evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny nightstorm precious bodily fluids sex vaginas

The Mousetrap Vagina


We return again to a young up-and-comer on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, a fellow calling himself Nightstorm. Though a proud virgin, Nightstorm has some highly advanced theories about vaginas and the women who host them:

Its almost like a mouse trap is on a womans vagina, where when a men has to carefully insert his penis hoping not to spring the trap. If he is successful, he gets a free ride. If he is like most men, unsucessful, the trap springs, claps his penis into the vagina of the woman, and soon poisnous venom streams from her vagina and injects itself into the male genital.

This poison then creeps into the male brain and literally makes him stupid, it shuts down his intellect, and activates all his hormones for more pussy. She’s got the bastard. Now she can slowly but surely take all his wealth and keep pumping more poison into him. The man feels trapped, he can’t remove his penis from the vagina for the life of him, but he enjoys that pussy, so he continues to let himself get robbed.

Emphasis added.

It’s astounding that he’s able to discern so much about vaginas despite having had no actual contact with them since the moment of his birth.

Luckily for him, and luckily for the women of the world, Nightstorm has no plans to acquire any hands-on (or, more precisely, penis-in) experience with vaginas in the near future. In a later comment, he spells out some of the reasons for his continued abstinence (besides the whole poison-mousetrap thing): fear of STDs, fear of pregnancy, and fear of, well, this scenario:

if she was a virgin, how I would have to deal with the hassle of possible bleeding. Its not so hott when I make her spew red and white blood cells all over the sheets and doing it in the bathtub would required poor foreplay and not comfortable or roomy space. If she is a heavy weight girl, then there goes my bathtub, broken.

And if if, say, he’s somehow able to avoid the perils of STDs, pregnancy, icky blood and a broken bathtub, then what?

Well, then I would have to deal with her wanting more in the relationship, such as meeting her family, or perhaps even paying her for it, or her expecting some sort of “favor” in return for sex which we both equally enjoyed. 

Yeah, nothing ruins a nice evening of dipping your penis in a bloody, poison-infused mousetrap like the owner of said mousetrap asking you to meet her parents.

EDITED TO ADD: Sometimes people complain that I focus on the weird fringes of the MGTOW world. Thing is, within the MGTOW world, these things aren’t regarded as weird or fringey. Indeed, one of the comments I quoted above from Nightstorm was just highlighted on MarkyMark’s blog as an example of MGTOW thinking at its finest:

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: we truly have some of the BEST & BRIGHTEST men in the world on there [that is, on NicGuy’s MGTOW forum]!  What you’re about to read will provide yet more proof of that.

Anyway, NowhereMan & Nightstorm were discussing CNN piece about how men supposedly have the upper hand in sexual matters.  What they say is gold, pure gold!  It’s stuff that my boys should read and heed. …

Even if you’re not religious, there are PRACTICAL reasons for avoiding sex with women.  The most important of these is to keep your power.  Sex is a woman’s ‘nuclear option’; take that away, and you take away a woman’s power over you.

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Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>I thought vagina poison was common knowledge by now.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>I feel really sorry for this guy, and suspect (based on his aversion to meeting new people and aversion to bodily fluids) that he has some form of undiagnosed Asperger's.

14 years ago

>SEX EDUCATION TIEMZ.Nightstorm, honey, virgins often have lost their hymens through using tampons, masturbation or accident long before they had sex. I, for instance, lost my hymen when I fell off a horse in third grade.Even in cases when a woman has an intact hymen, bleeding is very rarely that excessive. Usually there are only a few drops of blood. There are rare cases in which a woman's hymen is particularly resilient; this can often cause pain with intercourse and, iirc, may be treated by a gynecologist. There is quite a lot of blood when you fuck a woman on her period, but that can usually be dealt with by putting down towels. SEX EDUCATION TIEMZ OVER.

14 years ago

>Ozymandias: You lie, you man-hating, army-boot-wearing abortion-loving feminist! Also, school sex education is just propaganda full of lies. In reality, when a woman has sex for the first time, blood gushes out of her evil vagina as out of a fireman's hose, pinning the helpless male to the wall opposite the bed (or the bathtub, as the case may be). It's horrible. The room post virgin coitus looks like a scene out of Dexter. After the first time, though, there is no more gushing of blood. Just venom.[/end sarcasm]

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>It sounds like this guy has made exactly the right lifestyle choice for himself. It's a pity there aren't more more monasteries around to accommodate him. One which mandates a vow of silence would be ideal.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Lady Victoria –I feel sorry for the guy to a degree as well. The problem is that instead of getting therapy to deal with his issues he's found a group of people online who are happy to tell him that all his fears are justified and that it's all the fault of evil women. The more time he spends with them the less likely he will ever be able to have any kind of healthy relationship with a women.

