comments policy violence against men/women

>Comments policy: Cool it

>Folks, some of you need to cool it with the gratuitously nasty personal attacks in your comments. I’ve been cutting some people slack because they are new to the comments here, and because I like to practice relatively hands-off moderation, but I will start deleting comments if this continues, and repeated violators will be banned entirely. Regardless of which side of the debate you’re on. If you haven’t already, read the comments policy.

Also not ok: Justifying violence against men or women. For example, this recent comment from witman suggesting it might be “patriotic” to shoot feminist elected officials. (I’ve screencapped it because I will be deleting it, but for now you can go see it for yourself to confirm I’m not making it up.)

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14 years ago

>I would love to answer you Yohan, but your post has absolutely nothing to do with mine. I went into detail how I define woman hating as restricting and otherizing. I QUALIFIED what I meant when I said largely women hating group. "There are also women, who reject feminism. Why MUST every woman accept your life-style?"I also went into great detail about this. How you could ask me this after reading my last two posts is beyond me. You have made a claim that I personally want to force other people to accept feminist guidelines. Please back this claim up with any evidence or at least a line of reasoning. If you want to change the claim from me personally and apply the statement to the feminist movement, fine, but please back your claim up with any evidence you can muster. Thanks. Yesterday you forced your dog to eat cheese and you expect that of all dogs. See how that works? I can just say wacky unsubstantiated shit about you with no evidence all day long. Yohan please disprove what I just said, do you have any EVIDENCE that you did not force your dog to eat cheese yesterday and expect all dogs to eat cheese? You're clearly a dog hater until you prove my statement false. Thanks. You have NEVER EVER ONCE Yohan spoken out for the rights of pets OR immigrants in your comments. Also after thorough research of MRA sites on my own I have come to the conclusion that this group hates animals, they NEVER discuss animal rights, or animal cruelty. It also appears that they are anti-Immigration unless they are women, prostitutes, or spouses that border on slaves with no choices. It appears they are pro-slavery. I would ask that MRAs on this board please do not skim my comment for one-liners, if you fail to understand my NONSENSE second paragraph, it's on you. I am not going to spend the next three posts correcting your lazy reading and one-liner regurgitating habits. Answer the POINTS I attempted to make, argue them, or don't answer. That is a fair, just and logical directive.

14 years ago

>I would love to answer you Yohan, but your post has absolutely nothing to do with mine. I went into detail how I define woman hating as restricting and otherizing. I QUALIFIED what I meant when I said largely women hating group. "There are also women, who reject feminism. Why MUST every woman accept your life-style?"I also went into great detail about this. How you could ask me this after reading my last two posts is beyond me. You have made a claim that I personally want to force other people to accept feminist guidelines. Please back this claim up with any evidence or at least a line of reasoning. If you want to change the claim from me personally and apply the statement to the feminist movement, fine, but please back your claim up with any evidence you can muster. Thanks. Yesterday you forced your dog to eat cheese and you expect that of all dogs. See how that works? I can just say wacky unsubstantiated shit about you with no evidence all day long. Yohan please disprove what I just said, do you have any EVIDENCE that you did not force your dog to eat cheese yesterday and expect all dogs to eat cheese? You're clearly a dog hater until you prove my statement false. Thanks. You have NEVER EVER ONCE Yohan spoken out for the rights of pets OR immigrants in your comments. Also after thorough research of MRA sites on my own I have come to the conclusion that this group hates animals, they NEVER discuss animal rights, or animal cruelty. It also appears that they are anti-Immigration unless they are women, prostitutes, or spouses that border on slaves with no choices. It appears they are pro-slavery. I would ask that MRAs on this board please do not skim my comment for one-liners, if you fail to understand my NONSENSE second paragraph, it's on you. I am not going to spend the next three posts correcting your lazy reading and one-liner regurgitating habits. Answer the POINTS I attempted to make, argue them, or don't answer. That is a fair, just and logical directive.

14 years ago

>I would love to answer you Yohan, but your post has absolutely nothing to do with mine. I went into detail how I define woman hating as restricting and otherizing. I QUALIFIED what I meant when I said largely women hating group. "There are also women, who reject feminism. Why MUST every woman accept your life-style?"I also went into great detail about this. How you could ask me this after reading my last two posts is beyond me. You have made a claim that I personally want to force other people to accept feminist guidelines. Please back this claim up with any evidence or at least a line of reasoning. If you want to change the claim from me personally and apply the statement to the feminist movement, fine, but please back your claim up with any evidence you can muster. Thanks. Yesterday you forced your dog to eat cheese and you expect that of all dogs. See how that works? I can just say wacky unsubstantiated shit about you with no evidence all day long. Yohan please disprove what I just said, do you have any EVIDENCE that you did not force your dog to eat cheese yesterday and expect all dogs to eat cheese? You're clearly a dog hater until you prove my statement false. Thanks. You have NEVER EVER ONCE Yohan spoken out for the rights of pets OR immigrants in your comments. Also after thorough research of MRA sites on my own I have come to the conclusion that this group hates animals, they NEVER discuss animal rights, or animal cruelty. It also appears that they are anti-Immigration unless they are women, prostitutes, or spouses that border on slaves with no choices. It appears they are pro-slavery.

