comments policy violence against men/women

>Comments policy: Cool it

>Folks, some of you need to cool it with the gratuitously nasty personal attacks in your comments. I’ve been cutting some people slack because they are new to the comments here, and because I like to practice relatively hands-off moderation, but I will start deleting comments if this continues, and repeated violators will be banned entirely. Regardless of which side of the debate you’re on. If you haven’t already, read the comments policy.

Also not ok: Justifying violence against men or women. For example, this recent comment from witman suggesting it might be “patriotic” to shoot feminist elected officials. (I’ve screencapped it because I will be deleting it, but for now you can go see it for yourself to confirm I’m not making it up.)

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14 years ago

>whitman is a dope rapper. But… the flow he lays down be falling outside the guidelines here I guess. Word to your mother, whitman, and I mean that- seriously who is your mother? Ha ha just kidding, kind of. I do wonder about MRAs moms though, all the time.

14 years ago

>Most MRAs have mommy issues. It's one of the reason they are MRAs.

Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>Mommy issues, like when your mother is an overemotional abusive hag?

The Biscuit Queen
14 years ago

>Does it then stand to reason feminist have daddy issues? No? Then that was a childish cheap shot. If this post is for real, which I doubt, this is one of those fringe that no one I know would condone in the MRM. While I agree the second amendment is indeed there to allow us protection against tyranny, I do not agree this is what the forefathers had in mind.

The Biscuit Queen
14 years ago

>BTW, until this post I have not seen anyone advocating violence. Hmmm.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>BQ: witman has made dozens of comments here, many of them obnoxious but none as bad as this one. If he's a troll, which I seriously doubt, he's an *extremely* patient and dedicated one.

14 years ago

>I really don't think we should get into the mommy issues or daddy issues thing,it's all lame. However, I do always wonder about what kinds of women the mothers are. My dad raised me to be feminist. NOT my mom, she's scared to death of independence. And rightfully so, I was raised in a single parent home, and things were pretty tough on all of us. She had married and moved away from my dad, so he was not around to help out. Previously he had been a very very very very very active father. I was his life.

14 years ago

>biscuit queen, here is the link: comment is four up from the bottom. If you use control f and then type in his username you will be able to find it quite easily

14 years ago

>avpd0nmmng said… Most MRAs have mommy issues. It's one of the reason they are MRAs There are many reasons why men and some women too decide to become MRAs.Unfortunately children cannot choose their parents. They cannot choose the circumstances of their birth. To make male children responsible for the psycho behavior of their mother as you do is truly feminist BS-drivel.

14 years ago

>The problem of this blog is about its biased moderation.1. Moderate comments by MRAs with links and personal explication why we think in this way =either ignored, or belittled, hardly any reasonable reply.2.Comments along the borderline from MRAs =See how bad all these MRAs really are, we must delete those comments. We feel soooo insulted.3.For feminists any personal insult towards MRAs is OK.booboonation said… whitman is a dope rapper. …..Word to your mother, whitman, and I mean that- seriously who is your mother? … I do wonder about MRAs moms though, all the time. This above is a typical feminist comment towards a father (witman) who was cheated by his ex-wife and who had to fight successfully in court for custody, because his ex-wife abandoned not only him, but also HER (their) children…

14 years ago

>Yohan, what I say is that if a guy had a bad mother, instead of starting a crusade against women and feminists, he should blame his mother and keep his distance from her. I've known a guy that was posting in MRAs forums that was 40 years old and never had girlfriend and was still living with his mother. And he was constantly blaming feminists for all his problems. I'm sure there are many MRAs like him.

14 years ago

>I said it before…this group would be sad to me if they were not so dangerous.I don't know why but I am still shocked that there are people -defending- this shit. Like 'oh my god really?Come on guys. Seriously. I don't want your cock, I don't want your sperm I am not out to subjugate you and you are not an oppressed minority. Fucking stop.

14 years ago

>avpd0nmmng said… Yohan, what I say is that if a guy had a bad mother, instead of starting a crusade against women and feminists, he should blame his mother and keep his distance from her The same could be said exactly in the opposite way, if you had a violent father, then keep a distance from him and don't call all MRAs and other men to be wife-beaters and rapists…What do you think?

14 years ago

>I love how in a thread where David tells people to cool it with personal insults, the first posts are insults by booboonation and avpd(whatever) to MRA's mothers and David says nothing. More of that famed feminist fairness, I see. Just to clarify David, this means that I can insult feminst's mothers, correct? Random Brother

14 years ago

>Thomas Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."There's nothing different between that and what witman is saying. IMHO, it is in keeping with a healthy desire to maintain ones freedoms (which feminist redefine as privilige) from government overreach. So I guess you'll have to delete this Thomas Jefferson quote from your blog also David.Random Brother

14 years ago

>Although I appreciate the comments policy, I'm also kind of glad that you posted the comment in question, if only because it serves as evidence for those who believe that the people who take this kind of rhetoric seriously are just imaginary bogey-men invented as part of some sort of stupid political game.It's not a game, and they're not imaginary. They're real. And they're not bogey-men, either. They're real people, human beings just like you and me, who have somehow come to believe that there's really some kind of feminist conspiracy out there, and that the tree of liberty needs to be watered with the "conspirators'" blood. It's frightening, but even more than that, it's sad. I don't know what to do about it. At this point, the gulfs in perception just seem far too wide to bridge.

