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Factchecking a list of “Hateful Quotes From Feminists”


Making a list, checking it twice.

Periodically, in the comments here, someone will post a dubious list of “evil feminist quotes” they have found on some Men’s Rights or antifeminist website. These lists are always faintly ridiculous, filled with decades-old quotes from a handful of radical feminists (most notably, Andrea Dworkin), most of whom have been soundly criticized by other feminists and whose ideas have been rejected by the majority of feminists today. The lists also tend to be very sloppily put together. When I’ve gone to check the accuracy of these lists, I’ve invariably run into problems — one quote may have come from a character in a novel, another may be a quote that doesn’t reflect the author’s own point of view, and so on.

Recently, one of the antifeminists who regularly comments here (Cold) posted a link to one such list, helpfully titled “Hateful Quotes From Feminists.” It’s fairly typical of these sorts of lists: many of the quotes are decades old, there are ten quotes from a single radical feminist — yes, Andrea Dworkin — and the list is sloppily put together.

I decided to give this list a fairly thorough fact-checking. And the results were, well, more or less what I expected, which is to say that the list was a sloppy mixture of truth, half-truth and outright falsehood.

The story, in brief: Some of the quotes I checked were indeed accurate — or mostly accurate. But several quotes were simply imaginary, or uttered by fictional characters; one was a complete misrepresentation of what the author was saying; two were paraphrased, which is to say, words put in the mouths of feminist authors by feminist critics; some were from obscure or anonymous sources, and in a few cases it wasn’t clear if those quoted were feminists at all; several were improperly sourced. There were a number of quotes that didn’t specify where they were from, and which turned out to be impossible to check. And then there were a couple of quotes which were not actually hateful at all.

I didn’t check everything in the list, but –if you have the patience for it — let’s go through what I did check, as a sort of case study in the shoddiness of much antifeminist propaganda.

Let’s start off with the very first quote:

“In a patriarchal society all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent.” Catherine MacKinnon in Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies, p. 129.

We’re off to a bad start here. This is not a quote from MacKinnon. The words were in fact written by Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, the actual authors of “Professing Feminism,” a polemical book critical of feminism. They purport to summarize the views of MacKinnon and Dworkin, though, as Snopes points out in its debunking of the false quote, both M and D have specifically stated that they don’t believe intercourse is rape. Apparently the quote was attributed to MacKinnon in a column by right-wing columnist Cal Thomas, which is evidently how it entered the land of antifeminist mythology. Somewhere along the line, Catharine had her name changed to Catherine.

Then there’s this alleged quote from Andrea Dworkin:

“Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women’s bodies.”

According to Wikiquote, this quote is quite literally fictional:

The first appearance of this quote is from P: A Novel (2003) by Andrew Lewis Conn as a quote from the fictional feminist “Corinne Dwarfkin”. The original reads “In capsule form, my thesis is that heterosexual intercourse is the pure, distilled expression of men’s contempt for women.” In the slightly altered form given above, the quote is attributed in several books to Andrea Dworkin. Neil Boyd, in Big Sister (2004) attributes the quote to Letters from a War Zone, however, this quote, nor any one with similar phrasing, appears in that work.

Indeed, our listmaker seem to have a lot of trouble quoting Dworkin correctly. A bunch of the quotes are taken from her book Letters From a War Zone, which I happen to own. The first quote I checked was this one:

“The newest variations on this distressingly ancient theme center on hormones and DNA: men are biologically aggressive; their fetal brains were awash in androgen; their DNA, in order to perpetuate itself, hurls them into murder and rape.” Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 114.

It’s a weird quote, which sounds a lot like it’s coming from the the middle of a complicated argument. That’s because it is. And when you read what precedes it, it becomes clear that  it’s NOT a statement of Dworkin’s own beliefs. She was in fact summarizing (in her own words) the beliefs of “male supremacist” sociobiologists like Edward O. Wilson. It may or may not be a fair summary of their views, but that’s not the point: it’s NOT what she thought. Later in the paragraph, in fact, she compared these views to Hitler’s.

The other quotes from the book are more or less accurate. Words are missing, moved from one sentence to another, verb tenses are changed; they’re very sloppy transcriptions, but at least they aren’t complete and utter misrepresentations of what Dworkin wrote.

