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Educated women: Boner killers?

Dating guru RooshV — whose name conveniently rhymes with “douchey” — is convinced that, when it comes to women, smartness is inversely correlated with hotness. As he puts it in a post today, committing at least one logical fallacy in the process:

Femininity is a quality that pleases men. Therefore from the chart we can deduce that educated women decrease a man’s happiness. … Anything beyond a bachelors at a public university is a near guarantee she’ll possess a large basket of masculine traits that will prevent boners.

The “chart” in question is one that RooshV made up himself, and which contrasts the purported sexiness of less-educated women with the purported unsexiness of more educated women. As he explains:

A good test to see if a girl is over-educated is to add the word “sexy” before her job title. If the resulting phrase ignites arousing images in your head, then she’ll most likely have what it takes to satisfy you.

Amongst RooshV’s “boner inducing” job titles for women: Sexy waitress, sexy teacher, sexy librarian, sexy flight attendant. Amongst the “boner softening” job titles: Sexy IT specialist, sexy anesthesiologist, sexy tort attorney, sexy financial analyst.

There are more than a few problems with RooshV’s little list, not the least of which is that plenty of dudes do in fact get boners thinking of “sexy” female IT specialists, lawyers, financial analysts and other smart women. (I’m kind of partial to sexy professors, myself.) And if you don’t want to take my word for it — and MRAs never do — I invite you to investigate the vast amount of porn involving “nerdy girls” or simply girls with glasses (NSFW link).

Also, if you’re going to base your notions of male and female sexuality on which job titles sound like the best sexy Halloween costume, how can you leave out such classics as “sexy nurse” (a job that actually does require specialized education) or “sexy kitty” (which requires whiskers and little cat ears)? And should we conclude from the perpetual popularity of the latter as a Halloween costume that furry women with tails who shit in a box are sexier than the furless standard models?

Also, if you’re a guy who fetishizes less-educated women, and refuses to date women as educated or as well-paid as you are, you pretty much lose the right to criticize women for wanting you to pick up the check for dinner.

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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David Futrelle
13 years ago

>"Also, why is obsessing over nerdy chicks "creepy?"I think when this picture — or a similar picture of a nerdy girl, but I'm pretty sure it was this one — was posted to Reddit one time, guys quickly figured out her name and home address. So that's sort of what I was thinking about.

13 years ago

>Sexy clinical laboratory scientist? Yeah, I guess this guy won't be into me. *Oh, well.*What's funny is that I have been considering a career change into library science. That would actually require additional education, though. So, I would be in a "sexier" position, but with a decidedly "unsexy" total of seven years of education. I think I have found a paradox in this theory.

Hide and Seek
13 years ago

>You should consider it, Emmy. Working in a library is super sexy. We spend our time in sexy meetings where we discuss whether our sexy meta-data is returning the proper super sexy search results. Now that I think about it, it's a lot like being a PUA.


>Also, if you're a guy who fetishizes less-educated women, and refuses to date women as educated or as well-paid as you are, you pretty much lose the right to criticize women for wanting you to pick up the check for dinner.Where does he complain about that?Man, this guy is terrified of women.No assumptions there, nope. You feminists are so bright your assumptions automatically become facts, and anyone who disagrees can take a hearty "fuck you."Man, for me, nothing kills my boner faster than an idiot.Impotence must really suck then.

13 years ago

>"If this graph is true"?! I think my head just exploded. I was going to say you can make that graph by listing your professions in column A and counting backwards from 10 in column B, but this douche didn't even do that much. It looks like he just made a straight line using two points and added everything else later. I assume he's fucking with his own audience, and that pretend math and smarty-pants tables and equations are part of his shtick.


>"Douche." Isn't that a gender-specific insult like "bitch" or "whore?" Aren't you feminists always complaining about double-standards? How is using a word like "creepy guy" or "douchy" which is a label used by women or the feminine-minded any different from a man using "gold-digging slut" or "mouthy bitch?"Wait, feminists are hypocritical little wretches who think their political views make them demigods. Is it any wonder that men who have not reduced themselves to apologetic, sobbing imbeciles tend to be more productive than effeminate honorary women?

13 years ago

>Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I should be basing my educational goals on the effect that they'll have on some random guy's erection. Pardon me. Also, glasses fetishists are super creepy. Yes, I've had a lot of … uh … fans. If it were even people worshiping an actual part of my body, I might think it was an iota less creeptastic. But as-is it reminds me of the guys who fetishize amputees. "Mmm, myopia gets me HOT." One guy asked me to make a video detailing my prescription. I find that way more disturbing than tweens fantasizing about vampire stalkers.

13 years ago

>I should add that no, I didn't do it.Another guy asked to buy my glasses. Yeah, that's not weird or anything.(And no, the myopia thing isn't a quote. It's the quote I'm imagining.)


>@lip – Thanks for sharing! The funny thing is, the post was not addressed to women or even feminists, so it's odd you think he was giving you orders.I'm starting to see how feeble-minded women think jokes in the workplace or men glancing at their cleavage (he totally luked, 4 realz) jeopardize their productivity. If you think a site designed to help men date is addressed to you, then you've definitely got some ego issues.

13 years ago

>Roosh is ugly, has no job and when he's in the US, he lives in the basement with his father. He praise women that live in Third World countries because it's the only place where he can get laid – these women are poor and desperate. That's probably why he despise American women, specially those that have high paying jobs or are highly educated like lawyers or civil engineer – he just can't get these women.And yet the guy is seen as role-model and a hero in the manosphere.

