douchebaggery misogyny MRA violence against men/women

>How to get upvoted in MensRights on Reddit

>So a restaurant owner in Hamilton, Ontario decided to delight his male patrons by installing a urinal shaped like a woman’s mouth with bright pink lips.

The urinal sparked a protest from a feminist organization, and after receiving more than 1000 letters on the subject, the restaurant owner removed the urinal.

The regulars in MensRights on Reddit heard about the incident, and the following conversation took place. You may want to note the numbers of upvotes and downvotes each comment got.

(Yes, the last guy did use the obnoxious term “retard.” There is some irony there. Somehow I suspect that is not why he was downvoted.)

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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14 years ago

>Please folks, please make this a link happy comment section. Please link to equivalent feminist man hate. I really really want to see the equivalent out there. THIS is SPARTAMISOGYNY and I believe the only way to get this in perspective is to get some equivalency links going here. What other relevant commentary could there be that is not going to beg the equivalency question? Let's Roll, and…hey, let's be careful out there.

14 years ago

>Don't knock it until you try it. If you haven't been pee'd on (or in, in this case), you don't know what yer missing.

14 years ago

>Yeah, a lot of men like it too, and female supremacy too. These guys really shouldn't knock female supremacy till they try it. I agree. Also assault by a stranger for stating your opinion like when poster oohhhh says, "I would definitely assault this person." And women's groups make the first poster want to assault women. And for one millisecond these people that spend all day whining about female supremacy cannot imagine a world that would make fun of them as a urinal, even though they whine all day on blogs like manboobz.Not lookin good for team MRA here, this game calls for an extreme play of equivalency, come on let's see some links team MRA.

14 years ago

>"Please folks, please make this a link happy comment section. Please link to equivalent feminist man hate. I really really want to see the equivalent out there."Ask and you shall receive. what's all this about a urinal shaped like a woman's mouth?If even a FRACTION of the material online was as misogynistic as this material is misandric you would be SCA-REEEEEEEMIN!

14 years ago

>Evilwhitemaleempire, how about trying to make a genuine effort, not just posting a bunch of stuff about bdsm and dominatrices, okay? Unless you think that being a dominatrix is really about hating men and not about providing a sexual service to men who like getting tied up and spanked. In which case … well, it's hard to argue with people who have a distorted view of reality. I'll try to clue you in, as much as you're not going to listen: If a dominatrix tells men that they're lowly, boot-licking ass-monkeys, they get a boner. If a man calls all American women skanks and c***s, he's not trying to arouse anyone. He's just being hateful. Apples, meet oranges. Oranges, apples.

14 years ago

>BTW do not even try and start with "Well these women aren't real feminists" tripe.Most of us don't go around shooting people but you have no problem lumping all of us together.You want to generalize us?You want to conflate anti-feminism with the Taliban?Go right ahead.You get the same thing right back.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Sorry, evil dude, those are links to fetish sites. As for "lumping together," this site is about misogyny. I write about misogynists. Some of them are MRAs or MGTOWs or PUAs. Some aren't. If someone I quote isn't an MRA, I don't claim that he is an MRA. As for shooters. Nowhere did I suggest in any way that Loughner was an MRA; I suggested that violent rhetoric was a bad thing, and I quoted some vile comments from some MRA/MGTOW sites on the subject. I didn't force any of those people to say that Daniel Hernandez should have left Giffords to die. I didn't force any of the dozens of people who upvoted those comments to upvote them. The sites I quote from are mainstream MRA/MGTOW sites, heavily trafficked sites. IF you don't think the sites I'm looking at count as "real" MRA or MGTOW sites, then suggest some that you think do fairly represent the MRM or MGTOW.

14 years ago

>"Unless you think that being a dominatrix is really about hating men and not about providing a sexual service to men who like getting tied up and spanked. In which case … well, it's hard to argue with people who have a distorted view of reality."Especially when that distorted view includes such false dichotomies as "All doms either hate men OR provide some men with sexual services". Perceptions so distorted by ideology that it's impossible to see the forest for the trees.I'll try to clue you in, as much as you're not going to listen:It's when you google femdom and get about a bazzilion hits. But if you do the same for 'male-dom' or similar you find next to none.For all his 'priviledge' it would appear that in this oppressive, capitalist patriarchy a white hetrosexual man must go to great lengths to get his rocks off on what every feminist worth her salt knows he craves so very much.

14 years ago

>"Sorry, evil dude, those are links to fetish sites."So you're saying this in not misogyny? to know we're on the same page.

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago
David Futrelle
14 years ago

>evil, that site is a fetish site too.

14 years ago

>It's a dangerous world we live in when people can't tell the difference between threats of assault and consensual fetish play.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>It'll be a shame if people get caught up responding to guys like evilempire and ignore guys like Dr. Deezee, who seems to be a basically decent person who sincerely holds some set of these stereotypic MRA beliefs. There are a lot of quotes at the link he provides that are interesting and worth discussing. But NOTHING is worth discussing with angry people who only want to pick a fight. Ignore those people. Really.Really.

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>I hold no beliefs. I just troll tough. ;[

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>Aha! I thought maybe you were a Cerebus acolyte. Good to know you!

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago


Lady Victoria von Syrus

>You know how it goes in a professional dungeon? The male client goes to the professional Dominatrix, and says, "This is my fetish and I want you do to this to me." The Dominatrix quotes him a price, he pays, and she proceeds to do exactly what he asked her to do. It's different in lifestyle arrangements, but there's still quite a lot of negotiation that goes on behind the scenes to make sure everyone gets what they want out of it. No one is being forced, there are safe words and boundaries and mutual respect and pleasure. And yes, there are female submissives, whom you can pay to spank. However, I advise against going to one if you just want to beat up on a woman. Submissive in this context doesn't mean weak, and both subs and Doms can spot a dude with women issues from a mile away. And there are quite a lot of male Doms out there. However, they don't have many sites because so many men are willing to top for free that women don't really have to pay for it. There are also fewer kinky women than kinky men. Perhaps you will accuse this of being sexist, but it's not a conspiracy hatched by Evil Feminists to defraud men – it's the way the free market works. Women have a far easier time finding a man who's either into her kink or willing to accommodate her than vice versa.

