kitties pics

>Kitten break


Too many depressing posts in a row. So here’s a kitten:
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14 years ago

>Good break.Really enjoying your blog btw. I was once sympathic to mra concerns as someone who fought for custody of my children to find the courts weighed towards the mother.That sympathy has been battered down through the years to the point of revulsion. However I do have an mra brother so I still look in to see what is feeding his continued anti-social behavior.

14 years ago

>What an adorable kitten! I miss having a kitten around.

14 years ago

>I name that kitten "Yohan"… that's a cute name for him. Looks like he wants to bite.

14 years ago

>Mawww mook at the kitteeee ^_^

14 years ago

>This might be a good thread to talk about my mra experience; I haven't posted on a mra blog in years. I posted a number of times and realized that nothing good would come from it. My initial reaction to the mra movement was a positive one; I could see that there were areas where there was bias against men (family courts; homelessness) and how change could be a good thing.However my initial feelings were short lived, I found that posters on these blogs were overwhelmingly not concerned with real issues, but were instead ingrained within their own personal histories.Meaning: next to know one was doing anything to make their fellow men’s life better. There would be a complaint in context regarding feminism about homeless men, men in prison, men in abusive relationships but no one even pretending to do something in real life. All I saw was a regurgitation of the same complaints over and over again about their own lives with no solution.At this point most people would just close the window so to speak, however I have a brother who latched on to the mra online experience, who has without a doubt mental/personality disorders, so I’ve read mra blogs and forums on and off, most often to check up with what’s feeding my brothers newest delusion. This is the first source I have read that in a concise way challenges what I’ve been fighting for; for years, my oldest brother being really challenged by quotes you can’t walk away from. Thank you for that! I’m not sure if this blog will help or just feed his paranoia, but it’s worth a chance. Please don’t give up!

14 years ago

>"Meaning: next to know one was doing anything to make their fellow men’s life better. There would be a complaint in context regarding feminism about homeless men, men in prison, men in abusive relationships but no one even pretending to do something in real life. All I saw was a regurgitation of the same complaints over and over again about their own lives with no solution."—The above isn't what MGTOW is all about, but feel free to blast the whole thing based solely on your brother and your experience and keep engaging in logical fallacies while you're at it. Bravo.

14 years ago

>WytchYour ability in lightening up the mood is better then the kitten!(check your acronyms) As far as MGTOW.. JUST DO IT!!!!!!!! My best friend is a life long bacholer, he doesn't need to sit in a forum all day in order to be one. He's a funtioning human who happens to not be cut out for marriage. No big deal.

14 years ago

>"As far as MGTOW.. JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!"—DI am indeed! Hell, yeah!

14 years ago

>You're not wytch, instead you spend half your day talking about women. I assume that means that you are thinking about women. It's really sad, and I hope one day you can stop.

14 years ago

>"You're not wytch, instead you spend half your day talking about women. I assume that means that you are thinking about women. It's really sad, and I hope one day you can stop."–DActually, you need to stop projecting your personal malaise on myself. I spend most of my day doing something else—if that doesn't convince you, I'll let you to your own devices and have you look in the mirror. Your hypocrisy is really sad. I'll do myself a favor and ignore you completely on this site. Adios!

14 years ago

>And D, don't you ever tell me what to do. It's presumptuous and crass.Flowers and Kittens,wytch

14 years ago

>This is just what a female would do David. That's the correct definition of a Mangina, by the way.All the kittens in the world won't help. Stop the Agitprop.

14 years ago

>Mad kitten is mad

I. M. Salos
14 years ago

>I cannot help but notice this blog is full of commentary such as you would typically get from high school students. What age range does your readership fit into Dave?

14 years ago

>@SalosWhat is the average age of a radical feminist who is into 'shaming language' because of missing arguments?Good question…For quality of comments from a feminist, see example below.booboonation said… I name that kitten "Yohan"… that's a cute name for him. Looks like he wants to bite.

14 years ago

>kisses to Yohan… thanks for noticing you fuzzy little rascal.

14 years ago

>Here's some more depressing newsEnshrined in Law Since 1930: Only Men Can Be Slaves"C29 Forced Labour Convention, 1930­Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (Note: Date of coming into force: 01:05:1932.)­­Date of adoption:28:06:1930­­Article 1­­1. Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this Convention undertakes to suppress the use of forced or compulsory labour in all its forms within the shortest possible period.­­2. With a view to this complete suppression, recourse to forced or compulsory labour may be had, during the transitional period, for public purposes only and as an exceptional measure, subject to the conditions and guarantees hereinafter provided.­­Article 11­­1. Only adult able-bodied males who are of an apparent age of not less than 18 and not more than 45 years may be called upon for forced or compulsory labour."

