douchebaggery feminism MGTOW violence against men/women

>”I don’t hate women. I just want them all to die bitter and alone.”


Non-haters also gonna hate.

The “Rant you very much” section of NiceGuy’s MGTOW [Men Going Their Own Way] forum is the place for commenters to post stuff that they think might be too crazy and “out there” for the forum’s other sections. Given what else is posted over on NiceGuy’s — the stomping ground of a fellow named Nightstorm and his wild fantasies of moustrap vaginas and leech women —  this is a tall order indeed.

NiceGuy richbansha tried his best to live up to these high expectations with a recent rant titled “Why not hate?” Why bother to pretend that we don’t hate women, rich asks his fellow NiceGuys, when this won’t actually do us any good? As for him, he admits his hatred up front. (I’ve taken the liberty of bolding some expecially ranty bits in the quote below, and adding a paragraph break.)

Do I “hate women”? You bet your ass!  …

[T]he most common reason why one of us will deny the possibility that we hate them  is not not look bad. Is there any doubt that they don’t hate YOU or that those listening in wouldn’t just as soon see you violated? … No matter what you do, you can still expect the most inconscionable treatment at the hands of AW [American Women]. If the response to both kindness and cruelty are identical, what is the reason for such a lopsided favoritism for appeasement?

When saying that you want to rape and cut up a woman with a band saw is met with the exact same reaction as saying you want to want to buy them a drink, what … is the incentive to not be hateful and violent? We have seen for ourselves that refraining only makes you are more likely target for hatred and violence. … So when a stinking cavern gets out of hand why not pulp her? You know you want to. Does anyone really think that stopping yourself or saying you would stop yourself will make it any easier on you?

In a followup post, he blames it all on the alleged tendency of women to adore “bad boys” and treat kind, considerate nice guys — richbansha apparently thinks he is, or at least was, one of them — like dirt:

My fate was decided in 7th grade when that girl said I had cooties. …  If you ever got a “P” in the box on your report card that says “Respects the rights of others” then you are a marked man. …

I have suffered far more for the things that I had nothing to do with than any active and intentional infraction that I ever committed. … Who do skanks even call the cops on? Violent meth dealer Bf who routinely beats her and impregnates her or the honest, hardworking auditor who pays for the meth dealer’s offspring? Is it any wonder that I think dudes should get on the good side of that equation?

The “good side,” of course, being the side of of the girlfriend-beating “bad-boy” meth dealer.

So, yeah, that’s what a rant on NiceGuy’s looks like.

More interesting to me than the actual rant, though, are the responses of others in the forum. TheDude suggested he tone it down a bit: 

So you think that violence may be the answer when there are thousands of cops who would love to beat your ass because you “disrespected a lady?” I think talking about it on this board just makes us a target and it is bad advice.

In other words, the voice of reason in this discussion frames his advice in entirely self-interested terms: Don’t attack women because then cops will beat your ass. Don’t talk like this on the forum, because it makes MGTOW look bad.

And then there are those who chime in to say they didn’t hate women … but. There is always a “but.” A couple of the “buts” are fairly mild and inoffensive. the american, echoing the famous Dr. Freud, notes

I don’t hate women. I just don’t understand their thought processes.

Our friend Yohan goes a little further (bold in original):

I am not hateful or violent, but I am highly MISTRUSTING against all and everything a Western female will ever tell me.

It’s not only about my past, it’s about the present legal situation in feminist countries, which encourages females of any age to consider men of any age, even young boys and old people, even your own father as nothing but trash except for quick money supply.

About hate, it should be said, hate is really bad for your health cousing heart problems, stomach problems etc..

And then there are … these. Richard Cranium blames those evil Sufragettes (and the manginas who loved them) for it all:

It’s not a matter of hating women per se, it’s hating what they’ve become, or more specifically what manginas have let them become. As has been stated here & elsewhere, the day we let them out of the kitchen and let them vote was the day it all went to hell.

Big R takes his non-hatred to a whole other level:

I dont hate them either. I want them to live to see how lonely and suicidal they,ll become when they find out all the men have dumped them forever in the feminized world. I want them to live and suffer without men or the attention they receive from us. …

I have turned out just a little vengeful towards women for the treatment I have received from them throughout my life. Just seeing an AW maybe lying on the sidewalk after a drunken suicidal depressive drinking binge after being dumped and cheated on would brighten up my day.

Our friend Yohan obliged this last wish by posting a photo of a drunk woman lying on the floor in what appears to be a pool of her own urine, with a friendly little note advising Big R to “have a nice day.”

