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Charles Atlas is sick of this shit. |
It seems I have been suffering from a misapprehension. I have been assuming that pretty much every single last guy in the Men Going Their Own Way crowd just hates, hates HATES feminism. But apparently I am wrong, and some of them — well, at least one of them — really loves, loves LOVES it. That guy calls himself womanhater, and he recently posted about his deep appreciation for feminism on the MGTOW proboards forum.
Brace yourself, because there are a few gigantic logical zigs and zags coming here.
Womanhater starts off his post with a bold, contrarian statement:
We ghosters have been falsely accused of hating feminism. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, feminism has been the greatest liberation of men since the end of feudalism.
Whaaaaaa!? How so, womanhater?
In the past, men obtained employment and pursued a career. This involved soul crushing conformity, precious hours of our lives spent in inhuman working conditions supporting unconscionable corporate interests while paying confiscatory taxes. We were denied sex by fat shrews who had duped us into marrying them with no hope of escape, and we were nagged incessantly by those same diabolical beasts with whom we had to share living quarters.
Soul-crushing conformity! No-sex-having shrews! Sounds like this situation was truly teh suck. So what changed?
Then, it all began to change. The women who had dominated our deeply empty consumerist lives declared us to be the enemy, abandoned their traditional domain of the home, outsourced the raising of children, and began to compete with us for jobs thereby lowering our economic value.
That also sounds like teh suck. But no! in fact, womanhater explains,
The man-haters like Steinem and Friedan and Dworkin had in fact done us an enormous favor!
We were freed from OUR bondage to the home. We no longer had to work for money solely to provide a home. We no longer had to tolerate nagging cunts who extorted us by manipulating our sexual desire. We were FREE!
Sounds great! Let’s round up some hot chicks and have a party!
Oh, wait.
Womanhater continues:
Women have criminalized our showing interest in them and in attempting to engage them sexually. Good! Now we are free to avoid them. They have repeatedly told us how useless we are, and how we are wrong. Fine. They can have the university educations and get the bullshit managerial jobs where they oppress the men who actually do the work. So much the better! They can live in their little townhomes and tend their cats all alone freed from men. And we are now free from having to work in soul crushing corporate environments in order to placate the bitch at home.
All us dudes need to do to take advantage of our new freedom is to deliberately take shit jobs and completely ignore all women.
We can now live off the grid – intentionally avoiding working with or for women. We can make enough money to live frugally and happily on our own, while intentionally earning too little to pay taxes.
Aw yeah! And don’t assume just because we take shit jobs that we aren’t really the bestest guys in the fucking universe, much better than mere women.
Among our ranks you will find men with the intellect to be engineers and physicians who instead flip burgers and park cars. You will find men with the physical strength and courage and wits to be military leaders and ferocious warriors – who instead of risking their lives for the benefit of a state that hates them, now paint houses or mow lawns. We men have found that we are infinitely more happy alone in a studio apartment or living communally with other men for very little money, than we were killing ourselves to provide a bullshit Brady Bunch lifestyle in the suburbs for the greedy twat.
But, gosh, what will happen to society once all these magnificent dudes take their marbles and go home?
Women and their conspirators in the halls of power will soon find out … When men are no longer willing to work at the level needed to finance the social programs that favor women, what will happen? When men are no longer willing to enlist in the military to become amputees for the benefit of a state that despises them and to make the world safe for corporate looting, what will happen? When men simply fade away, own nothing, contribute nothing, and merely watch smiling as the world burns, what will happen?My brothers, we are soon to find out!
OMFG! It’s almost as though — bear with me for a moment here while I work out this metaphor. It’s almost as though these dudes are like Atlas — not Charles Atlas, silly, you know, that Greek dude — holding up the world, and then all of a sudden they say “screw you guys, I’m going home.” And then everyone is like, oh noe! What’s going to happen to the world! And then the dudes are all like, *shrug.* Not my problem! C-ya, suckers!