There’s also quote from Andrea Dworkin that’s listed as being from “Liberty, p. 58.” Dworkin never wrote a book called Liberty. But I found the quote in what seems to be a scholarly work; it’s evidently from Dworkin’s book Our Blood.

Finally, there are a few other alleged quotes from Dworkin; they don’t have sources listed for them. I found the quotes elsewhere online — but only on dubious “quote pages” and other iterations of “evil feminist” lists. They sound Dworkin-ish, but given the listmaker’s track record I have no faith that they are actually real, correctly transcribed Dworkin.

It’s bizarre. How hard is it to find hair-raising quotes from Andrea Dworkin? Dworkin was so radical that most feminists disagree with her, sometimes violently. You could practically pick a sentence at random from almost any of her books and chances are good it would offend somebody — including me. A number of her writings are available online. How lazy and sloppy do you have to be to fuck up your Dworkin quotes like this?

Let’s now turn to Marilyn French’s famously fictional quote:

“All men are rapists and that’s all they are.” Marilyn French in People, February 20, 1983

Oh, the quote is real — she wrote it — but it is not a statement of French’s beliefs. Nor did it originate in People magazine. It is a line of dialogue from her book The Woman’s Room. Wikipedia, take it away:

Following the rape of Val’s daughter Chris, Val states (over Mira’s protests), “Whatever they may be in public life, whatever their relationships with men, in their relationships with women, all men are rapists, and that’s all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, and their codes” (p. 433). Critics have sometimes quoted Val’s dialogue as evidence of French’s misandry without noting that the passage is only spoken by one of many characters in the novel.

Now, it’s true that this sentence was quoted in People magazine — in the issue of Feb 20 1979, not Feb 20, 1983 as claimed. It’s not clear from the rather sloppy People article that this is a line from the book, but it is.

In the article, French notes that the book is partly based on her experience — drawing on the emotions she herself felt after her own daughter was raped.

“Sometimes I felt so violent about it and how the courts treated her,” French admits, “that there seemed no recourse but to go out, buy a gun and shoot the kid who did it, and the lawyers too. I couldn’t help my own child.” Plenty of that rage made its way into The Women’s Room. “I’m less angry now. Being too deep in anger corrodes your interior.”

So, again, it is very clear that the “all men are rapists” quote is meant to reflect a character awash in rage and pain; it is not an ideological statement of misandry.

The “Hateful Quotes” list also contains a bunch of quotes from people I’ve never heard of; they’re obviously not major feminist figures, and may not even be feminists. Gordon Fitch? Never heard of the guy, and can’t find anything about him online.

Hodee Edwards? Never heard of her either, and I can only find a handful of mentions of her online, but she’s mentioned in the footnotes of a Catharine MacKinnon book, and it looks as though she is, or at least was, a feminist with Marxist leanings. But there is no way to even find out what the source of the quote is — a book, an essay, a quotation in a news story? — much less actually find the source and confirm that the quote is real.

EDITED TO ADD: I’ve been contacted by Hodee Edwards’ granddaughter, who tells me that her grandmother never said or wrote the quote attributed to her; while Edwards was indeed a Marxist and a feminist, she was not anti-sex. (The faux quote in question claims that all sex is rape.) Edwards has recently passed away, and her family members have been, the granddaughter tells me, “very distressed to learn that this quote has somehow been linked to my grandmother’s name on the Internet.”

Then there’s Pat Poole:

Melbourne City Councilwoman Pat Poole announced her opposition to renaming a street for Martin Luther King: “I wonder if he really accomplished things, or if he just stirred people up and caused a lot of riots.”

Who the hell is Pat Poole? I looked her up, and yes, she was a city councilwoman in Melbourne, Florida, but I was unable to find out much beyond that. Is the quote accurate? I don’t know. There’s no source given, and I can’t find the original quote online. Is she actually a feminist, or is the author of the list simply assuming she is one because she’s a woman?

And then of course there is the anonymous “Liberated Woman” whose quote ends the list. She definitely sounds like a feminist. We just don’t know for sure if she or the quote are real.

Moving on, I can’t help but notice that a number of the allegedly hateful quotes are in fact not hateful at all. Take, for example, Barbara Ehrenreich’s quote about the family, which is in fact part of a sharply written essay on “family values.” You can find it here.

