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>Kitten break


Too many depressing posts in a row. So here’s a kitten:
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14 years ago

>Nick, who told those men they had to work? Other men. Who refused to let women work? Men. So your "men are oppressed" pity party is illogical to have.

14 years ago

>"So your "men are oppressed" pity party is illogical to have." Oh poor Elizabeth, she misses the whole point of my post.Let's put it this way. The ONLY people who were NOT oppressed were the big boys in government. Pity party? heh, it’s very ironic how the biggest pity party on this whole planet has been the feminist movement. You femiclowns would have to be the biggest complainers on this whole planet. No other group/movement has nearly done as much complaining, pissing and moaning than the feminist movement throughout history. No other cause even comes close.

14 years ago

>I have one for the oppression olympics… I've noticed recently that when men are enslaved, one can easily use the word slavery and nobody will blink an eye. If it's women, you can't use the word slavery easily even under the most dire of circumstances. People say you're being emotional and using rhetoric. That's how you know women's bodies and lives are involved. And Nick your perception of pissing and moaning speaks to YOUR sex life not ours. No, that came out wrong, so to speak, I mean that's your subjective take on what's happening and speaks to your disdain of women. You just admitted it right there. You are a denialist.

14 years ago

>booboonation said… MOST women that are prostitutes now a days were trapped and are there against their will.About which country are you talking?

14 years ago

>booboonation said… I've noticed recently that when men are enslaved, one can easily use the word slavery and nobody will blink an eye.Absolutely ridiculous statement…

14 years ago

>"And Nick your perception of pissing and moaning speaks to YOUR sex life not ours."Please explain how this has to do with my sex life?

14 years ago

>I think a good moderation policy would be that if people are going to qoute others they should qoute the entire paragraph. Not snipits of sentences.

14 years ago

>LOL nick… you're kidding right? It's just straight up comedy around here. And you offered no reason why my slavery statement was ridiculous. Ask people who work with human trafficking. Even Indentured Servants were referred to as slaves, it was a certain type of slavery. But there is actually slavery that goes on now and people are very reluctant to use that word. Maybe that effects men too, but since the areas I'm looking into effect women and children on the whole I don't know. But maybe I should not take you seriously anyway. You quoted my pissing and moaning/sex life sentence. LOL. That cheered me up though. Today is kind of serious, so…

14 years ago

>BooboonationAn easy example of male slavery.What they call "looky looky men" in Europe. North African men promised the promise land to them become 30 deep sleeping in a eight by eight room selling rip-off cd's, purses etc on street corners running away from the police. MRA's don't even have these subjegated men on their radar, and their female sex trade equals who were promised the good life as well don't exist either.To be far the looky looky men don't get enough press… but if I was a western MRA I would be ashamed to compare their version of "slavery" with actual, real slavery.

14 years ago

>D, thanks for sharing your experience. Yours is a really valuable perspective to have on this blog. Keep commenting!

14 years ago

>I get the feeling booboonation is some bored 25 year old hipster dude having fun at this board's expense. At least I hope so.Random Brother

14 years ago

>richard said… I get the feeling booboonation is some bored 25 year old hipster dude having fun at this board's expense. At least I hope so.I think, she really believes what she says,a truly unhappy woman. Lonely and ivory-tower.No hobbies, just thinking from morning to night about how to hate men even more…

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Uh, let's just cool it with the personal attacks, ok?

14 years ago

>LOL if you guys have points to make, then make them. SO far you have not made any. D. Yes, there is a whole lot of tragedy in the world.There is lots of modern day slavery. My point actually was that when it comes to women's bodies people balk at the word slavery, but with men, they immidiately concede the terminology. That's what I've seen from my person experience reading up on trafficking matters. It doesn't seem like MRAs match feminists even closely in their activism. I learn about these things because of feminists. (yohan, lol, omg.)

14 years ago

>@ booboonationProve that people balk at the use of the word slavery for women. Prove it now. Random Brother

14 years ago

>richard, it's actually a HUGE issue in trafficking. There's debate over the word, trafficking covers a lot of issues, so an argument against me could be that no, people balk against the term for women AND men, but, I believe it's because women's bodies are involved, I have a hunch. the guy drill Demi on it, he's from the NYT. But please note this is to show you it's a known issue, where I get this is from different comments on the web about it that I doubt I could go scrape together. This is months of research. By this video, though you will know what I mean, even if you disagree. Also, I know it's long, but the slavery comments happen fairly quickly.

