douchebaggery misogyny MRA violence against men/women

>How to get upvoted in MensRights on Reddit

>So a restaurant owner in Hamilton, Ontario decided to delight his male patrons by installing a urinal shaped like a woman’s mouth with bright pink lips.

The urinal sparked a protest from a feminist organization, and after receiving more than 1000 letters on the subject, the restaurant owner removed the urinal.

The regulars in MensRights on Reddit heard about the incident, and the following conversation took place. You may want to note the numbers of upvotes and downvotes each comment got.

(Yes, the last guy did use the obnoxious term “retard.” There is some irony there. Somehow I suspect that is not why he was downvoted.)

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.

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Lady Victoria von Syrus

>Also, if pro Dommes could wear whatever they wanted, do you think they'd still stuff themselves into tight leather corsets and six-inch platform heels?No. They wear those things because it turns on their clients. It's still about male fantasy and male desire (note: I'm speaking of professional Dommes here. I imagine there are quite a few women who manage to privately top their male partners in flip-flops and sweats, but those women generally don't have websites. Though Rule 34 says there *must* be some site somewhere about Dominas in Pajamas or whatnot).

14 years ago

>Wow. Just wow.The best example y'all could come up with of "feminist man hate" is BDSM websites?Riiiight. Because these are bastions of … feminism?What the motherfucking fuck are you smoking?If you want to criticize feminism, learn what it is and how to distinguish it from pornography and the sex trade.Gotta go. Due back on the planet Earth.

14 years ago

>Booboonation:'Gotcha' as in "Now I get it." (but sarcastic)David:"I don't really care about the urinal issue"Yet you saw fit to post about it."BDSM has rules."So do nudie bars (no touching, etc.)Yet feminists criticize them. Rules or no. Why don't you?I take it your a sex pos feminist.Like porn? You let women run too much stuff and they'll get that shit banned. Don't believe me? Take a look at Iceland.Many young feminists may be sex positive now. But wait till they get in their late 30's and start loosing their looks. You'll see how 'sex positive' feminists are then David. "Sexual fantasies are often not PC. When acted out with others who freely consent to the acts, they're fine. Consent is the key here. It's not abuse. It's consensual sex. BDSM has rules." You think the likes of Hugh Hefner or Larry Flint haven't tried telling that to feminists? You think they were successful?Joe:"The best example y'all could come up with of "feminist man hate" is BDSM websites?"Not 'y'all' just me. And yes it IS a good example.Why? Because it's politically incorrect even to DEPICT a woman being tied up, whipped, beaten, etc. but a white dude is fair game.Y'alls willful ignorance of the fact that it IS politically correct to hate anything so long as it is straight, white and male is egregious beyong belief.What the motherfuck have YOU been smoking?

14 years ago

>I think if you've never heard of there being woman submissives in the world of BDSM then you really aren't paying enough attention. The overwhelming majority of women in the BDSM community are NOT dominatrices.

14 years ago

>It is really obnoxious to use a subculture of which you are not a part to make an incorrect political point.Signed,A female submissive/switch.

Raul Groom
14 years ago

>The best is when they analogize an attractive woman going to a frat party to a white guy walking around in a black neighborhood. Two bigotries for the price of one!

14 years ago

>"It is really obnoxious to use a subculture of which you are not a part to make an incorrect political point."An incorrect political point or a politically incorrect point?I have learned how the left rationalizes much of it's hypocracy from this thread.By using details to obscure/deny general trends and by having lots of 'non-feminists' do much of their dirty work.If instead of fetish sites I had pointed out the "Boys are stupid throw rocks at them" thing you all would have just said "Well that artist guy is not a feminist and doesn't claim to be."FYI the true test of 'equivalency' HERE is if a kid could go to school with a t-shirt saying "Girls are stupid put them all in special ed" or something similar and NOT end up being made to change… ORa kid who wore a "Boys are stupid-" shirt WAS made to change.

14 years ago

>Your argument is to create an imaginary situation regarding a mythical t-shirt at a hypothetical school?This all seems rather typical of MRA rhetoric. Creating problems that don't actually exist – creating imaginary boogeymen and fallacious disadvantages. You were asked to come up with an actual example, failed to do so, and resorted to an unarguable dilemma based on some imaginary situation.

The Biscuit Queen
14 years ago

>The difference between male bashing and female bashing is that male bashing is done by many women in all walks of life in public-at work, at bars, in the mainstream media; female bashing is done in anonymous chat rooms usually by a few adolescents who are just talking trash.