Here’s another distinctly non-hateful quote:

“Women take their roles of caretakers very seriously and when they hear of someone who’s taken advantage of a child, they react more strongly than men do.” – Kathleen C. Faller, professor of social work at the University of Michigan

Faller, if she did indeed say this, may or may not be correct, but it’s hard to see how this is “hateful.” Women on average spend much more time caring for children than men do and it may well be that, on average, they react more strongly than men. I couldn’t find the quote in question — again, this is because the listmaker didn’t actually provide the source — but her faculty web page is here.

Then there’s this “hateful” quote on religion:

“God is going to change. We women… will change the world so much that He won’t fit anymore.” Naomi Goldenberg, Changing of the Gods: Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions.

The quote is real; Goldenberg is indeed a feminist theologian. But here’s a little newsflash: There are lots of people in the world, feminist and non-feminist, who do not believe in traditional notions of God. Or in God at all. Nietzsche famously said “God is Dead,” Richard Dawkins says God is “a delusion,” and about 80 zillion internet athiests (many of them not feminists in the slightest) regularly compare belief in God to belief in unicorns, fairies, and Santa Claus.

I checked out a few other quotes on the list. The Hillary Clinton quote is accurate; the source is here.  The Barbara Jordan quote appears in a Texas Monthly article here.

The quote from Catherine Comins — a favorite “evil feminist quote” amongst MRAs — has its origins in a Time magazine article, but it is not actually a quote from her; it is someone else’s summary of what she told Time in the article in question. Nor do we know the full context in which she spoke.

I don’t have the time or patience to fact-check the rest of the list. If anyone out there happens to have time and/or patience, or happens to own any of the books that are cited as sources, feel free to fact check it yourself and post your findings. (EDITED TO ADD: triplanetary has risen to the challenge, and has factchecked the rest of the list, as well as offering some excellent commentary on the alleged “hatefulness” of many of the quotes. You can find the post here.)

The numerous errors in this list — some minor, some huge — say something not only about the creator of this list but about all those who’ve distributed this list without, clearly, bothering to check anything in it .  (Or, in the case of Cold, to contine to distribute a list he’s pretty sure is less than reliable.) Is this the result of laziness, or dishonesty? A bit of both, I imagine.

But I think this list is also a symptom of the tendency of many in the Men’s Rights movement to inflate the evils of their opponents. So many MRAs are so determined to prove that their supposed oppression is worse than that of women, and so determined to blame it all on feminism, that they need to make their opponents larger than life and twice as nasty. Given that the feminism they fight is largely a paranoid fantasy, bearing very little resemblance to feminism as it actually exists in the world today, it’s hardly shocking that a number of the quotes on this little list are fictional — and that none of the MRAs posting this list here and there on the internet seem to have even noticed (or, if they have noticed, to care, or at least to care enough to stop distributing the list). When you’re fighting phantoms in your own mind, the truth doesn’t really matter, does it?

Given how poorly this list held up to my fack-checking attempts, from now on I will consider this list and others like it spam, and delete any comments that  link to them.

If any of you antifeminists still feel the desire to post “evil feminist quotes” in the comments here, you may do so, but only if you (or the list that you link to) provides clickable links to the original sources of the quotes in question.  If you can’t provide a link to the source, I’ll delete it.

When I quote from MRAs and MGTOW-ites and other misogynists on this blog, I provide links to the sources. What’s so hard about that?

EDIT: Fixed links, and a few verb tenses.

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>"Very few of the MRAs/MGTOWs I've run across have experienced anything as brutal as a rape at the hands of women and/or feminists. I confess I don't completely understand where all their rage comes from.Are most feminists rape victims? I don’t think so. If you claim that they are, please provide some proof.Only a true feminist bigot would believe that men don't have a right to have a complaint about men's issues and then totally accept women/ the feminist movement to whine, whine, whine 24/7 365 days a year for 60 odd years.Only a true feminist bigot ignores the fact that men have issues too.David, you really and truly need to get that little head of yours out of your ass.I am just curious, what made you favour women so much? Why so much favouritism? What made you into such a raven feminist bigot? What made you discriminate your own gender?

