drama manginas MRA the spearhead Uncategorized

>The Spearhead: You don’t have to be crazy to post here, but it helps. Scratch that: You DO have to be crazy.


Don’t ever say this to the guys at The Spearhead

These days I mostly ignore the people who attack me and this blog online, because I’m sick of internet drama and have no interest in stirring that particular sort of shit. But there’s one discussion going on at the moment that I think is worth mentioning, because it provides as interesting snapshot of the manosphere at the current moment.

Over on The Spearhead, a certain MRA who used to comment here at great length is suggesting that Spearheaders tone down their rhetoric so that “a site called” won’t quote them and, by exposing their crazy talk to the light of day, possibly make the men’s rights movement look bad.

Never mind that the regulars at The Spearhead aren’t all MRAs and I don’t identify them as such. That’s not the point. The point is this:

The person making the suggestion is Eoghan. And his mild and in fact quite sensible suggestion has not gone over well with the locals. Indeed, one of the regulars, SingleDad,compared him to “a Jewish person in Germany telling all the others who are complaining about their fears as they are loaded on the trains headed for the concentration camp to quiet down or the Nazi’s might get angry.” Another added, “I won’t make you wet your panties by calling you a mangina, especially since you seem to be either a doofus or a cunt.”

After a bit more back and forth, SingleDad came back with what can only be called a direct threat:

You sir are a traiter to your gender. ..  You would hold our hands as they lead us into the gas chamber.
Your a collaborator. You know what men do to collaborators, right?
Expect the same from me. Count on it.

Again, SingleDad isn’t talking about me. He’s talking about Eoghan. Eoghan! As anyone who has been reading the comments on this blog for any length of time is well aware, Eoghan is about as far from a feminist as you can get; indeed, he’s a dyed-in-the-wool MRA ideologue, and I actually banned him here some time ago because of his consistently disruptive behavior. But because he challenges not what they say but the way they say it, the guys at The Spearhead evidently see him as some sort of fem-symp if not the equivalant of a Nazi collaborator.

Naturally, all of Eoghan’s posts have been heavily downvoted by the regulars, and the attacks on him, including SingleDad’s threat, have gotten multiple upvotes. 

I’m not going to post a bunch more comments from this surreal “debate.” Obviously you all can head over and read the whole thing if you like. But I thought this one, from Poester00 and actually directed at me, was kind of telling:

Mr Manboobz is a low down slime, using comments posted here by third parties and NOT articles to attack this site.

Since I don’t think he is stupid and he’s extremely persistent at what he’s doing, it’s highly probable that he is either:
– being paid to continue by some interested third party with deep pockets, or
– is a victim of systematic child abuse by his mother or other female relative(s), so has been “Joe Bidened”

It may be just a “job” to him but his words are supporting the hurting of real people. People will remember his words and what goes around comes around.

What goes around comes around?

Poester99, I’m not quite sure you understand the concept of karma.

Here’s what I did: I quoted some repugnant shit some dudes said on a web site, and made some sarcastic remarks about these comments.

Here’s what you did: you falsely accused my mother of child abuse.

I’m having a really hard time seeing how I’m the bigger asshole in this scenario.

Also: the paid shill thing? Not true. But if some “interested third party with deep pockets” wants to empty these pockets into my bank account, and won’t interfere with what I write in any way, I’d like to suggest that  they contact me, like, right now.

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Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>They really are a caricature of everything they accuse feminists of being–and more. It's truly remarkable, and rather frightening.

14 years ago

>This is amazing. Maybe Eoghan will wake up and realize there is a problem in his movement.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>And they claim that feminists can't tolerate any dissension from the party line….

Christine WE
14 years ago

>You're not the asshole at all in this scenario.

14 years ago

>People who are more interested in identity as an us-vs-them issue aren't generally interested in the substance of that identity. Look at right-wing Christians, for example, who find it very important to be Christian but don't consider it terribly important to *act* Christian. These guys are the same way, but their identity is invested in their maleness.By the way, David, I've been enjoying this blog for a while, ever since I got linked to it from Pandagon, and I remember when you got nothing but comments from insane MRA trolls. I'm glad to see you finally have a sane following of commenters.

14 years ago

>I would donate a dollar to help keep this blog going cuz it makes me laugh. 🙂 Maybe even TWO dollars!

