
>Tee Shirt Time


Inspired by these guys, I’m thinking of offering some Man Boobz t-shirts, and possibly some other cool blog swag, either through CafePress or one of its competitors. I’ll either sell them at cost or donate whatever meager profits I make to some deserving charity.

My plan is to use some quotes from the boobs, maybe add some clever graphics. (One slogan per shirt.) So far here are some possibilities, and links to where they’re from:

We hunted the mammoth to feed you

Don’t ever let a woman know your name, city or profession.

No sperm, no peace

Pussy cartel

And, from our good friend Yohan, referring to me:

On the brink of idiotism

Let me know what you think of these. And if you have some favorite quotes I haven’t listed, post them below (with URL if you can track it down). The comments section here is fair game for quotes too.

Suggest away!

Also, if you’ve had experience with CafePress or one of its alternatives, let me know if it was good or bad. Thanks!

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14 years ago

>HAHAH, well I definitely suggest using multiple slogans, but I would advise against pussy cartel in the current culture, it's too confusing. There are scads of real live manboobz that would "host" it because "duuunnn hhe uhhuhuhuhu it says pussy" and it's kinda gross. But I was thinking you should sell some merchandise for sure. make sure to somehow make it clear it's a website and advertise it. I know, you probably know that. In fact I'm not sure about 'no sperm no peace' either, but the mammoth one made me LOL for real, and it goes great next to the muscle man pic too. You have a real eye for design, so they will be great. And if there is any group that needs money for research about sexual assault on college campuses, I think that's what you should raise money for, because I was thinking you should sell these on college campuses.

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>I like, "how hard could it be to change a few diapers?" No quote embodies the utter cluelessness of the MRA set like that one.

14 years ago

>I so glad that this website is getting attention from mainstream forums.It's not just feminists who know these people are a crazy fringe group. Perhaps one? of them will wake up, but I doubt it.

14 years ago

>The hunt the mammoth t amazes me on a few different levels.One is that while men were out hunting women were gathering, I would assume theirs was the more constant source of food supply.Even more compelling is how these men view children, as opposed to ancient men. History doesn't know when people first realized that sex = babies for men but we can be sure that it took some for humans to figure it out. Yet they think that ancient men took care of these children, if they are right then I would guess that those men valued these children that belonged to their mothers exclusively. Compare that to modern mra’s, pretty much across the board they are both against abortion and welfare, child support and marrying mothers. They might just have a thing or two to learn from our primitive ancestors. None of the above mentioned is wrong to be against individually, for instance if you are against abortion then you should be for support for those children that a woman didn’t abort. But if you’re against all of them, you are officially an idiot.

14 years ago

>I like the first one- particularly when I imagine it being said by a skinny white boy in a bath robe sitting in his trailer who has never hunted in his life (except that one time he found his step dad’s hand gun and killed the neighbor’s cat). The second one is good, too.Not that it’s a quote from the site, but I wouldn’t be opposed to wearing a shirt that says, “I am here to make your bed and eat your soul.” Or perhaps a picture of a vagina that says, “I’m watching you.”

14 years ago

>please please please do a quote from nightstorm!

John Dias
14 years ago

>@David Futrelle:Captain Bathrobe wrote, "No quote embodies the utter cluelessness of the MRA set like that one."It looks like all of the fig-leaf qualifiers that you use to describe your blog's focus have had utterly no effect, David. People get the point and they do the generalizing for you. No straw man attacks against the men's rights movement could possibly be found on this blog, oh no sirree!

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>I speak for me, John, not for Dave. But it's good to know that you agree that raising kids is hard, difficult work, and that you wish to disassociate yourself from those who think otherwise.

14 years ago

>How about, "Change your own diapers you dumbell MRA" since most of them wear diapers and are stinky to begin with and eat their own bougars too.That makes me feel giggly in the pants.

14 years ago

>There is a guy on niceguys that really does wear diapers, a adult baby. I think his name is tiggerpaws.

14 years ago

>I personally use Zazzle. Although I've never used Cafepress, from what I've read of it interface Zazzle seems easier to use. Although they can be a little trigger happy with the censorship, in which case I use Spreadshirt. I'm not digging any of the selected slogans, though. They seem too obscure, or too easily taken out of context. Unless they're accompanied by a graphic demonstrating the absurdity, like phantomaceaj's suggestion. How about one that says "I'm not unattractive, I'm BOYCOTTING."

14 years ago

>'incel by choice' has a nice oxymoronic ring to it. I know I saw it somewhere. Will look

14 years ago

>JohnnykajePerfect slogan!I’m not unattractive or socially inept I’m just boycotting women.

14 years ago

>How about: "MRAs: Because equality should be equal."

14 years ago

>The term Pussy Cartel totally makes me think of a cat with a machine gun going Tony Montana on us all. "Say hello to my little friend!" But I would totally wear that shit!

14 years ago

>I still love "converse in conversation."Like, "Women gossip. Men converse in conversation."

14 years ago

>How about "I am mean, stay away!" Richard might prefer if the above was sported on big buttons (see the feminazi marriage thugs thread), but a t-shirt might do quite nicely, too.And then there's "But I'm a NiceGuy(TM)"

14 years ago

>@ PamThe "mean stay away" buttons would be nice. Just as good would be if feminist were forced to wear buttons with a big F on them so men could avoid the headache of trying to approach castrating feminist nutjobs (sorry for the redundancy). Random Brother

14 years ago

>castrating? Wow, so emotional and dramatic with the hyperbole, sorry for the redundancy. Men that don't go around trying to control others or judging them, expecting to act in very limited fashions and trying to get something from other people probably don't run into all that frustration.

14 years ago

>LOL!! The "castrating feminist nutjobs" that I know wouldn't force people to wear t-shirts or buttons that labelled them. Hmmmmmmmm…..Sporting the "But I'm a NiceGuy(TM)" t-shirt would be optional as well.

14 years ago

>The "mean stay away" buttons would be nice.I know that there's a "Thank you, Pam" in there, somewhere.

14 years ago

>@ booboonation:booboonation said: "Men that don't go around trying to control others or judging them, expecting to act in very limited fashions and trying to get something from other people probably don't run into all that frustration."1. You have to judge people. It's the only way to decide how to react to them. If, however, you find your judgement is wrong then one should correct it.2. Who tries to control people more than feminists? Random Brother

14 years ago

>Thanks Pam.Random Brother.

14 years ago

>Yes Richard,You should try doing number one.

14 years ago

>@ KaveI've seen nothing about feminists or feminism that has convinced me to change my mind.Random Brother