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Er, not so much. |
Sometimes this job is just too easy. Sometimes I don’t have to even bother to check in on my favorite manosphere sites to find hair-raisingly awful quotes to feature here. Sometimes the Boobz are thoughtful enough to leave them in the comments here.
Take this quote from resident MGTOWer Cold, who currently seems to be spending more time on this blog than I am, comparing rape and child support. (You don’t think these two items are actually in any way comparable? Clearly you do not understand Boob Logic.)
In response to commenter Amused, who pointed out that “being ordered to support a child you’ve fathered isn’t the same as being pinned down and penetrated against your will,” Cold responded:
Exactly, it’s much, much worse. The latter lasts for some number of minutes, the former for at least 18 years. Given the choice it would be a no-brainer for me, and I think a very large number of men agree with me on this.
Setting aside the appalling trivialization of rape as something that’s over in “some number of minutes,” what does this say about Cold’s attitudes towards children? Paying a couple of hundred buck a month to pay for some of the expenses for a child you fathered – your own flesh and blood – is worse than being raped?
If Cold ever becomes a father, through circumstances which are frankly too horrible to imagine, I feel safe in saying that he will not be winning any “father of the year” awards.
I can just imagine the following scenario, some 11 or so years into the future:
Cold’s 10-year-old son: Happy Father’s day, daddy! I’m so glad we’re going to see Toy Story 5! I love Woody!
Cold: Yeah, so does your whore mom, if you know what I mean.
Son: Huh?
Cold: When you get older, you’ll understand. Did I mention that you mom’s a whore? One, please!
Son: Um, daddy, why did you buy only one ticket?
Cold: It’s for me. Get your own. You get enough of my money as it is. I stick my dick in your mom for two fucking minutes, and I’m screwed for life. It’s worse than rape!
Son: Um, daddy, I don’t have any money. I’m ten.
Cold: Well, you should have thought of that when you were a sperm!
Son: When I was a what?
Cold: I’m going in. See you in two hours.
Son: Dad? What am I supposed to do now?
Cold: Not my problem! I’m Going Galt! I’m Going My Own Way! You were a MISTAKE!
Son quietly sobs
Cold: Hey, when we get back to your mom’s place later, remind me to tell her she’s a filthy whore.
And … scene!
(By the way, Cold actually does claim to be going Galt, if self-admitted tax evasion counts.)
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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.
>traumatic violation of ones' physical and emotional self?Like becoming a father against your consent, losing your child, and then having to send a check each month to a woman you hate and a child who hates you? That lasts for far longer, and it's enough to drive many men to suicide. One feminist claimed that the abuse of the family court system is completely the man's fault for "sticking his junk in a woman he didn't trust" and not getting a vasectomy. Some of the feminists here actually defended that statement and claimed it was self-evident to anyone except MRAs.
>@Yandie: "The argument makes sense if you consider that many MRA type dudes don't see much in the way of self-identification beyond their own monetary value. Hurt my wallet, hurt me."I love it. Hurt my wallet, hurt me. An anti-slogan to fling at the greedheads of the Earth.Pithy and to the point.
>@ estringmass rape can be part of a genocide.
>Re: the Bradley Amendment:Please provide the names of these guys or STFU. The Wikipedia article is poorly sourced. It's based on a letter some guy wrote to a Congressional committee, which provided no names nor cited any actual cases.
>What's annoying is that I agree with you! Custody should be equal between men and women, and if you're broke you shouldn't have to pay child support (unless the woman is broke-er, of course). I just don't think it's as bad as rape, is all. Mr. String: Fine. Rape is AN ultimate dehumanization. Happy?Also, there's some bare facts of biology here, i.e., men cannot get pregnant. Until the development of a male birth control pill, using condoms EVERY TIME and choosing to date women who would choose abortion if they got pregnant is the only path for a man who fears pregnancy.And I bet if you asked most of those 3 of 4 women whether they wanted to work a job, not be sexually harassed, have good body image, not be raped, etc., they would support it. Feminism has an image problem, not an issues problem.
