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Secret Muslim operatives. |
So who invented feminism? If we’re to believe the conventional historical accounts, it was invented by a bunch of ladies. But all good misogynists know that ladies can’t invent their way out of a paper bag, so obviously it was some dudes who did it. Some Men’s Rightsers with a conspiratorial mindset have suggested it was the evil Rockefellers, deviously using feminism as part of their plot to depopulate the world. (Presumably because feminism encourages lesbianism and abortion, not necessarily at the same time.)
Over on the brand new* mgtowforums.com, avoidwomen offers another possibility: Islam! Avoidwomen is essentially asking and answering the classic conspiracy theory question “Cui Bono?” — which, if I remember correctly, either means “who benefits?”or “where’s Bono?” (My Latin is a little rusty.) Let’s try to follow the logic here:
I have to wonder if the Muslims had a role in planning feminism in many countries around the world? No violence would be needed, simply outbreed the feminists! It’s no surprise that Islam is the least feminised and strongest patriarchal society and religion. It will become a world religion and a major society in as little as two decades! Women will be treated under Islam as men are under feminism. Frankly, I don’t care about women and neither do millions of oppressed men. It may sound unfair, but the reality is you can’t have “equality” without oppressing men and destroying society. It’s a fact that the strongest patriarchies are the ones that breed the most and become the dominant society. Matriarchies become weak and die out in a couple generations, as was the case in the past.
Makes sense to me. I just wonder how Bono fits into the equation.
Some commenters agreed; others didn’t. AussieSteve, for one, welcomes our future Muslim overlords:
I fully expect Australia to become Muslim in my lifetime. I don’t dread it. … I should be old enough by then that it shouldn’t affect me too much, I don’t drink a lot. I’m sure I’ll be able to cope without my daily glass of Bundy rum.
I say, bring it on. I want to sit on my porch quietly laughing at bitches in burkahs as they cry about how men didn’t come to their aid when the muslims rose to power and kicked their feminist pedestal out from under their big fat arses.
Dontmarry points out the inconvenient fact that avoidwomen’s main goal — avoidingwomen — won’t exactly help fertility rates in the Western world either. But he still blames feminsts, manginas and overeducated women who are, er, riding the “bad boy cock carousel.”
Men going their own way also contributed to the low fertility, but hey, it’s better to be unmarried and childless than to be raped financially and have the state attempt to break your spirit at every turn.
Moreover, we merely reacted. Feminists started the problem; women exacerbated it, cheered on by manginas. Women, too highly educated for their own good, prefer to delay marriage, chase their careers, and ride the bad boy cock carousel. Gradually, time catches up with them, and they wonder ‘why are there no good men left’?
Clearly, Islam is devious indeed.
* Just a little non-sarcastic note here: The newly formed mgtowforums.com is basically a replacement for the old MGTOW proboards forum, which was recently taken down by the proboards administrators, apparently because of complaints from a feminist blogger. (There’s more on what apparently happened here; the comment I’m linking to is apparently a cut-and-pasted comment from that blogger.) Obviously, I do not approve of people taking down sites they disagree with.
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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.
>"so yes women (or, more precisely, some women) are responsible for all sorts of bad things. Some women are great; some women are awful. If you really think that feminists believe all women are saints, you haven't been reading this blog or the comments very carefully." I just haven't seen any such comment until that one quoted of explaining exactly that, David. That's all.ginmar saidāNick, sweetie, do you whine about the fact there's no White History Month, too?āWhat has this got to do with anything I just asked?In fact, it's racism within it's self to attempt to invalidate a white male for speaking up for himself when he has nothing to do with discrimination against other races.It's like an American white person telling Japanese people that they don't have a right to complain about discrimination against them in the present because what happened in Pearl Harbour. Even that these Japanese people had nothing to do with the war. Its racism going one way but when it's against the white male, it's magically not racism.Another example how fucking ridiculous feminism truly can be.Feminism acts like the gender and anti racism police, yet they are the biggest offenders of it all against the white male
>But I would really like the question answered. What faults are women accountable for?
>I like that Dontmarry gets mad at women in the first paragraph for taking men's money, and in the next paragraph for "chasing careers."I know, like I said in the comments section of another article on this blog, "The beliefs seem to take a 180Ā° turn depending on what it is that those same persons are protecting/defending." The short-sighted, knee-jerk MRA reactions ignore much, just as the venerated (in MRA eyes) Warren Farrell ignores much in his pop psych style books.I know that I'm straying off article topic here, but here's an example….I wonder how many Fathers' Rights Activists will take to task the reasonings for cutting off funding to Head Start Program in Frederick County, MarylandHere is Commissioner Smith's defense of their decision:"The mother is the one to be the best situated to take care of small children. I believe that."How many MRAs decrying alimony and child custody decisions will do the same? Chances are, they won't because, on the surface, it looks like 'putting the little woman back in her place', ignoring the fact that it's actually a step backwards for the children of impoverished families and the fact that having the little woman stay home instead of working for a wage isn't really going to help with that poverty situation.And having "the little woman" in her place doesn't seem to bother them much….well…at least while the cohabiting hetero relationship is intact…
>"Except that, here in reality, Islam is already a world religion and its status as such doesn't produce the sorts of sharia-dystopia horror stories that racists dream about."—triplanetarySo, you welcome sharia law with open arms?
