evil women I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW Uncategorized

>The ugly diva crisis … solved!


She’s out of your league, pal!

You may recall a little ditty from days gone by called “If you wanna be happy.” The song, the one hit of one-hit-wonder Jimmy Soul, was a song with a message for men in love. That message? Well, if my mere mentioning of the song hasn’t already gotten it stuck in your head, let me remind you of its basic thesis:

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

Why is this? Well, put simply, pretty women are entitled bitches who will ruin your life and break your heart, while ugly women will be so grateful for your attention that they’ll treat you well and prepare meals in a timely fashion:

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he married her and then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart

But if you make an ugly woman your wife
A-you’ll be happy for the rest of your life
An ug-a-ly woman cooks meals on time
And she’ll always give you peace of mind

By “piece of mind,” I believe Mr. Soul is referring to “blowjobs.”

But, alas, this simple formula for male happiness has been rendered ineffective. And it’s all the fault of evil manginas. A fellow called Lincoln, posting on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, reports that these dastardly woman-worshipping half-men have upset the old order by actively pursuing ugly women and making them think they’re all that. The horror! All this mangina attention has given

even the most ugliest man faced mountain beasts [an] overinflated sense of their own self-importance, and the net result is the most repulsive, vile, and ill-tempered skanks you could ever meet. Even now I can’t understand it, I can’t even look at these women much less want to bang them, but there it is. It’s already a given that the really attractive ones will of course behave the same way, but if even the ugliest ones behave like prima donnas, who’s left?

It seems an unsolvable dilemma. But Lincoln believes he’s found a way out: amputees.

The ideal is to find a beautiful woman that no mangina wants. it’s possible, but they usually have some kind of trait that puts men off for sometimes the fucking stupidest reason. One example was this one armed woman I knew of once. She had lost her arm in a car accident, and she was the sweetest, most kindest girl you could have met, but for some reason guys weren’t lining up the door for her. Stupid. If I ran across her again I wouldn’t hesitate to ask her out.

Love will always find a way.

If you now need to get “If you wanna be happy” out of your head, this ought to do it:

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>More proof that women are not people to these fucking ugly hearted developmentally deviant pricks. I like your tag, men who should not ever be with men ever. They get what they deserve. Nothing. They are man haters, they refuse to even attempt to be men.Now who is the first whiny mra that is going to play victim and attempt to claim I am personally insulting them, ignoring the context here that these men harshly reject women against dehumanizing standards because they refuse to join or are incapable of joining the real human race. So they get to judge ugly and then claim the person has no rights based a non-sensical and insulting yard stick, and apply their theories to a whole damned sex. Then they have the nerve to whine about being "shamed"? Shamed is only a relevant concept if you are RIGHT about something that needs to CHANGE, and does not apply as a valid complaint for men who are attempting to shame and insult and entire sex to get their little toddler gratifications and perceived entitlements met. Any kind of man can get a woman. They need to tap into the intangible energies they are lacking, but that takes growth.

14 years ago

>Whose the hotty in the B/W photo?

The Biscuit Queen
14 years ago

>Wait, so men who want hot women are pigs, and men who want women with heart and are willing to look past her appearance are….pigs?Does anything men do make you happy?

14 years ago

>@ScareCrowThat's me without make-up.

14 years ago

>Those lucky lady amputees. Imagine how grateful they'll be for such kind, sincere attentions. He'll want to pretty up the sentiment a bit for their first date to make it sound less like he thinks he deserves a cookie for shopping on the refurbished shelf of love, just in case the woman's self-respect wasn't amputated with whatever other charms she might have lost.

14 years ago

>No, Bisquit Queen, men who think the only value a woman has is her appearance are not seeing women as whole people. This is consistent. Men who only go after hot women and men who believe ugly women should be grateful to have them both are exhibiting this behavior.

14 years ago

>Aphex twin makes for excellent brain bleach, thanks.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>BQ: Once again you have completely missed the point. I hate to have to spell out what I think should be crystal clear to anyone who reads the post, but here goes: Lincoln seems to have trouble with women who have what he considers excessive self-esteem, and he's complaining that now even ugly women (who shouldn't have any and should be easy to get into bed) have self-esteeem too. So he's looking for women who still don't have any. And he thinks he's found a solution.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Just to make extra crystal clear: when I refer to "ugly women (who shouldn't have any and should be easy to get into bed)" I mean "ugly women (who IN HIS MIND shouldn't have any and should be easy to get into bed)"

14 years ago

>"Now who is the first whiny mra that is going to play victim and attempt to claim I am personally insulting them,"You aren't addressing MRA's in general, so there won't be any need to play victim. If your opening hate filled line started off by identifying all MRA's as being these "fucking ugly hearted developmentally deviant pricks", there would be an issue, but you didn't. However, if you want to correct yourself and claim that all MRA's feel this way, then I'll bite.As to the actual subject matter, If the link to "Lincoln, posting on NiceGuy's MGTOW forum" actually worked, I might have something to say, but it doesn't. So again, it seems to me you are attributing a single individual's comment as representative of the entire men's movement. Feminists have some pretty hateful and outspoken advocates too, who are actually getting published, broadcast and employed in positions of authority, unlike these handful of men you keep quoting.

14 years ago

>Kratch,I know, NAMRA's are like that. (Funny that a standard mra line is to say the women keep telling them not all women are like that, but oh well..) But David keeps posting posts made by different mra's so there seems to be a great deal of them doesn't there? Perhaps you'd like to share just one post from the Spearhead that shows an mra standing up to say that is the wrong way to think. I did this a few years back and was promptly called a mangina by everyone on the board.So yes, maybe NAMRA's are like that. However until all those non-womanhating men who do not think of a woman as simply a vagina stand up and say so I'm going to continue to keep the same conclusion of the mra that I came to within a week of signing up on a board. That is: Most mra's are very much like that.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Kratch, the link works. You need to be registered there to see it, though. I quoted most of the comment.

14 years ago

>I meant "are NOT like that", I guess my fingers typed what the evidence suggests.

14 years ago

>D, You claim that MRA's not standing up against other MRA's means they feel the same way… Again I will point to the man-hating feminists being published or broadcast fairly regularly without condemnation. Should I then assume you are equally man-hating based solely on the fact I have not personally seen you speak out against such hateful women (as Andrea Dworkin)? Or perhaps, is it better to assume that more often then not, if someone disagrees with something they deem trivial and/or ridiculous, they simply avoid it? Do you oppose Booboo when she spews her regular man-hate in virtually every post I've seen of her's so far (admittedly, I haven't read more then a dozen threads, but…)? Should I assume you agree with her hatred given the absence of your opposition to her? or do you simply dismiss her as one of the crazies swimming in the feminist pool, and try to distance yourself? I suspect this last scenario is by far the most common for people in general. Or are only MRA's to be held to task for this?David, that would have been a relevant point to have added (perhaps a short bracket beside the link…). Just a future suggestion.

14 years ago

>Correction "You claim that MRA's not" should read "You imply that MRA's not"

14 years ago

>Perhaps you'd like to share just one post from the Spearhead that shows an mra standing up to say that is the wrong way to think. I did this a few years back and was promptly called a mangina by everyone on the board.Oh, look, here's one!!And can you believe it, Kave gets the same warm reception that YOU did!!

14 years ago

>"No, Bisquit Queen, men who think the only value a woman has is her appearance are not seeing women as whole people."—SandyWelcome to what it feels like to be a man in a feminist and white knight culture. We aren't viewed as holistic people, and you are clearly one to judge pretty quickly from your posts.

