drama manginas MRA the spearhead Uncategorized

>The Spearhead: You don’t have to be crazy to post here, but it helps. Scratch that: You DO have to be crazy.


Don’t ever say this to the guys at The Spearhead

These days I mostly ignore the people who attack me and this blog online, because I’m sick of internet drama and have no interest in stirring that particular sort of shit. But there’s one discussion going on at the moment that I think is worth mentioning, because it provides as interesting snapshot of the manosphere at the current moment.

Over on The Spearhead, a certain MRA who used to comment here at great length is suggesting that Spearheaders tone down their rhetoric so that “a site called” won’t quote them and, by exposing their crazy talk to the light of day, possibly make the men’s rights movement look bad.

Never mind that the regulars at The Spearhead aren’t all MRAs and I don’t identify them as such. That’s not the point. The point is this:

The person making the suggestion is Eoghan. And his mild and in fact quite sensible suggestion has not gone over well with the locals. Indeed, one of the regulars, SingleDad,compared him to “a Jewish person in Germany telling all the others who are complaining about their fears as they are loaded on the trains headed for the concentration camp to quiet down or the Nazi’s might get angry.” Another added, “I won’t make you wet your panties by calling you a mangina, especially since you seem to be either a doofus or a cunt.”

After a bit more back and forth, SingleDad came back with what can only be called a direct threat:

You sir are a traiter to your gender. ..  You would hold our hands as they lead us into the gas chamber.
Your a collaborator. You know what men do to collaborators, right?
Expect the same from me. Count on it.

Again, SingleDad isn’t talking about me. He’s talking about Eoghan. Eoghan! As anyone who has been reading the comments on this blog for any length of time is well aware, Eoghan is about as far from a feminist as you can get; indeed, he’s a dyed-in-the-wool MRA ideologue, and I actually banned him here some time ago because of his consistently disruptive behavior. But because he challenges not what they say but the way they say it, the guys at The Spearhead evidently see him as some sort of fem-symp if not the equivalant of a Nazi collaborator.

Naturally, all of Eoghan’s posts have been heavily downvoted by the regulars, and the attacks on him, including SingleDad’s threat, have gotten multiple upvotes. 

I’m not going to post a bunch more comments from this surreal “debate.” Obviously you all can head over and read the whole thing if you like. But I thought this one, from Poester00 and actually directed at me, was kind of telling:

Mr Manboobz is a low down slime, using comments posted here by third parties and NOT articles to attack this site.

Since I don’t think he is stupid and he’s extremely persistent at what he’s doing, it’s highly probable that he is either:
– being paid to continue by some interested third party with deep pockets, or
– is a victim of systematic child abuse by his mother or other female relative(s), so has been “Joe Bidened”

It may be just a “job” to him but his words are supporting the hurting of real people. People will remember his words and what goes around comes around.

What goes around comes around?

Poester99, I’m not quite sure you understand the concept of karma.

Here’s what I did: I quoted some repugnant shit some dudes said on a web site, and made some sarcastic remarks about these comments.

Here’s what you did: you falsely accused my mother of child abuse.

I’m having a really hard time seeing how I’m the bigger asshole in this scenario.

Also: the paid shill thing? Not true. But if some “interested third party with deep pockets” wants to empty these pockets into my bank account, and won’t interfere with what I write in any way, I’d like to suggest that  they contact me, like, right now.

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14 years ago

>The Spearhead is full of crazies. Look at the recent postings like this one. Those guys believe all sorts of tin foil hat nonsense. Whether it's that women are out to get them or that the voices in their heads are the Rockefellers plotting feminism, it's all the same.

14 years ago

>What is wrong with this thread on Spearhead?Many American men (maybe women too?) like these conspiracy theories, and there are entire forums full only with this kind of political stuff.In some forums, like our one (Niceguy-Forum) we made a sector called 'Hidden from View' with disclaimer and our members are free to post their conspiracy stuff into this section. ONLY into this section! If posted somewhere else, moderators will move such stuff quickly where it should be.Unfortunately SPEARHEAD is not a forum, but a blog.I think, they should change the software.Forums are easier to manage by creating sections. There are many users on Spearhead showing up with many different topics and plenty of comments.There are many reasonable comments on Spearhead and to call their website full of crazies is by far over the top.(btw, I do not comment on Spearhead, never signed up there and found their webpage only because of David Futrelle's threads and links complaining about upvoting…)

14 years ago

>Eoghan's comments mentioned in this thread of David are now also under discussion on spearhead.Sounds very fair to me.And Eoghan's first and downvoted into obscurity post starts off with:"Thats a complete misrepresentation of what I was saying…"I dunno, poetic justice, perhaps?