14 years ago

>Haha, like any person every broke a cast iron bathtub, ever. Also, I'm pretty sure my vag was poisonous before I ever had sex. Also, just standing in the vicinity of it will poison susceptible individuals.

Captain Bathrobe
14 years ago

>clairedammit:Wow…you're, like, one of the X-Men aren't you? Virulent vaginal toxin is your mutant power, right? That's pretty awesome. 🙂

14 years ago

>clairedammit, I think maybe he's confused because any "heavy weight girl" will outweigh the bowling ball (I) and therefore must surely fall through the bathtub (K) in the mouse trap game diagram.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>@ David:This is one of the reasons why I rather wish there was better mental health screening available for kids. If this had been caught when he was younger, then he might have been able to get some good treatment and not end up hating half of humanity. The problem that comes with Asperger's is that the symptoms aren't obvious, so it's hard to pick up on. Most undiagnosed Aspies are just seen as 'weird.' Of course, it's also possible that he's a deeply closeted gay guy, in which case I also feel sorry for him.

14 years ago

> poisnous venom streams from her vagina and injects itself into the male genital.This poison then creeps into the male brain and literally makes him stupid, it shuts down his intellect…Perhaps he was raised in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>Also, his comment, 'sex which we both equally enjoyed…' I doubt I could enjoy sex with someone who was convinced my vagina was a repository of mind-altering poison and was spending half his time trying to avoid springing the hidden traps.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>I don't think he's gay. I think the vast majority of MGTOWs are completely straight. It's the perpetual misogynist paradox: they hate what they desire, and the intensity of their hatred is in many cases driven by the intensity of their desire.

Hal The Computer
14 years ago

>What are you doing…Dave?

Hide and Seek
14 years ago

>I think you're right, David. In order to have sex with ladies, men need ladies. And since our society has made sexual experience a condition of manhood, men need sex and women to verify their masculinity. Since men have no authority they can use to compel sex, women who won't have sex with men are not just not having sex with them, they're robbing the men of the social proof of their manhood.

14 years ago

>@Hide and seek – my eyes just went crossed while reading that.ugh – THANKS doofus.

14 years ago

>I agree completely, sexual intercourse is a creation of our society and patriarchy. us women need to fight this kind of nonsense and stop having sex all together. only then can we consider ourselves truly liberated. the only reason men want to have sex with women is because of that patriarchy and oppression of women. without that men would realize that sexual desire is sick and unnatural.I really appreciate this nice blog dave, where we are free to express our opinions.

14 years ago

>He only used an illustration to make real the constant message that is on those boards. So the underlying fear is common to that group, the way he expressed it, is..for manboobz. lol. (and now I get to think of myself as "hosting" a vagina. Cute, David. lol)

14 years ago

>@greenthumbedYou're a troll. Or you have a lot to learn about feminism.

Hide and Seek
14 years ago

>@Scarecrow:Yeah, it was pretty dense. Did you call me a doofus?

14 years ago

>@ ScareCrow: Were you trying to make a point?@ discussion: "they hate what they desire, and the intensity of their hatred is in many cases driven by the intensity of their desire."That's what I don't understand: WHY do they hate what they desire? Because they can't get it?

14 years ago

>@Hide N Seek:Yes. Right. I am running it past a group of scientists now – but all I hear from behind the laboratory door is a bunch of laughing.Hang on – I'm gonna go see what's so funny…

Hide and Seek
14 years ago

>@ ScareCrow:You're unpleasant. Message received.

14 years ago

>Riddle for you:If men are truly going their own way, why do they talk of women all day?I'm sure I'm not the first to make that observation, they beg the question. Feminists spend very little time talking about "men" in a general sense, on the other hand these anti-feminist sites are dedicated to moaning about women on the whole. And there is a poster here that says feminists have done lots of pissing and moaning over the last several decades. OK, but that's HIS irritation with social change. Take the booboo challenge:Go to Ms. or Feministing, or a blog listed here on the side, and just see how many articles are complaining about men. Oh, none? Come on there should be one. Link me to one, I want to check it out. Link me your favorite one. (so far none of the booboochallenges have been met.) *giggle*

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>greenthumb, you really need to work on your trolling. Way too obvious. I'm guessing you're probably just ScareCrow. Maybe not, but definitely a troll.