>Please also see a recent post on Pandagon, in which Amanda Marcotte decries jailing people for failure to pay child support.
>No…Yandie, Goddess of Pickles. Men are not "cool" with their obligations. They want equal custody but that is DENIED by feminist LAW. By LAW their obligation is to pay while being DENIED equal custody or they go to JAIL.So you see, Goddess. Men are NOT "cool" with that, they have a gun to their head.
>I do think it's silly and counterproductive to send parents to jail for not paying child support. Child support is supposed to be in the best interests of the child, and having a parent in jail certainly isn't in the child's best interests. However, that doesn't mean that child support is unfair by its nature; nor does it mean that it's as terrible a crime as rape or even assault.
>Pregnancy is a biological function Ozymandias, A woman does not perform anything "extra" to achieve pregnancy. Women don't even know they're pregnant unless they miss their period. Most don't even realize it for months. She didn't have to do anything to achieve pregnancy.
>Tell me is abortion as terrible a crime as rape when a father is denied the right to a live child?
>Oh yes Lady Victoria von Syrus…sending a man to prison for being poor is "silly." Oh how harsh your words, tone it down a little.
>There are many "deadbeat moms" too. Although I prefer to label them with a more accurate, and correct, term: "poor moms".I have custody of my child. I am a single father and the mother has paid child support a total of one time. She paid $30 and owes over $8,000. I bought half an outfit with the money the mother has provided over the last 5 years.Many men incorrectly labeled as "deadbeat dads" are really just "poor dads". Think about it, let's say you make $100 a week doing odd jobs, or whatever, and the custodial parent makes $1,000 a week. You are ordered to pay $400 a month in child support. Are you going to be homeless and hungry and cold and live in dangerous bum camps so that you can pay all the money you earn so as to not be a "deadbeat"?
>It is awfully feminist to have the best interests of the child when determining custody…*goes back to reading about this guy*
>Drewski: I agree! That sucks! It's just… not worse than rape.NWOslave: You don't have the right to a live child. It's my body. I have to live here, dude. If I don't want a kid in there, I don't have to have one. You don't have a say.Not only is pregnancy insanely dangerous (look up "health risks of pregnancy" if you don't believe me), that also has nothing to do with my argument. It doesn't matter if pregnancy is as painless and harmless as taking a piss. Men can't get pregnant, so they have no say in pregnancies that happen in, you know, SOMEONE ELSE'S FUCKING BODY.
>Elizabeth… Was that supposed to prove some kind of purity of intention about how feminists are so about childrens welfare?Try looking up the stats on infantcide and child neglect that cuts across all financial boundaries. Surely you know 80% of these crimes are commited by women. Wheres that good old maternal instinct?
>Men can't get pregnant, so they have no say in pregnancies that happen in, you know, SOMEONE ELSE'S FUCKING BODY.Sounds reasonable, but if men don't (and shouldn't really) control a woman's body, why do women feel the need to control a man's body? Going to jail for being poor is completely and utterly controlling one's body, is it not?
>Agreed that jailing over non-support is a stupid tactic that doesn't help anyone, and does more harm than good. I don't know how support is calculated in the U.S. but here it's based on taxable income, so the situation Drewski describes ($400 a month on $100 a week income) while not unheard of, seems to happen a lot less.I will concede that there should be much more level playing field when it comes to custody negotiations. There should also be more room for divorced parents (those ones, mothers AND fathers, who can see beyond their anger and think about the child's best interests) to negotiate custody/support arrangements without being penalized from a legal standpoint. I've seen situations such as the one Drewski described, and yes.. it's fucking bullshit. Here's the thing.. There are custodial mothers getting fucked over by non-custodial fathers who don't pay support, quit jobs and work under the table to get out of paying support (here, with the income based tables) nor are they interested in more access to their children, even when it's offered.There are custodial fathers with non-custodial mothers pulling the same bullshit.There are non-custodial fathers working their asses off to pay exhorbitant child support fees and are still denied access to their children because of the bias in custody laws.Although I don't hear about non-custodial mothers being denied access to their children, I wouldn't be surprised if it happens as well.The system does not encourage civil mediation (in this case I mean civil as 'Hey, let's not act like fucking babies about this' as opposed to civil in a legal sense) in support and custody cases. Yeah, that's a big problem. But child support itself being inherently evil? It's based on an idea that both parents are obligated towards a child's upbringing. It's a fucked up system that decided that the mother's obligation is to raising the child where the fathers is a solely financial obligation.
