crackpottery ghosts men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny sex trogdor005

>Trogdor005 goes ghost


My new favorite commenter on the Happy Bachelors Forum is a fellow calling himself trogdor005, who pretty much lives up to his name, offering blunt misogynist rants with all the subtlety of a caveman. A caveman who has figured out how to change font size and add animated smileys to his posts. So here is the first in a new series, “The Wit and Wisdom of Trogdor005.”

Today’s topic: “Going ghost.” For those not conversant with the latest in angry-man slang, this is a term adopted by the manosphere that’s basically a variant on Men Going Their Own Way — that is, disengaging from women and as much as possible from society itself. A man who goes ghost is, of course, a ghost.  Here’s how you use it in a sentence: 

That creepy douchebag who lives alone in the basement apartment and scowls every time a women walks by is a ghost.

Recently, one of the Happy Bachelors ran across a blog post by a woman who mocked the whole “ghost” notion:

I admit it, every time I read about some guy in the manosphere declaring that he or other men are going to go ghost, I laugh. I laugh real hard. When I have nothing else to laugh about because it feels as if nothing is going my way I think of those men, I laugh, and I am instantaneously cheered up.

The bulk of men are not willing to go ghostā€“no matter how bad things in the sexual and economic marketplace skew in favor of womenā€“and even if large numbers of them did, most of those men would not be missed and eventually they would return to society, chastened by their transgression at acting on such a foolish endeavor.

This post MAKE TROGDOR MAD! So he banged out a response.  He began by showing off his hard-won font-size-modification and smiley skills:

Then he moved into the meat of his argument:

The bottom line is men can avoid women entirely and there is NO FORCE on Earth that can force us into “marriage” or even a “relationship” with a woman minus a gun to the head. Even if the Guv’ment succeeds in somehow “forcing” men to get married, we as ghosts know what makes you bitches tick and can simply become unemployed intentionally, become fat stinky slobs, treat you very nicely/well, or more devastatingly effective, say the words “I love you” and cause you to instantly lose ALL attraction for us and be miserable in your Guv’ment arranged “marriages” ;D … The icing on the cake is that, when you inevitably file for “divorce” after years of unhappiness/New Cock Urge it is YOU who will pay US men “alimony” and “child support” since we were unemployed during the “marriage” hahahahhahaha ;D

Yes, you heard it right ladies, even if the government gives in to your dastardly desires and actually forces men to marry you, they can defeat you without lifting a finger, literally, except when their fingers are needed to shove food into their mouths.

Trogdoor005 then rallied the troops with some stirring rhetoric:

Men are winning the “gender war” and there is NOTHING the wimminz can do about it … The matriarchy needs a steady supply of manginas/husbands to feed the system and keep it running, a ghost is the anti-thesis of the mangina/husband and therefore MUST be discredited, silenced, and destroyed.

Many of us men will go on to lead happy, fulfilling lives, meanwhile many of these same Femini-nazi bitches will end up with cats and vibrators in their old age.

Here’s where Trogdor005 went wrong: plenty of non-elderly women have cats and vibrators already.

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14 years ago

>. . .should be spelled "exactly."Random Brother

14 years ago

>jpeg.arjoon said:"whitman, As a fellow male, your lack of logic and intellectual dishonesty ashames me. Please remove yourself from the gender.Thanks,A concerned male"They should take your post and save it so that whenever someone asks what a mangina or a pussy is they have a reference. Random Brother

14 years ago

>David Futrelle said… Cold, ….. I also think that guys who are constantly making derogatory remarks about women (or "western women"), and who basically organize their lives to avoid women, and spend a lot of time online discussing this, do in fact hate women. ….. You, for example, found out about this blog on a forum linked to a site premised on putting American women down — Nice Guy's American Women Suck site — and you've posted thousands of comments on the forum… David, and who are you? You are simply said, a misandrist, spending many hours online, you hate everything male and obviously you even hate yourself. You are totally psycho, if you ask me.About the Niceguy Forum, you should ask yourself, why it does exist.Stories over there by members are not written out of their fantasy, but out of personal experience.NiceGuy's Members rarely hate all women – many of them had bad experiences in the past, were badly cheated and ripped off by Western women and now they are disappointed and are mistrusting.They cannot expect any help under the present legal situation and they cannot even expect any understanding for their bad situation when telling their stories to man-haters like you and other radical supporters of feminism.But why should all these many men remain silent?Why should they not be allowed to say openly what they feel?

14 years ago

>jpeg.arjoon said:"whitman, As a fellow male, your lack of logic and intellectual dishonesty ashames me. Please remove yourself from the gender.Thanks,A concerned male" This is the only posting I noticed so far from you. I would not call it to be an intelligent contribution to this thread however.Btw, next time please sign with your name.Thanks,A concerned male (FYI, a concerned male is a male, who is concerned about males..)

