I'm totally being sarcastic marriage strike western women suck

>Beware the jackbooted feminazi marriage thugs!


The denizens of the Happy Bachelors forum, always alert for possible threats to their Happy Bachelorhood, seem to have discovered a new one: Evil feminists “enslav[ing] men through forced marriage.”

That might sound a bit like the plot of an old episode of Futurama, but apparently the threat is all too real. Artbunker sounded the alarm in a recent posting:

What if women and manginias in power pass a law to make men marry with women?

Hear him out, guys:

[M]ore and more guys are truly waking up to the no marriage to Western Women concept. It’s a small but growing fact. We already know feminist have made it harder fro Eastern European women to come over here and probably in other countries as well.

If they can get laws passed for that how much longer till they start going after single men? How much longer till they want to make sure single women with kids are paired with single men for “the betterment of the children?” because the single man makes a good wage to support her and her family.

Why would this be necessary, you may ask. Aren’t there a lot of simps and manginias doing this already, of their own volition?

Sure there still a lot of simps and manginias that dont mind doing this already without a law sure. But we know these women really want guys who have the economic power to provide them the lifestyle they want. A lot of simps and manginias today cannot provide that for them .They want the guys with the big checks whom they know wont chose them.

Yes, all the fantastically wealthy movers and shakers who spend all their time trading stories about how evil women are on the MGTOW message boards of America.

Longshot39 suggested one (somewhat familiar) way to resist the jackbooted feminazi marriage thugs:

A man with any sense could still refuse to marry, at least in the traditional sense. Just get another MGTOW friend and marry them, like was said in another thread. Even if a person were required by law to live in the same house, having your friend as a roommate would still be a HUGE improvement over being forced to marry some womb turd with little thuglits.

To be sure, not everyone on the Happy Bachelors forum is convinced such a danger is imminent. The always logical spocksdisciple responded:

There won’t be forced marriage, as women want the earning power of the beta but ‘gina tingle factor of the thug/bad boy. Instead what the gov’t will do is simply start to garnish the wages of single men with selective taxation and “fees.”

And if any men resist the New Girl Order by not earning enough, well, naturally they’ll just be forced into labor camps:

These labor camps would come into existence under some economic pretext set up by gov’t. One such pretext is that unemployed or underemployed people(ie men) of a certain age range say 18-40, would be very useful to the government as labor for various federal projects. …

Of course women would be exempt because they’ll have some beta or stooge on standby for marriage and they would claim “gender oppression” should women be inducted into such camps. …

These camps would be run under the auspices of FEMA and would be painted to be “emergency support facilities”, note that some form of this type of forced and indentured labor already as come back in the form in prison chain gangs which were all but abolished by the 1950s-60s but made a comeback in the late 90s.

But hey, still beats being married — amirite, fellas?

All joking aside, I feel that one thing we can all agree upon here at Man Boobz is that the fine gentlemen at Happy Bachelors should not be marrying anyone any time soon, either voluntarily or as a result of evil feminist legislation. So I ask the women reading this post now to pledge publicly, in a comment below, that they personally will not marry anyone on the Happy Bachelors forum, even if they are required by law to do so.

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>rebekah.Stop acting like a boy acting as a girl.Lets take a step back and understand what's going to happen with this blog.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>rebekah, richard, et al:Looking aback through the various Giffords threads, richard did say a lot of obnoxious stuff — that he doesn't give a shit about Giffords because she in his mind is an enemy of men, that any man who helped to save her life was like a "house slave," some personal attacks (one pretty obnoxious one directed at booboo). But I didn't see any threats or any use of "c*nt." I also looked through deleted comments, which I save, and didn't see any from him in there that fit this description either.It's possible I missed the comment in question, though I looked fairly carefully. If anyone does find such a comment, please post a link.A lot of richard's comments are borderline cases; generally in such cases I don't delete.

14 years ago

>@Yohan> this US-GreenParty gives preference to feminists and will make it easier for them to be elected.Wow, you're dense. Did you actually read the platform? How about this section? in the US, we are calling for reforms that'll make it *easier* for *any* US citizen to run for office, *even if they don't agree with our platform*.We're a feminist party, and we're trying to get feminists elected, so if you're a not a feminist, don't try to join. Start your own party or run as an independent–we're trying to make that easier for you, and you're welcome.

14 years ago

>Joe, in most states it is pretty easy to run for office.Arizona, you just need to file a certain number of signatures on a properly created and filled out form and you are off and running.

14 years ago

>@ElizabethIt's easy if you're a Democrat or a Republican. The problem is ballot access for third parties and independents, and in some states there are unfairly high barriers, starting with signature requirements, where we've seen laws where third-party candidates and independents need to gather 10x more signatures than D's or R's. For details, see the non-partisan Free and Equal:

Alvertos B.P.
Alvertos B.P.
11 years ago

Young men need to realize the current state of discrimination and hatred over being a guy. The movement is to emasculate the males species into children. That’s is the way of many western women, they use their pussy and incessant and manipulation to get their way. There are lot narrow minded men, who cannot see through the mentality of women-Sexual (and a little) and domestic services in exchange for your financial and materialistic services. I am young, strong, and have money. If I need sexual services, I buy it. Marriage in this country is not for any benefit to the male species!!! Don’t let yourself get brainwashed for some pussy.

Ally S
11 years ago

Thank you for your unique, insightful, and totally non-bigoted commentary.


11 years ago

The movement is to emasculate the males species into children

I wonder if angry dudebro realizes that he’s just stated that he thinks of women as being just like children.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I can’t help myself, I mean, this is a 33 month old thread he’s necro’ing.

“Young men need to realize the current state of discrimination and hatred over being a guy. The movement is to emasculate the males species gender into children. That’s is the way of many western women, they use their pussy and incessant (incessant what?) and manipulation to get their way. There are a lot narrow minded men, who cannot see through the mentality of women-Sexual (and only[?] a little) and domestic services in exchange for your financial and materialistic services. I am young, strong, and have money. If I need sexual services, I buy it them. Marriage in this country is not for any benefit to the male species gender!!! Don’t let yourself get brainwashed for some pussy.”

Poor tense agreement, random adjective (incessant what?!), men are not a separate species, incomprehensible statement about sexuality, abuse of punctuation. Minus 5.

Proper use of their, used spell check. Plus 2.

Net score -3, you fail.

11 years ago


Just go your own way, would you?

11 years ago

Hmmm. I never realized I could use my incessant. Thanks for the tip. I’ll start using my incessant today.

11 years ago

Marriage in this country is not for any benefit to the male species!!!

Is this what Rick Santorum is talking about when he worries about man-on-dog marriage? That that lying, cheating dog will just take the man to the cleaners? But what about if the dog is also male? OMG, DID YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT. ALVERTOS BRITISH PETROLEUM?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Does this happen a lot? It seems like it does, for no reason.

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