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I’m walkin’ here! |
Pierce Harlan of the False Rape Society has broken past the limits of mere logic, arguing that the fact that a small number of guys at a couple of events have put on women’s clothing to raise money for women’s causes means that rape culture doesn’t exist. That seems to be the main message of a post of his today with the baffling title “Boys in bras, boys in heels, boys in pink — all to raise money for women’s causes: Is this the ‘rape culture’ we hear so much about?”
Harlan, posting as “Archivist,” complains about several recent campus events, in which college guys have literally put on heels (to raise money and awareness about sexual assault) and bras (to raise money for breast cancer research). Harlan isn’t thrilled about the causes themselves: he has sneeringly derided sexual assault awareness as “a supposedly good cause” and, while acknowledging that breast cancer research is theoretically a good thing, he’s evidently tired of hearing about it.
But he seems even more hot and bothered about the cross-dressing by guys he calls “chivalrous clowns,” describing the bra-wearing as “creepy” and deriding the guys “prancing around in high heels.” Apparently, as Harlan sees it, these fellows are just doing it to impress the chicks:
young men will do pretty much anything to help, to curry favor with, and to be admired by young women.
It is heinous to suggest that attitudes of sexual aggression and dominance over women are normalized, rationalized, and excused by the alleged beneficiaries of “patriarchy” in our culture. In point of fact, the foolish young buffoons in heels and bras are far more representative of young masculinity in our culture than is the young rapist.
There’s not a lot of logic in this, er, argument, but in an earlier posting Harlan elaborates on the distaste he feels towards the “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” event, which was held at the University of Montana (clearly a hotbed of radical feminism).
It would be downright shocking if this or similar events ever prevented a single sexual assault from occurring because: (1) prancing around in high heels and similar useless stunts has nothing to do with preventing sexual assault; and (2) the vast majority of young men who strutted their stuff and who participate in such events are highly unlikely to ever rape a woman. …
If we want to curb sexual assault, we need to teach our young people the truth, but the truth doesn’t jibe with the current rape meta-narrative that holds only one gender responsible for stopping it. …
Young people generally do not understand that women experience much greater after-the-fact regret than men do. Sometimes feelings of regret are translated into feelings of “being used,” and sometimes feelings of “being used” are misinterpreted or purposefully misconstrued as “rape.”
Asking the police, a judge, or a jury to sort out what happened in an alcohol-fueled tryst based on a “he said/she said” account puts an impossible burden on our law enforcement and judicial apparatuses. …
There is no “rape culture”; there is no “rape continuum.” Rape is committed by social deviants, not the nice boy next door. It is almost a certainty that none of the charming young buffoons who strutted around in women’s heels yesterday will ever rape a woman. …
The sad, politically incorrect fact of the matter is that young women have far more power to stop rape than innocent young men by not putting themselves in situations where rape is more likely to occur.
There’s a lot of bullshit condensed into these short paragraphs. There’s victim-blaming, of course: do we regularly attack murder victims for “putting themselves in situations where murder is likely to occur?” There’s his weird complaint that actually investigating and prosecuting date rape puts an “impossible burden” on police and the judicial system: should we simply stop enforcing laws against all crimes that are hard to investigate or prosecute? And there’s his unwillingness to accept the simple fact that rapists all too often do look exactly like the “nice boy next door.” As for his complaint that these events target the wrong people, see here for an argument as to why it makes sense to raise awareness specifically amongst those men who are NOT likely to rape women.
In the past a few MRAs have asked me why I put the False Rape Society blog in my “boob roll” — and formerly in my “enemies list.” This is why. Spreading blatant misinformation and blaming victims: these are not exactly good ways to actually reduce the number of men falsely accused of rape.
And here’s another thought for the MRAs reading this, Harlan included: if you are truly as concerned about testicular or prostate cancer — or any other male malady — as you so often and so loudly claim to be, take a few moments away from your constant complaining about feminism and/or women, and actually hold a fund raiser yourselves. In a comment on his latest post, Harlan writes: “My problem is this: how about an event to raise funds for male suicide, etc. once in a while?” You know how events like these happen? PEOPLE ORGANIZE THEM. There is nothing stopping MRAs from organizing such an event on their own. How about it, guys?
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>But expecting feminists to drop what they are doing to come care for your pet issue is just one more instance of a man insisting a woman take care of his needs first.I never knew prostate cancer or male suicide were both "pet issues" – I guess that goes to show how little feminists care about men. Anyway, because feminism is about equality, one would expect them to devote equal time to male issues of equal import.We don't actually expect you to do that because you're either lying man-haters or misguided/self-loathing honorary women.Now, don't you feminists bitch about the Men's Rights Movement, Male Studies, etc. being unnecessary? You just admitted the shortcomings of feminism – indifference towards male issues – and justified the existence of a MRM! Hence, quit your bitching and shaming and let the MRM do its job. The best you can do in this case, as you have established by your inaction, is to sit down and shut up.