John Dias
14 years ago

>@cactuar-tamer:Regarding primary aggressor laws, you shouldn't assume that they're uniform in all states. Here's a rundown on predominant aggressor policies on a state-by-state basis. Also, on DV laws in general, here's a ranking of states with the worst civil rights abuses from domestic violence laws. Alaska is rated as the most dangerous state for men.

14 years ago

>@ Fujii System: Well, as this was your first comment there, I can imagine they just wanted to give you a nice start. Also, you weren't criticising their movement directly, called Japanese feminism "odd" and included a quote from an unhappy manless woman. However, "Of course, posters here can feel free to twist and characterize my comment as "misogynist" if they want to demonstrate a huge ignorance of Japanese culture and history."I won't call your post misogynist, because you are not to blame for the Japanese culture, and so far, no one else here did, either. I don't know which feminist sites you've visited so far, but maybe the reason many "arguments" are shouted down on feminist sites is because they don't actually deal with the issues themselves but instead revolve around the question why FEMINism (femina = woman, that's latin, by the way (yeah, my Latin is better than my Japanese, sorry, but then again, I'm from Europe)) doesn't primarily care about men's rights. Of course, you can blame feminism for that, but that would be like blaming Anti-AIDS activists for not caring about breast cancer. Feminism IS just a lobby group, no doubt about that, but then again, what's wrong with lobby groups? Men can have their own lobby group aswell, that's why I actually see a "Men's Rights Movement" as a good thing, but I guess what most commenters here bugs about said movement is that it doesn't really take action against ACTUAL male discrimination (which is more often than never perpetrated by men themselves) but instead blames feminism for personal issues, which is exactly what you criticised. I wish, and I'm certainly not on my own with that, that one day I could identify as an MRA myself, when the movement has finally stopped its bitter and whiny women-blaming and starts working alongside with feminism. (That's another thing about this movement, that it perceives itself to be anti-feminist. It's not, a true men's rights movement would actually just be the male counterpart to feminism, not its enemy.)@ Random Brother: If you're sick of the manhaters, then why don't you go back to your Mommy? I'm sure she's somewhere got an empty womb for you. (Sorry David, couldn't resist, but I certainly don't have to put up with being called a Nazi, as I am from exactly that country and I really don't want to be compared to a mass murderer.)

14 years ago

>By the way, sorry for the double post, but I wanted to add something.From a definition of "MRA" from the Urban dictionary:"An MRA would never support the rights of those men who truly are at a disadvantage in our society: homosexual and black men. Instead, he leaves campaigning for LGBT rights and minorities' rights to the "evil evil cunt bull dykes" aka feminists."

14 years ago

>"Random Brother: If you're sick of the manhaters, then why don't you go back to your Mommy? I'm sure she's somewhere got an empty womb for you. (Sorry David, couldn't resist, but I certainly don't have to put up with being called a Nazi, as I am from exactly that country and I really don't want to be compared to a mass murderer.)"—LydiaYou're not really sorry. You are just a misandrist.It's no wonder why people become anti-feminist. With a shitty, combative attitude like that, you have a lot to learn. Perhaps you refuse to.

14 years ago

>@YohanCan't you see what's wrong with that thread? It's a pissing contest between misogynists. I will summarize the thread for you:Conspiracy Theorists: Women are brainless bimbos who were too stupid to listen to white male Christians so I'm a bigger misogynist than you.Non Conspiracy Theorists: You conspiracy nuts don't blame women enough. They're diabolical man hating machines. I'm a bigger misogynist than you.Both sides are extremely paranoid. They just disagree about how to channel that paranoia, so it ends up as secret conspiracies vs. demonic women.@LydiaThe MRAs may pretend to support the rights of black men and homosexuals. They do that by making up stories about how the KKK was really run by women so both white men and black men were really oppressed by women.

14 years ago

> Steve said… @YohanCan't you see what's wrong with that thread? It's a pissing contest between misogynists.Conspiracy TheoristsNon Conspiracy TheoristsWhat has this to do with 'misogynists'?Conspiracy theories, you can find anywhere on the internet, one time it's about the Christians, next time about the Jews, it's about the Chinese or Americans, about Osama and Bush, about the black people born in USA and about Latino immigrants, about the pharma industry or about drilling for petroleum, it's about all and everything and also about women.The only and easy way if you do not like that stuff, don't read it. – But in USA conspiracy theories are well-known popular nonsense talk and many people like them.Some forums, not only MRA-forums, offer a special sector where members are allowed to post their 'conspiracy theories'. This helps to keep such stuff away from regular postings. Unfortunately Spearhead is like a blog and not a forum. Regular postings and conspiracy theories are mixed up.

