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>The Giffords shooting: Misogyny has consequences


Reason #1538 it’s not such a good idea to spend time online nursing your resentments towards the opposite sex because no one from that sex seems to want to have sex with you: Because that kind of, sort of, makes you a little bit like Jared Loughner.

The Wall Street Journal managed to track down what are apparently some comments Loughner made on a gaming site; they’re full of his usual conspiratorial nonsense (his lunatic theories on grammar and currency) but they’re also, as the Journal notes, “peppered with displays of misogyny.” One posting

titled “Why Rape,” … said women in college enjoyed being raped. “There are Rape victims that are under the influence of a substance. The drinking is leading them to rape. The loneliness will bring you to depression. Being alone for a very long time will inevitably lead you to rape.”

This is the dark side of the “incel” mindset. (That is, those who turn their “involuntarily celibate” state into an identity.)

Another time, the Journal reports, Loughner

started a thread titled “Talk, Talk, Talking about Rejection.” He solicited stories of rejection by the opposite sex. The next day he wrote, “Its funny…when..they say lets go on a date about 3 times..and they dont….go…” Three days later, he wrote, “Its funny when your 60 wondering……what happen at 21.”

There is other evidence that Loughner nursed anger towards and hatred of women and authority figures: he apparently scrawled the phrases “die bitch” and “die cops” on a letter he’d gotten from congresswoman Giffords.

As Amanda Marcotte points out, there are a lot of people out there who’ve responded with anger at the very notion “that misogyny might play a role in the choice of a young man to shoot a powerful woman in the head … .”

But the fact is that misogyny has consequences, and one of its most common and most predictable consequences is violence towards women. Misogyny plays a role, as Marcotte notes, even when the perpetrator of this violence is “crazy.”

What I’m seeing here is that Loughner, mental illness or no, completely absorbed society’s teachings about male entitlement and female sinfulness, that men have a right to have needs filled at women’s expense, and that women give up their rights to bodily autonomy if they do things deemed unladylike, like have sex or drink alcohol.

And just as those who spew hateful political rhetoric — filled with talk of guns and targets and “second amendment solutions” to political “problems” — shouldn’t be surprised when someone takes that rhetoric seriously, so those who spew misogyny online shouldn’t be surprised when someone acts on that misogyny and attacks a woman. As Marcotte puts it,

just because someone has a mental illness rarely means that he’s completely unaware of the world around him.  Loughner’s ability with a gun or his thoughts on rape didn’t spring fully formed from his brain, but are the product of an individual interacting with a specific environment.

Those who contribute to that toxic environment — whether they’re Sarah Palin talking about “reloading” or some random woman-hater talking gleefully online about bashing “bitches” — share in the responsibility when someone pulls a gun and shoots down a female politician he’s convinced himself is a “bitch.” 

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>It bears repeating that being mentally ill does not increase the chances of a person becoming a murderer. Attributing Loughner's violence to his being schizophrenic or manic depressive or [pick a diagnosis] is simply not supported by the facts. Being mentally ill didn't hamper him on the journey towards deciding to shoot a Congresswoman in the head. But it's not the deciding factor. Something else (perhaps several something elses) is. Like I was saying in the other thread, Witman, the poster whose comment about shooting someone who was working for NOW occasioned David Futrelle's post about increasing civility, exposed himself as someone who was disconnected from reality. He literally believed that women and/or feminists (hard to tell the difference in his thinking) use metaphorical AND literal guns to assault men, and the language they use to describe men is so intensely dehumanizing that he envisioned a genocide against men as a real, if remote and abstract, possibility. People who create fantasy worlds for themselves where they are attacked by a secretive conspiracy are building a world in which violence against the group conspiring against them is not only justified but necessary. Clearly Loughner engaged in this paranoid fantasy world-building. Unfortunately he mistakenly identified Rep. Giffords as one of the conspirators against him. It could have been anyone, really, but the fact that he chose her instead of literally thousands of other possible targets shows that he was indeed affected by the ideas about politics, and about women, that he was absorbing from the culture.

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>I was with you right up until you quoted this:"What I’m seeing here is that Loughner, mental illness or no, completely absorbed society’s teachings about male entitlement and female sinfulness, that men have a right to have needs filled at women’s expense, and that women give up their rights to bodily autonomy if they do things deemed unladylike, like have sex or drink alcohol."Then I vomited and gave up.

14 years ago

>Sounds like Deezee is in withdrawal from something.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>"It bears repeating that being mentally ill does not increase the chances of a person becoming a murderer."Overstates the case somewhat. Schizophrenics are overrepesented among murderers – about 4% of murderers are schizophrenic, while a little less than 1% of people overall are schizophrenic.However, it's true to say that violence against others is not a symptom of schizophrenia.

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>Sally -Could be. I haven't had a conversation with Glen in a while. Thanks for reminding me! You're the best.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>I would second the rest of Sally's post, though – this process by which people prepare for violence is very important to understand.When you see someone giving a list of justifications for violence, and a list of alternatives to violence that are closed to him, you may be dealing with a person who is preparing for a violent act. Rarely does a violent person make big, loud threats before acting.

14 years ago

>Dr Deeze, that was no strawman David offered of his comments. He did say those things. You vomit when faced with David's paragraph, but gunman's paragraph was not vomit inducing? o.0 You know what, you men? My body is mine completely even DURING sex, so how do you like them apples?

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>Booboonation – Honestly, every time I read anything by you I have no idea what you're trying to say. I don't know why you're talking about strawmen, and I definitely don't know why you're asking me if I give two poops about you being in control of your body at all times. You go girl! Grrrrrrrrrlllllll power!And before somebody gets cute and makes the obvious intelligence/reading comprehension pot shot, I'm gonna go ahead and say the deficit is absolutely on booboonation's end. I've even gone to my feminist friends and copy pasted her arguments to them to see if they could make any sense of them, and they could not.(Holy shit, Dr. Deezee has feminist friends!? Yes, I have a wide variety of friends who disagree with me on a number of issues.)

14 years ago

>I am one lucky woman, I suppose. I'm so glad my boyfriend recognizes me as an adult individual equal to himself. For some reason, people don't see women that way and think they can go shoot them in the head (or beat them, or rape them, or cat-call them, or make comment on their body or their actions) because women don't do what they want when they want it. What a sad world.

14 years ago

>"you had me until…"then you pasted a comment from David… and said you wanted to vomit.What does, "you had me until…" mean?It means said. home come you didn't like his comment, but you had no problem with the original statement? (that's implied here, am I wrong?) Unless I am wrong, you implied that david's paragraph was INCORRECT. If it was, he would be guilty of creating the strawman fallacy while characterizing what someone else said. Otherwise what was your problem with it? And yes, you and your friends have comprehension problems. But I don't mind clarifying. People that have issues with all my posts and arguments are clearly lazy readers. You can't have an issue with every one, or even most. I would buy the occasional line not making sense. And I have friends watching this ball game too. You know, it's a shame, you're missing some masterpiece ownage of your behind. I think you're deliberately missing it.

14 years ago

>*home = how

14 years ago

>Omg, please I just re-read my original comment to you, clear as fucking day. what part of "gunman's paragraph was not vomit inducing" is hard? You people are SO dishonest.

Joker's Wild
14 years ago

>booboonation said"You know what, you men? My body is mine completely even DURING sex, so how do you like them apples?"/ jealousy: Girlfriend 'sets lover's genitals on fire because she suspected he was cheating'Comment section If he was cheating then what wrong did she do? Just teaching him a lesson.- Kelly D, Whiteley, 12/1/2011 21:27I guess his body wasn't his in his girlfriend's eyes. The mind set of Kelly is every more popular in the western world's 'hybrid- matriarchal' systems. Feminists wanted the male role. They've become what they hated and now can't see the truth or they conveniently ignore it. Is what this woman did o.k. since it was just to a regular men.explanation of hybrid matriarchy Rich men can get away with murder like O.J., a few select men run everything. The average woman has a higher standing in society than the average man. The term dead beat dad is common, and not dead beat mom. I have never heard of a case of a mother being thrown in jail for not paying child support. We live in a matriarchy for the most part and anyone who disagrees is disingenuous. _____

14 years ago

>Way back in the day, in merry old England, when people would write into the paper and complain about something, all the letters would be in the back of the paper. They nick-named them- The Agony Columns. MRA boards fit this description. Updated it would be – The Agony Threads. I understand that anger is one of the five stages of healing, but to get stuck there and have everyone around you co-sign your paranoia is extremely dangerous. Thank you for writing about this, David.