14 years ago

>I hate to break it to you, but you may just sort of kind of be a little bit of a misogynist yourself.I have unfettered access to my own mind, so I know better than anyone else, including you, whether or not I hate women. There are numerous individual men and women who I have good reason to hate, but I harbor no collective hatred towards women.For your information, I discovered this site through your "advertisement" on The Spearhead before the thread on Mancoat dedicated to you was started.

14 years ago

>Witman, if the civil rights movement or movements led by any of those groups you mentioned focused on a small handful of cherrypicked areas while ignoring other realities, they would not have succeeded. Anger at injustice is not the same thing as selective complaints used to further a largely selfish agenda. Also, I am not speaking from some feminist rhetoric. I am speaking for myself and as someone who has not read a bunch of theory or any of that stuff.There is no point in engaging in a discussion of privilege with you because when I have attempted before you and others have refused to listen, have employed circular arguments, and have basically refused a good faith engagement. Which is actually…privilege, you know, in that the privileged classes have the option to opt out of noticing or caring about things that don't impact them directly.If you are seriously interested in what people mean by privilege, I have previously provided links and you are welcome to read about it and educate yourself. I am not going to waste time trying to get through to someone who is clearly not interested in listening, however. And you know, just because you personally do not observe male privilege in your day to day life it does not mean it doesn't exist. Stop defining the world only as it looks to you–you certainly don't like it when others do that. Yet you seem to reserve the right to do it yourself. The world does not look the same to everyone. And the world as *women* experience it is not something you have any kind of experiential authority to define. If you want me to accept that there are areas you experience as injustice you have to grant me the same courtesy and accept that as a woman I *have* experienced oppression *because of my gender*. Do you not see how you're refusing to see the world except as through your eyes? And refusing to allow anyone else's perspectives as legitimate? Funnily enough, that's privilege too, but that's not why I mentioned it. Anyway I'm done with these comments sections now because talking to you guys is a net waste of time for me. Adios.

14 years ago

>@M,That is because your definition of male privilege is that because I am a male I am born with privilege. This kind of circular argument may work in your circles, but I'm not buying that.Perhaps if you could point out one specific thing in my life that was granted to me by my "privilege", I might listen to your circular logic, but until that time, let's just say I didn't have any privilege. If anything, my gender (and race) was a disadvantage in my childhood and my career.And you know, just because you personally do not observe (fe)male privilege in your day to day life it does not mean it doesn't exist. Stop defining the world only as it looks to you–you certainly don't like it when others do that. Yet you seem to reserve the right to do it yourself. The world does not look the same to everyone. And the world as *men* experience it is not something you have any kind of experiential authority to define. If you want me to accept that there are areas you experience as injustice you have to grant me the same courtesy and accept that as a man I *have* experienced oppression *because of my gender*. There, right back at you.

14 years ago

>witman said… @M,……….Perhaps if you could point out one specific thing in my life that was granted to me by my "privilege"….. If anything, my gender (..snip..) was a disadvantage in my childhood and my career. Very very true.I was cutting out 'race', as I am a simple white man born in Central Europe in poverty after WWII..Otherwise the sentence above by 'witman' could be written by myself.I never had any privilege because of my male gender in my life, that's for sure. More the opposite I would say.I never met a feminist who could explain me my privileges – because there are none.All this talk about male privileges is nothing else but feminist BS, shaming language, scorn…

14 years ago

>Whitman, Yohan, and ignorant lurkers as well, you know there is a feminism 101 blog out there. It has brief responses, suggested beginner reading (with links), and clarifications of commonly used terms. Here's the one for male privilege You say you want to learn the basics? There you go, get cracking.Damn people too lazy to do even a basic google search about a topic beforehand should avoid talking about it.

14 years ago

>It's alarming to see some of the men in the comments here who speak of hate speech and violence toward women as something to be excused by those males so long as they had been "cheated on" or "divorced" by a woman. As if that's a good reason.So then, I assume any and all violence and hate against men that a woman perpetuates is completely acceptable as long as some guy, somewhere, cheated on her once or twice? Or she had some bad experiences with men?Why can't some of these posters make a logical argument? In one breath they discount every female victim, every feminist, everything that could possibly make "men" look bad/guilty of anything (such as historical fact and proven criminal statistics)….while excusing each and every action, word, and crime committed by men as long as he had a "good reason" to be pissed.It's strange that they see these arguments as anything but emotional, illogical, astoundingly hypocritical, and hysterical.It's sad to see that some modern men still haven't learned where these sorts of attitudes will get them. They are only making more trouble for their own gender and more discord amongst the genders themselves.

13 years ago

Thesre is a fundimental problem with troll-blogs such as this one. You may legitimately claim that men do not deserve respect (authought this suggests psycological problems) but you cannot say that no one has the right to say that we do.

These are two seperate issues.

13 years ago

I like cats, I like vibrators. I don’t see a problem here šŸ˜€

+ thank god these dudes don’t want to marry us women

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