The Biscuit Queen
14 years ago

>Interesting. I did not miss the point at all, I just disagreed with your version of what you think is the truth. I saw all of this in a completely different light. Pretty women, just like really good looking men, often have a superiority complex and feel entitled (think the head cheerleader and footballer in high school). They can get away with an ugly personality (often very bullying behavior)because the outside is beautiful. Less attractive people need to have other traits than physical appearance to attract a partner, so will often be nicer and more appreciative of what they have. This is not a bad thing. Do you want the super hot guy who thinks he is God's gift to women, or the ok looking guy who will appreciate you? This is not limited to men in any way shape of form. This is human nature. Obviously not all hot people have bad personalities, and not all ugly people are nice, but we all know that the better looking people have less motivation to be nice. The uglier on the outside people are, the more effort they have to make to be nice to be seen as worthy of attention. Again, not just women, but all people. Peace of mind may really just mean peace of mind. Just because your mind is in the gutter does not mean this song writer's is.The poster's comment about women which came after the song is a man who (very badly worded) his concern that all women now that he meets, pretty and ugly alike, show the same traits the high school cheerleaders showed-stuck up and entitled. Who can he find who is a decent person if all the women feel they are too good for him. So he says he is willing to look past looks completely and ask out women who have disabilities. Good for him. He even describes one as "sweetest most kindest"….oooh, sounds like an evil, misogynistic man….get out the torches and pitchforks!" I think the song is sweet, and I see this whole thread as looking through the world in shit colored glasses. I feel sorry for you that you honestly seem to think half the population is defective. I think this should be seen as a canary in the coal mine-if men are seeing women as having overinflated egos (as opposed to healthy self-esteem) then more men may choose to opt out of marriage all together. Women have every right to have as much ego as they want, but the men have every right to not pursue them.Your premise, based on what you criticize, seems to be that no matter how ugly some women choose to act, men must pursue them. There is never any good reason to not be interested in a woman. That makes no sense. Would you have an issue if women started going after ugly men because all the hot ones were players? Oh wait, they are already doing that. you have a problem with this?

14 years ago

>" . . .and he's complaining that now even ugly women (who shouldn't have any and should be easy to get into bed) . . ." —DavidWould you give them a pass?

The Biscuit Queen
14 years ago

>To clarify, one can turn a man down and not be stuck up. I have done it myself. It is painfully obvious when a person, male or female, looks at you with disgust when you ask them out. It takes so little effort to smile sincerely and say "I am sorry, I am not available, but thank you so much for asking." Turning someone down does not have to be the same thing as being a bitch or a jerk. Everyone has the right to say no. You should not feel you have the right to be a jerk about it.

14 years ago

>"Lincoln seems to have trouble with women who have what he considers excessive self-esteem . . ."—DavidI would gather he probably has a problem with someone with an overbloated sense of self and mistreats him. A lot of people would have a problem with that.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>BQ, a couple of points:"I feel sorry for you that you honestly seem to think half the population is defective."And where do you get that from? I'm not criticizing all men. I'm criticizing the small minority of men who are raging misogynists. Most men, when they encounter the sorts of guys I write about on this blog, see them for the bitter bastards they are. Meanwhile, the guy I'm talking about in this post is posting on the forum attached to NiceGuy's American Women Suck page. That is, it's on a site devoted to the notion that HALF THE POPULATION in the US is, to use your term, "defective."In other words, your criticism really applies to the guy you're jumping through hoops to defend, not to me. As for the rest, as I explained before, this post isn't really about "ugliness" (which after all is in the eyes of the beholder) but about a guy who thinks that the **vast majority of women** (pretty or "ugly") are stuck up bitches, and who's desperately looking for someone more pliable.

14 years ago

>Why would a disabled person automatically be considered unattractive? You could be blind and smoking hot, or wheelchair-bound and ruggedly handsome. You can be deaf and attractive. There is even a catwalk model (you know, the big leagues of modeling) with 2 artificial legs. Sure, she was there initially for shock value, but everyone loved it and she made tons of money. So no, I am not going to give this guy a cookie for being willing to consider dating a disabled person. It only sounds noble if you start with the idea that disabled people are somehow broken and in need of pity dates. Which, when disabled people complain about how hard it is to find a decent partner, I'm sure they're not wishing for more people with Lincoln's attitude. What if someone is disabled and unattractive? Are they just shit out of luck? That's two strikes by Lincoln's count.

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>And what if the disabled woman insists that her thoughts, feeling and opinions have value? What if she has the temerity to disagree with the original poster, or has the utter gall to say, "Sorry, honey, not tonight; I'm just not in the mood."

14 years ago

>Why would you even want to fuck someone you found unattractive in the first place? I can't be the only person who does not want to screw those that physically repulse me. I think David really hits it on the head with 'eye of the beholder'. See, Lincoln does not actually appear to find the women he calls ugly to be truly unattractive. He finds them attractive and wants to have sex with them. If he really "can't even look at these women much less want to bang them" why does he give a shit that they have no interest in him/think they are too good to fuck him? Seriously, I don't care if the people I have zero interest in fucking do not want to fuck me. The issue then is social standards of beauty. He expects women who do not meet a certain social ideal to see themselves as ugly and therefore lack self esteem. His bullshit about women with disabilities fits right with the pattern. He wants to have sex with them, but he expects them to be damned grateful because he sees them as socially defective.

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