crackpottery ghosts men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny sex trogdor005

>Trogdor005 goes ghost


My new favorite commenter on the Happy Bachelors Forum is a fellow calling himself trogdor005, who pretty much lives up to his name, offering blunt misogynist rants with all the subtlety of a caveman. A caveman who has figured out how to change font size and add animated smileys to his posts. So here is the first in a new series, “The Wit and Wisdom of Trogdor005.”

Today’s topic: “Going ghost.” For those not conversant with the latest in angry-man slang, this is a term adopted by the manosphere that’s basically a variant on Men Going Their Own Way — that is, disengaging from women and as much as possible from society itself. A man who goes ghost is, of course, a ghost.  Here’s how you use it in a sentence: 

That creepy douchebag who lives alone in the basement apartment and scowls every time a women walks by is a ghost.

Recently, one of the Happy Bachelors ran across a blog post by a woman who mocked the whole “ghost” notion:

I admit it, every time I read about some guy in the manosphere declaring that he or other men are going to go ghost, I laugh. I laugh real hard. When I have nothing else to laugh about because it feels as if nothing is going my way I think of those men, I laugh, and I am instantaneously cheered up.

The bulk of men are not willing to go ghost–no matter how bad things in the sexual and economic marketplace skew in favor of women–and even if large numbers of them did, most of those men would not be missed and eventually they would return to society, chastened by their transgression at acting on such a foolish endeavor.

This post MAKE TROGDOR MAD! So he banged out a response.  He began by showing off his hard-won font-size-modification and smiley skills:

Then he moved into the meat of his argument:

The bottom line is men can avoid women entirely and there is NO FORCE on Earth that can force us into “marriage” or even a “relationship” with a woman minus a gun to the head. Even if the Guv’ment succeeds in somehow “forcing” men to get married, we as ghosts know what makes you bitches tick and can simply become unemployed intentionally, become fat stinky slobs, treat you very nicely/well, or more devastatingly effective, say the words “I love you” and cause you to instantly lose ALL attraction for us and be miserable in your Guv’ment arranged “marriages” ;D … The icing on the cake is that, when you inevitably file for “divorce” after years of unhappiness/New Cock Urge it is YOU who will pay US men “alimony” and “child support” since we were unemployed during the “marriage” hahahahhahaha ;D

Yes, you heard it right ladies, even if the government gives in to your dastardly desires and actually forces men to marry you, they can defeat you without lifting a finger, literally, except when their fingers are needed to shove food into their mouths.

Trogdoor005 then rallied the troops with some stirring rhetoric:

Men are winning the “gender war” and there is NOTHING the wimminz can do about it … The matriarchy needs a steady supply of manginas/husbands to feed the system and keep it running, a ghost is the anti-thesis of the mangina/husband and therefore MUST be discredited, silenced, and destroyed.

Many of us men will go on to lead happy, fulfilling lives, meanwhile many of these same Femini-nazi bitches will end up with cats and vibrators in their old age.

Here’s where Trogdor005 went wrong: plenty of non-elderly women have cats and vibrators already.

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14 years ago

>@Elizabeth,I will not call myself a sexist pig (you can do that for me). I will say that I enjoy a pleasant female and I don not mind being pleasant to a female. That is not sexist! Isn't that how the whole thing works? You ignore history and your own gender by labeling men sexist for finding the female form enticing. That, my dear is sexist!You are a chauvinist PIG!

14 years ago

>That is, of course, unless you get to define ogling when you do it.

14 years ago

>"MRAs take many of their issues seriously. Perhaps if you had read more forums and blogs you would realize that instead of making a superficial judgment value."I have read forums and blogs. I maintain that the MRM is a grievance-driven joke and that all the meaningful issues that a venn diagram might show MRAs sharing with serious activists will be much better addressed in those other hands.

14 years ago

>"I have read forums and blogs. I maintain that the MRM is a grievance-driven joke . . ."—MSo why should they take feminist issues seriously if you don't take MRAs seriously? You just being dismissive because they have grievances? That's an opinion which offers no solutions, just a hypocritical condemnation that fuels their agendas even moreso.

