kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rhymes with roosh sex

Educated women: Boner killers?

Dating guru RooshV — whose name conveniently rhymes with “douchey” — is convinced that, when it comes to women, smartness is inversely correlated with hotness. As he puts it in a post today, committing at least one logical fallacy in the process:

Femininity is a quality that pleases men. Therefore from the chart we can deduce that educated women decrease a man’s happiness. … Anything beyond a bachelors at a public university is a near guarantee she’ll possess a large basket of masculine traits that will prevent boners.

The “chart” in question is one that RooshV made up himself, and which contrasts the purported sexiness of less-educated women with the purported unsexiness of more educated women. As he explains:

A good test to see if a girl is over-educated is to add the word “sexy” before her job title. If the resulting phrase ignites arousing images in your head, then she’ll most likely have what it takes to satisfy you.

Amongst RooshV’s “boner inducing” job titles for women: Sexy waitress, sexy teacher, sexy librarian, sexy flight attendant. Amongst the “boner softening” job titles: Sexy IT specialist, sexy anesthesiologist, sexy tort attorney, sexy financial analyst.

There are more than a few problems with RooshV’s little list, not the least of which is that plenty of dudes do in fact get boners thinking of “sexy” female IT specialists, lawyers, financial analysts and other smart women. (I’m kind of partial to sexy professors, myself.) And if you don’t want to take my word for it — and MRAs never do — I invite you to investigate the vast amount of porn involving “nerdy girls” or simply girls with glasses (NSFW link).

Also, if you’re going to base your notions of male and female sexuality on which job titles sound like the best sexy Halloween costume, how can you leave out such classics as “sexy nurse” (a job that actually does require specialized education) or “sexy kitty” (which requires whiskers and little cat ears)? And should we conclude from the perpetual popularity of the latter as a Halloween costume that furry women with tails who shit in a box are sexier than the furless standard models?

Also, if you’re a guy who fetishizes less-educated women, and refuses to date women as educated or as well-paid as you are, you pretty much lose the right to criticize women for wanting you to pick up the check for dinner.

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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13 years ago

>No, many guys do not have that ability I find. After the initial hi, how are you, the male just goes blank. Even trying to bring up movies, sports, computers, video games, fiction, nonfiction, television shows, the justice system, politics, religion, geography, travel, weather, and what they did that day at work does nothing to have an actual conversation.

13 years ago

>No, many guys do not have that ability I find. After the initial hi, how are you, the male just goes blank. Even trying to bring up movies, sports, computers, video games, fiction, nonfiction, television shows, the justice system, politics, religion, geography, travel, weather, and what they did that day at work does nothing to have an actual conversation.1) Meet woman2) ???3) Get laid!

13 years ago

>Most guys do that, more so than women in fact. Oftentimes women are so used to men leading the conversation and entertaining them like children that they would be autistic if judged by the male end of the double-standard. Additionally, many women will leech off of wealthier men to help pay their bills.People keep telling me that but quite frankly I have never seen any of these women who are interested in any kind of money that I have. The gold digger is incredibly rare and quite frankly? We would probably do the same if offered a sufficiently large amount of money. I cannot say that I would not be tempted (primarily because no woman is offering me large sums of money to sleep with them. I am not that attractive and women of the world aren't that desperate… yet!)Hands up men, who here thinks that women who expect you to pay their bills are attractive? I am betting not many of us. It's brains and personality that always win, dating attractive supermodels with the brains of blancmange and the personality of a dead fish would be a terrible terrible thing.

13 years ago

>Actually, e-string, I would argue that women are more used to men not listening to them. In group conversations, men often dominate the discussion, and pay little mind to what women contribute. Except, of course, when a man decides to repeat what another woman just said and everybody attributes the idea to him. The idea is brilliant just as long as it's phrased in the form of a man.In one-on-one conversations, many men have a habit of assuming they must know better than women about any given topic, even if the subject is menstrual cramps or changing names after marriage. We call this mansplaining.Oh, and if men were judged by the female end of the double-standard, the majority would be derided as whiny, ball-busting, feminazi bitches. Because the double standard sucks.

13 years ago

>I had a rough last couple of years in graduate school, to the point where I'm considering leaving the field in which I (finally) earned my doctorate. I've been feeling really down about that, wondering if all the blood, sweat, and tears were really worth it.Then I read this post, and learned that my degree is repulsive to "dating gurus" and "pick up artists." And you know what? It really was all worth it. Thanks, He-Man Woman-Haters Club!


