crackpottery ghosts men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny sex trogdor005

>Trogdor005 goes ghost


My new favorite commenter on the Happy Bachelors Forum is a fellow calling himself trogdor005, who pretty much lives up to his name, offering blunt misogynist rants with all the subtlety of a caveman. A caveman who has figured out how to change font size and add animated smileys to his posts. So here is the first in a new series, “The Wit and Wisdom of Trogdor005.”

Today’s topic: “Going ghost.” For those not conversant with the latest in angry-man slang, this is a term adopted by the manosphere that’s basically a variant on Men Going Their Own Way — that is, disengaging from women and as much as possible from society itself. A man who goes ghost is, of course, a ghost.  Here’s how you use it in a sentence: 

That creepy douchebag who lives alone in the basement apartment and scowls every time a women walks by is a ghost.

Recently, one of the Happy Bachelors ran across a blog post by a woman who mocked the whole “ghost” notion:

I admit it, every time I read about some guy in the manosphere declaring that he or other men are going to go ghost, I laugh. I laugh real hard. When I have nothing else to laugh about because it feels as if nothing is going my way I think of those men, I laugh, and I am instantaneously cheered up.

The bulk of men are not willing to go ghost–no matter how bad things in the sexual and economic marketplace skew in favor of women–and even if large numbers of them did, most of those men would not be missed and eventually they would return to society, chastened by their transgression at acting on such a foolish endeavor.

This post MAKE TROGDOR MAD! So he banged out a response.  He began by showing off his hard-won font-size-modification and smiley skills:

Then he moved into the meat of his argument:

The bottom line is men can avoid women entirely and there is NO FORCE on Earth that can force us into “marriage” or even a “relationship” with a woman minus a gun to the head. Even if the Guv’ment succeeds in somehow “forcing” men to get married, we as ghosts know what makes you bitches tick and can simply become unemployed intentionally, become fat stinky slobs, treat you very nicely/well, or more devastatingly effective, say the words “I love you” and cause you to instantly lose ALL attraction for us and be miserable in your Guv’ment arranged “marriages” ;D … The icing on the cake is that, when you inevitably file for “divorce” after years of unhappiness/New Cock Urge it is YOU who will pay US men “alimony” and “child support” since we were unemployed during the “marriage” hahahahhahaha ;D

Yes, you heard it right ladies, even if the government gives in to your dastardly desires and actually forces men to marry you, they can defeat you without lifting a finger, literally, except when their fingers are needed to shove food into their mouths.

Trogdoor005 then rallied the troops with some stirring rhetoric:

Men are winning the “gender war” and there is NOTHING the wimminz can do about it … The matriarchy needs a steady supply of manginas/husbands to feed the system and keep it running, a ghost is the anti-thesis of the mangina/husband and therefore MUST be discredited, silenced, and destroyed.

Many of us men will go on to lead happy, fulfilling lives, meanwhile many of these same Femini-nazi bitches will end up with cats and vibrators in their old age.

Here’s where Trogdor005 went wrong: plenty of non-elderly women have cats and vibrators already.

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14 years ago

>Wait, their solution is to drop out of society . .. but it is their enemies who will end up alone as a result?

14 years ago

>I want to party with that dude, and his fonts and faces and social graces. I'm good at lifting the spirits of the recluse, "who you gonna call?"

14 years ago

>"Recently, one of the Happy Bachelors ran across a blog post by a women who mocked the whole "ghost" notion"Rut roh David, you spelled the singular "woman" as "women".You're going native.

14 years ago

>hmm, I'm in a relationship with a man, I own cats, and two vibrators. I'm a feminist (I guess he would call me a feminazi bitch) and my guy would find the mangina comment insulting, mostly because it mocks vaginas which according to him is the altar at which he worships (his words not mine). Oh I'm also 20. What does caveman speak with his childish emoticons have to say about that?

Lady Victoria von Syrus

>Technically, if a dude had to get married because someone was holding a gun to his head, that's pretty good grounds for annulment.