14 years ago

>Why are you people lying about my mother comment? I even clarified it. Mommy/Daddy issues is a dumb topic to me, I find it childish. So Richard, stop lying about other people's posts because you can get banned doing that from what I hear. I will be waiting for your apology and yes, you should give one and stop reaching and trying to villianize the feminists here. On to your quote. That has nothing to do with whitman saying "this woman", and talking specifically about a current event. If Thomas Jefferson said, "Yeah, that dude was a tyrant." It would not apply to us, here. It's a matter of history. Richard you really should try to stop the personal attacks while playing victim that others are attacking you. Anyone that keeps this up with me, fine, what I will do to keep peace, clarity for others, and the permission to keep posting is I will ignore the attacks. Letting you know now, if I feel baited, I might not respond.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>richard: I really only ever delete comments that are pointed personal attacks, not jokey comments or sweeping generalizations or cheap shots not directed at anyone in particular. If I deleted every comment featuring dumb generalizations or cheap shots about feminism, for example, I'd probably have to delete half the MRA comments on the blog.

14 years ago

>David Futrelle said… ….. If I deleted every comment featuring dumb generalizations or cheap shots about feminism, for example, I'd probably have to delete half the MRA comments on the blog. You forgot to mention that in this case you also have to delete at least 80 percent of all feminist comments on this blog.

14 years ago

>Well Yohan (and Witman) What is the situation here? By definition, a woman who has abandoned her children would not bother to fight about custody of them. I don't know witman and don't know his circumstances and can only judge him on his comments on this forum. Which have mostly been pretty rotten towards women as a gender and then escalated to violence at women. Not a huge suprise that his wife did the bolt then (again I don't know your circs but you are not doing yourself any favours with your posts) And in fact you are doing your ex a favour by being so extreme in your comments. She can now go back to court and say Witman advocates violence against women as a patriotic duty if they might be feminists. And even the coppers will back her. Pull your head out witman – if you do actually care for your kids then temper your anger as you are spilling out good reasons to have your kids taken from your care as you have chosen to manifest your anger in a public forum with violence as your ultimate solution. No court will back you on that as they are supposed to be putting the kids well being first and no court will back death threats against women as a sharing caring parent.Look Witman you are not blameless here. You chose to marry the woman you are now cranky with. Did someone put a gun to your head? It didn't work out but given you posts on this forum any police officer etc would tell your ex to get the f*ck out of your home cos you seem to be a ticking time bomb. As I said I don;t know you at all and can only judge you on your posts on this forum. Shit I would advise your ex to run for the hills based on your posts only I would have advised her how to take the kids as well.You are not demonstrating any sort of higher ground here mate – you are simply demonstrating why she left you. This might not be the reason but as long as you keep posting the crap you are posting in the last few days then you are unlikely to find much sympathy from even non feminists.

14 years ago

>"They're real people, human beings just like you and me, who have somehow come to believe that there's really some kind of feminist conspiracy out there"Can't imagine why.

14 years ago

>haloinshreds said… I don't know witman and don't know his circumstances and can only judge him on his comments on this forum. I do not know witman either, and I can only judge him on the scornful and provocative comments he received on this blog for posting about his problems with his ex-wife. It is interesting to see that out of more than 5000 comments only those of MRAs but never those of feminists are ubject to moderation. Also Eoghan was a rather moderate poster at the beginning, but he was strongly belittled and as he was responsive to scornful personal provocation he was finally 'banned'. We will see who is the next target of us MRAs on this unique and strange all-out MRA-hating blog.

14 years ago

>evilwhitemaleempire:No. I can't, really. And that's what I meant about the gulf in perception. You look at the world, and you see a feminist conspiracy. I look at the world, and I see no such thing. And, like I said, I don't know how that gulf can be bridged. Perhaps it can't be. I don't know.

Jut Gory
14 years ago

>booboonation: "I do always wonder about what kinds of women the mothers are. My dad raised me to be feminist. NOT my mom, she's scared to death of independence. And rightfully so, I was raised in a single parent home, and things were pretty tough on all of us. She had married and moved away from my dad, so he was not around to help out. Previously he had been a very very very very very active father. I was his life."Okay, it could be very simple. MRAs might have had mothers like your mother (who cut off her kids from their father). Or they might be people like your dad (who lost his children because of their mother).-Jut

14 years ago

>I believe that there are people both men and women in the MRA that simply have their heads in the stand regarding how disturbed some of their members really are: don't know who this mkre fellow is, but Alpha has been around for years. Someone from SYG said they don't know of any violent MRA's, well this is one of their own board members.Not only are their comments disturbing to say the least, but the lack of anyone saying anything about it is even more disturbing (Kave is considered to be a troll there).I am really happy this board was put into place.

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