14 years ago

>I would ask that MRAs on this board please do not skim my comment for one-liners, if you fail to understand my NONSENSE second paragraph, it's on you. I am not going to spend the next three posts correcting your lazy reading and one-liner regurgitating habits. Answer the POINTS I attempted to make, argue them, or don't answer. That is a fair, just and logical directive.

14 years ago

>And by "second paragraph" I mean when I start accusing Yohan of forcing his dog to eat cheese and ending up with the claim that MRAs are pro-slavery.

14 years ago

>Just as I was pointing out the other day; in this blog, it seems acceptable for a feminist to call a man a dickhead. But it's against rules in here to use the C word against women.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>That's because "dickhead" is a minor insult that no one takes very seriously. The "c-word" by contrast is a hateful term similar to racial and homophobic slurs I won't allow here either. You can call me a "psycho" if you want. Yohan just did.

14 years ago

>David, David, David, oh dearThat's because "dickhead" is a minor insult that no one takes very seriously.You are admitting to female privilege, right?I thought feminists were against ALL forms of privilege as they claim to be all in for gender equality and fairness, right?Using the word "dickhead" is just as hateful in reality as it's degrading the male genitalia in contrast of degrading the female genitalia when the C word is used.So in other words, David, you accept this female privilege of it being acceptable to degrade male genitalia.

14 years ago

>It's amazing how often an MRA will invoke the concept of privilege when they are PREVENTED from engaging in abuse. "I can't call you a vile name, therefore you are privileged." And MRAs would fall completely apart without their false equivalencies. So now d**kh**d is exactly the same as c**t. Let's all pretend that's true. Although this particular battle is not easily won, once you start censoring words. I think there is a strong argument that can be made about the false equivalency of the N word versus honkey or cracker, but on this point, the case is harder to make. The question is, is one more abusive than the other? IDk.

14 years ago

>"And MRAs would fall completely apart without their false equivalencies. So now d**kh**d is exactly the same as c**t. Let's all pretend that's true." It is the same you moron as both words degrade genitalia. It's ridiculously stupid to say that degrading the female genitalia is more sexist than degrading the male genitalia. But I wouldn't be surprised if feminists really believe this.Anything to guise female privilege

14 years ago

>booboonation said… Also after thorough research of MRA sites on my own I have come to the conclusion that this group hates animals ….It also appears that they are anti-Immigration unless they are women, prostitutes … You did a poor research.And no idea what you mean with all that talk about dogs, the moon and green cheese. Are you OK?Animal rights – that's maybe what feminists apply in their mindset when talking about men they consider like cattle.Or do you want MRAs to become vegetarians?I don't know from where you got the idea, that MRAs do not like animals. It's the first time I hear that in my life.About immigration, I am an immigrant myself.MRAs often talk about leaving the feminist countries like USA or UK and to relocate somewhere else.About forcing feminism on men, this is already done by various strange laws in Western countries, like selling sex is fine (woman = always a victim) but buying sex is a criminal offense in Sweden. In USA you have VAWA-IMBRA…

14 years ago

>"MRAs are not interested into games like US-hook-up-culture and one-night stands with certain women in certain countries."Why books by Roosh are advertised on the Spearhead ?Why Roissy is admired by most MRAs ?"You are grossly misinformed about this world, if you really think all foreign countries are 3rd world countries, all foreign women are poor and doormats and only American women are 'rich and independent'."I never said that, what I meant is that MRAs go to third world countries because they hope women there are submissive and desperate because they have no success with women in developed countries. And I doubt that even in a third world country, they can find a submissive and desperate woman.

14 years ago

>"It also appears that they are anti-Immigration unless they are women, prostitutes"Here's something funny about these guys, they are "conservatives" which means usually they are anti-immigration. Because of that they show up on conservative blogs and forums and start harassing female posters. I've known two or three women that discovered the Men's Right Movement because these guys showed up in their favorite blogs and forums and ruined it.

