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>Leech Women in the Food Court of Doom


Women in search of prey.

Back by popular demand, here’s more Nightstorm. We’ve already heard his theories about the Mousetrap vagina. Now we see his nightmare vision of … men and women going shopping at the mall. Of course, I hate shopping with women — and, for that matter, men — as much as the next guy, but Nightstorm takes it to a whole other level:

Imagine a man who is walking in the mall. Browsing. Through the food stores figuring out what to eat. As he stands there pondering, the camera pans left to reveal his back. Mounted and glued is the fattest moda fucking slug you ever seen! It has no form but that of a leach and you could almost mistake it for a backpack.

The slug whispers things in the mans ear. The man smiles. The slug then begins to direct the man where to go while sucking on the mans neck, draining of him of his life force.

Suddenly another male who is in the mall, also browsing for food comes by. He too, has this same slug like creature on his back. Both males converse in conversation while the 2 slugs look absolutely hostile towards one another. They cling harder to their host and begin to hiss at one another, afraid it will steal its host and leave it hang to dry.

Yes, the entire livelyhood of the slug is at risk,so it hisses at the other ready to bite its head off. Soon it whispers to the man it doesn’t want to eat here, and that’s how men part ways because there gf told them to.

Wasn’t this a David Cronenberg movie?

Seriously, Nightstorm, stop wasting your time on MGTOW websites and start churning out scripts for horror movies. I would totally watch this shit, and I’m not even kidding. You’ve got a GIFT, son!

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14 years ago

>Wasn't this a David Cronenberg movie?Might you be thinking of Shivers (believe it was also titled They Came from Within)? Slightly different storyline, but yeah, giant slug-like organisms.

14 years ago

>HAHAHAHAHA! The men are "conversing in conversation!" O god that's good!

14 years ago

>I just love how these crazy dudes forget that they were actually living inside their mothers for 9 months, feeding off of her "life force". And then they want another woman to carry their slugs for 9 months. Oh, and then there is the breast feeding. Talk about a slug sucking your life force away. This post along with the mousetrap comments makes this guy a wet dream for a therapist. It's going to take years and a shit ton of cash to get this guy thinking logically. And I love how he thinks that women are the only competitive ones on the planet. He might want to check into something called…wait for it…War.

14 years ago

>(takes out notebook)Come on, more Nightstorm. Between the poison vag, the blood-spewing virgin and the slug, I almost have enough material to make myself the next David Lynch.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Pam, oh, I've seen Shivers! One of my favorite Cronenberg films. I was just thinking that this sounded very Cronenberg-esque — the eruption of the id in grotesque form in the bland surroundings of a mall.

14 years ago

>An image of the brain slugs from futurama popped into my head and refused to leave. if shoppers are brain slugs, who is hypnotoad?

14 years ago

>One of my favorite Cronenberg films.I liked it, too, but not quite as much as Scanners.The slug reference also brought to mind the Adam-carrying sea slugs in Bioshock…. but don't tell Dr. Deezee!!!

14 years ago

>Maybe you should offer "Leech Women in the Food Court of Doom" as a working title to Nightstorm so he can get busy working on his script.

14 years ago

>Do we discover our calling or does our calling discover us?Nightstorm, pick up the phone!

14 years ago

>What malls have food stores? Maybe he's talking about the food court.

14 years ago

>The guy sounds like he's incredibly high."Slugs, man. Like, chicks are like slugs on their backs. Totally dude."

14 years ago

>Wow, I would love to see that movie, too!Sounds pretty creepy!And whatever this guy is taking: what is it and where can I get it?Must have been one hell of a trip!

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>This is the saddest thing I've read on the internet all day. Either that or the most hilarious.

14 years ago

>David, the images you select to accompany posts are superb. I like to think that pic is of two leeches conversing in conversation.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Heather, thanks. I actually spend a ridiculous amount of time looking for good pics for the blog.

14 years ago

>What's disturbing is that those nice guys all think he's brilliant. (see the link posted).That is the biggest problem with the internet, mentally ill people find like-minded individuals to justify their delusions.

14 years ago

>Wow. That boy has issues. That's all I can say in response.

14 years ago

>What's disturbing is that those nice guys all think he's brilliant.Yes, they are so busy "going their own way" and not giving women a second thought [sideways glance] that they don't have time to ponder the possibility that someone might not be simply joining their 'pissing on women' match but might actually be voicing what he believes to be reality. They see him as the next David Cronenberg, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, etc. instead of as the next George Sodini, Allen Reyes, Jared Loughner, etc.

14 years ago

>How come Nightstorm gets all the limelight? Are you not able to find anything from me that's worth a post and a marginally-related picture from your library?

14 years ago

>"How come Nightstorm gets all the limelight? Are you not able to find anything from me that's worth a post and a marginally-related picture from your library?"See what I mean? ……

14 years ago

>Not really, no. I'm not engaged in a "pissing on women" match with anyone.

14 years ago

>The leech in that photo is robbing my of my manhood by NOT having sex with me.THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!

The Apprentice
14 years ago

>This whole "being a woman" thing sure sounds terribly lonely. Who don't we hate? Men are right out…and other women too, those man-trap harpies! Just leaves money to keep us company, I suppose.Don't we get any down time? Can I just not try to destroy everyone's lives around me? It really sounds tiring. This is a lot to take on, you guys.

14 years ago

>"They see him as the next David Cronenberg, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, etc. instead of as the next George Sodini, Allen Reyes, Jared Loughner, etc."—PamNo. You see him as the next Sodini, Reyes, or Loughner when most men aren't like them at all.You are a fearmonger and like to demonize men. And you act accordingly, which is what is trul disturbing which is based on the false hysteria you are trying to generate. But hey, if the Nightstorms believe you are worthless in their minds, you get what you give in attitude.Think about it.

14 years ago

>Thank you for laugh number two. It's nice to see these guys reduced to nothing more than a ridiculous joke. Takes the tension right out of the air.