14 years ago

>No one is dismissing the fact that you have issues nick. 🙁

14 years ago

>"P.S. don't scapegoat trans people. The pop psychology of cis people about trans experience pisses me off."How was I trying to scapegoat trans-genders? I actually said I thought that article was intriguing and offers a unique and interesting take on physical and mental gender differences. This in no ways scapegoats trans-genders.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>I haven't been posting but I wanted to throw in that I think Andrea Dworkin is cool, and that her basic points, including the super-radical sounding "we live in a constant war on women" are essentially correct.The women who are actually being destroyed in this war are, as in most wars, largely poor and thus in general we don't care. I include myself in this ungenerous assessment – I do exactly zero about the plight of sex slaves, battered women, etc. Perhaps in part that hypocrisy is what sends certain antifeminists into such a rage. In that case, you can direct your ire at me, boys. I agree with Andrea Dworkin, but it doesn't really guide my behavior. Pretty awful! Flame away.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>@Kratch:"I had a Christian friend whose particular brand of Christianity taught that premarital sex was not a sin (since it harmed no one), but abortion was (since it harmed a fetus). As a result, since he was a poor college student, he chose to not have sex with his girlfriend. For him, the risk of a pregnancy occurring, though miniscule, was still real enough for him. He didn't want to be party to an abortion, and he wanted to be able to support any children he had.”I adhered to that particular brand of Christianity myself, and I can say unequivocally that my decision to delay sex (I didn't actually wait until marriage, though my wife is the only person I've had sex with as I met her when I was 18) had nothing to do with any fear that I would not have a "say" in what happened with the pregnancy.Of course I would have had a say – we were in love, and respected each other. In the end it was her body, and the final decision would have OF COURSE been hers.

14 years ago

>Just poking my head in to say to Vagrant:If feminists and other responsible adult human beings insisting that men are responsible for any possible progeny they may help create, despite the added decision point for women that happens post conception and the lack of corresponding decision point for men due to their inability to gestate a fetus is REALLY driving many men to become MGTOW and eschew sex with women altogether…Then GOOD! Everything is going according to plan.

14 years ago

>Hi thevagrantsvoice,Not sure if you're (or anyone else) still reading this, but there were so many misconceptions in this thread regarding a subject I know something about (anthropology), that I feel I have to comment, if only so this statement will stand here:As regarding your question "what can women contribute" – current anthropological consensus is that women invented the basis of what we call "civilization:" weaving, agriculture, and domestication of animals are (currently) understood to be mostly the invention of the female of our species.Of course, that has nothing to do with "what women can offer," since women are human beings who have something to offer on an individual basis – much like men, y'know. The fact that, on average, men have more upper body strength than women (and only that – lower body strength is more-or-less equal, and women take men with regards to endurance), says nothing about the ability of an individual man (or woman) to contribute to a family unti or society as a whole.Also – where did you get the "women are frailer than men" bit? women are actually physically HARDIER than men. Conditions (heat, cold, starvation) that would kill your mythical average man – the mythical average woman would survive.If you do get back to this and want cites, do let me know and I'll try and dig something up (not so sure about online sources – though I can definitely give you a lot of RL ones).

14 years ago

>thevagrantsvoice – one more thing,(Edited to Add – please to be noting – I am making huge and sweeping generalizations, and referring to statistically significant behaviours in large population groups as well as homogeneous "group behaviours" which are impossible in the real world, but will do for the sake of this comment.) It's funny how you framed it – "what do men need women for," because socially and anthropologically speaking, the question cultures struggle to answer (and the more egalitarian they are – the more they struggle with the question) is "what do women need men for" – beyond the brief moment of insemination, of course. If women are perfectly capable of building houses, working, caring for babies, making food, etc. – what do they need men for after they are pregnant? (assuming a collective group of women here who will support each other, help care for babies, etc. – which, btw, is the way it was – and still is – done in most cultures). Men alone, on the other hand, face something of a conundrum: they inseminate the woman, go their separate way, and then – what? Women (and primate females in general) tend towards cooperation a bit more, form supportive communities, etc. Men are more aggressive and competitive…which does not for happy and content lives in only-male groups make.It's interesting to note that in those cultures which are most egalitarian, the men always have some top-secret, guys-only "male juju" that only men can perform. In a tribe whose name I forget 'cause it's been years since grad school, which is very egalitarian (women are more likely to tend babies, and men are more likely to hunt, but the distribution is otherwise pretty even across all professions), where the men wear these funny hats and "sing to the forest" to protect the tribe from evil spirits etc.::shrug:: gotta be something only the men can do…Of course, to a modern Western mind these questions are ridiculous – people need people, and people need sexually compatible people to have relationships and sex and fun and fights with. But if you wanna be utilitarian – guys don't usually come out on top in such analyses…