14 years ago

>David Futrelle said… You can call me a "psycho" if you want. Yohan just did. I did not call you a 'psycho' personally.Read back what I said, before putting words into my mouth.Yohan: I have seen only a few male feminists.And most of them suffer of very serious issues, confused, psycho … The question is if you truly qualify as a 'male feminist', and I think, you do not.This blog is NOT a feminist blog, but solely operating as an MRA-hater blog. I have seen many feminist blogs, but your blog does not fit into this category.

14 years ago

> avpd0nmmng said… Why books by Roosh are advertised on the Spearhead ?Why Roissy is admired by most MRAs ?I heard about '' the first time on this blog by David.The forum I am using (Niceguy) is free of ads. It is financed solely out of donations by our members.Other MRA-forums accept ads against payment.There are also feminist websites accepting ads against payment.I would not call Roosh's website to be an MRA-site. It's more about travelling alone as a man and find girls everywhere, something like that.He makes a business out of it. Just my impression, after a short check, it's my first visit there.Maybe he is 'admired' by American MRAs because he is able to carry on HIS independent life in foreign countries. Not really my life-style.Most Americans have no passport and have no idea about life overseas. Maybe they like to read his stories.

14 years ago

>nick STOP failing to analyze my comments. The reason I'm telling you to STOP is because you attack me personally, you don't simply fail in argument. At the end of my comment, I basically say that it's tough case to make that those insults are different. Yohan, you are absolutely embarrassing yourself with your analysis of my questions. I am telling you that it's a fallacy to go around making claims that have nothing to do with the topic and asking people to disprove any silly off-topic claim you pull out of your butt. YES, this is an anti-MRA blog, as MRAs are antifeminist. As far as a law about the sex industry that was borne out of necessity. Women need to be able to report their rapes and abuses to the police. That law was borne out of necessity. It has nothing to do with ideology. Gee, how about men quit fucking killing prostitutes you sick fuck? And there are many places that try legalization, because they figure hey, two consenting adults, world's oldest profession, etc. So what happens? People enslave others by the tens of thousands, now we're picking up the pieces from that. You can pretend that is some "equality" issue or something. But that just proves you have an agenda and could care less about the horrendous human rights violations that accompany prostitution. It's ironic that the Swedish model is a counter-intuitive approach borne from the reality that men are absolute murderous monsters to these women instead of grateful. Any good man is outraged when they read about what really goes on, they don't sit around trying to justify it or claim everyone is lying to them. Tens of thousands of trafficked people. That's what happens around a legal industry.

14 years ago

> booboonation said… Yohan, YES, this is an anti-MRA blog, as MRAs are antifeminist. Yes, correct.MRAs do not hate women, but they are anti-feminist.

14 years ago

>I have already defined why I believe MRA views and limited expectations of women are hatred. No counter arguments were offered. 😀

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Oh, Yohan, somehow I sort of knew that you would take boohoo's obvious joke about animals, which she carefully explained in a later comment was a joke, completely seriously.

14 years ago

>Well, David, as I said a while ago, animals have rights, but men have not. Animals have a right for shelter and food, but men have not.I never heard about a false rape allegation against a bull calf or against a cock pheasant.booboonation said… Gee, how about men quit fucking killing prostitutes you sick fuck? Typical feminist shaming language rhetoric…To answer this question is very easy. Girls, change your life-style! Quit to be a prostitute, don't socialize with thugs and apply for an ordinary job as anybody else.David: …which she carefully explained in a later comment was a joke, completely seriously Yeah, I know. Feminism is a joke for itself. Seriously.

14 years ago

>To yohan:So you're the owner of the nice-guy forum ? ( I discovered the Nice-Guy forum in 2009 because I wanted to know where Fschmidt was posting – Fschmidt was a regular poster there. And from what I've read at that time, it's clear that most poster there were bitter guys that couldn't get laid – and they didn't hate only feminism, they hated women and any guy that had success with women. I remember reading at least one posting of a guy admitting he was virgin. Many of the most controversial postings disappeared from the nice-guy forum in the beginning of 2010.

14 years ago

>No, I am NOT the owner/administrator/founder of the Nice-Guy Forum, I am only holding moderator-rights since many years.We do not accept hate/kill all women-messages. There are members, who are married. also some female members.You mention a certain member, but I cannot find any comment from him in our forum, which I consider as not acceptable.

14 years ago

>@avpd0nmmng Stop projecting you own issues onto the whole MRA movement.

14 years ago

>Check this posting …'s supposed to have 1010 postings …

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>avp, I cut and pasted in that url accidentally leaving off the final "3" and got a comment saying this:"I like the old days, of just grabbing the bitch by the hair and demanding she becomes 'your wife'. Much easier!"