14 years ago

>hahaha, there's a comment now claiming that Eoghan is David:Eoghan "David" Futrelle January 26, 2011 at 14:24 I dunno, is it just me, or does it seem very odd that all of the sudden, this @ssbag appears on this comment thread, giving a downvote to every comment that isn’t their own, and then basically being a mangina troll while also managing to plug their own website inadvertently, thereby divulging their identity. David, you’re a moron. You’re obviously a byproduct of a successful brainwashing campaign foisted upon three generations of children thanks to “women’s lib” and it’s vehicle of dissemination, the public education system in this once great but not decrepit and morally decaying nation of spinless, emasculated males and their butch female counterparts. Ohhh boy, I bet you’re going to claim that I’m wrong in assuming that Eoghan and David are the same @sshole spewing jibberish here in order to promote his $hitty website with the oh-so-witty name “manboobz”… HAH! Are you serious? It’s so obvious that you’re a typical lefty; a self-hating male feminist that probably has a penis that’s AT LEAST 3 1/2 inches HARD! Women actually HATE boys like you.

John Dias
14 years ago

>@triplanetary:"[David,] I'm glad to see you finally have a sane following of commenters."How typical. If your opinion disagrees with that of a feminist ideologue, she will chalk it up to your being afflicted with mental illness. Thou shalt not disagree!

14 years ago

>I assume all these death camps for men are stationed in Feminist Saudi Arabia? That must be the same place where Bill O'Reilly's gang of pink pistol-packing lesbians hail from.

14 years ago

>"Women actually HATE boys like you."BRB, loling forever.T-SHIRT IDEAThis caption underneath a cartoon with a pouty misogynist on one side, and a mixed gaggle of normal men and women on the other, smiling and laughing and having fun with each other.

14 years ago

>The back could say "Everyone is David Furtelle."

14 years ago

>I am not an MRA, but The Spearhead routinely posts articles that are compelling, well-written pieces and are drawing well-deservered attention. By saying that everyone that posts these articles is crazy, well, you have just lost ALL credibility. It just ain't true.Also, The Spearhead does not enforce a strict moderation policy. Their policy allows a loose, dynamic, organic interaction to take place. I might not agree with this policy, but it does have its merits within the context of brainstorming and deriving new truths. Your singling out the arbitrary outliers in these organic threads is disingenuous, most importantly because it ignores top quality contributions that you will never find in any other forum. Think of the bell-curve distribution and the error of selecting observations from only one end.Your assertion that everyone that participates on TS is crazy is just plain wrong.

14 years ago

>Chuckeedee, No one is seriously saying that everyone is crazy. The headline is a joke.The point is that a lot of the comments are crazy, the crazy comments get upvoted, and when someone suggests that maybe comments should be less crazy, the person receives a boatload of crazy for his efforts.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Chuck, the headline is a reference to the stupid posters some people hang in their cubicles that say "you don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps." "Your singling out the arbitrary outliers in these organic threads"They're not outliers. That's one of the unexpected benefits of the spearhead comment rating system: it allows you to see whose comments are widely liked or widely hated. Misogynist comments on the Spearhead are routinely upvoted, sometimes with dozens of upvotes. Comments challenging misogyny or defending women in even a mind way get downvoted and basically "disappeared." SingleDAd's first comment quoted above got more than two dozen upvotes; even his THREAT got many more upvotes than downvotes. These aren't the outliers on the Spearhead; they're from the fat middle of the bell curve.

14 years ago

>Oh my god. I just looked at The Spearhead for the first time, and I think I'm willing to say that anyone who reads that site (not for yuks) is crazy. Before I do, though … Chuckeedee, can you link to maybe two or three of those compelling, well-written pieces you were talking about? Like, that don't have as their primary point: Women are stupid, fat bitchez who won't date me? (Because, I should point out, an article that takes that as its particular point of view is by its nature not compelling or well-written.)From what I could tell, The Spearhead articles are exactly as hilarious and wrong-headed as the comments, if not exactly as easy to make fun of. Shorter The Spearhead article: "Back in the day, Laura Ingalls Wilder and her husband had this relationship that I don't know that much about, but they stuck it out I guess and GOD why are all American women such bitchez?"So it's pretty funny that Eoghan thinks the comments are the only problem. The whole comments section is pretty hilarious, though:"Domestic violence can decrease if children are taught anger management skills, yoga and meditation in school from a very young age."Funny how the system doesn’t really want to get at the root of the problem and implement preventative measures, but rather let the issue of anger fester until they can create laws around the problem. I guess that makes more money."Poorly-rated. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 81"Eighty-one downvotes for learning how to manage your rage? Like, seriously?I mean … seriously?

