douchebaggery feminism MGTOW violence against men/women

>”I don’t hate women. I just want them all to die bitter and alone.”


Non-haters also gonna hate.

The “Rant you very much” section of NiceGuy’s MGTOW [Men Going Their Own Way] forum is the place for commenters to post stuff that they think might be too crazy and “out there” for the forum’s other sections. Given what else is posted over on NiceGuy’s — the stomping ground of a fellow named Nightstorm and his wild fantasies of moustrap vaginas and leech women —  this is a tall order indeed.

NiceGuy richbansha tried his best to live up to these high expectations with a recent rant titled “Why not hate?” Why bother to pretend that we don’t hate women, rich asks his fellow NiceGuys, when this won’t actually do us any good? As for him, he admits his hatred up front. (I’ve taken the liberty of bolding some expecially ranty bits in the quote below, and adding a paragraph break.)

Do I “hate women”? You bet your ass!  …

[T]he most common reason why one of us will deny the possibility that we hate them  is not not look bad. Is there any doubt that they don’t hate YOU or that those listening in wouldn’t just as soon see you violated? … No matter what you do, you can still expect the most inconscionable treatment at the hands of AW [American Women]. If the response to both kindness and cruelty are identical, what is the reason for such a lopsided favoritism for appeasement?

When saying that you want to rape and cut up a woman with a band saw is met with the exact same reaction as saying you want to want to buy them a drink, what … is the incentive to not be hateful and violent? We have seen for ourselves that refraining only makes you are more likely target for hatred and violence. … So when a stinking cavern gets out of hand why not pulp her? You know you want to. Does anyone really think that stopping yourself or saying you would stop yourself will make it any easier on you?

In a followup post, he blames it all on the alleged tendency of women to adore “bad boys” and treat kind, considerate nice guys — richbansha apparently thinks he is, or at least was, one of them — like dirt:

My fate was decided in 7th grade when that girl said I had cooties. …  If you ever got a “P” in the box on your report card that says “Respects the rights of others” then you are a marked man. …

I have suffered far more for the things that I had nothing to do with than any active and intentional infraction that I ever committed. … Who do skanks even call the cops on? Violent meth dealer Bf who routinely beats her and impregnates her or the honest, hardworking auditor who pays for the meth dealer’s offspring? Is it any wonder that I think dudes should get on the good side of that equation?

The “good side,” of course, being the side of of the girlfriend-beating “bad-boy” meth dealer.

So, yeah, that’s what a rant on NiceGuy’s looks like.

More interesting to me than the actual rant, though, are the responses of others in the forum. TheDude suggested he tone it down a bit: 

So you think that violence may be the answer when there are thousands of cops who would love to beat your ass because you “disrespected a lady?” I think talking about it on this board just makes us a target and it is bad advice.

In other words, the voice of reason in this discussion frames his advice in entirely self-interested terms: Don’t attack women because then cops will beat your ass. Don’t talk like this on the forum, because it makes MGTOW look bad.

And then there are those who chime in to say they didn’t hate women … but. There is always a “but.” A couple of the “buts” are fairly mild and inoffensive. the american, echoing the famous Dr. Freud, notes

I don’t hate women. I just don’t understand their thought processes.

Our friend Yohan goes a little further (bold in original):

I am not hateful or violent, but I am highly MISTRUSTING against all and everything a Western female will ever tell me.

It’s not only about my past, it’s about the present legal situation in feminist countries, which encourages females of any age to consider men of any age, even young boys and old people, even your own father as nothing but trash except for quick money supply.

About hate, it should be said, hate is really bad for your health cousing heart problems, stomach problems etc..

And then there are … these. Richard Cranium blames those evil Sufragettes (and the manginas who loved them) for it all:

It’s not a matter of hating women per se, it’s hating what they’ve become, or more specifically what manginas have let them become. As has been stated here & elsewhere, the day we let them out of the kitchen and let them vote was the day it all went to hell.

Big R takes his non-hatred to a whole other level:

I dont hate them either. I want them to live to see how lonely and suicidal they,ll become when they find out all the men have dumped them forever in the feminized world. I want them to live and suffer without men or the attention they receive from us. …

I have turned out just a little vengeful towards women for the treatment I have received from them throughout my life. Just seeing an AW maybe lying on the sidewalk after a drunken suicidal depressive drinking binge after being dumped and cheated on would brighten up my day.

Our friend Yohan obliged this last wish by posting a photo of a drunk woman lying on the floor in what appears to be a pool of her own urine, with a friendly little note advising Big R to “have a nice day.”

So very considerate, these Men Going Their Own Way.

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>One things that's fascinating about these guys is that they believe that if they boycott women, all men will do the same. They're completely delusional.

14 years ago

>Well, that's creepy.

14 years ago

>If a seventh grade girl calls you cooties it means life as you know it is over.You are destined to walk the earth a lonely person, unbeloved by all and forced to wear a mark of shame. A P for um…well dang it. I cannot figure what it would stand for but it means you are an outcast.Or, more likely, it means that someone was still immature and you are an idiot for still being upset about it decades later.