14 years ago

>I don't know about saying he lives up to his name, man. Trogdor was a pretty cool dragon, and probably more intelligent/socially conscious too.Also, "going ghost"? Wtf? That is just stupid. How could you hate women so much that you want to force yourself into a life of isolation?

14 years ago

>Let's see how this going ghost works:A life of subjugation at the alter of rebekah's vagina orFreedomShit, I hate when choices are so difficult! I guess I'd have to flip a coin on this one!

14 years ago

>Men need women like we need fish scales all over our bicycles.

14 years ago

>"but it is their enemies who will end up alone as a result?"They should, so they can deal with their issues on their own and not bother anyone parasite-like for help.

Sal Bro
14 years ago

>Shorter Trogdor005: "I hate you!! I'm going to my ROOM!!" *slam*Oh, no, please don't… *snicker*

14 years ago

>"The bulk of men are not willing to go ghost–no matter how bad things in the sexual and economic marketplace skew in favor of women–and even if large numbers of them did, most of those men would not be missed and eventually they would return to society, chastened by their transgression at acting on such a foolish endeavor."Gross assumption. If most men did go ghost "society" as we know it would certainly not look the same, if not stagnate and die. They would be missed alright—after all, who is going to take out the garbage and be walking ATMs for Ameriskanks? Can't have that . . .

14 years ago

>Imagine if a bunch of men like me went ghost and the gov (i.e. Feminists) lost the 15-30K in tax revenue from each?Men have an right to be seen as individuals (with rights) and when you step on those rights, we might just stop financing our own obsolescence.You're already shocked and dismayed that we see through your drink flirting behaviors.

John Taylor
14 years ago

>This seems a lot like the "Going Galt" rhetoric the Ayn Rand types crow about.To it, I say the same thing I say to them. Go ahead, go, please. Please.

14 years ago

>"Imagine if a bunch of men like me went ghost and the gov (i.e. Feminists) lost the 15-30K in tax revenue from each?"*Shrug* "Going ghost" sounds a lot like "going Galt" — just as likely, and oh, the irony of having borrowed that from a woman. As for the substance — so what? You wouldn't pay taxes, but you'd lose the income. There would be a period of adjustment, but ultimately, the market and the government would balance themselves out. I suppose you'd get your welfare check and your minimal medical care, if that's what you are getting at. Nothing new there — lots of men already live this way. All because them women took "their" jobs away.Men have an right to be seen as individuals (with rights) and when you step on those rights, we might just stop financing our own obsolescence.Let's get one thing straight, Witman — with your 15-30K in taxes, you don't "finance" me. People like me pay more in taxes than you and men like you earn in gross. Apart from that, the overwhelming majority of women work, so you don't "finance" women with your taxes. Next: your rights don't include a right to someone else's body. And: "obsolescence", really? In what way are you useful to society? You barely even pay anything in taxes, and I don't know whether that $15-30K is even sufficient to cover your consumption of public services. The world doesn't revolve around you. You don't get to decide who is "obsolete" based on some medieval notion that your natural "right" is to consume, while others' obligation is to serve your wants.You're already shocked and dismayed that we see through your drink flirting behaviors. Yeah, we are busted. Although, I never flirt with a man for anything less than actual protection. You know, from all the usual dangers that men fearlessly face every day, shielding us ungrateful women with their rock-hard muscular bodies, such as: raining meteorites, invading Mongols, rapey aliens, magic flesh-eating turtles, volcanic eruptions, evil birds and Godzilla. Because why in the world would any woman be nice to you?

14 years ago

>"Imagine if a bunch of men like me went ghost and the gov (i.e. Feminists) lost the 15-30K in tax revenue from each?"Exactly how does "going ghost" relieve you of tax liability?I'm guessing that the manospheroids proposing this are neither independently wealthy, nor have access to a secret compound where the IRS can't find them.Any more than the liberal tax evaders who don't like paying for war, or the conservative tax evaders who think the federal income tax is unconstitutional. The IRS doesn't care what your political beliefs are when it seizes your assets to recover back taxes.I'm with John Taylor. Go right on ahead and go ghost, Galt, whatever form of getting the fuck out of my life agrees with your particular strain of irritating self-importance.

