MGTOW rape reactionary bullshit

>Taking victim-blaming to new lows: The Spearhead on Lara Logan


Lara Logan, shortly before the attack

There has been an astounding amount of vile shit posted on the internet about the reported sexual assault and beating of CBS reporter Lara Logan in Cairo’s Tahir Square. I spent a depressing hour or so the other night looking through hundreds of comments on the Yahoo news message boards; it was a virtual festival of misogyny, racism, victim-blaming and simple nastiness. A sample (each quote is from a different comment):

don’t put some nice white pu55y near crazy @#$% arabs. it’s like goddamn king kong

Kinda’ like sending a woman reporter into a locker room? Don’t ask me to feel any kind of remorse for her. Equal rights demands equal responsibility

it started as a revolution and turned in a black spring break! mwaa ha ha

She loved every minute of it.

I could multiply examples ad infinitum; the last I checked there were more than 1500 comments on the one Yahoo news story I looked at, and most were of this sort. The only slightly encouraging sign? Most of these vile comments have more downvotes from readers than upvotes.

You expect this kind of behavior from the Yahoo message board crowd, which has never been very big on civility, or even basic human decency. Typical anonymous internet assholery.

Leave it to the readers of The Spearhead, though, to take commentary on this sad case to an even lower low. Yesterday, Spearhead head honcho W.F. Price published his own, predictably victim-blaming, take on the subject — essentially blaming feminists for encouraging women to report the news in the same dangerous places that male reporters go. (When Anderson Cooper was attacked, you didn’t hear anyone suggesting that men shouldn’t be covering the events in Cairo.)

I think that’s a supremely tasteless way to use this tragedy to push an antifeminist agenda. But the comments to his article, roughly 270 of them at last count, are far worse — rarely bothering with even a pro-forma expression of basic human sympathy, some blaming and even mocking the victim, and most using the case to crudely push an assortment of their own misogynist agendas.  Here are some of the worst; I present them without comment, as they pretty much speak for themselves. I have edited some for space reasons; you can follow the links to read them in their entirety.

Alucin explained about how rape allegedly benefits its victims:

When I studied in university a woman claimed to have been gang-raped. After telling the story, she acquired a certain authority. She was at the top of the feminist hierarchy …. Her word was gold because of her rape.

It was never even verified if she had in fact been raped.

It’s a harsh thing to say, but the woman at university gained immensely from the rape, or her rape story-telling, with this increased stature. She probably wouldn’t have gotten into that very small degree program without the rape story to tell to the admissions committee.

At school, no one, especially a man, could ever challenge her about any subject, however remotely related to rape. …

Rape against men or women is a tragedy, but I also find it sickening how “survivors” or their “friends and supporters” often use their status for personal gain. … It’s the same thing when feminists politicize breast cancer. 

Opus added:

I agree with Alcuin: In my experience women wear RAPE like a badge of honour or military medal (as I presume Ms Logan will now do). I, of course, never believe word of it, and I notice most guys these days are equally sceptical. There may be an increasing Rape epidemic but no one I know is a Rapist. Funny.

Confused declared that he didn’t give a shit:

No group on earth is more privileged that American/western women.
I won’t waste my time any more worrying about their safety, or lack thereof, due to their choices.

intp took it a step further:

Don’t believe her. Don’t care. I hope the Arab guys didn’t catch anything from her.

That is what the non-stop lie called feminism has done to me. Vive la nihilism.

Rebel offered this highly original take on rape:

I don’t see the point here..

According to feminist orthodoxy, humpteen gazillion women are raped every day. This one is the humpteen gazillionth plus one for that day.

Women are raped if you have sex with them, women are raped if you don’t have sex with them, women are raped even if there are no men around. …

Every time two animals are copulating, a woman feels raped. There are more rapes on earth than there are hydrogen molecules in the universe.

To women of today, rape seems to be the highest achievement, the Royal Road to Success.