14 years ago

>Another nothing thread thrown together by Furtrelle so a bunch of man haters can go "Oh, my gawd look at teh menz! ROFL! This is like so stupid lol and we is so strrrrong, proud and independants, grrrl power." While their lackeys lick their high heels and bask in the glow of absolute submission. Men saying angry things on the interent = evil, crazy, misogyists who must be mocked and or stopped.Women doing evil things and passing biased laws in the real world = Strong women standing up for themselves.Random Brother

14 years ago

>@ BeeThe post you quoted is from a person who is viewed on that site as a troll. If you new more about that poster and the site you'd be in a better position to judge. Pretty much all of that guys stuff is down voted.Random Brother

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>… suggesting children be taught anger management techniques is considered trolling on The Spearhead?Good to know.

14 years ago

>@Random BrotherOn the troll issue – That would be the point. anyone with anything actually constructive to say is labelled a troll. They are actually accusing Eoghan of being David with plenty of upvotes and downvoting Eoghan and all he seems to be saying is maybe they need to be a bit careful on some of the harsher comments. He isn't disagreeing with most of the basic premises there, just the way its being expressed by some people, some of the time.It kind of looks like they will push Eoghan out of that sphere (for being a mangina nazi WTF??). That makes them look more like a little bunch of thugs than supportive of mens rights issues which they claim to be. On a bright note, the more they do that the faster obscurity looms.

14 years ago

>Haloinshreds: over on another thread there is a discussion about how it is so unfair! that women! dare demand equal rights! and have agencies of the government help them! if we tried we would be mocked! (which ignores the often vicious backlash women got for demanding those rights…)The point I keep making is "um hello-y'all can organize too." However, that is not what they want to hear. So since they refuse to do anything but complain, why should they move beyond obscurity?

John Dias
14 years ago

>In the same thread on the Spearhead, I made a plea for a more cautious rhetorical approach right here, and as of this writing my comment got 7 up votes and zero down votes.What does this tell you? It tells you that people on the Spearhead, and throughout the men's movement, are super-sensitive to any suggestion that they silence themselves in order to avoid offending those who mock them, shame them, culturally marginalize them and attempt to use the laws of the State to disempower them. But when I come along in that same thread, and make an argument that it is in their interest to foster a civil atmosphere — their interest — that resonates with them and nobody takes it in a hostile way, because with my comment the goal is not to appease one's opponents but rather to shore up the perceived value of one's own discussion community.Non-feminists don't react very kindly to any calls to temper their own voices in order to appease feminists. To them that is offensive.

14 years ago

>Yes Elizabeth I saw that thread. Its really strange because there is absolutely no doubt that there are a lot of men genuinely hurting over divorces, access issues etc but if they go looking for help from MRA/MGTOW movements, the 'help' they get seem seems to consist largely of a bunch of people out whining each other rather than tangible 'the systems against you, you are screwed so suck it up and hate women bitches who created this' rather than 'that sucks but you can get legal assistance here for free (and it DOES exist) and health assistance here etc etc There may be MRAs that provide that kind of assistance but they sure don't rate well on search enginesI personally don't get the concept of ongoing hatred. Its like inviting the people you can't stand to live under your skin every minute of everyday and volunteering to devote a bunch of your energy that you could be using for fun things to the people you can't stand. Sort of like asking a bunch of scabies in to take residence in your body.

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>John Dias:How typical. If your opinion disagrees with that of a feminist ideologue, she will chalk it up to your being afflicted with mental illness. Thou shalt not disagree! How now? Do you mean to say that someone's sanity has been questioned? Egads! Such an act is unprecedented in the history of internet! Pardon me whilst I clutch my pearls and faint…

14 years ago

>Someone get the smelling salts. Halo-it is strange because there could really be an effective change for those kinds of problems if men did try. They have a reason to complain but seem to assume that no one cares or that the very concept of standing up for one's own self with other people is anathema. Found the smelling salts! Hold still Bathrobe.

14 years ago

>John Dias said'In the same thread on the Spearhead, I made a plea for a more cautious rhetorical approach right here, and as of this writing my comment got 7 up votes and zero down votes.'Ok I'll fess up. One of those was mine

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