14 years ago

>Lydia says: From a definition of "MRA" from the Urban dictionary:"An MRA would never support the rights of those men who truly are at a disadvantage in our society: homosexual and black men. MRAs support of course men's rights, regardless if the man is a black man or Asian man or mixed race man…Who is claiming such a nonsense, that MRAs are only white American people?MRAs are now everywhere worldwide, any race, any language etc.—–I rarely meet homosexuals in the MR-movement. I don't think they are much interested. These people enjoy a totally different life-style. – Most problems which make a typical man's horror story do not exist for them.They use different forums for communication among themselves.They do not disturb me at all, and I do not disturb them.

14 years ago

>Dude. I wonder if Eowhosis is going to get the full Trotsky treatment. I have an axe, but I don't support its usage for such purposes…

14 years ago

>@ LydiaLydia said: "@ Random Brother: If you're sick of the manhaters, then why don't you go back to your Mommy? I'm sure she's somewhere got an empty womb for you. (Sorry David, couldn't resist, but I certainly don't have to put up with being called a Nazi, as I am from exactly that country and I really don't want to be compared to a mass murderer.)"If you and feminut nation hate this "womnyn hating" "rape culture" "patriarchy" society so much, why don't you go back to your the insides of your daddies? That is if you can figure which one of the 97 drunken sailors who had your mom that night actaully is your dad. I'm sure he has some spare room in his nutsack for some useless trash.Patiently waits for David to "girlsplain" why Lydia's post is of course acceptable, but the MRA's post, is, of course, not.Random Brother

14 years ago

>@ Yohan: Everywhere? LOL. You wish. I know you say that quite a lot here on this site, that men supposedly wake up and notice the evil evil treatment they've received since the start of the feminist movement (and before the feminist movement, and during the French Revolution, and during the Renaissance era, and during the Medieval times, and in ancient Rome, and long before that, – serously, haven't men even been feeling discriminated against by women when there was no such thing as "men" and "women" yet? There are just men that ALWAYS feel discriminated, even if they're just about to mistreat a woman for being so "seductively feminine".) but seriously, you are not part of a big movement, you are just a member of a whiny, self-pitying group that gets nothing done even though there's loads that has to be done. You keep talking about the supposed mistreatment of men when in reality you just can't accept that women nowadays don't automatically treat you like a god just because you're male. Respect has to be earned, and if people don't show you any respect, you're doing something wrong. You say a lot of guys lose interest in Western women because – oh my god! – Western women actually expect men to have an equally interesting life as they lead! You remeber that girl missy that posted here? Yeah, that's what bugs guys about evil Western women: they have an attitude, they have goals in life, they have interests, and, most important, they're highly educated, and, unfortunately, they really expect that from men too. Alpha women that demand alpha men. And this "alpha" doesn't even mean "leads a big company, has money, car, etc.". It just means "I've got something to do in my life, please be on par with me". Nothing else. If you can't even live up to that, you better get yourself a dog.By the way: I get to see a lot of guys hanging out with Western women. So we can't be that horrible.@ Wytchie: A boo boo, don't cry. I don't hate ALL men, just those who expect women to treat them like a treasure while they don't have to meet any standards themselves. The reason why I CAN'T be a "misandrist" is because I know every man is different, they have something called a "personality", just like women. Of course, if you judge people by their genitals, you don't know about that.But lets get a little into your argumentation here: Just because I hurl an insult back to a guy who keeps making notoriously sexist remarks and expects women to kiss his feet because he's a man (see above in my comment) I'm a manhater? So a guy is allowed to insult and belittle WOMEN IN GENERAL and if I do the same to HIM, just him, I'm a manhater? I really wonder how much a child has to be spoilt to become such an immature, egotistic and self-centered adult like you guys. "Oooh, the feminist criticised me! She must be a manhater!" And don't even get me started on all that whining about "false rape allegations" while showing absolutely no respect for REAL rape victims…EDIT: "That is if you can figure which one of the 97 drunken sailors who had your mom that night actaully is your dad." Well yeah. Kinda self-explaining. Random Brother, inside my Daddy? You didn't pay much attention during your biology lesson, did you? By the way: I love my Daddy. So can't be a man-hater.

14 years ago

>Damn shame. There was a minute there when John, David and even Elizabeth were having a pretty interesting adult conversation, till some feminist attention whore showed up and spoiled it.Random Brother

14 years ago

>Heh, you're standing up for Elizabeth, Brother? Why? Because Elizabeth didn't question your manhood like me? Good girl, Liz. Don't criticise the player.Anyway: We've got a great example of misogyny vs "misandry" here going on:Random Brother: "Feminazi, femifascist, feminut! Manhater! Attention whore!"Me: Go back to your momma, you wimp.Random Brother: "…the 97 drunken sailors who had your mom that night…"It's a shame, Brother. Everytime you appear here, you leave a trail of insults and derogatory remarks, and then you cry when someone slaps back. Unfortunately David decided to ban Eoghan, I actually found his posts to be far more constructive than yours, but this isn't my blog, and therefore not my decision who gets banned.

