I recently ran across this picture online, which is evidently from a feminist protest in Mexico City in 1991; it was part of an exhibition of photos tracing the history of the feminist movement in Mexico City. (Here’s a link to a Google Translated version of a web page on the exhibition,.)
I think the slogan is a pretty good description of how most feminists would like women to be regarded: Not as saints, not as whores, but just as women.
Or, in language more understandable to a lot of the MRAs/MGTOWers out there: “Not as pretty princesses, not as Ameriskanks, but just as women.”
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>Oh Random Brother, you're really tempting me, what with all your lame personal jabs. But I'd rather remind you what a weird tangent you’ve gone off on. The comment you made that my original comment was responding to was this:"That's because they work less hours and cluster in less lucrative fields."So we're talking about the wage gap, and specifically we're talking about your assertion that the wage gap exists solely because women work less hours and tend to work in less lucrative fields. This is to say: We weren't talking about CEOs.So when you say something like: "Women get paid less because they flock to jobs that have less value. Do you really think that if a ton of men decide to become day care teachers that daycare teachers will see a six figure salary?"My response is that the jobs women flock to have less value because women flock to them. (See also: Any of my previous assertions that women's labor isn't valued as much as men's.) If more men worked in day care, wages in daycare would increase. Not to a six-figure level, no, but somewhat above what it is now."Being a server at a restaurant whether upscale or not will not lead to a good salary. Now most men already know this but is seems my feminists friends need some help with it."I know servers who make fairly decent money, but it's clear that we hang out in different circles, so we needn't discuss that. Your point seems to go back to your CEO argument: A server in any restaurant could make more money if zie was an anesthesiologist! This is true, but–REMEMBER?–we weren't talking about CEOs oranesthesiologists. We were talking about the wage gap. So a discussion of women working in less expensive restaurants than men certainly does figure into the discussion.You missed a similar point in the Wal-Mart discussion. The point isn't whether Wal-Mart employees make the most money ever, but whether women who work at Wal-Mart are allowed the opportunity to make as much money as their male coworkers."You're supposed to work based on terms set by your supervisors, halfwhit (sic)."And this just misses the point entirely. The "terms" I addressed (in the very same sentence) were terms that amounted to harassment. Employees are supposed to work on the legal terms set by their supervisors.
>Random Brother:"Before I do that YOU TELL ME why women must go into those poor paying fields, then I'll get back to you. It's almost as if you think women aren't responsible for their own choices."I'll do this. I think that there are a variety of reasons for this, actually. There is a strong social component: Girls babysit; boys mow lawns. And society generally encourages that. So a young woman who doesn't want to go to college is more likely to work in childcare or at a beauty salon (lower paying jobs), while a man in the same position is more likely to push dirt for a living (higher paying). There's a lot of evidence that it's difficult for women to enter male-dominated fields. It's hard for them to get the job, but even if they can convince the employer that they're qualified it's hard for them to keep it. You want to sneer that away–if they're so strong, why don't they just take daily abuse year after year from their coworkers and supervisor, right? Wrong. No one should have to put up with abuse at work, and it's completely understandable why someone wouldn't want to.Now, I do, of course, think it's more complicated than that–I've just drawn a few quick outlines. And I do also think (or hope) some of this is changing. Are women responsible for their own choices? Nothing happens in a vacuum, of course, so you've got women who are responsible for making their own choices that are, to varying degrees, informed by societal norms. Some women (just like some men) don't so much make choices as they do what they can with a shitty situation.
>@ ElizabethJesus after reading this shit you wrote I nearly punched my computer.I was going to go through it line by line but it just pissed me off too much. The more I talk with feminists the more I understand why they are so hated. I mean I hate a lot of feminists but man this cranked it up to level 10. To sit there and argue that soceity should foot the bill, hell a bill that has been falsely calculated at over 100,000 dollars to fucking have mothers take care of their own children is so out there, so repulsive, so vile and greedy and self serving that I can't believe a human being can argue it. It almost comes off as a parody. And when soceity doens't want to carry these leeches the productive people are shamed?!? And we should do this so the children of these lazy cows might, (MIGHT!) wipe our ass when we're old? No. Fuck no.It's my money. I WORK for it. I sweat for it. I bleed for it. You don't deserve it parasite. When other MRA's call you nutjobs communists and the like I thought they were exaggerating but clearly I was wrong. Filthy, valueless, arrogant parasites, is all I can say without completely cursing everyone and everything out on this site and forcing David to ban me.You nutcases will clearly bankrupt (an already nearly bankrupt) country and you're too stupid to realize it. Disgusting.Random Brother
>Yes Richard, you got mad because you know I am correct and *gasp* admitting that would cause you problems.Did you-not anyone else-YOU personally design and build the road you use to drive to work today?Did you-not anyone else-YOU personally mine the materials, smelt them, create the fiberglass, the chrome, the plastic, tan the leather, weave the cloth, sew, design the vehicle and the attendant parts while at the same time assembling them into a working vehicle to drive on those roads?Did you-not anyone else-YOU personally farm the food you ate this morning? Did you raise the chickens to produce the eggs in your bread?Did you? No of course not.SOMEONE ELSE DID IT. And you claim "well I earned the money to pay for it…" ignoring all the while the vast socio-economic system that lead to you being able to earn that money to pay for that for the computer that you use to read this post that made you so mad that you wanted to punch it.Suck it freeloader-you are but a minor (very minor) cog in a huge machine who whines about having to pay into the system that gave you more then you could ever possibly put back into it.