14 years ago

>Johnny said… "Your argument is to create an imaginary situation regarding a mythical t-shirt at a hypothetical school?""The overwhelming majority of women in the BDSM community are NOT dominatrices."Your argument is to create imaginary statistics to support a highly dubious conclusion? "creating imaginary boogeymen"Not my specialty. See feminists for that. Oh, you ARE a feminist I take it. Well then problem solved."You were asked to come up with an actual example, failed to do so"Correct. I came up with a shit load of 'em.The Biscuit Queen said… "The difference between male bashing and female bashing is that male bashing is done by many women in all walks of life in public-at work, at bars, in the mainstream media; female bashing is done in anonymous chat rooms usually by a few adolescents who are just talking trash."Women, unlike men, can talk trash openly without getting fired from their jobs. Behold Johnny, my "fallacious disadvantage". (eyes roll)

14 years ago

>No, you're making up an imaginary problem again. Again, you're coming up with an imaginary, hypothetical example. I work in employment law, and have spoken with people that were fired over things with this.As far as the media goes. The market determines what is popular, am I right? The reason you don't see certain depictions in media is because people don't actually want to see them. If people were clamoring for men bitching about women you'd see it. What is your disadvantage? That there are things that people don't like to hear you bitch about? That there are words people don't like to hear you say? Newsflash: People frown upon those things for a reason. There is a reason why cultural discourse is stamping them out. It's because the discourse finds such things unproductive. If people actually wanted to listen to the sociopolitical class that dominates virtually every sector of life bitch about how awful their class has it, then this wouldn't be a problem for you – but as it turns out, they don't. It's philosophy acting in a rather economic, capitalist way. Supply and demand. Your view has been found outmoded, unprofitable, and contrary to economic progress as well as political progress. This is why traditional gender roles are disappearing. Times are slowly but surely changing apace, and you can sit there and play the world's smallest fiddle while Rome burns, or realize that maybe you're part of the problem.Complaining that you can't talk trash about women without suffering consequences is like a TV show that no one watches complaining that it got canceled.

14 years ago

>I'll add that, as a middle class, white, American male, I don't feel that I've lost any rights by not being able to complain about how "great" women have it. In fact, I find myself abundantly satisfied at the options available to me in life.

14 years ago

>"The market determines what is popular, am I right?""It's philosophy acting in a rather economic, capitalist way. Supply and demand."Don't try to pass yourself off as a capitalist."What is your disadvantage? That there are things that people don't like to hear you bitch about?"You bet."That there are words people don't like to hear you say?" Right again.Your a genius!"Newsflash: People frown upon those things for a reason. There is a reason why cultural discourse is stamping them out."Because when classical discourse failed to spread it reinvented itself as cultural discourse. But when the Nazis kicked it out of Germany it fled to America where it eventually took over the colleges and now routinely infects young men such as yourself. "Times are slowly but surely changing apace, and you can sit there and play the world's smallest fiddle while Rome burns, or realize that maybe you're part of the problem."You'd better believe I'm part of the problem.And you're out of your indoctrinated mind if you think anti-feminism, MRA's, MGTOW, etc. is going to go away.

14 years ago

>I don't think I'm out of my indoctrinated mind at all. The ideas MRAs think so highly of were once dominant. They've dwindled to the outermost fringes. Nothing indicates to me that this trend wont continue. Many people have internalized its ideas and some of its ideas remain trenchant – but this is the residue of a dying past, not an indication of a new spread.As far as capitalism goes, you don't know the first thing about me or my economic philosophy – friendo. At any rate, explaining a phenomenon in terms of capitalism doesn't necessarily make me a capitalist or demonstrate that I'm trying to pass myself off as one.You'll have to explain the Nazi connection to me, you lost me there. I'm sure it would be very interesting reading, in the sense that so much of what MRAs write is "interesting" to me. Then again, it might just be that indoctrination working again.

The Biscuit Queen
14 years ago

>It is not that men want to openly trash talk women, it is the double standard. I am not even a man and I am sick to death of hearing women (and men) openly bash men. Many don't even realize they are doing it. They notice really fast when you refuse to join in or find it funny. I think all MRA's and most men would be perfectly happy if it because uncool to bash EITHER gender.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>"I think all MRA's … would be perfectly happy if it because uncool to bash EITHER gender."So you're a comedian now?

12 years ago

What on earth’s going on in the comments here? Are gravatars not working and litttle triangular close-brackets appearing on every post for anyone else?

12 years ago

It’s because it’s an old post from before the blog moved to wordpress.

12 years ago

Oh, okay, this is the one linked to from today’s one. Very confused right now. Will stop thread necromancy immediately. Sorry about that.