That is such a perfect metaphor. Much better than anything some dumb bitch could come up with. You guys are totally free to use it if you like.
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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.
>Would be a surgeon if it didn't mean I'd have to work for some bitch. Also avoiding money, it attracts bitches.
>I know what would happen! The world would go on. And every once in a while someone would stop, stare at the handful of men marching around with "Hate Women, Live Free" picket signs, blink, confused, and then go on with his or her life. Because very few men are woman-hating, equality-shunning types.
>"attempting to engage them sexually" – never a good idea to run up to a strange woman and grab her boob, son.
>Sometimes I feel sorry for the MRAs, because they seem sad and pathetically bitter- and totally out of touch with reality. Also, I really don't understand people who consider marriage to be a loss for a man. He gets a free domestic slave for the rest of his life.
>"Sometimes I feel sorry for the MRAs, because they seem sad and pathetically bitter- and totally out of touch with reality."Wow I was thinking the same about feminists. 24/7 365 days a year, feminists have been pissing and moaning for the past 60 odd years. Feminists at this day and age don't only whine about the present, they also can't let go of the past. All of this is the very definition of being sad and pathetically bitter.Also feminists are totally out of touch with reality. They are miles away from it when they claim that males are somehow privileged over women ROFL. But of course, a pussy pass is given to all of this type of sad, pathetic, and bitter attitude because its in favour of ummm women. The feminist pissing and moaning is what actually stands as political correctness these days. As political correctness is in favour of women, I wonder how they are oppressed and under privileged? Heh If a man even opens his mouth about male grievances, he is likely to get belittled about his masculinity and shamed about the past"Also, I really don't understand people who consider marriage to be a loss for a man. He gets a free domestic slave for the rest of his life."The woman gets a financial slave. It's obvious which position is better. But that fact gets all pulled under the rug because of political correctness/feminism. It’s against political correct rules to claim male victim status. Damn it’s great being a *cough* privileged *cough* man
>nobody and nickMarriage does not mean a domestic slave or a financial slave.You two just mirrored each other. Pot kettle black.
>Two hundred years ago, these dudes would have become monks. More power to 'em, if that's what makes them happy. Makes me wonder what a secular monastery would be like?
>So, a man going the wrong way wrote something totally gay: and you quoted it.I am not sure who is worse Futrelle: you or them.The fact that you even pay attention to anything a man going the wrong way says: tells me its you.
>PS are you sure it was an actual man: or a ghost going the wrong way?
>Why do feminists commonly refer to men as "teh menz!"?Is it because feminists don't take men seriously? That sounds accurate
>"Also, I really don't understand people who consider marriage to be a loss for a man. He gets a free domestic slave for the rest of his life."men marry = slavery for women men don't marry = misogyny
>Men not doing what feminists say and want = misogynyMen telling women what to do = chauvinism
>Kave, except that the "second shift" is still very much a real thing, where women finish a day at work only to come home and be expected to do the majority of housework and child rearing. When it comes to distributions of housework, women still disproportionately take care of indoor duties that need to be done every day, while men take care of the outdoor ones that need only be done once in a while. When asked, men are more likely to say that their share of housework is very fair, while the actual breakdown of the household duties tells another tale. Even in more egalitarian households, housework is not 50/50 most of the time. Even when the wife is working 60 hours a week and her husband is unemployed, women end up doing more housework. This is another thing I don't get about these guys. They don't want women to be empowered (they demonize feminists) and whine about women taking "their jobs," which I can only assume means most jobs, but at the same time they don't want women to be financially dependent on men either! It boggles the mind. Women should somehow manage to be financial equals without having jobs (or without, you know, getting too much of an EGO about it)??And when a woman decides to be a housewife and forego the years and years of job experience she could be getting and then gets a divorce and wants some compensation to make up for that … she's a money-grubbing bitch taking his hard-earned dollars. (I take it she just spent the whole marriage eating bonbons, not washing his dirty underwear or vacuuming his rugs.)