>@ ElizabethHow does any of that equal I should give your parasite ass 100K? BTW dear all the roads, and buildings and achievements, all those things that you mention were done without giving mothers 100K to do their fucking job! So, since all these things were accomplished without your parental parasite plan, it stand to reason we don't need your parental parasite plan now do we?I know I'm spoiling your plan to quit your low paying job, get knocked up by some idiot and sit on your resource draining ass eating bon bons all day, but some of us, you know have pride in working.Lazy moo cow.Random Brother
>You might not want to make assumptions about my pay. I am pretty sure that my salary and benefits exceeds the amount of money anyone on here makes by a very large margin.Anyway-no one has suggested we pay moms $100,000 a year. What has been suggested is we respect what they do since what they do, if done by someone other then them, would be worth $100,000.Now I know this is very hard for you to grasp-those women are doing something that would make your life impossible if they stopped. By bearing and raising those kids, they are making sure that someone(s) invents the interwebz. Designs a road. Raises chickens. Does all the million and one tasks that take making modern life possible.Now you obviously are not the rugged outdoors type who is living in the middle of a forest somewhere (that laws, passed by former babies you hate the idea of helping pay for their upbringing, protect so you can do so and it is not cut down to build a house for some woman you hate who needs to have a safe place for her children…whom you also hate) and ignoring the rest of humanity…which means that you need someone else to have gotten knocked up and raised that kid to let you have the things you want.So grow up freeloader and quit whining about having to pay ANYTHING to the very society that makes this tantrum you are having possible.
>Lazy moo cowC'mon, Richard, you can do better than that! What other kinds of cows are there?Just wondering if anyone else has that line from a Pink Floyd tune going through their head, "I'm alright Jack keep your hands off MY stack!"
>@ PamIf I did say something "better" you and feminit nation would run to David and beg that I be banned.Random Brother
>@ E lazy bethElazybeth said: "You might not want to make assumptions about my pay. I am pretty sure that my salary and benefits exceeds the amount of money anyone on here makes by a very large margin."Then feel free to take your own money and give it to stay at home moms instead of putting your grubby hands in my wallet.Elazybeth: "Anyway-no one has suggested we pay moms $100,000 a year. What has been suggested is we respect what they do since what they do, if done by someone other then them, would be worth $100,000."1. What they do is not worth 100,000, not even close. Most of the jobs that moms do are listed as paying 30,000 per year (chaufer, chef, etc) it's only when we apply feminist logic, ie claiming that a stay at home mom also does the job of a CEO, psychologist, and facilities engineer does the amount get artificially inflated to plus 100K. But a stay at home mom's work has little similarity to a CEO, psychologist and or facilities manager. 2. Women have children because they want children. It's called resposiblity. I know that feminism is a resposibilty free zone, but adult thinking women don't expect cash for handling their resposiblities.3. This little conversation has really helped me understand feminist "thinking" much more. Feminism isn't about equality. It's about shifting responsibility for the success of women's lives onto everyone else. It's a cult for the weak.If a woman looks at a magazine and sees a model who is too thin for her tastes, make it someone else's responsibility to ensure that all women on that magazine must be over a certain weight so that the complainer can feel good about herself. If a woman chooses a poorly paid field of employment, make it everyone elses responsibility to raise rates across the board for that field. If some college woman wants to fuck 40 men a night, make sure someone else has to pay for her birth control. If a woman get's pregnant and she doesn't want the child, make it everyone elses responsiblity to pay for the abortion. If a woman get's shit faced drunk and stumbles half naked into gangland, make it everyone elses responsibility to ensure she safe. If a woman wants to have a kid make sure it's everyone elses responsibility to pay for it. Apparently to feminists liberation = free ride.Random Brothe (Cont)