So very considerate, these Men Going Their Own Way.

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>Yohan: When I actually see a woman passed out drunk in her own piss in the elevator, maybe I'll tell her to exercise self-control. And to keep an eye on her drink, so that some totally nice non-rapist doesn't slip a drug in it, an occurrence that's been known to happen. As it is, however, I haven't yet encountered such a scene. That's just not part of my "daily life", thank you very much, and no, like most women, I don't sit on my ass eating bonbons. What I have seen quite a few times is MEN passed out from drink, lying in the elevator, at the bottom of the stairs, on the sidewalk, etc., lying in their own piss, or vomit, or both — although it's not exactly daily life either, just something that I've actually seen on several occasions. Maybe the sight of drunk women in elevators is just "daily life" where YOU live, I don't know.Do you tell such men to exercise self-control and refrain from drinking and partying? Oh, right, according to you, men are never, ever, ever responsible for their own behavior. When a frat boy gets stone drunk, crawls up a chimney and falls asleep in his own vomit — according to you, that's all the fault of women, feminists and manginas who FORCED him to get drunk, or drove him to despair by not sleeping with him/taking away his God-given right to fuck whatever he wants without the object's consent. Do I have it about right? I think so. If a woman drinks herself silly, it's because she lacks self-control. If a man drinks himself silly, it's because society has failed him, and it's all the fault of women who didn't let him put his penis in their vaginas and took away "his" jobs.Also, you spent 20 years being a child? Well, that's your problem right there.

14 years ago

>Nearly 20 years being 1/3 of your life means that you are nearly sixty years old.Something that happened nearly 40 years ago still has you so angry that you must vent about it now. Also, you still misunderstood my broader point-the MRA movement does little positive. All it does is sit around and whine about women. That is not positive. There are no proposed laws, no online petitions, no organizing to change things. Just whine all day long.Have some cheese.

14 years ago

>Amused said… If a woman drinks herself silly, it's because she lacks self-control. If a man drinks himself silly, it's because society has failed him There is plenty of support for women available for any situation, but almost none for men.So because men are alcoholics, you suggest in the sense of equality, women also should become alcoholics? Statistics show that you are right, women are now drinking much more than in the past when they were oppressed.…you spent 20 years being a child? Do you need eye-glasses? You should consult an optometrist urgently. You are suffering of severe astigmatism as you see only 1/3 of my comment obviously. I said 20 years as child, later as student and as young employee. And do you know that fathers have to pay CHILD support to the MOTHER of their children up to 18 years old?That's UK definition, but sure similar in the USA.England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland each have their own guidance setting out the duties and responsibilities of organisations to keep children safe, but they agree that a child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.FYI, when I was a child, the age of majority was 21.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Yohan, there are actually quite a few resources for alcoholics of both sexes. Alcoholics Anonymous, rehab facilities, etc etc. But why are we even discussing drinking anyway?My point in the post was that you didn't seem bothered in the slightest by Big R saying he wanted women "to see how lonely and suicidal they,ll become when they find out all the men have dumped them forever in the feminized world. I want them to live and suffer without men or the attention they receive from us. …"Do YOU also want to see women feeling "lonely and suicidal?" If not, why didn't you say something to Big R about it instead of posting a picture of a miserable drunk woman. The fact that you posted that picture rather than challenge him suggests to me that you agree with him. Do you? Please answer with a simple yes or no.

14 years ago

>Elisabeth: the MRA movement does little positive. All it does is sit around and whine about women. If this is true, I wonder why feminists are so worried about MRAs.

14 years ago

>@Yohan"There is plenty of support for women available for any situation, but almost none for men."False.So because men are alcoholics, you suggest in the sense of equality, women also should become alcoholics? Statistics show that you are right, women are now drinking much more than in the past when they were oppressed.Actually, that would suggest that in the past, when women were oppressed, alcoholism among women was under-reported."Do you need eye-glasses? You should consult an optometrist urgently. You are suffering of severe astigmatism as you see only 1/3 of my comment obviously.I said 20 years as child, later as student and as young employee."Yohan, as someone with an obviously limited English proficiency, you shouldn't get self-righteous about people supposedly misinterpreting comments that you aren't wording properly in the first place. What your comment means there, is that you spent 20 years as a child, and then later (after those 20 years) became a student, then a young employee. That's what your comment actually means."And do you know that fathers have to pay CHILD support to the MOTHER of their children up to 18 years old?"Mothers have to pay child support to the father, too. The law is gender-neutral."FYI, when I was a child, the age of majority was 21."FYI, when I was a child, I didn't get the idea that a 20 year-old is expected to act like someone half his age just because he can't get a mortgage yet.