14 years ago

>Witman, I know this may be hard to believe, you being such an incredible catch and all… but Rebekah's comment was not, in fact, an invitation for you to worship at her altar. No worries! Your freedom will continue to be unencumbered by Rebekah's vagina. Whether you want it to or not.

14 years ago

>I have some questions David: Did you read the blog post from the woman? Do you approve of the biologistic argumentation? Do you approve of her heteronormative thinking? Doesn't it feel kind of stupid to attack an angry rant of a guy, who is obviously on bad terms with himself and the world, if you could instead attack a pseudo scientific blog post?

14 years ago

>Let's get one thing straight, Witman — with your 15-30K in taxes, you don't "finance" me. People like me pay more in taxes than you and men like you earn in gross.So, amused, you're saying you pay, at the bare minimum, $2,160,000 in taxes? Doesn't a bigshot millionaire like you have better things to do than pick on MRAs and mock them for not being as rich as you? Oh yes, and "going ghost" is not intended to relieve one of tax liability except by virtue of the fact that the ghost lifestyle is inexpensive and therefore does not require spending a lot of time in a soul-destroying job to earn the kind of income on which one would incur taxes of 15-30k. Whatever you do to earn those millions of dollars per year, is clearly must not involve a lot of brain power.

14 years ago

>Incidentally, if by "gross" you meant net income instead of a quantity of 144, my point still stands.

14 years ago

>It must be my privilege to earn as much as she pays in taxes.Note that women cannot do my job. Maybe on some level with the appropriate training they might be able to muddle through, but it is a man's job. I work on a team of men and have interviewed several men for further positions and there are NO women willing to do the shit I do for a living. They don't even apply. The work sucks, the hours are long and gruelling and you get stressed out quite a bit. It's the BEST job I have ever had!Then we go out on Fridays and get the bar wenches to serve us beer and wings. What a life!I may not pay a lot in taxes, but there are a lot of us and it adds up quickly.BTW, if you're paying over 100K in taxes, then you're being paid too much spending time on this blog.

14 years ago

>@SallyStrange,Worshiping at the altar rebekah's vagina is a metaphor. It's OK, you stay right there in that box and I'll go out and fetch relevant facts for you. You need the box like … you know a retarded kid needs a red helmet.

14 years ago

>Haha Witman. "Women cannot handle my job because they are women! Women bring me food!"Hahaha. It is like you are doing an impression of a crazy misogynist. And no, the point is not that women work in your industry or that they do not, in fact, bring you your hot wings. The point is that you interpret these facts to mean that you are superior.

14 years ago

>Hmmm…the only jobs I have ever heard a legitimate reason the woman could not do was due to a lack of muscle mass or the fact women apparently (I never verified this so no idea if it is true or not) women lose muscle mass faster. So unless you have a job where muscle mass is key and retaining that muscle mass…it could very well be that all the women are off taking the high paying jobs instead. And yes, that was a sarcastic statement regarding taking all the high paying jobs.

14 years ago

>Awesome, go ghost. It's a time for bemused pause when people you don't want to deal with make the effort to disappear.witman – "Then we go out on Fridays and get the bar wenches to serve us beer and wings. What a life!"Arrrrrr, matey!"Worshiping at the altar rebekah's vagina is a metaphor."'Cause that's what the issue is, that it was taken literally. That's just melodramatic!

14 years ago

>Really, the woman quoted bewilders me nearly as much as Trogdor and his type do.She seems so very invested in believing that the ghost men or whatever will come crawling back to society — almost as if she's afraid that they won't. I wonder why. Who on earth would want such people to "come back?"Really, if bitter misogynist men want to withdraw from society altogether, that's A-OK with me. Ditto the people who fancy themselves "Galts." Or any other embittered separatists with an inflated sense of their own importance.I'd rather live in a society with people who have the sense of perspective to realize that they're not, in the wider view of things, really all that important to the rest of the world.

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