>Elizabeth said: "Now I know this is very hard for you to grasp-those women are doing something that would make your life impossible if they stopped. By bearing and raising those kids,"You mean by bearing their own kids. The kids THEY wanted.Elizabeth: "they are making sure that someone(s) invents the interwebz. Designs a road. Raises chickens. Does all the million and one tasks that take making modern life possible."And again I ask, since all this has already been done and done without paying stay at home moms for it, why do we have to give moms cash now? Why are YOU violating the social contract that you blatherin on about? Elizabeth: "Now you obviously are not the rugged outdoors type who is living in the middle of a forest somewhere (that laws, passed by former babies you hate the idea of helping pay for their upbringing, protect so you can do so and it is not cut down to build a house for some woman you hate who needs to have a safe place for her children…whom you also hate) and ignoring the rest of humanity…which means that you need someone else to have gotten knocked up and raised that kid to let you have the things you want."I already pay for babies, and their mothers, it's called taxes. We already are taxed near the level of fucking serfs, is there no bottom to your greed parasite?Elizabeth: "So grow up freeloader and quit whining about having to pay ANYTHING to the very society that makes this tantrum you are having possible."Again brain donor, I already pay taxes and that's enough. The most compelling point here is all these things you whine about have been historically done without paying stay at home mom, so logically there is no reason to pay stay at home moms for raising there kid now. Random Brother
>If I did say something "better" you and feminit nation would run to David and beg that I be banned.Wrong again, Richard. I, and I'm sure there are others, would never presume to tell David how to run his blog. Whomever he has banned (and I think that that's a grand total of how many, one??) has been his own decision for his own reasons. I have seen only two persons request that you be banned, and I didn't exactly agree with them, but David's decision is his own and you're still here.
>"You mean by bearing their own kids. The kids THEY wanted."Oh, but of course, MEN never wants kids. Right?"@ Pam The more I hear about feminism the worse it sounds."You had your mind made up; don't kid yourself.
>SallyStrange said… "Richard wants proof that reality is reality. You can't prove it, can you! Huh."Are you supposed to be working off those chubby glutes by fetching bon bons or something?
>"Jesus after reading this shit you wrote I nearly punched my computer. I was going to go through it line by line but it just pissed me off too much."THIS IS BECAUSE ELIZABETH SUCCESSFULLY CALLED YOU ON YOUR NARCISSISM.You want to pretend that you're completely independent, a real he-man "rugged individualist"–entirely self-sustaining, not like those "parasite feminists." YET, Elizabeth successfully called you on your delusion. You still don't have a decent rebuttal. You prop up your own personal sense of superiority to feminists based on this, and you can't tolerate this being shown for the self-deception it really is. Yes, you pay taxes, but so do the feminists on this board. I'M POSITIVE that all you're going to be able to do in reply to that comment is name-call me on that one; I'm WAITING for you to call me a "moo cow," "brain donor," "filthy, worthless, arrogant parasite" or some other superbly "intelligent" ad-hominem attacks. My taxes paid for your use of roads, the schools you went to, infrastructure, water purification, and other benefits that YOU enjoyed. Keep telling me how PARASITICAL I AM, yeah, that's right!!You attend professional football, baseball, or basketball games?? MY TAX DOLLARS PAID FOR THAT. I don't go to professional sporting events, yet my tax dollars are paying for stadiums that frequently MEN push through state legislatures. I could go off the deep end on "sports welfare," and how MALE CLUB OWNERS "parasite" off of women's (and mens') taxes in **that** fashion, but I refuse to: I figure that if I don't go out and speak against it, I don't have the moral right to complain. Truthfully, women can also attend sporting events: many of us do. As far as I can tell, however, the BIG backers of tax-payer funded stadiums are MEN. As annoyed as I get at paying for sports, however, I don't feel a need to name-call or denigrate men who back stadiums; we happen to disagree about what spending priorities should be. They can organize, I can organize, we go to the voting booth or city council, and may the best organizer win!! I figure I can complain and disagree without dehumanizing them and calling them names, right??THAT'S CALLED SOCIETY. Get used to it!