14 years ago

>Nice. A girl told him he has cooties, so she should drink herself silly and die. She told him he has cooties! Wow, that's a crime against humanity right there. Because none of us girls have never been told things that are unpleasant, demeaning and disrespectful. Actually, given how these men react to 7th grade, it's they who are more likely to kill themselves. My only hope that they do the world a favor by not shooting up a gym.

14 years ago

>Elizabeth: It's also possible he did have cooties. Never mind childish insults, those guys can't handle constructive criticism, either.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>"I'm not a misogynist, I just think women suck."

14 years ago

>As a NiceGuy who evolved into a mangina I have to say I like myself better now.I don't have to hate or "other" half of the population.And I have a lot of great people who saw my potential to get over all that privilege and ignorance.

14 years ago

>So when are these Men who are Going Their Own Way gonna actually, y'know, go their own way?

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>@Cynickal: hear, hear. I think being a NiceGuy in your early years is pretty normal, for a lot of reasons. The problem is if you get stuck there.

14 years ago

>I agree with Pam, will they hurry the fuck up and leave?

14 years ago

>You're dating a woman who's also dating a meth dealer?Well, uh, there's your problem.

14 years ago

>I think their "Taking the Ball and Going Home" tactic is somewhat adorable, if it weren't so creepy. I mean seriously? They think every man has the urge to violently assault women? Uhhh, that might tell us more about them than they think. They can keep calling decent men manginas. It won't stop women from appreciating those men. As David said: when will they actually go their own way and shut the fuck up 🙁 ?

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>I've had cooties ever since first grade. Maybe someday there will be a cure… 🙁As a NiceGuy who evolved into a mangina I have to say I like myself better now.I don't have to hate or "other" half of the population.And I have a lot of great people who saw my potential to get over all that privilege and ignorance. Word. I, too, have traveled that path. It's a shitty place to be, and I would like to give our friends hope that it doesn't have to be that way. Whether they accept it is entirely up to them.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>I've never really understood why "mangina" is supposed to be an insult. In the MRA's conception of the human race wouldn't a man with a vagina be the perfect being?

14 years ago

>Raul Groom said… In the MRA's conception of the human race wouldn't a man with a vagina be the perfect being? The idea of the ideal man is a woman with a dick. — Germaine Greer —

14 years ago

>Fun fact– cooties wasn't always a disease that plagued only nice guys. It used to be a synonym for lice. …maybe that's why this gentleman can't keep a date…

14 years ago

>"The idea of the ideal man is a woman with a dick. — Germaine Greer–"So THAT explains all the yaoi manga I've seen…

14 years ago

>So wait…the ideal MGTOW partner would be Buck Angel?(do not google his name if you are at work, school or public situation)

14 years ago

>They are so funny because they think their hate makes them special. There hasn't been a morning when I haven't wanted to burn the world down. But, I get a little breakfast and I'm ok. Maybe it's just their diet or something. And I can't believe he's still holding on to the cooties thing too. Let it go, bro, let it go.

14 years ago

>…..Big R takes his non-hatred to a whole other level:Just seeing an AW maybe lying on the sidewalk after a drunken suicidal depressive drinking binge after being dumped and cheated on would brighten up my day.Our friend Yohan obliged this last wish by posting a photo of a drunk woman lying on the floor in what appears to be a pool of her own urine, with a friendly little note advising Big R to 'have a nice day.' I wonder, what David will say, if I post a picture of a drunk MAN in our NiceGuy-Forum.Hmmm, David?Instead of complaining about MRAs posting a picture of a drunk woman, David should better tell women not to drink too much. Is it normal behavior for any woman to drink so much that she is unable to control her piss while going out in public?To mention the existence of drunk women is highly misogynistic, obviously women have the right to be fully drunk and piss in public and it is not politically correct to talk or posting pictures about this subject.And David, FYI, I am NOT your friend.

14 years ago

>Cynickal: Welcome! After reading such horrible things quoted in the post, it was nice to get a little encouragement from your comment.

14 years ago

>If Dave or one of the commenters had said "I have turned out just a little vengeful towards men for the treatment I have received from them throughout my life. Just seeing an AM maybe lying on the sidewalk after a drunken suicidal depressive drinking binge after being dumped and cheated on would brighten up my day", and someone posted a passed out drunk guy for cheering up purposes, you might have a point. But they didn't, and you don't.

14 years ago

>johnny– No, man, Buck's a feminist. The MGTOW would totally call him a mangina, in possibly the only logical use of that term in the history of ever.

14 years ago

>For that matter, who enjoys taking pictures of passed out drunk people (of either sex), putting them up and laughing at them? Seems kind of…sad and unsporting to me. That by itself doesn't have much humor, unless you get your jollies off at the shaming of random people. HAHAHAHA THAT PERSON IS SO INTOXICATED S/HE'S UNCONSCIOUS LOL

14 years ago

>Ozy–and I bet he would take it as a compliment.

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