>"Like becoming a father against your consent, losing your child …"Wait wait wait wait wait. So you didn't want it, but now that it's in the world, it better damn well be yours? And don't try to backtrack and say that these are two separate scenarios when the full sentence clearly shows that this is a linear progression of events. This is something I've seen multiple times and always bugs me. The guy "didn't want to be a father," but then when the kid is born he's pissed to fuck that he doesn't get sole custody. Because none of this is about the little human being that needs to be loved and cared for or even "father's rights." It's all just about ME ME ME ME ME MY COCK ME ME ME ME ME and sticking it to that bitch who made herself get pregnant after I blew my load in her.
>@Ozymandias, it is not "your" body, it never was. The instant of conception the zygote travels down the fallopian tube for about 5 days and connects itself to the uterine wall. It is separate; it always was and still is. It is connected to a womans body much like an IV bag is connected to a person during an operation. No one would ever say that bag of solution is, “part” of their body, it is simply connected to them, and it is separate.There is no one alive was not a zygote, fetus, ect. If a fetus was, “part” of a womans body it would always remain, “part’ of a womans body. Your arm is part of your body, it always was, and barring an unforeseen accident it always will be, a fetus was always separate. A mans seed fertilized the egg; it is; “part” of his body as well, yet it is separate. When a child is born it is equal, “parts” of a man and woman, yet it is separate because it always was.When a woman contemplates an abortion one day and changes her mind the next, does the status of that fetus change from dead to living by conscious choice? Did it change from being an, “unwanted” dead, disposable fetus to, “my baby” by conscious design? The most abhorrent manifestation of modern society is the denial of rights to the completely helpless and totally innocent unborn child. The right to simply live.Right now you are part of your mothers and fathers body, can they now kill you? Tell me when does that seperate being finally have a "right" to live? Today it's a "fetus", tommorow, "my baby" the next a "fetus" again. Back and forth all on a womans whim. Tell me, are you God that YOU created life from nothing? It is not "your" life to give or take it never was, that child was always seperate, the culmination of a man and a womans genes. The hypocrisy staggers the imagination.
>It can't exist without her, and could potentially kill her. I'd say these things make it, if not part of the body, then a parasite. Just as one can choose to have a tumor removed or not, one chooses to carry it to term.
>Yes Johnny…Its a fucking parasite. If thats the case it always was and always will be a parasite. Tell me Johnny, are you a fucking parasite?
>Ok, let me get this straight. In a hypothetical future where my vas deferens re-canalize and I become a father as a result, and somehow also develop a severe case of whore Tourette's that compels me to use the word in every other sentence, I will pay money to see a kid's movie by myself???I also had no idea you only spend 15-20 minutes a day on this. Obviously that figure can't include the time you spend lurking around on MRA forums.
>NWO, so you're outraged that men have to pay child support … but you also think you should have the right to force women to carry a fetus to term. All right then. Do your feelings about zygotes carry over to your feelings about sperm and/or eggs?
>NWOSlave, you're so right! That's why I always refer to abortion as an eviction. After all, this separate human being which has its own rights is perfectly free to pursue its interests… just somewhere outside of my body. If it can't survive outside my uterus, well, that's not my problem. It is a separate human being after all. [/sarcasm]Seriously though, yes. The only thing which transforms a blastula or a fetus into an "unborn baby" is the eager anticipation of a willing mother. She has the power to create it or kill it. If she doesn't want it then it's just a fetus. If she does then it's a baby. It is rather god-like isn't it? Hence all the womb envy.
>NWO, it's interesting that you think the state of matter cannot change in the way it's perceived, treated, etc., based on its circumstances and relation to other things.