>@bottle – That was bitter and uninformative, but you did your best so thanks for sharing!

13 years ago

>Mr. E-numbers:Please know that I am deeply, deeply sorry for using a tone that PUAs like you don't like, and for failing to be "informative" enough for you. See this face? This is my sincerely-sorry face. What? I often laugh uproariously when I'm being sincere.

13 years ago

>Wicked Witch of the West laugh? Sexy anaesthetist? They are doctors you know and as sexy a stereotype as it goes. Sadly not true (Most of us medics are hit by the ugly stick. Too much work not enough time for exercise. I have bags under my eyes and put on weight. Also women are surprisingly not so interested in our money since we often lack it.)

13 years ago

>No, we just want your brains….brains…brains…so we are like zombies or something.

Scientist lady
13 years ago

I wonder what evolutionary biologists think of all this? RooshV was clearly oversimplifying, but I think there’s a slight negative correlation between highly competitive career tracks (testosterone maybe?) and femininity…how about we all try and distill this hypothesis to its smallest elements and see if any psychologists/biologists have studied it?

Yuyuko Saigyouji
Yuyuko Saigyouji
12 years ago

This guy’s website is one of the most disgusting readings I have ever seen. You really should blast him a lot more, there’s plenty of material to mock in there.

He has such a single-minded obsession with sex that it seems like some sort of alien. And in one post he even recommends “Rape Game”, which is exactly what you would imagine…

He’s just the kind of person I can’t even stand having around.

bruce mcglory.
bruce mcglory.
12 years ago

“He’s just the kind of person I can’t even stand having around.”

No one can. That’s why he makes hilariously crappy excel graphs to explain why it’s not that women don’t like HIM, it’s that HE doesn’t like women.

Except poor and uneducated ones that he can dominate. Nothing pathetically cowardly and inadequate about that!

I mocked the shit out of him in the comments, but of course Mr. Big Macho Man has moderation on. Wouldn’t want anyone who isn’t as pathetically cowardly as he is commenting!

12 years ago

Oftentimes women are so used to men leading the conversation and entertaining them like children that they would be autistic if judged by the male end of the double-standard.

A) Have you ever observed the fact that women talk to each other? In fact there’s a whole chatty gossiping women stereotype around that fact. That women often get talked over by men and eventually give up participating in conversations with them doesn’t mean they are unable to have them.

B) You clearly have no clue about the autism spectrum at all. It’s not uncommon for people with autism (especially Aspergers) to not be able to read the cues people give around conversations and as such keep talking and can’t read when other people want to talk. I know this is something I do, it’s one reason it took me a long time to recognize the way men talk over women or try to bully conversations because it doesn’t work on me. I also have times when I shut down and me to say even one word is difficult. Most women are not like me.

Shabba Ranks (Mr. Loverman)
Shabba Ranks (Mr. Loverman)
12 years ago

Good thing you have the likes of roosh to write about eh ? you need him, he dont need you. He wins.

Darth Conans
Darth Conans
12 years ago

Presented without further comment, a porn film about financial analysts: .

11 years ago

Enjoy your cats in your old age, Ms Amused. Or do what Ms “Eat Pray Love” did in her actual real life (not the Hollyowood version) marry a bald guy 17 years her senior who wanted a visa to the USA.

11 years ago

You know what else is sad? Teachers, librarians, and P.R. reps require the same level of education (i.e. bachelor’s degree with an education certificate and completion of a teaching internship for teachers, but a masters is helpful, particularly for librarians) as civil engineers (bachelor’s degree and license, obtained after passing the exam after being permitted to take it after four years of actual work being supervised by other C.E., but a master’s can help) and business managers (bachelor’s degree with certification and a master’s can help). It took me five minutes on google to confirm all of this. In short, not only is this guy an asshole who doesn’t understand that men don’t form a collective that only finds one type of woman attractive and that men who disagree with him about what he finds attractive are genuinely attracted to different types and aren’t beta losers. Oh no. RooshV can’t even UTFSE.

11 years ago

Well this has just been the necro thread from hell, hasn’t it? I don’t know why Karl thinks an old age with cats would be so terrible. Perhaps he’s never met the right cat 😉

AllyLS, good point re the education levels required for traditionally “female” professions. RooshV was never one to let the truth get in the way of a good misgynistic rant though. /rollseyes

11 years ago

Cats are awesome! Necro trolls, not so much.

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