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Soon you too will be able to snub women LIKE A BOSS |
You may remember our friend Christopher in Oregon, a proud woman-hating virgin (from Oregon, presumably) with some interesting theories on what women think about while having sex. He’s back with some thoughts on how to live the good life, MGTOW-style. Truly an inspirational post, offering words of encouragement for all those young MGTOWers out there who still can’t help getting boners whenever they stop thinking about how much they hate women long enough to start picturing these same women naked. (Ah, the MGTOW Paradox in action again!) CinO, as I’ll call him for short, tells these poor young men to hang in there – because eventually these dastardly boners will cease.
Women, even the truly attractive ones, somehow just aren’t that attractive once your sex drive starts to disappear. The fog lifts, and you start noticing the annoying and down-right rotten things about women that you never noticed when you were blinded by your sex drive.
You start seeing the physical imperfections that even the prettiest women have. The blemishes. The overuse of cosmetics. Things caught in their teeth. Plaque build-up. Hair on the lip. Less than perfect hair dye. Bad hair cut. Bushy eye brows. Bad breath. The stupid laugh that grates on your nerves. Her lack of knowledge in current affairs. Shit. The list grows ever longer as you grow older, and your patience grows shorter.
Women simply start to annoy by their mere presence after a point in life.
For MGTOWers, CinO explains, life really does begin at forty:
When you hit forty, the situation becomes laughable. If you listen to nothing else I say, boys, trust me on this one:
The satisfaction you get from snubbing or cancelling out on a date at the last minute with a 35+ attractive woman makes the misery you suffered at the hands of women all worth while.
Granted; I never really suffered, as I avoided them, but what the heck, I might as well enjoy it as long as it’s being throw in my face.
Yeah, there’s nothing quite so satisfying as getting back at women for causing suffering that didn’t happen by being really rude to an individual woman who had nothing to do with the original suffering (which never happened)! (Also, I’m guessing this aborted date is fictional as well.) That’ll show ’em!
Today, CinO, is free, white (I think), and fortysomething, and living an enviable life riding motorcycles, watching ancient Nazi-based sitcoms, and posting endlessly online about how vile and horrible women are:
I took the last few days off work, and rode my Harley Beasties around. Just because I bloody-well wanted to. Today, I rode all around the snow covered mountains surrounding Mt. St. Helens. An absolute blast. … It sure beat the hell out of spending the day perusing the aisles of K-Mart with a fat bitch of a wife.
I came home, watched movies, a few episodes of Hogan’s Heroes, and it’s off to bed.
Oh, wait, there is still one tiny little trouble in paradise:
Tomorrow, I stop by the doctor because I’ve been riding my bikes so much, it’s re-activated a long dormant ‘roid. Hope he can cure it. lol. Ah, the penalties of being a care-free bachelor. Oops. I meant joys.
Truly an inspiration to us all.
>Sweet zombie jesus, what a fucking whiner.Yeah, a feminist is in a prime position to bitch about whining.
>@Oz:Come on, MRAs, comment. I've had a shitty fucking day, I want to rip a misogynist to shreds on the Internet. Well, I'd call that Mission Accomplished.
>"You start seeing the physical imperfections that even the prettiest women have. The blemishes. The overuse of blah blah fuckety blah"Sweet zombie jesus, what a fucking whiner. We get it all ready, your leaky crapsack of a carcass is no longer animated by anything but spite. Poor little snowflake didn't get the impossibly perfect and subservient woman he figures was his due as a straight male.But I shouldn't be so harsh in the face of this kind of suffering. Please, everyone, let's bow our heads and have a moment of silence for that poor hemorrhoid that ended up with a CinO.Again, I loled irl. These comments are good for laughs.
>"You start seeing the physical imperfections that even the prettiest women have."And you cannot see why women don't want you? It is because you are shallow as a paddling pool in the Sahara.
>And of course CinO is a virtual Greek god, a physical specimen of otherworldly perfection, with nary a blemish or an unruly eyebrow hair. Yeah. Somehow I get the feeling he would not seem out of place perusing the aisles of his local K-Mart for crappy, Chinese-made Harley Davidson t-shirts.
>Society couldn't, and shouldn't, care less about whether men like these ever get sex from a woman. What we ought to be concerned about is that even one or two of them ever lay a hand on a woman in anger. Once they've been indoctrinated to see women as the kind of garbage the manosphere teaches, what's going to stop them from dishing out the worst kind of brutality?Admittedly, it would have to be the stone crazy sociopaths that got that far. 99.9999 of the movement are just talking shit and won't ever put their money where their mouths are. But the movement itself IS crazy. I don't see anything much in it to reassure us that one day there isn't going to be blood spilled in its name.
