
Phew, I’m glad you [Paul Elam] said feminist hating is an honorable and viable political act because I certainly hate them. … The real object of my hatred are those that enable these people. The ones that are actively engaged in creating the environment of misandry that we live in now.
For those people, career feminists and manginas, my hatred would be on par to Adolf Hitlers hatred of a super rich gay jew who was raping his arse. Out of these, I hate career manginas the most. There would be no mercy for these arseholes if I could be dictator for a day, they would soon be living what is left of their lives in extreme misery.
Emphasis added. This comment, Hitler and all, got more than three times as many upvotes as downvotes from the assembled mob site’s readers. Of course, Stu’s comment is in response to a post titled “The Scourge of Rape. Yeah, whatever,” which means that these upvoters are people who enjoyed a post titled “The Scourge of Rape. Yeah, whatever” so much that they stuck around afterwards to compliment the author, so, you know.
This, by contrast, is the sort of comment that gets downvoted on A Voice For Men, and which inspires the post’s author, Paul Elam, to tell the commenter “fuck that, and fuck you. Let me say that again. Fuck you.”
EDITED TO ADD: When I posted this piece last night, that second comment had virtually no upvotes; you had to click a link to even see it. I hope at least a few of the upvotes it now has were from the regulars on that site.
Another heartening sign: the critical response Elam’s “Rape … whatever” screed got on the Men’s Rights subreddit on Reddit. His response to the criticism is rather telling. I’m generally not a fan of the Men’s Rights subreddit, as you might imagine, but there are some decent people who comment there and it is much less hateful than almost all of the other MRA/MGTOW/etc sites I regularly read.
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>David is a fucking faggot ass mangina also.
>You can become a *career* mangina now?What did you have to study in college to land that job?!?
>"David is a fucking faggot ass mangina also."That's because David is a caring, empathic human being who views women as people, for:mangina=member of the human race.May I suggest you join and become one?:-)
>Victoria– Women's Studies?
>"That's because David is a caring, empathic human being who views women as people . . . " Julie Uncanny . . . and men as mules and objects of mockery. Perhaps he start his own court jester service as an entertainment sideline, eh?
>I find it interesting that he picks Hitler as a sympathetic character. Because the first thing people think of when they think of Hitler is "Poor Hitler, he had to be around all those Jews, of course he had to kill them".My hope is that a thousand years from now, people will see this crap and think, "WTF? There sure were a lot of lunatics around in the last century."
>". . . and men as mules and objects of mockery. Perhaps he start his own court jester service as an entertainment sideline, eh?"Not necessary: you're doing a much better job of that on your own!:)
>"Not necessary: you're doing a much better job of that on your own!:)"—Julie Uncanny I see that comebacks are not your forte—the "I know he isn't, but you are!" is facile for your age.Wait a minute; I'm dealing with an ardent feminist that knows nothing else other than puerile slags, getting fat and watching Jersey Shore, and self-entitlement masked as "ek-wa-li-tee." Oh well, nevermind.
>HOW NICE to see that you think you know me. I don't watch television, engage in *anything* but entitlement, and am pretty muscled..:) But that's okay: far be it from me to interrupt a good shrill screed. Carry on.:-)
>Hahahaha, "facile for your age . . .*calls names*."
>The first comment above is in blatant violation of my comment policy, and if it were directed at anyone but me I would deleted it, but I'll leave it up, at least for now. It's sort of revealing. wytch, cool it with the personal attacks or I'll start deleting your comments. And try making some actual points once in a while that don't involve calling people fat.
>This dovetails nicely with a recent Pandagon thread about Rush Limbaugh, of all people, calling Michelle Obama fat. "Fat" is the fallback insult of the misogynist who's lost an argument with a woman. It's perfectly honed to the misogynist perspective: not only does it reduce the woman who's won the debate to her appearance (not that wytch has any idea what Julie actually looks like), but it assumes that the worst thing a woman can possibly do is take up space. Space that could be filled by the manly, heroic, alpha-male flab of a Rush Limbaugh rather than inferior female flesh.Everyone who uses a female-sounding name on the Internet has been called fat by a troll at some point. After a while, you barely notice it anymore.
>Well, crap. Paul Elam's post is incredibly disgusting. Basically, his point seems to be that because he went through what sounds like a genuinely awful experience–certainly something akin to sexual abuse, I'd say–and was treated to the same kind of "It was your fault/get over it" reaction that (let's face it) most people who have been raped face, people who have been raped need to face up to the fact that it was their fault and they should get over it. Oh, and something about T-shirts. He's mad because he didn't get a T-shirt.He fails to understand that most people who have been raped are dismissed at best, and usually made to feel like they did something wrong. Sometimes people are able to band together with others who have gone through the same experience and find strength from giving voice to their pain. And Paul Elam says that's bad? Because … he didn't get a T-shirt? Fuck Paul Elam.That some stupid Hitler fanboy identified with Paul Elam's bitter little piece of self-pitying wankery doesn't surprise me at all. Hey, wasn't some MRA commenter just saying something about how intelligent and moderate Paul Elam is? Ha! Gross.
>hm… but david, paul elam is mainstream, and rational, you aren't supposed to be talking about him or you might anger the mistresses and the raven feminazi twats
>". . . and men as mules and objects of mockery."It would be more accurate to say he treats *some* men as objects of mockery. Which is to say those who thoroughly deserve derision of shaming. Not by any means all men, many of whom are decent chaps."Perhaps he start his own court jester service as an entertainment sideline, eh?"Well, he's funnier than you, for starters.
>…derision *or* shaming.My apologies for the typo.
>If you google 84829942-3a88-11e0-83da-000bcdcb5194, you'll discover that this loser leaves comment spam on random blogs that have nothing to do with feminism, MR, MGTOW. It's the same message over and over, "BOYCOTT AMERICAN WOMEN Why American men should boycott American women…" Yawn.
>First they came for the manginas, and I did not speak out…
>claire, excellent! His blog is in my boob roll, and I wrote a couple of posts about it. Good to know that's who it is.
>Oh yes. Boycott American women. PLEASE! When are you going to start? Same goes for MGTOW. It's funny how they think this is going to pose some huge problem for anyone.
>Sally – unfortunately, then they'll inflict their assholeness on foreign women. It would be nice if they did, in fact, go their own way, and never dated women again until they get help with their anger issues.
>"I see that comebacks are not your forte"I love it. He calls her out for (what he thinks) is an insufficient comeback, then he proceeds to call her "fat." GOOD ONE WYTCH! As others have pointed out, no misogynist has EVER lost an argument to a woman, then called her fat to get even. You're a and unique snowflake, as always.
>unfortunately, then they'll inflict their assholeness on foreign womenWell, if any of them develop the wherewithal (not to mention the foreign language skills) to try, they'll discover that women in other countries have also been infected with this funny notion that they're human.
>To paraphrase the great Buzz Lightyear, Paul Elam is a sad, strange little man, and he has my pity.
>"I love it. He calls her out for (what he thinks) is an insufficient comeback, then he proceeds to call her "fat.""Don't you know? Fat is an "I win" button. No one could ever POSSIBLY be anything worse than fat. I mean, even HITLER wasn't fat. Amirite?