14 years ago

>Hi Gali, thank you for your response. No, you don't need to give me citations; a couple of people already mentioned female resistance to disease and famine, among other things. Thank you, though. As for a response to the rest of your comment, I thought about posting it here, but I suppose I wouldn't want to get accused of "trolling" again. As you can tell, though, I do have a wordpress blog. I could post it there if you'd like. If not, though, that is of course quite fine. Thanks again for your comments.

14 years ago

>Hi thevagrantsvoice – sure, I'd love it if we could take this to your blog. Link in your usename, I presume?. While I do find a lot of your questions a bit provocative – and not in the good way (e.g. "so, why was what Hitler did so bad? can you bring me any proof that the Jews did NOT deserve to be exterminated?"), I do find you extremely polite and rational, and I enjoy a good debate with a polite and rational person, whether we agree or not 🙂

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

>Inspiration!Inspired by triplanetary's monumental effort, I have rearranged the quote list in chronological order, to see if any patterns suggest themselves. Results can be found on my blog here.

13 years ago

Thanks. I encountered some of these recently on Pharyngula and while I didn’t consider doing the fact checking myself, they did seem a bit odd. Thanks for taking the effort and sharing.


Tony Ryan - Coffee Loving Skeptic

I’ve no problem with feminism – in fact, it’s a good thing when done properly. But, too many people (male and female) are using it to attack other equally valid points of view.

13 years ago

Care to explain what this piece of comment spam is actually pretending to say?

Because if you have actual criticisms of feminism (and there are many to be made), share them.

If what you want is a bump you your piece saying it was all Rebecca Watson’s fault… then you’re being an ass.

13 years ago

I believe that extremism will always make the worst of the best. I am a Christian and I believe that God made man first for three reasons: He was practicing, He wanted man to be able to have a last word, and He wanted man to believe that he was the strong sex. However, who gives birth? To me that is the supreme test of strength. If men did, no woman would get the chance to impregnate a man for the second time! We would have died as a race long time ago.
I also believe that there is nothing like intercourse where both want it so much it hurts, where each wants the other one to enjoy it more than ever before, and where there is an emotional tie. Without this, it is only sex, or masturbating with a partner.
Ah, I forgot to say that I am a man, heterosexual, who has been in love many times, but has loved sparingly. Who loves the female body, what woman is, and who finds that She is God’s top of creation.

12 years ago

Kinky sex oppresses men? Who knew?

Also, these guys need graphic design 101.

…And what is with the old fashioned 1930s print style anyways? Nothing says irrelevant to todays generation than old timey anachronistic black and white crap.

12 years ago

The second quote, from Dworkin, is absolutely true.

It seems you might deepen your research.

12 years ago

According to men like you nothing a woman ever says is hateful. Nothing a woman ever does is wrong. 11 years as a feminist, and one of the reasons I walked away is that the overwhelming majority of feminists are no less hateful than the average MRM. They are also no more accurate in their ‘facts’. You sir, are in fact, a misogynist. You can’t believe for a second that women are not perfect, that gender roles or even a single female has done harm to a male. Read a little more, and you will find that views of the unblemishable female, females needing protection, not consequencing violent female behavior are deeply rooted in misogynist beliefs.
The average MRM and feminist can only be distinguished by which gender they wish to harm.
Dworkin was only criticized because her abrupt(at the time) honestly made the movement look like it was populated by hateful man hating people.
Both side have legitimate beef, polarized idiots like you, who dehumanize men, and pander to women, perpetuate the sickness of gender norms as much as anyone.