14 years ago

>Yohan: If this is true, I wonder why feminists are so worried about MRAs.Myself: Because getting shot by undiagnosed mental patients has a tendency to ruin one's day. Really, this isn't rocket science.

14 years ago

>David: Do YOU also want to see women feeling "lonely and suicidal?" If not, why didn't you say something to Big R about it instead of posting a picture of a miserable drunk woman. First of all, most people who are lonely and suicidal are men, and not women. Do feminists care about them? Surely not.Second, if you do not want to see pictures of drunken women in our forum, do not sign in with your fake-ID.Anyway, such pictures – drunken women in the garbage – are everywhere on the internet, 1000s of them… these are not fake-pictures, but this is the reality.Why should the truth about women and alcohol not be published? It's all about female empowerment. Third, if you really want to do something for these women, go ahead and tell them to reduce their alcohol consumation, instead of complaining about remarks from MRAs.MRAs will not and cannot discuss anything about drunken women if there are no drunken women around, who are sleeping in their own piss in an elevator or are vomitting next to a public restroom.Finally, I don't care if Western psycho women are feeling they are lonely or suicidal while drinking plenty of alcohol for free – paid by boys in bars and discos until they are sitting in their own piss somewhere.It's up to them to look for a relationship with a serious man and not for a quick hook-up with some unknown thug.That's truly not my concern. I am not responsible for the well-being of these women.Drunken women, misguided by feminism, have to care after themselves, or maybe David will show up and carry them to their homes.

14 years ago

>citizenlemonade: Myself: Because getting shot by undiagnosed mental patients has a tendency to ruin one's day. Interesting that you are only worried about male killers and not about female killers.

14 years ago

> Amused: Actually, that would suggest that in the past, when women were oppressed, alcoholism among women was under-reported.Oh yes, the patriarchy, and all and everything regarding women was and is under-reported.It's always the fault of the men, when women are getting drunk.And gender-neutral child-support is usually from the father to the mother…and up to 18 years old at least, regardless if the father can see the children or not. And now you should go to an optometrist, for sure eye-glasses will help you to read how gender-neutral laws are executed in reality.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Yohan, could you just post a simple yes or no to the question of whether or not you want to see women feeling "lonely and suicidal?"Not "Western psycho women … feeling they are lonely or suicidal while drinking plenty of alcohol for free – paid by boys in bars and discos."Women in general. I'll start out by answering a similar question with a simple yes or no answer. Do I want to see men lonely and suicidal? No. See, it's easy. So, your turn: Yes or no, do you want to see women lonely and suicidal? After you answer yes or no, you can add whatever you want to your answer. But I'm not going to discuss anything further with you until you provide that simple answer.

14 years ago

>Ooh, demanding aren't we? I speak 2.5 languages. I say 2.5 because my Hindi is pretty damn rusty and wasn't that good to begin with. My French, however, is near fluent. Why? Are you trying to say that English isn't YOUR native language? That theory would hold a lot more explanatory power than the theory that I am speaking a second or third language right now, since it is you who has communication problems with multiple posters here, not me. "Playing the race card" is a meaningless phrase. It just means, "You brought up race." Well duh. Yes I did. Usually the person accusing others of "playing the race card" is just saying "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT RACE SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Yep, kind of like you. The point of the transposition from male/female to white/black was to demonstrate how absolutely ludicrous and offensive your generalizations are. If someone talked about black people the way you talked about women, there'd be no question that you'd be called a racist. Yet you do the same thing to women–build up these offensive and inaccurate generalizations–and then deny charges of misogyny. All black people are not one way and all white people are not this other way. All men are not one way and all women are not this other way. You keep harping on the idea that "WOMEN" as in ALL women are this particular way. The basic thesis of feminism is that "We're all individuals," as Brian the Messiah would say. There are more than 3 billion women alive in the world today. No one generalization is going to apply to all of them. You can't even say, "They all have uteri," because some women are born without uteri, some have them surgically removed for whatever reason, and some women become women by choice after being born as men. Some women are butch and some women are femme. Some women are smart and some are stupid. Etc., etc. Yet you insist on the validity of your silly little theories that are based on nothing more than your personal experiences and bitter feelings. You love the word "ALWAYS." You say, "Feminists ALWAYS hate men." "Women ALWAYS love shopping." It's simplistic thinking and it's inherently flawed. The one "always" that will always apply is that there are always exceptions. You search and grope for a generalization, an "always" that will help you interact with women well enough to get what you want, but there is no such thing. People are individuals, period. Thinking that generalizations about men or women are helpful in understanding individual men or women is like thinking that knowing the average width of the Amazon River is helpful information when you're looking for a way to cross it. You're like a child who still thinks people are only ever all good or all evil. It's wishful thinking on your part. And you should answer the questions people are putting to you. I answered yours. It's your turn.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>@ SallyStrangeI know the PC offer is to do someone's taxes for them (rather than having their babies), but I'm shit at math. Instead, I would be totally willing to clean out your closet, garage or other storage unit.