I’m laughing so much I might get a hernia, my belly is aching from the laughter.

Papa Smurf suggested the reported rape was a great career move, and ended his comment with a smiley:

she’ll be a CBS news anchor in no time. great way to get promoted.

I dont know if she genuinely didnt want what just happend or maybe feminism has affectivly blinded her and rendered her stupid. Blonde western women in the arab world are like all you can eat restraunts to fat people. Just help yourselves 😉

Troll King posted a long rambling diatribe against “western women” in the Middle East, of which these remarks are only a small portion:


Typical feminist/western woman(as if there is a difference) acts like her typical bitchy self in a place that won’t tolerate it. ….

The fact is that women, western cunts, think they can go into a culture and act how they want and treat the poorest of the poor not just like “help” or a but like a slave that should be lashed for simply flirting. I bet these rapists look who do this probably thought she would act towards them the same way white women act towards brown and black men on western tv. Like he was a stud….

But, umm, like yeah dude. That is so hurrible I might go and cry a river.

The Contrarian Expatriate took victim-blaming to a new low:

Sounds like she got what she set herself up for. You can yell, “I am woman, hear me roar!” all you want in the Anglosphere, but step into the 3rd world behaving that way and they will pound you (no pun intended) back into your place.

Again, as is generally the case with the comments from The Spearhead that I quote here on my blog, these are not weird outliers in the discussion there. Unlike the comments from Yahoo I quoted above, all of the comments I quoted from The Spearhead got multiple upvotes from readers there, in most cases several dozen; none had more than a handful of downvotes. Alucin’s comment about the benefits of rape — a comment surprisingly similar in spirit to an infamous quote on false rape accusations from Catherine Comins, an assistant dean at Vassar, that still raises hackles from antifeminists two decades after it was uttered to a Time magazine writer —  got more than 80 upvotes. There is more than a little irony here.

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>I'm kind of giving Richard some extre leeway here — call it the "Richard Pass" — because he's really just digging a bigger hole for himself with each comment. Also, his insults are sort of hilarious.Yeah, he's sort of like the blog's pet iguana that puffs up and hisses every so often.

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>Pam,I'll admit, it has been a while since I've last had a wax…

Hide and Seek
14 years ago

>My god, boys! The outrage over a little public sexual performance! Have you never been to a strip club?

14 years ago

>I, too, am flummoxed over the outrage! about the milk masturbation performance art. Not my type of art, but neither is Thomas Kinkade. And I have read The Vagina Monologues. Haven't seen a performance but I don't want to. Yeah, the teen/older woman story was uncomfortable to read, but I'm far more outraged over female genital mutilation than over a sexually curious teen.But apparently rape is only serious when it's a female teenager and an older woman, and not a reporter covering a monumental story.

14 years ago

>Well, that sux. I've been assaulted myself. I feel terrible for her.

14 years ago

>nicko81m said… "It's no surprise that many feminist men are probably the creepiest men of all. Many may use feminism to get closer to women with the "I'll protect you" stance. Such like a creepy old man telling a girl that he will drive her safely home. Then we have the ones who like to watch naked men whack off while getting milk poured on them."I think we can safetly state that attention whore's rep on this site has been effectively shot to pieces. He needs to be involutarily committed. But I think even almost as disturbing is the rest of the feminists support, and the claims of being family oriented. To MGTOW folks, this is the nutjobs we are dealing with. Seriously deranged people under the facade of smug self-righteousness. Don't underestimate their proclivity for hate, insanity, and solidarity. You are right about feminist men. Take a look at Hugo Schwyzer for instance. At least Hugo admits his failings but they are myriad, including being drug addled in the past and womanizing. It wouldn't be that bad if he had not castigated other men and expecting them to shape up when those men probably had no where near the psychological problems Hugo possessed. For a time, he was confessing his sins and then being critical of many MRAs despite some shady history.He's the tip the iceberg. Hugo, while his feminism is rather insidious, is not as caustic as others out there—and they have been caught up in some nasty dealings and foibles. Yet they have the hubris to judge others from up on high while being shielded with their feminist badge. Chalk up another disturbing factor—the urge not only to slam others, but to even punish those not in the feminist hold while rationalizing their own transgressions (illegal sex with a teen, etc.). It's even worse than hypocrisy; such hypocrisy is on a rough level, they engage in more nefarious and disgusting behavior while damning "nice guys," MGTOW, PUA, etc.I hope the feminists continue to wear their psychological malaise, childish mockery, hate, scapegoating, and misandry on their sleeve through the entire length of this blog. It may add more fuel to the fire for smashing feminism than even MRAs could do on their own.