13 years ago

>chocolatelipwax– I dunno. Some of them carry it too far, but as fetishes go "glasses fetish" is one of the easiest and simplest to fulfill, requiring only that I be able to see during sex. The only more convenient one, as far as I can see, is "cunnilingus fetish" or "backrub fetish." And the glasses fetishist I know is a very cool and non-objectifying person who just happens to really, really like glasses. Mr. String– a lot of the manosphere bitches about paying for women's dinners. Roissy, one of Roosh's friends, has several posts on the subject. It's reasonable to assume he agrees.This will amaze you, but feminists are allowed to critique works that are not actually aimed at us. You are sitting here complaining at us even though you clearly do not fit in wiht this site's mission of "making fun of misogynists." Similarly, non-gamester feminists can complain about Roosh V. Free speech for everyone! I'll answer the rest of your points as soon as you come up with a point.adpd0nmmng– Also, he's an admitted rapist (check out the When No Means Yes and 16 Types of Game subtype Rape Game post for the skin-turning details). Truly Hero of the Revolution material here.

13 years ago

>I'm thinking (after having a quick look at Avpd's links) that Roosh's pickup expertise is all in his head. A rather vivid fantasy.On the topic of hot women with education – Natalie Portman comes to mind. Somehow, I just don't see her as a boner killer.

13 years ago

>What douchemerchantvessels like Roosh MEAN to say is that femininity is inversely correlated with having a choice.

13 years ago

>@e-string, even though the site is not addressed to women, they are the intended targets of the advised behaviors. People are concerned about the beliefs of others because humans generally live around other people and people have a tendency to act on their beliefs. These attitudes do affect how women are treated in educational and social situations, so obviously women are concerned about them. It is not that difficult of a concept.

13 years ago

>I just went to the dark side and perused David's link and Roosh's brainchild of a graph.Sad to say, I'm in the upper percentile of his targets since I'm an artist. Perhaps he doesn't realize that many graphic artists and designers (including me) have plenty of post secondary education – stupid does not an effective artist make. Even if he's picturing the bohemian artist type – I've yet to meet one of those that doesn't have a good dose of education as well.

13 years ago

>estring, I use douche against both men and women. Since a douchebag is an actual tangible object it has no gender and is therefore a gender neutral term.

13 years ago

>String: Wait, feminists are hypocritical little wretches who think their political views make them demigods. Is it any wonder that men who have not reduced themselves to apologetic, sobbing imbeciles tend to be more productive than effeminate honorary women?For starters, I'm amused by your classist assumption that "making more money" automatically means "being more productive." This is a common notion that the upper class wants you to believe, but the farmers and coal miners of the world who are barely scraping by (if they even are) are pretty essential to our survival as a civilization, too.Now, obviously WaPo has a demonstrated vested interest in advancing upper-class norms. But the fact that upper-class people are likelier to have traditional, patriarchal values is actually pretty well-understood. Those values work very well for the upper-class, and naturally the people who benefit from the status quo are going to support the status quo. WaPo wants to imply that the causation works in the other direction – that holding progressive values makes you a useless leech on society – but that's WaPo for you.

13 years ago

>MRAs and PUAs are separate entities and often come into conflict. Stop conflating them.

David Futrelle
13 years ago

>forweg, this blog, as I have explained a zillion times, is not exclusively about MRAs. And I didn't refer to Roosh as one. I called him a "dating guru," which is probably way to charitable. That said, there is a lot of overlap between MRAs and PUAs. Roosh is one of a small number of PUAs (Roissy would be another) who is especially popular amongst MRAs and MGTOWs; indeed, I was pointed to this post of his by reading an MGTOW message board. His books are advertised on The Spearhead next to The Myth of Male Power.

David Futrelle
13 years ago

>er, way TOO

13 years ago

>Wait, they'r not? Sexism; I've been doing it wrong all these years.@ Syldoran, wait Pauley Perrette isn't sexy?Not that it should matter what men's penis think, but I'm pretty sure Chanpoins Costumes does quite a bit of sales with their Sexy Teacher, Sexy Doctor, Sexy Executive lines.That being said, as a guy I've worked on haloween costumes such as the Sexy Hubble Telescope, Sexy Hadron Collider, and the Sexy Polio Vaccine.

13 years ago

>@forwegMRAs are enablers of PUAs, they blindly believe the worst things that PUAs says about women and they use the same terminology (alpha, beta, evo-psych, … ) to justify their failure with women. Furthermore every time there is a guy from the PUA community that go berserk ( George Sodini, for example ), MRAs excuse him. The reason that Roosh and Roissy are popular with MRAs is that they openly target them in their blogs. Many MRAs want to become PUAs to have success with women and they blindly believe everything that Roissy says.I've made a posting about this stuff :

13 years ago

>Douche is a gender-specific insult… sort of. It can be applied to both men and women. But I think it’s especially applicable to assholish men who harass women, because of the history of the douche itself, to wit: once thought essential to proper feminine hygiene and genital health, now known to promote infections, generally deleterious to women’s health. And it’s a nice turnaround of the word itself, too, because it was once used as an insult in the time-honored tradition of insulting people by associating them with the lowest of the low, female genitalia; now it’s an insult because it’s associated with that which harms female genitalia! In short, “douche” may be the platonic ideal of insults.

13 years ago

>DoucheDouchebagDouchebaggeryDouchecanoeDouchenozzleYep, "douche" is awesome.Also, sexy environmental scientist anybody? Sexy transportation planner? Which do you think is more of a boner-killer? I need to know because I'm at a turning point in my career right now.

13 years ago

>David — You might want to blur out her name badge in this picture if you don't want creepy people instantly knowing her name again this time…