14 years ago

>Ogling goes beyond a glance at an attractive person. This is not a "oh look at that lovely woman" it is "oh stare at that lovely woman." So to claim you have a right to stare at a woman just because she is pretty is presuming a right you do not have. You can certainly look at her briefly in admiration but ogling is a different story.If you said "I have the right to look at a pretty woman" you certainly would be correct but you did not. You went beyond that.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>M, you are absolutely right. There are a few MRAs who, however wrong they may be, actually do care deeply about some of the issues in the MRM. There are some Father's Rights activists who (again, however wrong I think they are) do actually engage in activism. But the more I read of MRA sites and forums the more it becomes clear that the majority of MRAs, at least online, don't really give a shit about the issues, and use them as an excuse to air their generalized hatred of and "grievances" towards women, mixing real issues with really petty complaints and generalized woman-bashing. Hence, for example, the number of posts highlighting "women behaving badly" on mra/mgtow message boards. And take the issue of rape. What affects more men — prison rape or being falsely convicted of rape? Prison rape, by a long shot. Even if this weren't the case, though women are as likely to be raped in prison as men, this is an issue that mostly affects men. While "false rape accusations" are talked about endlessly on MRM message boards, and while MRAs may talk a bit about the evils of prison rape, it's usually as a way to score point at all the feminists who supposedly make jokes about prison rape. What do they do about it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I searched the internet to find MRAs actually talking substantively about the issue, and actually found that far more feminists than MRAs were talking about it. (See the "further reading" thing in the sidebar for the link). The closest thing to activism I've seen from MRAs in a long time is the urinal poster idea. And even that seems more focused on the airing of grievances than anything else. Notice that the main issue MRAs wanted to talk about here in relation to the urinal poster idea was the evils of women getting their drinks paid for at bars even though they don't want to have sex with the guys paying for the drinks.

14 years ago

>@David,You completely ignore Fathers and Families which do something (squash unfair bills), and Fathers 4 Justice that do the same in Canada (in a different way).@M,"I have read forums and blogs. I maintain that the MRM is a grievance-driven joke . . ."—MWouldn't Feminism be a grievance-driven joke?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Silly women!

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>witman, please reread the first paragraph of my comment, and take note of the word "fathers."

14 years ago

>Yes, I see that. Thank you for acknowledging Fathers' grievances David. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a wall so I assume (ass-u-me). My bad!

14 years ago

>Now let's talk about men accused (note ACCUSED) of sexual assault and see the damage that can be done on a mere accusation.How about the campaign to dehumanize our sons "Awaiting Instructions".Can we actually address some legitimate concerns of men without somebody exclaiming [Get over the fact that she "took your baby in court!"] <-paraphraseMy baby is the most important thing in the world to me and the family court system and all its biases are the worst thing to happen to humanity.

14 years ago

>"So why should they take feminist issues seriously if you don't take MRAs seriously? You just being dismissive because they have grievances? That's an opinion which offers no solutions, just a hypocritical condemnation that fuels their agendas even moreso."Actually, no, I am not being dismissive *because* of grievances. I mention grievances as the primary motivator not because there's something wrong with having grievances but because a serious movement for socioeconomic change cannot be built on a selective reading of social realities propelled by selfish anger. It's one thing to be angry; it's another thing entirely to focus exclusively on only the parts of life that make you angry and declare that to be the system under which we all live. Witman, modern feminism is about socioeconomic frameworks and not about all the ways one has been wronged. It's part of an intersecting complex of anti-oppression and human rights movements. And because it's about the whole and not a handful of parts, feminism incorporates concern for the rights of men and the way men are diminished by the forces and frameworks feminism criticizes and opposes–often the same things that hurt women hurt men in different, and sometimes parallel, ways.

14 years ago

>"My baby is the most important thing in the world to me and the family court system and all its biases are the worst thing to happen to humanity."The worst thing to happen to humanity? All of humanity? In history? Okay then, prove my point for me!

14 years ago

>Also I don't know how many times people can say "It is not feminism taking your kids away from you; feminism opposes this" before you'll hear us, but FEMINISM DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS. You are getting bad info if you really think feminism is about stacking the courts against fathers.