14 years ago

>"Okay, I give up. MRA/MGTOW guys, what the hell are you all so angry about? I am completely stumped. I've now seen posts from you guys celebrating women (not particular women, just Women in general) getting raped, getting murdered, getting beaten up, getting cancer, and passing out drunk in alleys."Don't equate this kind of thing with ALL MRA's, after all, you all try your damndist to seperate yourselves from Andrea Dworkin. Not all activists are rational. The reason you see so much of the bad is because that is SPECIFICALLY what David is looking for. You are getting an intentionally biased example of the MRA. If you paid attention to the following website (which is simply a collection of links to other news sources), you would see multiple reports every week (almost daily) about false rape accusers (as in confirmed false accusers) and how rarely they get jailed, as well as female teachers sexually abusing their male students. (and the comments on these sites are pretty typically misandric, with comments such as "boys don't need protection from sexual predators". If you treated all women the way you condemn all MRA's, based solely on the prevalence of worst case examples being collected, this site would have you up in arms.

14 years ago

>Kratch said"Don't equate this kind of thing with ALL MRA's, after all, you all try your damndist to seperate yourselves from Andrea Dworkin. Not all activists are rational. The reason you see so much of the bad is because that is SPECIFICALLY what David is looking for. You are getting an intentionally biased example of the MRA"How can a feminist bigot ever figure this simple thing out? Their minds are too deluded.

14 years ago

>correct me if I'm wrong but isn't RAINN also involved in support for the 1 out of 33 men who are also raped? No? huh then how come there is this: fact of the matter is that feminists DO care about male victims, but since people like richard do not want to admit that there is something wrong with rape, we find nothing but constant resistance to our help.

14 years ago

>Nick, you are so deluded you don't realize we have already figured that out.What is irritating (to say the least) is the refusal of many (not all) MRAs to admit when another MRA is being misogynistic/crazy.For example, you.

14 years ago

>On watching people on stage masturbate while having milk poured on them-I do not think this is actually wrong, for anyone, assuming the performer is a consenting adult and the audience is adults who may leave. I don't think it is wrong even if it is not for the purpose of 'art' and is because the audience sexually enjoys watching a guy masturbate while milk is poured on him. Though I suspect that is the reason the mras think Kave should be ashamed of it, because a dude watching another dude masturbating might turn him on and be *gasp* gay. Unfortunately for them, not all of us are homophobes and some of us are queer. So he watched a guy masturbate while having milk poured on him? Whatever, I have done ten things kinkier than that in the span of one weekend.

14 years ago

>Sandy, please explain where I have tried to justify misogyny?Instead of me doing more typing and work, I will copy and paste what I said in another thread here…To say that men in today’s western societies have no problems at all is laughable. As it is when it's going in the opposite direction.But when men talk about male issues, they are likely to be accused of being misogynists, someone who can’t get laid, someone who disrespects women etc etc etc.If you can sit here with a straight face and not call this discrimination and oppression against the male gender, there is seriously something fucking wrong

14 years ago

>Nick-if they actually did talk about male issues like divorce problems, child custody issues and ensuring that abused men have the same respect and treatment that abused women have, then they would not be accused of being misogynists because they would not be acting like that.However that is not what they are doing. What they are doing is mocking rape victims. They are stating that she deserved what she got. They are claiming rape does not happen, in the case of Richard, they are even making it about them and not the person who was beaten and raped. So yes, they will be called that. Because they are acting that way. Want to be taken seriously? Tell these asshats to stop being such asshats. Point out (like someone else did here) that this hurts not helps your cause.It is not discrimination or oppression to point that out.