14 years ago

>Yes. Exactly. For instance, feminism is obviously responsible for Lorena Bobbitt's actions. Of course, many women cheered her on.

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>Booboo -I thought about giving you a legitimate response, then I read the part about how you think you write clearly and how anyone who can't understand you must be lying, and I realized, it wouldn't be worth the effort. Your solipsism is completely overwhelming.

14 years ago

>Dr. Deezee said… Booboo -I thought about giving you a legitimate response, then I read the part about how you think you write clearly … It's simple, easy.Feminism has no consideration for men AT ALL. It's a man-hating movement.That's a fact proven by many ignorant and arrogant answers from feminists, some of them you can find on this blog.Feminism is a movement similar to a religious cult.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Yohan, this comment not only isn't related to the topic being discussed, it's not even related to the stuff you quoted from Deezee.I think maybe I'll start up a thread just for you, and whenever you feel like posting random assertions about the evils of feminism that aren't actually related to anything being discussed, you can just go there and post them.

Santo Christoforo, MD
14 years ago

>MRA's are fed up with this trite, hackneyed, shopworn tactic of throwing the terms misogyny and misogynist into any situation and then proceeding to extrapolate misandrist interpretations about it, as though they are incontrovertible facts. It never ceases to amaze me how much feminists rely on straw men to formulate their arguments. LMAO!

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>I'm fed up with this trite, hackneyed, shopworn tactic of throwing the terms misandry and misandrist into any situation and then proceeding to extrapolate misogynistic interpretations about it, as though they are incontrovertible facts. It never ceases to amaze me how much MRAs rely on straw men to formulate their arguments. LMAO! Loughner posted a comment suggesting that women in college enjoy being raped. If that's not a sign of misogyny, what is it? If my argument is misandrist, please explain to me exactly how and why.

Santo Christoforo, MD
14 years ago

>Lougher's impaired thought processes, and that's an understatement, combined with other distinct possibilities (polysubstance abuse for one), do not indicate a universal hatred of women as the automatic 'given' your article assumes, nor does it merit the primacy of motive your article arrogantly presumes. You have no idea what really motivated that clown, and you are grasping at straws when you asert that you do.

I. M. Salos
14 years ago

>Hey Davey:I like the way you tried to turn that fellow's statement around and feed it back to him. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.Jingo Bells! Jingo Bells!Jingo All The Way!

I. M. Salos
14 years ago

>By the way, do you have permission to link to all these websites in the left-hand column?

14 years ago

>David "misogyny" doesn't come from where you and the rest of the femicows claim it comes from. Much of it comes from your hate. Your mocking of men for being men. Isn't that what this site is about? Arent these your words *Ahem* "Mister" Feminist?"Ah, misogyny! I track down some of the most egregious and/or entertaining examples of man-boobery online (and sometimes off). I find a lot of it on Men's Rights and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) sites. Sometimes I mock."You think men will eternally be mocked and disenfranchised and nothing negative will happen?And when something negative does happen you and skirt nation screech misogyny, as if your behavior and your laws and your misandry and your biases and your double and triple standards and your insults don't exist and didn't influence anything else. You want men to give up their misogyny while women will be fine keeping their misandry, sorry, no fucking dice. If you truly want less misogynists change alimony laws, let me see their children, get rid of sex based quotas and affirmative action, stop mocking men in all of your stupid commercials. Start with those things if you truly want to lessen misogyny. Random Brother

14 years ago

>Yohan:If all feminism is man-hating, then all MRAs and the like are woman hating. I'm a feminist and have a boyfriend that I love and who loves me.Seriously? Blanket statements are stupid.

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