>Honestly, we can't guarantee that they'll take any rape victims seriously, male or female. They took the Duke Rape case pretty fucking seriously.
>Break out the tin-foil hats, those evil pick-up artists are plotting ways to excuse strangling a woman while they forcibly penetrate her, obviously.Rape culture isn't a tinfoil conspiracy. Its existence has been well-understood for decades and all your ranting about it won't change that fact.Never mind the fact that even male criminals look down on rapists and accusations of rape have been used to justify lynchings as far back as the antebellum period.You can't really be this stupid. Haha, just kidding, of course you can. As DSC pointed out above, the way society at large responds to a rape depends on the perceived social status of the victim. Many, many, many of the lynchings you're referring to were cases of a black male raping a white woman. Obviously that's not something the white folk of the antebellum (or postbellum, for that matter) period are going to tolerate. A poor man raping a rich woman was likely to be similarly treated.But if a rich man raped a poor woman, or a white man raped a black woman? Hellz no they're not going to get lynched. Ultimately, rape culture (more so than the act of rape itself) is about putting women in their place, so if you're socially superior to the rape victim, you're pretty damn likely to get away with it.
>Hence, quit your bitching and shaming and let the MRM do its jobWe're not stopping you. It's just that the MRM doesn't seem to have a job beyond spending all day on the internet pissing and moaning that women are out there getting away with stuff.They took the Duke Rape case pretty fucking seriously.Ah, the MRAs' only weapon: harp on the same few isolated cases and pretend they're the norm.
>Ultimately, rape culture (more so than the act of rape itself) is about putting women in their place, so if you're socially superior to the rape victim, you're pretty damn likely to get away with it.See, you skitter away the treatment of the accused in the Duke Lacrosse case like a cockroach from a floodlight. If you're not willing to explain it, keep the snark to yourself. Good girl.
>e-string:You might not be a student of the history of the women's movement, so probably aren't aware that 2nd wave feminists did a lot of work to change rape from a capital crime.Why? Because prosecutors and juries were often unwilling to charge white men for their "boys will be boys" crimes and really fast to charge/kill black men often on slim/no evidence.
>Ah, the MRAs' only weapon: harp on the same few isolated cases and pretend they're the norm.Oh, but it is. Did you see how the feminists rubbed themselves to the thought of rich white males being incarcerated? You expect us to bang our heads against a wall until we forget about it just because it was an "isolated case" and 95% of feminists totally did not find the accused guilty until proven innocent? You feminists brandished your true colors, and we will not let it, or a single other example of your Dworken-esque bigotry, be forgotten.
>String-you bring up one incident and run with it as if it is the same case every single time.
>Okay, read the news links posted here if you're not too much of a holy and elitist intelligentsia to lower yourself to the level of facts:http://falserapesociety.blogspot.com/You don't have to read the posts, just look at the news reports and determine for yourself how those cases tend to be handled. Look at how the accused are treated during and after their accusations. Look at how the "victim" almost always gets off without even a slap on the wrist.If you raise your skirt and scream at the thought of reading anything incongruous with your bigotry, then you probably aren't worth the bandwidth anyway.
>Hmmm…based on a quick review of the top five stories:1. Does not refer to an actual false claim.2. Does refer to an actual false claim.3. Does not refer to an actual false claim.4. Subject of this particular post and again, does nothing to show an actual false claim.5. Does refer to an actual false claim (with a criminal charge of false claim filed against the woman.)So of the five posts-only two talk about false claims and in the case of the last one, criminal charges are pending against the woman in question. So apparently your problem is that there are false claims that result in criminal charges? Is that not what you wanted?And on Monday, the poster actually states that anyone who is taken seriously by a police officer when reporting a rape deserves to be treated as a liar.
>Maybe we should be putting women in jail until they are proven to be telling the truth about a rape.Will that make you happy? Of course it will but you would never admit it.
>Of course it will but you would never admit it.Guilty until proven innocent.Hmmm…based on a quick review of the top five storiesYeah, I was assuming you'd be smart enough to skip the editorials and read the actual false rape articles. You know, more than two of them. But, as is the case with the feebleminded, you give them an inch and they take a mile.
>Maybe we should be putting women in jail until they are proven to be telling the truth about a rape.It's okay, you can lie about me like a good little feminist. I don't respect your intelligence enough to care what your inane whims are. Don't be mistaken, though, your mouthiness can be quite useful in the proper context.