14 years ago

>"Nick-if they actually did talk about male issues like divorce problems, child custody issues and ensuring that abused men have the same respect and treatment that abused women have,"OMG OMG OMGI can't believe you are actually saying this.A lot of the time, I really think, why should I bother posting in here or make a replyNevermind

14 years ago

>"theclementine said… I'm fairly certain that the whole point of feminism is that women don't need men to rescue us."Absolutely right. Just ask Lara Logan.

14 years ago

>Wytchfinder said: 'Look at the time he's spent on this blog—he's trolling, attention whoring, and it's creepy how he's targeting anyone that even mildly disagrees with the themes here.' Wytchfinder said:'The idea that (he) is waiting for hours behind his screen like that is rather unnerving. I would suggest someone like that get another hobby, but it only makes them more fixated. Maybe obsessed.'Wytch said: 'This is the nutjobs we are dealing with. Seriously deranged people under the facade of smug self-righteousness. Don't underestimate their proclivity for hate, insanity, and solidarity.' RIP Irony. 10,000 BC – 2011 AD Sadly missed.

14 years ago

>Wytchfinde said"Look at the time he's spent on this blog—he's trolling, attention whoring, and it's creepy how he's targeting anyone that even mildly disagrees with the themes here." The truth about David that all pro feminists in this blog ignoreI wonder if he even sleeps.Its funny how feminists use shaming tactics on MRA's as for saying that they are not socially compatible and they have no friends. Yet, your master, David, is all of this more than any MRA on this blog.Behind the scenes of it all, he has no friends, he has no social life. If he did, he would not have so much time searching for the next MRA comment to post on this blog. He would not have all this time to put in so much effort in this blog.A person with a normal social life simply wouldn’t be bothered taking up the time and effort for such a blog if he had a world outside and people to meet. For a person with a good social life, there is at least a 1000 things that would come before putting in the effort to maintain a blog and keep it up to date with new threads on a daily basis.If anyone can't see this, you are completely blind and retarded.I truly feel sorry for David, not only because of his sad lacking social life but also because he is brainwashed with feminist garbage.

14 years ago

>Interesting how they alternate between saying she wasn't really raped and expressing gladness that she was raped.

14 years ago

>So talking about men's rights = saying Lara Logan deserved to be raped. wait, wut?

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>I had the great pleasure of exchanging some emails with Lara Logan back when I was a blogger with The Liberal Avenger. She was an obviously wonderful person and it breaks my heart that this happened to her. That's really all I have to say. I hope she comes back stronger than ever. Go Lara!

14 years ago

>American women are not a commodity you can boycott. They're people.

14 years ago

>Nick, in this very thread you justify misogyny. Unless you are willing to admit that the quotes in this post are misogynistic and wrong.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>Oh, poor pitiful Nick, whom no one likes and decides to take his anger out on women. It's impossible for any woman, ever, to suffer more than Nick. Any empathy or compassion that goes to someone else, especially a woman, is compassion that rightly belongs to Nick. And he will pitch a fit until you pay him more attention. Nick: learn to argue at higher than a sixth grade level. "You suck because you suck!" is not a valid argument and just makes people laugh at you.

14 years ago

>@ wythchIt's funny about Kave. I've been to plenty of plays and odd spots but I've never "accidentally" found myself watching some freak choke his chicken and get milk poured on himself. Odd how "accidents" like that happen, eh?Random Brother

14 years ago

>Interesting how they alternate between saying she wasn't really raped and expressing gladness that she was raped.Welcome to MRAville, where the hate-of-the-moment conflicts with the hate-of-the-next-moment.