14 years ago

>David Futrelle said… Yohan, could you just post a simple yes or no to the question of whether or not you want to see women feeling "lonely and suicidal?"Not "Western psycho women … feeling they are lonely or suicidal while drinking plenty of alcohol for free – paid by boys in bars and discos."Women in general. …..See, it's easy. So, your turn: Yes or no, do you want to see women lonely and suicidal? David, I am definitively under no obligation to answer your highly suggestive and provocative questions about 'women in general' which – what a surprise – include all Western psycho-power-girls who are already lonely and suicidal.If you like to collect answers to your stupid catch-22 questions, you are invited to post them in our forum using the section 'Opposing Views' or 'Trolleville'. You know where to find us. You have a fake-ID for signing in.

14 years ago

>YohanMAYBE the reason why no one liked you first the first 1/3 of your life has less to do with feminism and more to do with the fact that you lack the social skills to even answer a direct question.People like you tend to benefit from changing countries. People you meet can just write off your odd behavior as a cultural difference.

14 years ago

>It is a simple and easy question that your answer would be "yes" to based on your refusal to answer.You do want women to be miserable. And all because nearly 40 years ago you had women rejecting you or expecting you to support them as was the social norm then. Dude, LET IT GO.

14 years ago

>It's "provocative and suggestive" to ask whether Yohan has an active desire to see women, in general, become lonely and suicidal. That right there tells you all you need to know.

14 years ago

>@ Lady VictoriaGawrsh. Thanks.

14 years ago

>YohanHave you looked into what really might be wrong with you on a diagnostic level? We can presume from what you have said that in your youth and young adult life you have been belittled by both girls and boys your age. Life became better for you when you became an expat. You have a hard time seeing any grey area, for you the world is black or white. You exibit as a classic Aspergers, have you looked into this? There is a lot of help for people like you if you give it a chance.

14 years ago

>"There is plenty of support for women available for any situation, but almost none for men."—Yohan"False."—AmusedAnd where is your counter-proof? Citations needed.

14 years ago

>Simple google search finds this:For men with special needs childrenGeneral Support groupsMale infertilityUK group on male survivors of sexual abuse….Plenty more out there for those who are hurting and male.

14 years ago

>"Plenty more out there for those who are hurting and male."—ElizabethThey actually do exist, however, they are not typically visible enough, and society does not encourage men to seek them out as they should. I don't typically see feminists giving the same weight with these issues for men as they do women, but that's not surprising.

14 years ago

>Duh, women caring about other women are going to be telling those women about these support groups.Contact your buddies in the MRA movement to post those on their websites-part of the lack of knowledge solved.

14 years ago

>Triplantary:, Feminists such as Obama and Clinton don't "dismantle" traditional gender roles. And They send more men into war in Afghanistan. What a pack of lies. And for god's sake, STOP equating women's status with that of minorities. Blacks, Natives, Asians and Mexicans have never had over 50 percent of the population. They have never had a majority of the vote. Blacks have a lower life expectancy than whites. Men have a lower expectancy than women. More on that later!Triplanetary, Do you think that the millions of homeless men hold the "privileged" place in society? There are Many More homeless men than rich men. And to not believe this, makes one a misogynist? You hateful BIGOT. Go tell that Native American man who lost his land, and was put on a reservation, to give up his "male privileged" position to whites. Go shove it.

13 years ago

Those of us who were rejected from the game years ago have found simple, but fulfilling,
albeit “sexless” lives ,no children, just lots and lots of volunteer activites.It is not that we
felt “entitled” to women, just that we learned ,very early on, that there was no place for us
on the merrygoround, and we just moved on.We hurt no one, we receive plaques and trophies for “community service” after having never been on a date, to a prom or any
dances. It is not bitterness, just call it life, life without women.