>Your mother gave birth to you! She carried you for 9 MONTHS in the womb; you didn't just spring up overnight from her shoulderblade! SOMEONE took care of you, fed you, clothed you, gave you a roof over your head! By your reasoning, you should be called a "parasite" because you were anything BUT a rugged individualist. If your dad supported you both, great! If the state supported you, at least you both were helped instead of being left to starve to death…ALL of us in this society benefit from the labor that others have engaged in long before, that WE didn't do. I have a male friend who is currently on welfare due to longstanding unemployment issues; he has seriously looked for a job to no avail. I AM HAPPY that there is a social net for him, although it IS going to disappear rapidly–which saddens me. But I'd rather my tax dollars go for helping HIM–WOULD MUCH RATHER see that than a filthy war in Iraq and Afghanistan that is the ACTUAL REASON why we are being seriously bankrupted!! (OH yeah, and not to mention derivatives being played with…) 50% of the American economy goes towards propping up an enormous military, and you're constantly bitching about women and children?? AND NO, I'm not going to "provide a link or proof," it's COMMON KNOWLEDGE how much money is being sucked up to fund a useless "war on terror."All the corporatist welfare in the world for you to LEGITIMATELY rant against: all the government contracts and government/corporate unity in the world that's sucking up your tax dollars and mine …but making room in the corporate world for working mothers with kids is "parasitism?""Do you really think that if a ton of men decide to become day care teachers that daycare teachers will see a six figure salary?"Uh, YES. WE DO! Or, at least there will be an big income increase. The work will, all of a sudden, be seen as VALUABLE. Work that is seen as being done by women is repeatedly devalued; the bias is unconscious but quite powerful. YES. Feminists have talked about this FOR DECADES. You keep ignoring Bee's attempts to reason with you on this issue.
>"Are you supposed to be working off those chubby glutes by fetching bon bons or something?"You say this to say–what?? How is this denigration of any value in this thread?
>Julie did a great job of trashing your arguments Richard with one point not addressed…you are not a serf. You are no where near the serf level. To claim that you are because you pay (if you are really stupid with money) at most 40% of your income to all levels of government from sales taxes on the shoes you buy to the federal income taxes, essentially ignores what serfs were.You are not tied to your land. You are not held to farm the lord of the manor's land. You are not required to give respect and honour to the point of starvation for the lord of the manor. You are not subject to marauding bands of outlaws crossing your farm (of which was enough to barely feed your family) and guess what, you pay taxes alone instead of taxes AND farming the lord's land. So quit whining already-your pathetic attempts at insults aside…seriously, "Elazybeth?" your argument has little merit and what merit it may have is more than destroyed by your inability to understand modern society or reality.
>Richard: And just to add one other point to the debate. If you don't like "parasites" leeching off of government, what about military contractors and their highly paid (and male) CEOs). How much money is wasted on insanely overpriced and sometimes barely functional military hardware, while soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have to pay for their own body armor?
>Oops, missed Julie's post above mentioning the military. But here's an interesting chart showing how much we pay per capita on the military, with much of that money going to overpriced hardware and to fund two unwinnable, unnecessary wars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PerCapitaInflationAdjustedDefenseSpending.PNGWe all pay taxes, Richard, and most of us have issues with where at least some of that money goes.
>Well done, David, although I'd like to add that these wars aren't actually unwinnable. Sadly to say, there's circumstantial but real evidence that the populations in Iraq and Afghanistan *are* actually being subjugated. Sadly. The reason I can say this is due to the fact that depleted uranium munitions is producing dust that is ***heavily suspected*** in causing hideous birth defects in places such as Fallujah and other areas in Iraq and Afghanistan. These birth defects are most likely due to uranium binding with the DNA of the local populace, and the end result is babies that can only live for a few days after birth. I've seen pictures, I WILL NOT REPRODUCE THEM HERE, for they are the stuff of nightmares. Frankly, I personally believe this to be genocide. If we continue to use depleted uranium on these populations, MUCH of their future generations will be wiped out.:((( "You make a desert, and then call it peace…":(( This is one of the reasons why I'm considering moving to another country; I think that we've lost our moral compass completely when we allowed neocons, the NWO/PMIC, and multinational corporations to take over our government.