>Thanks David! The blogs you mentioned seem to be actually talking about mens issues without blaming women and they seem like good guys, and actually seemt o be doing ACTIVISM especially Toy Soldier!Also notice MRAs tend to play gotcha! Instead of argueing actual points they play the OHHHHHHHH you shamed his virginity by saying he was a virgin or you said he was an ugly person and I am going to take what you say out of context!!!!
>Apologies for posting what I did in ignorance of the fact that blood has been spilled in the name of the manospheric fringe. See David's piece on the Gunwitch case, which I found immediately afterwards.
>Glenn Sacks and Toysoldier aren't misogynists? I (and many feminists) would dispute that. Although they don't display the cartoonish level of hatred that someone like "Christopher in Oregon" does, they nontheless act as though men matter more than women. And they're quite consistent (I've followed the writings of both gentlemen for years) in their belief that gender relations are a zero-sum game; i.e., that any gains for women mean an automatic loss for men. Their difference from "Christopher" is a matter of degree rather than kind.
>I certainly have issues with Sacks, and I do think most of his central assumptions about gender are wrongheaded and sexist, but nothing I've read of his has been blatantly misogynistic. I have not read all that much from Toysoldier.
>Christopher in Oregon posted an entire series of "actual" conversations he had with a female friend who was trying to set him up with one of her gal pals (see Marky Mark's blog). Gal pal was calling/chasing/stalking the charming Christopher because…???? Some choose virginity, others have it chosen for them.
>This Oregon dude really IS the "Forever Alone Guy"!
>Ay yi yi. I'm reading the "actual" conversations now. They go on and on and on. I'm guessing they bear about as much resemblance to any real-world conversations he's had as, I dunno, my cat's memory of how often she's been fed recently bears to how often she's actually been fed recently. here's the url for the first one:http://markymarksthoughts.blogspot.com/2011/02/annoying-interruption-by-christopher-in.html
>From David's link: I was sitting out on my porch the other morning, smoking one of my lovely antique pipes, luxuriating in the essence of my cherry-vanilla blend of tobacco that my seller of all fine things tobacco-related prepares for yours truly. A very serene moment for a bachelor. All was well with the world.Is this guy for real?
>When I read it, I thought that the beginning was quite believable – a guy gets a call from a friend of a friend, who wants to set him up. But it quickly devolved into misogynist caricature. Maybe the beginning really did happen, and the rest is pure fantasy.
>Yeah, a feminist is in a prime position to bitch about whining.Awww, e-string, am I not showing enough empathy for the plight of this poor ass-pile? What a rough life he must have. I can't imagine the energy it must take to complain about all the women who fail to appreciate his charming personality and no-doubt classic good looks.Is this one of these men we're supposed to be worried about leaving us wimpy white-knight male feminists to try and defend the realm from the dusky hordes come to cleave our heads loose with their scimitars? If so, good. If it ever came down to it, he'd probably set a world speed record for dropping to his knees to praise Allah out of a combination of fear and joy at the prospect of living in a country where women would know their proper place.Me, I see bitterly angry little fuckers like this as one of the main reason I teach women to shoot. Flimsy vessels like CinO can't contain that much hate without coming apart and endangering people around them.
>My cell phone started to ring, jarring me back to reality. I pondered who would be ruining my solitary moment when I'm at peace with my surroundings, and, but of course, it was a woman.Doesn't pondering imply an amount of thought that would give the phone ample time to go to voicemail? And I note that it was a woman inconsiderate enough to call him when he was clearly IN THE MIDDLE OF REACHING NIRVANA, YOU RELENTLESS HARPY, but it was a man who brought the phone to his relaxation spot and didn't set it on silent.
>Lady V-I have the same feeling since each answer is perfect and she makes every type of mistake they claim women make.
>Chris in Oregon can't possibly be real, right? I mean, that post reads like Ignatius J. Reilly fanfiction. He was probably just crabby because his valve was acting up that day.
>Although if it's in any way real, I'm mostly pissed at his friend for trying to subject another woman to this remarkable specimen. Even it was someone she really hated, that's not cool.
>I like that she's a delicate Christian woman who can't handle a mildly off-color greeting but then plays the lonely homosexual masturbator card like right off the bat. Ruth certainly came to that fight with both guns blazing. Also, I have trouble believing that any good Christian woman named Ruth is really that disgusted by cats. A woman who would clutch her pearls over a siamese cat in the bed has no business living in Oregon.
>Wow, I can't beleive I read the whole 7 part saga…all 3 of them sound like douchecanoes if that exchange really happened like that….which I doubt. I mean a meek Christian woman who boldy calls a guy she barely knows and begs him to date a friend, who is totally homophobic and hates cats but is a feminist, and randomly says a particular woman is hot to a guy she barely knows…yeah calling shenagens.