So Women and children first.
A boat with 5 people(or from your perspective, 3 people and 2 men). 2 men, 2 women and child.
The child is a no brainer. One of the people on the boat is a child murder, one a child molester. They are not of the same gender. However, by your contorted logic of female life being worth more than male life, the child will end up on lifeboat with either a murder or molester.
I bring this one up because it is a largely controverted argument. One which absolutely relies on an outmoded notion that the value of a persons life is determined by gender.(again, nothing you’ll readily comprehend.)
For people like you, who lack any form of empathy or logic to tame it with, the notion of actual equality will forever be an elusive construct. Women who hate men as a category suck. Having sex ed turned into a class on how young girls should be distrustful of boys because they are rapists, is not an acceptable thing. Think real hard about your own bias.

this rough beast
this rough beast
12 years ago

Delurking and weighing in. Women – as earlier stated – have better fine motor skills, better balance, can survive longer without food, and are more flexible.

Pain tolerance and mental health are less helpful metrics because men underreport pain – see: the patriarchy telling men to “man up” and “boys don’t cry” which isn’t helpful for men. And women are more likely to admit to mental disorders and seek help. Culturally there is a lot of shame for a man seeking help for mental health issues. See: the patriarchy imposing unfair restrictions on a man’s emotional spectrum.

Measuring genius is also unhelpful. Women have only had access to schooling recently. You can’t argue women had a lot of schooling options in 1950, even. Especially women of colour or other scocio-economically disadvantaged women. It’s like arguing that only white men are geniuses because in the past XYZ years we haven’t seen any Black geniuses. It’s an idiotic argument because slavery and other oppression.

Women perform equally well in science and math when given equal opportunity and in many countries there are either equal numbers of women in STEM or, increasingly, more women than men. See: America not being the be-all, end-all of the world. Women who are educated in single-sex education outperform their co-educated sisters which indicates bias in the education system towards a male-learning model.

Women are more rational when it comes to high-stakes decisions because they’re not motivated by testosterone feedback. See John Coates’s (a stock exchange dude who did studies in neuroscience) book, “The Hour Between Dog and Wolf.”

Women have better community-orientated survival skills (and groups survive better than “lone wolves”).

They have also, throughout history and to this day farmed (so did children!), mined (as did children!), sailed (yup, there were kids here too – also see modern tall ship sailing and women), fought in wars (as did children!), worked heavy machinery (as did children – do you see where I’m going with this?), worked in engineering, and all that stuff while still gestating, birthing, and raising more humans. See: Victorian studies on miners, women working in WWII, third-world countries etc. etc.

(A random factoid: the first woman to climb the Matterhorn did so in hoop skirts and a walking corset. I’d say that’s more impressive than whatever dude got there first in trousers.)

Women rape less, commit less murder, have been the cause of less genocide, ecological crisis, and financial brouhaha than men. So how, I ask you, are women inferior? And before you ask for citations, please know that I am not going to wade through over a century of scholarship into Victorian mining conditions, warfare pre WWI, education reports and journalistic and scientific studies. I’ve done my research, you can do yours.

Also, hello! Manboobers? Manboobies? Fellow creatures who wish MGTOW would GTOW and GTFO. I’ve loved this site for years and I’m finally slouching out of the shadows to comment.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Hello, this rough beast, glad you’ve delurked! Come join the action on the live threads, not many regulars will see a new comment on an old one. 🙂

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago

Also welcome this rough beast (love that name, btw)! I am glad people are still looking at this one, though I second The Kittehs’ suggestion. 🙂

12 years ago

cecil where the fuck did you get the idea that we don’t think men are badly affected by gender roles or that women have hurt men before I WOULD THINK THAT WE ACTUALLY TALK QUITE A BIT ABOUT THAT

how many young boys are beat by their parents every day because of the patriarchal notion of “manning up”?
how many young boys have KILLED themselves because they never fell in line with this ideal?
how many young boys have never had a friend because people shun them for not being enough of a man?

THAT’S gender roles hurting men, we acknowledge it fully, and we want to smash the hierarchy that has caused so much pain to young boys. so tell me again that feminists don’t believe men are hurt by gender roles, because i guarantee you i don’t know a single feminist who would disagree with me on this.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Hey Cecil idiot – ever read the posts and comments here about hateful women such as DriverSuz, or Girl Writes What, or TyphonBlue, or Ann Coulter? You’re talking out of your arse, sonny, and frankly I doubt you were ever a feminist, or had a clue what it’s about.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

A Priest, a Rabbi, and a duck walk onto a lifeboat. One of them is a molester and one of them is a murderer. The bartender asks “why the long face?” The bartender is shot by Andrea Dworkin because he’s a man and doesn’t matter.