14 years ago

>"David Futrelle said… evil, that site is a fetish site too."No shit Sherlock.But did you answer my question?

14 years ago

>OK, let me be more clear. Feminist sites laughing about wanting to pee on men in comment sections. No services men pay for because they like it. Now, here is an interesting topic. There are abuses in the filming of those things, and often times pornography is the documented abuse of prostitutes. I cannot speak for the performers we just know from people that have exited the work that say that they had to work themselves up to it, or felt they had no other job to take, some viewed it as a fear factor type thing, where you just focus on the money and many take drugs to get through what they do.I am not comfortable saying "it's different for men" because while they speak out less, they certainly do seem to drop like flies from suicides and over doses. Because the layman knows not what they see, it's best not to try to use that medium to prove general points, you have to be very specific and know what you're talking about. One thing you might want to do is google and look at the numbers of sites that come up. Also keep in mind that mostly, this is men's fetish on the one hand…aaaaaaannnnd men's fetish on the other hand, too. Ok, so equivalent would be feminists laughing about peeing on men in comment sections and saying that men's groups make them want to assault men. Not saying that does not exist. Also the equivalent would be a business available to the general public like a restaurant humiliating a man like that, and people not getting it . "Huh? What's wrong with this?" I wonder if we can find one.

14 years ago

>"Because the layman knows not what they see, it's best not to try to use that medium to prove general points,"And feminists have NEVER used that medium to prove general points. Gotcha!"Also keep in mind that mostly, this is men's fetish on the one hand…aaaaaaannnnd men's fetish on the other hand, too."But NOT women's fetish on the one hand…aaaaaaaaaannnnd women's fetish on the other as well.Masochist male OK.Masochist female not OK.Sadist female OK.Sadist male not OK.Got that too. "Ok, so equivalent would be feminists laughing about peeing on men in comment sections and saying that men's groups make them want to assault men. Not saying that does not exist."So your saying it does?"Also the equivalent would be a business available to the general public like a restaurant humiliating a man like that, and people not getting it . "Huh? What's wrong with this?" I wonder if we can find one."For all I know there could be loads of anti-male stuff like that in ladies rooms.

14 years ago

>Evil: The urinal wasn't BDSM-themed. It was pee-on-women-themed.For all I know there could be loads of anti-male stuff like that in ladies rooms. "For all you know" — a nifty way of saying you DON'T know, and have no basis for assuming.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>Seriously? Whoah, you need to check it out. One of the greatest comics of all time, and the author has a lot of these stereotypic MRA beliefs, but when someone says that, he always says "I don't have any beliefs." Not sure if he's ever said "I just troll hard" but it strikes me as the sort of thing he would say. Anyway, enjoy!

14 years ago

>"And feminists have NEVER used that medium to prove general points. Gotcha!"There can be a LOT of incorrect analysis drawn from trying to make general points. How is this a gotcha to me? I'd really like to know that stretch. Also there is really really crappy information out there from feminists that call themselves "sex positive" and they are basically elitists living in a fantasy world of false dichotomies where the church is their big enemy and everything is looked at through that lens. Lots of people have used that medium to make dumb points about this or that. But there are tons of feminists that can and do give detailed analysis about sex industry topics. I have seen that there are reasonable an unreasonable people from every branch of ideology when it comes to this topic. Now on to your "ok, and NOT ok strawman.May I first say.. HA HA LOLI said that both directions of this fetish are largely fueled by the male pocket book. This is ONLY an industry statement. There are plenty of females into BDSM. Are they the ones on film? Also in private BDSM I'll bet you a dollar it's mostly kidsplay and on the whole and not as extreme as the torture you see online. I don't know enough about it right now, I have some research questions I don't have answered yet, because I'm busy with other avenues. But I would def love to interview a bunch of those performers. "So your saying it does?"Another LOL. No you're the one that talks about things they don't know about. Me saying "not saying that does not exist" would not be me saying it does because I take information very seriously. Grow up. I am saying what you never do, "I DON'T KNOW", also what's implied is a nice "I wouldn't be surprised"but again, I would suggest that anything you find is going to be small scale. I'm interested in the comparison, so far people have turned up jack shit, haven't they?Let's change the stakes here, since we're dealing with a gender dynamic and sometimes the dynamics ARE apples and oranges, I change my challenge. Is there anything out there that you guys can find that would make you FEEL like this? Is there a DIFFERENT male equivalent?

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>FWIW, I don't really care about the urinal issue. I was troubled by the talk of violence in the comments I cited, and the fact that the most plaintly violent of the bunch got lots of upvotes. evil, within the context of consensual BDSM:Masochist male OK.Masochist female OK.Sadist female OK.Sadist male OK.Sexual fantasies are often not PC. When acted out with others who freely consent to the acts, they're fine. Consent is the key here. It's not abuse. It's consensual sex. BDSM has rules. People who engage in it aren't misogynists or misandrists. People who genuinely DO have hatred for the opposite sex are not good BDSM partners; they're actually quite dangerous, and they're shunned in the BDSM community. Again, the issue is consent.Punching someone in the face is illegal. If however you are a boxer and the guy you punch is a boxer and you're fighting in a ring and you both consent to it, that's fine. It's not assault and battery. It's a sport. It has rules.

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>Raul -I tried googling and couldn't figure out what you were talking about. Link?