14 years ago

>nicko81m:News? From 1930?First of all, this is not a law. This is a convention adopted by the International Labor Organization in Geneva. It is not binding on member states.Secondly, section 3 of article one specifically states that "At the expiration of a period of five years after the coming into force of this Convention, and when the Governing Body of the International Labour Office prepares the report provided for in Article 31 below, the said Governing Body shall consider the possibility of the suppression of forced or compulsory labour in all its forms without a further transitional period and the desirability of placing this question on the agenda of the Conference."According to the European Commission, C29 "paved the way for the 1956 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery."Which you can read here: Google. For five seconds.

14 years ago

>­1. Only adult able-bodied males who are of an apparent age of not less than 18 and not more than 45 years may be called upon for forced or compulsory labour." This shows clearly that women had it better in the past. Men were always considered to be 2nd class citizens – what a great privilege…

14 years ago

>Oh no! Those evil 1930s women who ran the ILO and forced men into labor camps as slaves! Woops! My mistake. It was Albert Thomas who was in charge of ILO back then. And while Harold has been the name of a woman before (Anne Rice's real name) she is American, and not British like the second leader Harold Butler.Good grief, if you are going to complain about something subordinating men, try not to use an organization run by men as your example.

14 years ago

>Well Wytch, you do spend a heck of a lot of time posting here, an anti-misogyny website. This is your way of not being concerned about women?

14 years ago

>There is an illusion being perpetuated by MRAs that there is oppression Olympics going on, or it's all a contest. The oppression of women FOR BEING WOMEN exists, and it did especially at the time of this forced labor act that nick has turned up. I think people should be wary feeding into this crap. The oppression of men does NOT remove or minimize women's issues in society, but nice try. You can CLAIM feminism does this, and you do…but your claim fails. It is MEN that have tried to make this a contest. Please people, don't feed into this. no way does the stress the CEO is under remove the pressures of those under him. And Nick, you really must stop with all these shaming tactics. You know who forced men into slavery? OTHER MEN. Isn't that correct? Stop with the contests already, and respect the boundaries. Anti-feminism MRA is about a bunch of misogynists invading our boundaries trying to tell us we cannot have a movement or our own issues. YOU do not get to define what our issues are. Men have culturally defined women since the beginning of human time, now deal with the fact that we have issues from being otherized like that. Stop trampling on our boundaries. And those slaves were enslaved under much broader definitions than just "you have a penis" Just because male priv exists does not mean that there are not some "privileges" for women. MOST women that are prostitutes now a days were trapped and are there against their will. Try THAT kind of forced work. You think it was any different back then? Oh, I know sometimes MEN force boys, too. Yes, MEN. Stop with the oppression Olympics.

14 years ago

>"This is your way of not being concerned about women?" —SallyStrangeAre you concerned about men? You are pretty Strange considering I don't rant about women much here.

14 years ago

>Yes, other men forced men into slavery. But this crap about men having it all fine and dandy and sugar and spice in the past is a load of crap. In fact, men had it way harder than women as all the heavy burdens were placed on men. Not only that, from the hard yards men did to get money, men were the financial slaves to women. Men practically paid for everything to keep women living while the only duties women mostly had was to clean the house and babysit the kids. Wow poor oppressed victims.I wonder who were the real slaves in the past? I wonder who were the most oppressed in the past? Regardless if it was the big boys in the governments oppressing the men below, the basic fact is that it's still oppression against men. And this oppression is far more extreme than what any woman faced in the same society. In other words, the big boys on top oppressed men more than they oppressed women. Let’s face it; the only oppressors are simply the men who are on top who were the ones who shaped society. The average man or 99 percent of men were not the oppressors. It was not their fault that men on top shaped society to how it was.But yet, even at this day, men in general in past such as all our great grandfathers get shame, blame, and guilt placed on them in the premise that it was the fault of all men who existed.Even when a male such as myself who was born in 1981 starts to complain about male grievances in the present, I will likely get shame, blame, and guilt placed on me for what a small subset of men in government did in the past. Just to disqualify and invalidate my complaint in the present.UnfuckingbelievableThat’s discrimination and oppression within it’s self. But this form of sexism is the most socially accepted form of sexism that we deal with in western society today.

14 years ago

>"MOST women that are prostitutes now a days were trapped and are there against their will. Try THAT kind of forced work"That is a load of feminist baloney. Where do you get the figure of "MOST" from? Sure, some women in Asian countries are forced into prostitution. But the majority are in the go go bars by their own choice. What about all the other hookers around the world? What about all the ones in western societies?

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