>Once I get my fembot, all of this dealing with teh bitches, competing with them for men, sleeping with their husbands and boyfriends, is going to be totally superfluous. I'll never have to think about them again.
>"When it comes to distributions of housework, women still disproportionately take care of indoor duties that need to be done every day, while men take care of the outdoor ones that need only be done once in a while."Substance please
>@ nobodynobody said: "Also, I really don't understand people who consider marriage to be a loss for a man. He gets a free domestic slave for the rest of his life."Tending to the house for your family equals slavery to the feminist minid. It's no wonder men don't want to marry. You can't have any sort of relationship with women who have this shitty attitude about something this basic. Random Brother
>nick, if you're going to post dumb comments here, at least have the decency to write the dumb comments yourself instead of pasting in dumb comments you found elsewhere. Deleted as spam.
>Or deleted because you know most or all of it has a strong element of truth and you as a feminist bigot doesn't want it exposed
>All I ask for is a little originality.
>"When it comes to distributions of housework, women still disproportionately take care of indoor duties that need to be done every day, while men take care of the outdoor ones that need only be done once in a while." Weeeeeell eeeeeef YOU possess the inclination or aptitude to do a lot of those outdoor things then maaaayyybee you have a point. This is like me getting my car's transmission overhauled and bitching to the mechanic because he didn't clean out the floorboards.
>nobody said… …..I really don't understand people who consider marriage to be a loss for a man. He gets a free domestic slave for the rest of his life. This statement is wrong, it's not for the rest of his life, but only up to divorce, and this might be whenever she wants to leave you for another. A female slave does not have the right to leave anytime and to ask for alimony until the rest of HER life.—–MRAs recommend men NOT to marry, but to use professional services.About washing: Give it to a laundry service.About cooking: Go to a restaurant and do not forget, best cooks in this world are MEN!About clothings: Go to a tailor, HE will do a good job. Do not forget, many successful fashion designers/tailors are MEN!About children: Give your money voluntarily and support children of the 3rd world, visit them from time to time and make vacation with them – no need to be in jail, because you cannot pay child-support.etc. etc.And finally calculate the sum.Result: Marriage is by far more expensive.
>"This is another thing I don't get about these guys. They don't want women to be empowered (they demonize feminists) and whine about women taking "their jobs," which I can only assume means most jobs, but at the same time they don't want women to be financially dependent on men either! It boggles the mind. Women should somehow manage to be financial equals without having jobs (or without, you know, getting too much of an EGO about it)??"—chocomintlipwax No, you don't get it. Some men still want to be the provider. Others—like myself, do not. Personally, I want someone who is financially responsible, hardworking, and stands on her own merit without resort to the sexism card, mistreat and harass men, or utilize workplace manipulation in order to get ahead. Women like that are valued in the dating pool (by men like me) because they are not always available. . . . As opposed to other types of women. I'll give you a brief example—I was at work the other day and one woman stated—without any attempt at irony or sarcasm, that "a man should pay for everything." I wonder what her idea of economic equity is in compensation. Needless to say, I don't date women like that. It's either real equality on a level or I move on.
>Is there a name for the phenomenon where a traditionally privileged group (often a majority group) develops a huge persecution complex during a transition toward equal rights? We're seeing it with whites (currently with border control and English-only policies; in the past with backlash over desegregation and civil rights); with heterosexuals who think that legalizing gay marriage is going to somehow taint their own marriage vows; with Christians crying over 10 commandments on public land and the "war" on Christmas; with Americans fussing over post-imperialism; and here with some men jumping up and down about the pervasive, systematic persecution of men. I'm sure there must be research looking at this general trend, but is there a blanket term that covers all of these phenomena?
>Wytch,The problem I have with your statement is that too many of the MRM believe that women are monolithic. That each woman is exactly the same.Well they are not. If men all have differences, so do women and so do *gasp* feminists.
>I think we should encourage every MRA or MGTOW to go ghost. Then the rest of society will not be forced to deal with the misogynistic scum.