14 years ago

>BTW, the only time I've seen people balk at the term slavery is within the context of sex slavery, so that's why I made that statement. I was not as clear as I should have been on that. Sex industry is my area of research.

14 years ago

>@ booboonationWhy am I looking at Ashton Kutcher? I'm sorry, I'm not watching 2 hours of pro fem propaganda.Random Brother

14 years ago

>Worst. Kitten break. Ever.

14 years ago

>Nick-if you do not want us to based our opposition on the wrong things, be clearer regarding your complaints about something.You are not a fan of women and post something about men being enslaved. It is easy to see why someone reading your comments would see that post as blaming women for something they had nothing to do with. If a male oppresses another male-how is that the fault of women?It is not. So your pity party was illogical based on the information you gave us.

14 years ago

>booboonation said… Yes, there is a whole lot of tragedy in the world…It doesn't seem like MRAs match feminists even closely in their activism. … (yohan, lol, omg.) You talk very much, but your feminist gossip does not help poor people at all.The question is how much money do you give to poor people out of your private wallet?I really wonder while reading your drivel, if you might be willing to take over my monthly regular donation I pay since years for poor people.Interesting that my money I give away so far was used for the benefit of poor women. They don't need money from misogynists like me I guess, so hopefully you will replace me?I support poor people in Philippines (children, or blind, or sick etc.), but only directly of course and I give nothing for feminist charities where it is frequently misused for self administration and never arrives where it should arrive.I have also shipping boxes ready, if you want to send any materials. Are you interested to pay the shipping charges, a part of them at least? Thank you. Looking forward to your reply.

14 years ago

>"LOL nick… you're kidding right? It's just straight up comedy around here. And you offered no reason why my slavery statement was ridiculous."It's friggen ridiculous because not MOST prostitutes are forced to have such a pathetic life. As I said, of course in some 3rd world countries, this happens. But no one is pointing a gun to the majority of prostitutes heads telling them they have to hook.For example, in my late teens I lived in the Philippines. I've never had sex with a hooker in my life but I used to hang out in some red light districts and get drunk with friends while watching strippers dance.The funny thing is; when you go to these places, have conversations with a lot of them. Every single one of them were there by choice. They claimed that this was a way to make big money quickly instead of doing other jobs that pay them a couple of dollars a day. They seemed happy to me. You can usually tell when someone is not happy. You usually saw all of them talking to their hooker friends and their clients, laughing, giggling, being silly out of happiness.Some of my friends actually ended up dating these hookers. They were free to date these men, they were free to leave their hooker jobs and bum off these western men.And in the western world, it’s even less common… as for a western prostitute woman to be forced from the human trafficking industry. Many claim that they don’t only do it for the big bucks, it makes them feel empowered.So don’t give me this false female victim wah wah all hookers are forced BS. As you are the typical feminist, it’s no surprise that you exaggerate the problem. It’s like if 4 women get raped, feminists will say that 40 women got raped. You feminuts purposely exaggerate female problems to further demonise men due to your hatred you have towards men.Now excuse me, I need to get ready to travel 50Kms to oppress a woman. She offered me to objectify her body and give her no strings sex. She’s a victim I tell ya. Just like the women in porn sites who encourage men to objectify them, they are victims, even that they are doing it by their choice and they are objectifying themselves.

14 years ago

>Elizabeth“It is easy to see why someone reading your comments would see that post as blaming women for something they had nothing to do with.”Please point out where this occurred?You either know my point is logical and valid but you are trying to twist things around into a stuffed balloon animal due to your feminist agenda. Or you are really as dumb as dog shit

14 years ago

>Or you are incapable of admitting you screwed up your post.I am tempted to say "what a typical male" but I would not want to be "oppressing you."

14 years ago

>Hey David, I don't know where to put this, and don't know if I tried a private message if you would get it, but I was checking out your boob roll, and mensactivism site caught my eye. That has limited nonsense on it, and seems to be mostly legit. I wondered what your thoughts are or if you've reviewed it lately. It seems to actually be involved in DV activism. They also have a section about companies to boycott because of their ads, I found a lot of entries there really interesting. Dunno your thoughts on this. Of course I found lots to argue with, but I was thinking that site does remind me of feminism. I don't know very much about it or the history of what's gone on there. They do focus on abuse of males a lot, though and how we need to change our minds about that. IDk.