14 years ago

>"I mention grievances as the primary motivator not because there's something wrong with having grievances but because a serious movement for socioeconomic change cannot be built on a selective reading of social realities propelled by selfish anger."— MWell, that anger is often propelled because socioeconomic change often doesn't pan out despite effort. Look at visitation rights and custody with children for example. Are you saying that MRMs are based on anger as a base? I realize you aren't dismissing grievances but even as a reaction there is often a reason, and when social change doesn't occur for men's rights that resentment can continue. What is "selfish anger?" Is it caused by the fact that rational self-interest is being diminished or even punished by misandry and compounding that anger? Just saying.BTW, I don't think that all of MRM are reactionary, although it often starts off that way, it can be force for greater things.

14 years ago

>David: What do they do about it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.I would not call it 'NOTHING' because it seems, feminists worldwide feel deeply disturbed by the Men's Rights Movement and try everything to slander and to silence it.It takes a while, many years, to feel the presence of the Men's Rights Movement.There is now among men a stong tendency for foreign wives, a strong tendency to remain single and to reject family and children. There is a strong movement among men to relocate to other countries, especially for retirement.The best argument, coming up more and more, is about financial aspects of feminism. As a fact, feminism is expensive, is non-productive and we do not have money anymore in Western countries to pay for it.

14 years ago

>"David Futrelle said… Saying "women are children" = misogyny."David hates children. HA! HA! HA!

14 years ago

>"Elizabeth said… Ogling goes beyond a glance at an attractive person. This is not a "oh look at that lovely woman" it is "oh stare at that lovely woman." So to claim you have a right to stare at a woman just because she is pretty is presuming a right you do not have. You can certainly look at her briefly in admiration but ogling is a different story."Don't presume to tell me my rights.

14 years ago

>Amused wrote"It goes without saying, of course, that most people are consumers of civilization. But civilization needs a lot fewer consumers to sustain itself than there are in existence, and if you, embittered sexless dunces, remove yourselves from it, this won't make a dent. You won't be missed, I guarantee you. You WILL be forgotten, and the world will go on just fine."So then how long until you feminist types finally go extinct?

14 years ago

>@M"I mention grievances as the primary motivator not because there's something wrong with having grievances but because a serious movement for socioeconomic change cannot be built on a selective reading of social realities propelled by selfish anger."— MSo a grievance is only a grievance if you deem it so; otherwise it is just a selective reading of social realities propelled by selfish anger? I see. What about the black people M, do they have your blessing (Bring it to me Sista)? Hispanics (vamos Senorita)? Jews (Oy Veh)? Muslims (Allah Akbar)? Whites (fuck no!), Christians (fuck no!), Men (fuck no!), Children (please don't kill me!)What (pray tell) is the difference in your eyes. It seems all you can do is recite rhetoric but you've failed to even answer the question of my privilege.

14 years ago

>@Amused:"But civilization needs a lot fewer consumers to sustain itself than there are in existence,"A few less "Useless Eaters"? Are you a Eugenicist or are you just talking about the money sucking, self propagating feminist movement?@David, please excuse the double post.

14 years ago

>whitman, As a fellow male, your lack of logic and intellectual dishonesty ashames me. Please remove yourself from the gender.Thanks,A concerned male

14 years ago

>Evilwhitemaleempire,Ironically my job entails telling people their rights.And that is not one of them.

14 years ago

>"Please remove yourself from the gender." —Jpeg.ArjoonWhich could be construted as a call for suicide to whitman. Explain yourself.

14 years ago

>David Futrelle said… Saying "women are children" = misogyny. I do not say that. But I say, some certain laws in some certain feminist countries are treating women like children.A good example is the UK domestic violence law women like children The proposed changes to the law on domestic violence are degradingArticle was written by a woman, a barrister btw…Another good example is the Swedish prostitution law, which says to sell sex is fine, but to pay for sex is a crime. And – interesting – see this situation, only the man will be charged with a crime…These women – adults – were not charged with theft, robbery and false allegations…because they are 'victims' and the law is treating them as 'women like children'.Link below…

14 years ago

>@ Elizabeth:So can Elizabeth or any feminut here tell me exaclty (in seconds, minutes or hours) how long is a glance and how long is an ogle?Random Brother