14 years ago

> Lydia: I get to see a lot of guys hanging out with Western women. So we can't be that horrible There are various reasons why Western men do not want to have anything to do with Western women anymore. One major reason are not Western women themselves, but Western feminist laws, which are totally biased against men, especially in case of divorce.Even female politicians of your own country (my neighbouring country btw) are highly sceptical about the feminist movement and the reversed family law 2008 in Germany for the first time in German history past WWII favors men and children over women, cutting strongly down on alimony payments. Many 'Western' women you see in Germany, are not Western women, but from Eastern Europe, including the former German Democratic Republic (DDR). Interesting to mention, that Germany has near to half a million registered prostitutes taking care of men, who obviously cannot find any relationship with a female without using their wallet, not to take about freelancers. Lydia says…seriously, you are not part of a big movement, you are just a member of a whiny, self-pitying group that gets nothing done MRAs are very active in Central Europe and it is about the time.I recommend Western men to remain single while living in Western countries, save your money you earn for yourself.About 'getting nothing done', well, I did 'something' to get away from feminism,going my own way…

14 years ago

>One can keep up with an adult conversation even if someone (in your opinion) shows up making a spectacle of themselves John. After all, that is what Nick always does.

John Dias
14 years ago

>@Elizabeth:"One can keep up with an adult conversation even if someone (in your opinion) shows up making a spectacle of themselves John. After all, that is what Nick always does."Huh? Are you talking to me, Elizabeth? Or are you replying to this comment by Richard?

14 years ago

>Yeah, sorry about that John. Mea culpa

14 years ago

>@ LydiaLydia emoted: "Heh, you're standing up for Elizabeth, Brother? Why? Because Elizabeth didn't question your manhood like me? Good girl, Liz. Don't criticise the player."1. I didn't stand up for Elizabeth. I merely noted that there was a somewhat interesting post going on with her involved, which had an adult vibe, which is not the norm here.2. As for questioning my manhood and all that, a woman declaring what a man should be is akin to some white bigot declaring what a black person should be. Neither the bigot nor the woman has any idea what the fuck they are talking about. This should be a familiar situation for you as you also don't ever seem to know what the fuck you are talking about.3. It's don't HATE the player hate the game, honey.Lydia continued: "Anyway: We've got a great example of misogyny vs "misandry" here going on:Random Brother: "Feminazi, femifascist, feminut! Manhater! Attention whore!"Me: Go back to your momma, you wimp.Random Brother: "…the 97 drunken sailors who had your mom that night…"1. I don't recall saying femifascist. 2. Do you really think this is evidence of anything? This is your level of intelligence?! Jesus. So what? I respond rudely to people who are rude to me. If you can't deal with it go do something elese with your life. May I suggest taking a course in cooking, or kitchen cleaning or maybe sock sewing, something to give you some value, because if you have to rely on your intelligence to get by, well yikes.Lydia said: "It's a shame, Brother. Everytime you appear here, you leave a trail of insults and derogatory remarks, and then you cry when someone slaps back."I never cry. That's for females. I merely give back what is given to us as MRA's. How would you expect MRA's to post here? Let's see, David pulls the worst quote he can find from an alleged MRA. A bunch of femhags jump in withe the "Oh teh menz are so dum an we is so purfect." And then MRA's come and insult them. And bickering ensues. Again, so what moo cow?Lydia continues: "Unfortunately David decided to ban Eoghan, I actually found his posts to be far more constructive than yours, but this isn't my blog, and therefore not my decision who gets banned."Yes, and we see how that constructive posting helped Eoghan now don't we? And as always a feminut starts screaming for banning every time she faces opposition. You know, you're right, femifascist, a word I don't believe I've used before, (thanks!) is a good word for your kind.Random Brother

14 years ago

>@ ElizabethAgain, how do you expect MRA's to post here when almost every post starts out with David's snarkiness and the feminuts piling on?Random Brother

14 years ago

>You guys keep posting so you answer your own question munchkin.

14 years ago

>@ ElizabethWell then I'll post however I like plum puddin'Random Brother

14 years ago

>"I'm a manhater?"—LydiaOf course.

14 years ago

>"And don't even get me started on all that whining about "false rape allegations" . . . LydiaStop being a jackass and maybe someone will take your ranting and raving seriously.