>@e-string"We can't guarantee that the police will listen to rape victims." =/= "The police never listen to rape victims."
>@Amnesia – The problem, if the false rape cases documented on the blog (which are woefully inaccessible to feminists) are correct, is that police take rape cases too seriously. Would you like to hear about a false rape case that bypassed the police and went directly into two honorary women's self-loathing hands? Or how about the horrific idea to make accused men guilty until proven innocent?Yeah, we need to take rape accusations more seriously, when innocent men are being sodomized and assaulted.
>@e-string:http://www.justicefellowship.org/justice-fellowship-homeYou're welcome.
>Geez, based on your attitude, I cannot imagine why I would think that you hold the view I said you do-in your secret heart of hearts of course.As for the editorializing-if you look at a blog about false rape reports-you reasonably expect actual posts about false rapes not about whining that women have views that are different then "all women are lying liars who should never be believed under any circumstances."
>Yeah, we need to take rape accusations more seriously, when innocent men are being sodomized and assaulted.Statistically, there are almost certainly a few innocent men being sodomized in prison right now. But there are far more women being raped by someone close to them right now.But of course you only care about (and greatly exaggerate) the former because you're a sexist piece of shit.
>Geez, based on your attitude, I cannot imagine why I would think that you hold the view I said you do-in your secret heart of hearts of course.Good feminist, you've shown how you girls think you know men better than they know themselves. But of course you only care about (and greatly exaggerate) the former because you're a sexist piece of shit.Feminists are such happy, benevolent people who are always smiling. Be a feminist, it will make your poor, chronically pissed off about vague groups such as an elusive "patriarchy", and an effeminate cross-dresser! Oh, feminism is sounding better by the second. Thank you for being a good mouthy feminist, and thank you for your testimonial! This one is a keeper!
>triplanetary"if I were falsely accused of murder I wouldn't suddenly decide that most murder accusations are false and that suspicion should immediately be cast upon the accuser."Apples and oranges.Nobody gets convicted of murder on an accusation alone. Evidence is needed.EV – I – DENCE!!!Rape is the only crime with serious legal and social penalties that a man can be convicted of on a woman's word ALONE. (FYI That's why police put women under so much pressure when they cry rape. NOT because they are a bunch of evil oppressive patriarchs you dolts! It's to minimize the likelyhood of an innocent person being convicted because there is usually little elso to go on but her word.)And as far as I can tell no other crime carries such severe penalties because… um…why?Oh yes! Evidently for no other reason than because women don't like it very much. (Whatever the reasons it sure ain't got nothin' to do with adultery nowadays now does it?)An oppressive patriarchy that sends men to jail for hurting a womans feelings. Oh, the humanity.
>Google informs me that you're full of shit*.Sample quote: Rape in this country is surprisingly easy to get away with. The arrest rate last year was just 25 percent – a fraction of the rate for murder – 79 percent, and aggravated assault – 51 percent. *Not that I needed the confirmation.
>"A five month CBS News Investigation has found a staggering number of rape kits — that could contain incriminating DNA evidence — have never been sent to crime labs for testing."teacher: Anybody know why class?class: Oh me! No me! Me! Me! Me! Oh, I know! Me! Me!teacher: Yes you in he back? student: Because in the majority of cases the females are a bunch of liars who know perfectly well that the kits contain no incriminating DNA?teacher: WRONG! It's because the Illuminati knows perfectly well that each of those rape kits HAS incriminating DNA and it is acting to protect guilty men because big important dudes give that big a shit about little unimportant dudes.That's why most homeless folks are men because the Illuminati cares so much for them.And now it's time for math.Repeat after me class 2+2=5.
>By the way I'd like apologize for not being more clear earlier.When I mentioned EV-I-DENCE I was refering to the fact that (in cases of penetration) claiming consent was ultimately just a matter of his word against hers.I didn't exactly intend for you to think "Duh, evidensh? Duh, I'll show him evidensh!" and go through all the trouble to produce a lamestream news story. But I thank you just the same.
>In other words, "Your evidence disproves my worldview so I'll just dismiss it with pathetic excuses!"
>In other words, "Your evidence disproves my worldview so I'll just dismiss it with pathetic excuses!" And what pathetic excuses?Logic?Critical thinking?Thinking for myself?Thinking period?Even common sense itself?Your a follower. Admit it. A pathetic little follower boy. "I'm not a rapist."You are not a rapist until they decide that you are! You can either continue to kiss up to your girlfriends asinine feminist drivel ala Stockholm syndrome or you can wake the fuck up before it's too late.