referred to women as whores. Oh, wait:http://www.the-niceguy.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=35279&view=findpost&p=563827And if you've spent no more than 15 minutes a day here over the last couple of days you are the fastest reader and/or typist in the world.
>That's right: he said that paying a couple hundred a month is worse than a crime that makes some women have flashbacks and intimacy issues and nightmares and sobbing YEARS later. Rape is the ultimate dehumanization, and the lack of empathy it takes to not get that shows that he is a lout, loser and scum of the earth– no mocking required.Actually I was sexually abused as a child and raped as an adult, and I will state unequivocally that if forced to choose between being forcibly sodomized once or put on the hook for child support for 18 years, I will choose the sodomy. Calling me a "lout, loser, and scum of the earth" for that premise demonstrates a profound lack of empathy on your part.The child support amount isn't the same for everyone; if it's only $200 a month then that's because the man in question makes a very low income. It's indexed in such a way that whatever the amount is it represents a substantial amount of the man's work hours, and in that sense is like part-time slavery. Even worse is that, as NWOslave pointed out, men get sent to jail if they are unable to pay due to circumstances beyond their control. While in jail, they may be raped many times while the prison guards turn their backs and have a good laugh about it. They may also be sexually exploited by the prison guards themselves.
>Oh I did spend more than 15 minutes here on Sunday, but that wasn't a normal day. I was stuck in a very boring situation for hours with only my cell phone and netbook for entertainment.Yeah, I referred to women who engage in transactional sex as whores. Does the mother in this hypothetical future scenario sell herself by the hour?
>I love it—meaning it just proves everything about MRAs—how they prove the point of the post to be true when they compare writing a check to getting violated, and also are in favor of forcing women to bear an unwanted child in their body for nine months—which they declare is no big deal, 'she doesn't have to do anything extra.' Yeah, asshole, let's see how you feel after somebody shoves a watermelon up your dick all the way till it's in your abdonmen, then wait nine months to get rid of it. And that's assuming that the asshole even pays any child support whatsoever. Huh. Still no cites, I see.
>From the Nolo Press website:No state now requires that a child be awarded to the mother without regard to the fitness of both parents. Most states require their courts to determine custody on the basis of what's in the children's best interests, without regard to the parent's gender.http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/child-custody-faq-29054-3.html
>Calling me a "lout, loser, and scum of the earth" for that premise demonstrates a profound lack of empathy on your part.To be fair, Cold, it wasn't Dave who called you that. It was NWOSlave who asserted that Dave "literally" called you those names when, in fact, Dave did not–at least not in this post.
>Oh I also like how he misses that you cannot choose to be raped over paying support. If you choose it is no longer rape.Is that so? So what you're saying is that if you were held at knifepoint and forced to choose between vaginal or anal penetration, neither one would be rape because you chose it? That's pretty sick.What he's saying is he would prostitute himself to get out of paying support.That's not what I'm saying, however men who are forced to pay child support are actually in a situation of reverse prostitution. If they lose their jobs and the court refuses to recognize that fact and makes them continue paying, they have to find some way to come up with that money to avoid being sent to jail and possibly raped, so they are basically in a situation of paying not to be raped.And frankly, most people's prostitution price is probably lower than the sum total of 18 years of child support.Hence why the choice would be a no-brainer.
>NWO:Under current no fault divorce a woman who commits adultery is able to divorce her husband and retain child custody. Is this fair?Considering that whether one commits adultery has absolutely nothing to do with parenting ability, I'd say the answer must be yes. Under current divorce law a woman gets default child custody, as can be seen by the fact that a man has to "fight" for equal custody. He will lose 83% of the time. Is this fair?Citation? In California, joint legal custody is presumed unless a court orders otherwise. I deal with many parents in the course of my work who are separated, divorced, or never married. In the absence of a custody order, joint legal custody is the default. By your comments, may I assume that you are against no-fault divorce? What alternative system would you suggest?
>Duh. He wants women drawn, quartered, and hung—-after they deliver his children. Who's going to raise them, I don't know, because Cold despises women so much and has about as much compassion as a snake, so he certainly couldn't do it.
>David with this post "YOU have hit a new low in offensive stupidity".
>"It is connected to a womans body much like an IV bag is connected to a person during an operation. No one would ever say that bag of solution is, “part” of their body, it is simply connected to them, and it is separate."No, you festering cock pustule of an idiot, it is NOT like an IV bag. IV bags don't draw sustenance from the person they're attached to. Also, if the IV bag is jeopardizing the health of the person hooked up to them, usually someone REMOVES IT.
>"Festering Cock Pustule" would be a good name for a punk band.
>I tell you what, this gentleman has colored my perception of all Phoenix Wright cosplayers.Objection!
>A woman has the right to decide what happens to her body. If she wants to get a tattoo, she can get a tattoo. If she wants to dye her hair or shave her head or cut her foot off in tribal ritual, she can do all these things. If she wants to dance with that guy, kiss the other guy, fuck the guy in the corner and avoid the guy on the sidewalk, she has the right to do all these things. If an egg of hers fertilizes, she has the right to decide what happens to it – she could decide to let it mature into a baby, or decide that she doesn't want a pregnancy and terminate. In all these cases, it is her body and her own choice. Why do some people have such a hard time comprehending this?