>"I blame women for the popularity of Twilight."—DavidStop stealing my thunder, damn it!
>"But I would really like the question answered. What faults are women accountable for?"—nicko81mSo far, if are to accept this blog's motif, absolute zilch.
>I'm a feminist studying sociology. Women tend to be overwhelmingly responsible for promoting female circumcision, due to patriarchial conditioning that "this is what makes women acceptable." On a lesser level, in our culture, women tend to police other women for "acceptable femininity." Men don't care if you wear makeup or like romcoms, usually; other women do.
>Oh, and body image. Women tend to reinforce bad body image and disordered eating habits on other women through "diet talk", etc.
>Women are complicit in all sorts of unfeminist behavior, for example, reinforcing and policing strict gender roles for men and women. Women fall into the stereotypes and the patriarchy traps just as much as men do– if you do an experiment, give two groups of people identical resumes or CVs except for the gender of the applicant, women as well as men are likely to rate the male applicant as more competent, though the resumes are identical.It's not about men vs. women. It's about individuals of all genders struggling to break free from the kyriarchy trap.
>Hell, you want a feminist blaming women? I'll blame myself! For something that you guys hate! I used to be one of those women who would make jokes about how stupid men were. I even used to think it was fun to threaten to kick guys in the balls. I used to think that guys couldn't be raped.Then I became a feminist, and much more aware of how what I say and do affects the people around me – because that's what embracing feminism asked of me. So I stopped, and changed the way I think about men as well as women.So now that David, Ozymandias, and I have laid some blame for you, how about you? What do you ever blame men for?
>@ginmar, apparantly, nick's answer to your question is "yes".
>I think the key word there is "careers." That implies someone doing something that is not a dead end job with no hope for anything better. And everyone knows that only men should have careers…women should be satisfied with dead end jobs.
>"What do you ever blame men for?"For being manginas and white knights, of course!
>Feminism acts like the gender and anti racism police, yet they are the biggest offenders of it all against the white maleFor the hundredth time, white males are the privileged ones in our society. They don't suffer from bigotry. I'm not saying bigotry against them doesn't exist – I'm just saying that it can't touch them.For a white man to complain about bigotry against him is disingenuous at best. It's a denial of privilege in an attempt to make the playing field look level so that you and your hate-driven brothers can go back to using the n-word and being generally openly racist.I would love to know what problems women have that feminism blames women for instead of any other cause.You and the other MRAs pose this question in every single frikken thread. It gets tiresome. It's been answered, for starters, and you pretend every time that it hasn't. But fine. As others have already explained in this thread, no, we don't blame "women" for anything. But contrary to your whiny misperceptions, we don't blame men for anything either. We blame patriarchy. And as has also been said, both men and women can be complicit in patriarchy.But make no mistake – men are the privileged ones under patriarchy. For a man to benefit from patriarchy, while denying it exists and whining that he's not privileged ENOUGH, is the height of assholery. If you want to know why men cause more problems in the world than women (and yes, they do), it's because men are more often in a position to do so.
>If you want to know why men cause more problems in the world than women (and yes, they do), it's because men are more often in a position to do so. Exactly, though again I would say that we're not talking collectively about all men or all women here.Also, to add to the specific answers of what bad shit women are responsible for, while I'm not going to blame women collectively for anything (or men), I'll note that lots of women and girls contribute heavily to "slut shaming."Of course, so do lots of men, and I'm not going to pretend to know if "men" or "women" are the most responsible for it in general, but on a day to day basis in, say, high school, it seems to be girls who do the most of it. A friend of mine (a feminist, naturally) wrote a whole book about it. http://www.amazon.com/Slut-Growing-Female-Bad-Reputation/dp/0060957409Of course, many MRAs and MGTOWers think that slut bashing is a GOOD thing, so they probably should be giving girls credit for it, instead of blame. Oh, and whatifgirl, on the whole "getting kicked in the balls" issue: if the videos up on YouTube are any indication, men are primarily responsible for kicking/hitting other dudes (or themselves) in the balls. I confess I find many of those videos hilarious. I also find many videos in which women fall down while using stripper poles hilarious as well. And while I love cats more than many people, I find videos in which cats fall down in ridiculous ways similarly hilarious.
>But I would really like the question answered. What faults are women accountable for?Perhaps you should visit this blog, as Laura Grace Robins has and will detail them all out for you, and it pretty much encompasses all of the world's ills. And no, I won't paraphrase and condense all of her sycophantic blatherings for you, you'll have to read it all yourself.
>What faults are women accountable for?Their own. Next please.
>ROFL.I echo the above sentiments about Muslim feminists. I intern for a Muslim women's rights group (www.feminijtihad.tumblr.com) and let me tell you: Muslim ladies kick ass.
>Where did our little Nickelback go? He should be saying thank you and nada.