>@ PamPam said: "Wrong again, Richard. I, and I'm sure there are others, would never presume to tell David how to run his blog. Whomever he has banned (and I think that that's a grand total of how many, one??) has been his own decision for his own reasons. I have seen only two persons request that you be banned, and I didn't exactly agree with them, but David's decision is his own and you're still here."Two people have outright called for me to be banned, how many people behind the scenes? Feminists generally cannot stand dissent, so when I call someone a moo cow or whatnot it is a substitute for far harsher things I might say in the real world. So I guess you'll have to get used to my "lame" insults. Honestly, if I had met you in some other venue I might thing you were the bees knees (yes I know that's lame, but I like the way it sounds), but here, well quite frankly your beliefs suck. And I will attack anyone who comes at me rude or snarky. Hey, it's just the intenet.Random Brother
>@ Julie CannyJulie Canny said: "THIS IS BECAUSE ELIZABETH SUCCESSFULLY CALLED YOU ON YOUR NARCISSISM."No. I just violently hate stupid ideas.Julie Canny: "You want to pretend that you're completely independent, a real he-man "rugged individualist"–entirely self-sustaining, not like those "parasite feminists." YET, Elizabeth successfully called you on your delusion."I think you're the one who's deluded.Julie Canny: "You still don't have a decent rebuttal."Do you yet have a rebuttal for why the alleged social contract you nutjobs keep blabbering on about must now be rewritten to include 100K given to stay at home moms when this has never occurred before, dear?Julie Canny: "You prop up your own personal sense of superiority to feminists based on this, and you can't tolerate this being shown for the self-deception it really is."It's the truth. I am superior to a bunch of government leaching parasites. Don't like it? Stop being and or supporting leeches. Otherwise admit that you are nothing but a taker and I am a maker and vastly, VASTLY, superior to you in every way.Julie Canny: "Yes, you pay taxes, but so do the feminists on this board."So what?Julie Canny: "I'M POSITIVE that all you're going to be able to do in reply to that comment is name-call me on that one; I'm WAITING for you to call me a "moo cow," "brain donor," "filthy, worthless, arrogant parasite" or some other superbly "intelligent" ad-hominem attacks. My taxes paid for your use of roads, the schools you went to, infrastructure, water purification, and other benefits that YOU enjoyed. Keep telling me how PARASITICAL I AM, yeah, that's right!!"If you support this idea that women should be paid for raising THEIR OWN CHILDREN you are supporting parasitism, period. Also, just an FYI women tend to use more government services than men, they live longer to suck up more medicare and social security, so I don't really think you want to point the finger too close at yourself on the who parasite issue, mkay skirt?Julie Canny: "You attend professional football, baseball, or basketball games?? MY TAX DOLLARS PAID FOR THAT. I don't go to professional sporting events, yet my tax dollars are paying for stadiums that frequently MEN push through state legislatures."And that is completely wrong. If a team owner wants to build a stadium he/she should do it with their own money. My god, we agree on something! Is it possible you may have a brain?(Cont)Random Brother
>@ Julie Canny(Cont)Julie Canny: "I could go off the deep end on "sports welfare," and how MALE CLUB OWNERS "parasite" off of women's (and mens') taxes in **that** fashion, but I refuse to:"Why would you refuse to? You'd be correct. Now they'd still be giving more back than some housewife, but the government shouldn't be involved in this sort of wealth tranfser. Julie Canny: ". . .for I figure that if I don't go out and speak against it, I don't have the moral right to complain."You have the right to complain about anything under the sun.Julie Canny: "Truthfully, women can also attend sporting events: many of us do. As far as I can tell, however, the BIG backers of tax-payer funded stadiums are MEN. As annoyed as I get at paying for sports, however, I don't feel a need to name-call or denigrate men who back stadiums; we happen to disagree about what spending priorities should be. They can organize, I can organize, we go to the voting booth or city council, and may the best organizer win!!"No, no, no, fucking no. It's not some glorified game of rob the least well connected! Certain things should strictly be off limits from the state. Just because your organizer is better doesn't mean he should stick his grubby fat fucking hands in anyone's walled. Yes, we need taxes, but this sort of wealth tranfer from one group of greedy activists to another group of greedy activists is disgusting and immoral.Julie Canny: "I figure I can complain and disagree without dehumanizing them and calling them names, right??"MRA's are ripped all the time on this board. I have been insulted on this board. Apparently you can only see when feminists are insulted. The bottom line is if you insult me, you'll be insulted back.Julie Canny: "THAT'S CALLED SOCIETY. Get used to it!"Well currently soceity DOES NOT PAY mothers for raising their own kids. So to all who disagree, I quote a feminist "THAT'S CALLED SOCIETY. Get used to it!"Random Brother
>Your rebuttal is "they should not get benefits because we did not pay for it back when women were entirely financially dependent on men…"Hmmm…Richard, I think you know that you are wrong here but have no idea how to express it. That is okay, have a cookie.
>Richard, I think you're right, two people (or mayve it was one person twice, I don't remember), called for you to be banned. How many people behind the scenes? zero. Have I banned you? No. I think I may have deleted a couple of individual comments. You DO go for personal attacks more often and with more vehemence than most people here, and really nasty personal attacks are against my comment policy, but I tend to give you a bit of leeway on that because your insults tend to be sort of entertaining. So consider yourself the beneficiary of a Richard Pass — or Dick Pass, for short.