>Lady Victoria, the real boggler is "why is it that the same people who want to use the coercive power of the State to force women to carry pregnancies to term are almost always the same people who rail endlessly about the evils of powerful government?".
>"Is that so? So what you're saying is that if you were held at knifepoint and forced to choose between vaginal or anal penetration, neither one would be rape because you chose it? That's pretty sick."No, that is sex under threat so severe it removes your choice, which is rape. In that case you don't have a real choice. Choosing to have sex with someone in exchange for forgiveness of a debt is just prostitution.
>NWO slave,actually most women do realize something is off before they miss their period. It's not normal to be nauseous 24/7 for weeks. It's also not normal to be so tired getting out of bed is difficult. Fatigue and morning sickness usually start very soon after an embryo implants into the uterine wall. The reason most women don't actually know 100% for sure and because they aren't sure don't share that information with very many people is because they can't take the pregnancy tests until a week or so before their missed period and even then the tests aren't always accurate.
>And seriously cold, you can either see that distinction and are being deliberately obstinate or you are very stupid.
>NWO, May I suggest that you read Jarvis-Thomson's paper (linked provided above)? It specifically addresses the issue in depth. A link to an actual philosophy of ethics paper on the issue of "if a fetus is a person, is abortion permissible" has already been helpfully provided by me earlier on this thread.@Captain Bathrobe, yeah, I think it is clear by this point that MRAs do not understand the legal system at all. On the numbers-it is actually hard to get statistical data on disputed custody cases. Most child custody cases are not disputed, so numbers of actual custody are not a good guide to see how such cases result in disputes. What information we have suggests that, overall, joint custody is most prevelantly granted and when sole custody is granted, men and women win at approximately equal rates (in most districts, some lawyers report favorship one way or the other in some districts).@ Yandie, one issue in the US is that it is rarely the mother compelling such support in cases where the father is actually poor. US welfare policy often forces women to file for it or to lose/not be permitted to get welfare benefits. Reducing welfare payments was one of the purposes of implimenting the Bradley Amendment. Though it is worth noting that the Bradley Amendment does contain exeptions for physical imposibility to support or change in circumstances, it just makes notification of the court of such circumstances the duty of the party, rather than the state. It means the party has to pro-actively assert such a defense when the situation occurs, not that there is no defense whatsoever. @Drewski, some non-custodial parents who do not pay have legitimate reasons. Others are lazy, drug addicted, have the means but just do not want to pay, work under the table, leave the state and work (trying to enforce orders across states is difficult). That applies to both men and women. I have seen both myself.@NWO, your estimated six month debt numbers are higher than what the census reports as an average yearly payment, by over a thousand dollars. Census says that average child support owed was 4,320 a year and average paid was 2,820, at least for the US (http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/p60-225.pdf).
>@Dave…I assume you can read, I said quite clearly equal custody/no child support.Did you say "force" a woman to abort? Oh I'm so sorry is that person "unwanted?" Well make it go away Big Daddy Guv and clear my concience while you're at it.Any arguement in favor of abortion is ludicrous, like @SallyStrange…"After all, this separate human being which has its own rights is perfectly free to pursue its interests…just somewhere outside of my body." So Sally can a child survive on it's own after birth? Yes thats it just walk away afterwards, that little bastard is on it's own.Or how about…@Johnny, again…"NWO, it's interesting that you think the state of matter cannot change in the way it's perceived, treated, etc., based on its circumstances and relation to other things." The only "state" it changes from is living to dead. That is the only two states a person can be.There is no arguement that can change the fact that the result/product of a successful abortion is a dead person. Isn't strange how every few years feminists want to move the "definition" of when life begins. So when does a "new" life begin? 20 weeks? 24 weeks? 30 weeks? 36 weeks? How about a week before delivery? Or would that upset your sensibilities?
>Oh yes, before anyone says it, I always advocate that a man must also own up to his responsibilities, by having equal custody. It's called accountability.
>@Captain Bathrobe…You quote california legislation? You must be kidding. Tell me, if this so called legislation grants "default" equal custody, why, when the question of custody is arrises does the child "always" reside with the mother (by default) during the case? Doesn't the father therefore have to "fight" for equal custody? And then spend countless dollars only to lose.
>@DarkSideCat…Oh, theres a paper discussing "when" a fetus is considered a new and seperate life. Well had I known there was a "paper" to set me straight I would've just accepted this brilliant finding without question.Luckily you weren't aborted otherwise you wouldn't have been able to illuminate me with this beautiful wisdom of the ages.
>@SallyStrange…I had to quote this…"Seriously though, yes. The only thing which transforms a blastula or a fetus into an "unborn baby" is the eager anticipation of a willing mother. She has the power to create it or kill it. If she doesn't want it then it's just a fetus. If she does then it's a baby. It is rather god-like isn't it? Hence all the womb envy." "eager anticipation" If thats the case just "will" the fetus dead. I mean with out your concious approval won't it just dissapear?A god-like quality? A biological function has now turned into god-like has it? Tell me when someone murders a non-aborted person is this also a god-like quality? Shall we change the title of mother to God?