funny hypergamy idiocy kitties pics sluts

>Feminist cat ponders how idiotic the herpes and hypergamy discussion has gotten


(Note: In cats, tail-lashing is not a good sign.)
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14 years ago

>How do you accuse someone of murdering you if you're dead? And not only that, how dare she inconvenience that poor innocent bystander by being murdered!! Couldn't she have picked a better time for it, say, on a night where she was the ONLY one shopping in the supermarket?Pam- You are so right about the police doing their jobs. They'd have to speak to the guy, if only to clear him and move on to the Ex.Or, like is told in the story, to find out if he saw anyone/anything suspicious in the store or parking lot, etc.Yes, I am sure that being questioned by the police doing a murder (or any other) type of investigation has GOT to be overwhelming, and I don't blame the guy for whoofing his cookies at their feet, but cut them some slack, for goodness sake, because you'd want them doggedly pursuing an investigation if YOU were the victim of whatever crime!

14 years ago

>I wouldn't worry too much about her. If there's one thing feminism has taught us is that all women are STRONG, PROUD AND INDEPENDENT! She doesn't need any help or sympathy from men. Certainly a mere man can't "handle" her. I'm sure she'd go all Xena on a man if he tried something. Go girl power.Random Brother.

14 years ago

>What the hell are you even talking about?

14 years ago

>@ PamRefer to Christine WE's first post on this thread, and yes it's a little late.Random Brother

14 years ago

>Pardon,That should have read at Mrefer to Christine WE's first post on this thread.Random Brother

14 years ago

>Loads of feminists critique this "independent women" idea, including myself: has a lot more to do with the neoliberalism and capitalism in which BOTH men and women are caught up in the present moment.

14 years ago

>Bishopsinister, I know what *issue* you were talking about, but I still don't know what the hell you're even trying to say.

Christine WE
14 years ago

>He's trying to say that he doesn't give a shit about female murder victim's either. Or any woman.

14 years ago

>bishopsinister said… I wouldn't worry too much about her… ScareCrow's comment on his blog about Deborah Flores-Narvaez is badly worded.We still do not know what happened. She disappeared – her whereabouts are unknown.More than 2000+ people are missing in USA alone and she is not more or less important than all these other missing people.What is so special about her disappearance?Generally said, nobody deserves to become a victim of a crime.—–This woman is 31 y.o. and according to her own internet profiles (true or not?) she has a high education. It seems she preferred – her own decision – to become a low-life dancer in a strip show (entrance fee USD 39,-) and to socialize obviously with the wrong people.It is said in various reports her boyfriend is violent, beating her up from time to time and there are reports she is or was pregnant and nobody knows who is the father etc. etc…. This is gossip and speculation in the news. If true or not we do not know.Police says, her boyfriend has nothing to do with her disappearance however.Her life-style cannot be considered as stable and safe. It's about living as a woman in a twilight zone full with paid sex and thugs. And now, she disappeared. So what?That's her risk if something goes wrong and for sure not my business.

14 years ago

>@ Chriswtine WECHRISTINE WE said: "He's trying to say that he doesn't give a shit about female murder victim's either. Or any woman."Why the hell should we care about women, especailly feminist leaning women, when it's clear they don't give two shits about men? My bicycle doesn't need your fishy scales.Random Brother

14 years ago

>There are virtually 1000s of organizations, which care solely for women – in every aspect of life you can imagine.Many of those women-only organizations are heavily sponsored using taxpayers money. Required are millions of USD and Euro every year again and again as feminism is non-productive and is frequently running out of money..It is wrong to say, men are doing nothing for women. – The majority of taxpayers are men. Without their taxes which are partially used for funds most feminist organizations would not exist.That's very much different with the MRAs. They pay their expenses out of their own wallet.

14 years ago

>Christine WE, I am floored about it to and I blogged about it as well. He marginalizes those women to death (there are more than one mentioned). The first instance the woman was smashed in the face with a cinder block and died, and all this guy could blog about was "she yelled at me in the grocery store, she yelled at me in the grocery store." And he thinks her story is an example of how HE was marginalized and therefore HE does not care about these deaths. It's astounding. Time is fleeting, madness….takes…it's wait, what? No I don't want comedy in this post. It's so serious, this guy. I mean he claims that he is a NICE GUY and that women only like psychopaths. Oh, no, only women HE thinks are hot that reject him. There is nothing nice about him, so his theory fails. He did not write what the woman said in the store to him, not that it mattered, but she was a stripper and men take liberties with her and violate and attempt to violate boundaries most of us hold in tact, for hours on end nightly. Sex workers often times HATE men, and some claim that they all do. But others will wink and nudge and go "no way baby, that's feminists that hate men." but they fucking hate them. Why is that? So some woman that snaps at some man at the store should die, or is not deserving of life. That marginalizes women to death. These women are not people to them. I have already gone on and on this is too long, and my feelings on this, well there is no end in site. I wrote a long blog and it's still not enough.

Christine WE
14 years ago

>@booboonation,It's easy to see why women are creeped out by him and the others responding above. There are good reasons why these men are rejected by women. Their own excuses for it are laughable.

14 years ago

>@ Christine WEIt's amazing that AGAIN I have to explain this, but I will try AGAIN. Men hear from women constantly they want nice guys. So young, dumb guys do this and they are rejected, over and over again. The are called creepy, used as emotional tampons while the bad boys get the action. As the years go by and as time goes on they become less and less nice. Ask yourself who are the most active in the MRA community? Usually guys who have been screwed over by the feminist courts, cheated on, lost their kids, or guys who are close to them. In other words they are the damaged of the system the feminuts have put in place. These guys have been fucked over by the "enlightened policies" of feminsts too many times. You can only kick a dog so many times. Now, I know you feminist believe that men should take any and all abuse, disenfranchisement, rejection, and ridicule a woman dishes out, but eventually men will not be so kind in return and that is a big part of the MRA movement. After all the shit these former nice guys endure they start hanging up their nice guy capes. Why not? No woman wants to be rescued by them anyway.The smart ones learn game, treat women like shit and do quite well with the women. None of the guys I know who are assholes have any problem getting women. None of them. I know this doesn't fit your narrative or your views about feminism and the world at large, but this is the reality for the vast majority of men. How you feel about this reality that men live is irrelevant. So why should men give a shit about this woman? On a blog where men are relentless mocked by you feminists, why in the hell do you expect the men here to give 2 shits about women? You man haters have been at it for the last 60 years. You should expect some blow back.Random Brother

Christine WE
14 years ago

>@richard/bishopsinister…you didn't need to explain it again. I know your opinion.

14 years ago

>The shameless hypocrisy is rife how feminists believe it's all fine and dandy to have a movement that bashes/criticises/demonises men 24/7 365 days a year and keep it prevailing for 60 odd years. Then have the audacity to think the MRM should not be validated or existent.Feminists these days are narcissistic shameless hypocrites who actually and truly believe they are the gender police. The feminist movement has already done too much damage to the relationship between men and women as a whole. It has generally convinced women these days to have major trust issues towards men. It's bothersome to see the future of this poisonous cause

14 years ago

>So many morons in one place… wow.

14 years ago

>So many narcissistic feminist bigots in one place…wow

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>I've posted my thoughts on Scarcrow's post here: