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>MRAs on Julian Assange: No consent, no problem!


Apparently some Men’s Right Activists have no trouble believing the rape accusations against Julian Assange. They just have trouble giving a shit about rape.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit on Reddit, the regular crowd was discussing an article about Assange. One of the allegations against Assange is that he raped one of his accusers in her sleep, without wearing a condom. (EDITED TO ADD: According to her account, she had told him explicitly the night before that she would not have sex with him without a condom, and had in fact refused unprotected sex with him when he’d tried it that evening.) As the article recounts the (alleged) incident:

She says they had consensual sex but she woke up the next morning to find him having intercourse with her to which she had not consented.

When she asked him if he was wearing anything, he had allegedly said: “I am wearing you.”

This response got high-fives from some of the Men’s Rights redditors. One quoted Assange’s (alleged) remark, then added “Nailed it.” Eight upvotes for that comment, no downvotes. Another quoted the same remark, and added “LIKE A BOSS.” That got upvotes as well.

So apparently, to some MRAs at least, raping a woman in her sleep is A-OK, just so long as you’ve got a witty one-liner at the ready when she wakes up.

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David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Sometimes you guys simply baffle me. Yohan, what does Assange's book deal, or the fact that he's not an MRA, have to do with anything I've said? This is a perfect example of you living on another planet, as you seem to be "rebutting" something you are imagining I think rather than anything I've ever said. As for the other story you linked to, if Assange is running around the world having unprotected sex with women he's just met in every city, as the two accusers have every right to suspect that he is, they're perfectly justified in being worried about STDs. You are aware how STDs are transmitted, right? evil, how exactly have feminists fucked up here? And what do you exactly envision happening because of this alleged fuckup?

14 years ago

>One comment from me is maybe in the spam-filter?M: the accusers didn't "report to the police" … They sought advice from the police and the police decided to charge … This makes it even more suspicious….almost like a conspiracy theory A, 31, was working for the organisation and acted as an unofficial go-between for Assange and journalists during his visit. She also allowed him to stay with her from his arrival in Stockholm on August 11, according to a transcript of the women's account to police obtained by AFP.Miss A and Assange had sex several times at her one-room Stockholm flat, according to Swedish tabloids, giving details that were blocked out of the police transcript Miss W, 27…she found out the WikiLeaks head was speaking in Stockholm on August 14, she went to the event, insisted on spending the evening with Assange and friends after the talk, and ended up alone with him at the cinema.There they flirted and he said he found her "very attractive," she told police.Two days later, they travelled to Miss W's home in Enköping, some 50 kilometers northwest of Stockholm……The following morning, they had breakfast together, and "in an attempt to de-dramatise what happened", she made "sarcastic comments".She then took him back to the train station and he promised to call her. Comment #1 by a reader:10:49 December 19, 2010 by weiler She invites him to stay at her flat, they have (consensual?) sex several times, he then molests/rapes/coerces her, then they go to a party, and she lets him stay another four days at her flat after all that. I'm not a lawyer, but that sounds like one badly confused and perhaps desperate young lady to me. And her colleague appears to be in a similar league. Assange must be blessed with a magnetic personality or perhaps other prominent physical attributes… I think so too, to call this to be rape is a distortion from the original meaning of this word. Jadehawk said… "But they did not file criminal charges, they reported and tried to 'negotiate'…"wrong.YOU are wrong!"Both complainants say they did not report him to the police for prosecution but only to require him to have an STD test. However, his Swedish lawyer has been shown evidence of their text messages which indicate that they were concerned to obtain money by going to a tabloid newspaper and were motivated by other matters including a desire for revenge."

14 years ago

>"evil, how exactly have feminists fucked up here? And what do you exactly envision happening because of this alleged fuckup? "oh noes, wikileaks is going to leak the Super Secret Feminazi World Conquest Manual™! we're soooooo fucked

14 years ago

>DAVID: Assange is running around the world having unprotected sex with women he's just met in every city, as the two accusers have every right to suspect that he is, they're perfectly justified in being worried about STDs. You are aware how STDs are transmitted, right? I am, but you obviously are not.I do not think, that Mr. Assange was the first sexual partner of these 2 women. These women invited him into their private rooms – their decision – and even agreed to sleep with him for days in their own bed.STDs are not only transferred from men to women as you suggest with your biased comment. It's also from women to men. It would be fair, in case you request testing the man to agree checking these 2 women, too.Maybe they have STD, and he has not? How do you know? Do you agree to publish the testing result under any circumstances?

14 years ago

>Jadehawk said… "But they did not file criminal charges, they reported and tried to 'negotiate'…"wrong. It seems, YOU are wrong…"Both complainants say they did not report him to the police for prosecution but only to require him to have an STD test. However, his Swedish lawyer has been shown evidence of their text messages which indicate that they were concerned to obtain money by going to a tabloid newspaper and were motivated by other matters including a desire for revenge."

14 years ago

>Are we really so through the looking glass that it needs to be mentioned that men can get STDs from women? Duh! It is not bias when someone does not mention what is obvious. That comment was about how STDs are transmitted in unprotected sex, not about how men transmit them to women. I mean…get a grip.

14 years ago

>"evil, how exactly have feminists fucked up here? And what do you exactly envision happening because of this alleged fuckup?"You don't think being accused of rape affects a man's politics? Does "a hornet's nest of revolutionary feminism" sound like an endearment?You don't think a guy with Assange's capabilities can make trouble for feminism?

14 years ago

>"oh noes, wikileaks is going to leak the Super Secret Feminazi World Conquest Manual™!"That would be the SCUM manifesto. But it's already out."we're soooooo fucked"Yes we are.

14 years ago

>Ahaha yes, the SCUM manifesto, that document of a thousands-strong organization by which all feminists operate.At this point I don't think Assange's "capabilities" amount to much more beyond megalomania. There's nothing his organization could do to *hurt* feminism because feminism is a decentralized human rights movement, not a state. Also, a lot of his closest colleagues have been feminism — like Birgitta Jonsdottir.I find it funny that someone who extolled Sweden's liberal nature, who tried to get residency there and located so many of Wikileaks' operations there because of its laws is now blasting laws created by the same liberal lawmakers whose work he previously celebrated. I truly believe none of us can know whether he is guilty or innocent in this matter, but after a glut of interviews I don't have difficulty saying that he's quite the hypocrite and I'm not surprised Wikileaks fractured over internal disputes over his egomania.

14 years ago

>have been *feminists*!

14 years ago

>DAVID: how exactly have feminists fucked up here? And what do you exactly envision happening because of this alleged fuckup? I told you David, that Mr. Assange is not MRA-friendly. And this is now his problem.Why did he accept the invitations of these 2 women to stay in their private rooms and even sleeping in their beds for days?He did exactly what we MRAs are telling all men NOT to do. – And this is the reason you are calling us 'misogynists'.What about reading carefully, David… and check out if your information is complete by reading both sides of the story. A, 31, was working for the organisation and acted as an unofficial go-between for Assange and journalists during his visit. She also allowed him to stay with her from his arrival in Stockholm on August 11, according to a transcript of the women's account to police obtained by AFP.Miss A and Assange had sex several times at her one-room Stockholm flat, according to Swedish tabloids, giving details that were blocked out of the police transcript.Why were these details blocked out of the police transcipt?Miss W…insisted on spending the evening with Assange and friends after the talk, and ended up alone with him at the cinema.There they flirted and he said he found her "very attractive," she told police.Two days later, they travelled to Miss W's home in Enköping, some 50 kilometers northwest of Stockholm.But Assange "spent the train ride looking at Twitter posts about himself" and by the time they arrived at her place, "the passion and excitement were gone", she told investigators.The rape allegations stem from later that night at Miss W's home: the British court heard that Assange had sex with her without a condom while she was asleep. The following morning, they had breakfast together, and "in an attempt to de-dramatise what happened", she made "sarcastic comments".She then took him back to the train station and he promised to call her. It's simple, she expected more … and was disappointed … and now she regrets … and this is rape?And Mr. Assange was sleeping with BOTH of them, and they did not know that, and now they are angry with him… so easy to understand, but for DAVID this is all beyond imagination.Comments often share my opinion, like comment #1, same link. So it's not only Yohan and some MRAs….10:49 December 19, 2010 by weiler She invites him to stay at her flat, they have (consensual?) sex several times, he then molests/rapes/coerces her, then they go to a party, and she lets him stay another four days at her flat after all that. I'm not a lawyer, but that sounds like one badly confused and perhaps desperate young lady to me. And her colleague appears to be in a similar league. Assange must be blessed with a magnetic personality or perhaps other prominent physical attributes…

14 years ago

>"I find it funny that someone who extolled Sweden's liberal nature, who tried to get residency there and located so many of Wikileaks' operations there because of its laws is now blasting laws created by the same liberal lawmakers whose work he previously celebrated."I too find it quite humorous when a liberal has an epiphany about liberalism.Who knows? Perhaps someday our host might just have one.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Yohan: "It's simple, she expected more … and was disappointed … and now she regrets … and this is rape?"Uh, did you miss the part, according to her account, where he had sex with her without a condom, which she had told him she would not consent to, when she was asleep? Also, on the STD thing, my point was of course about unprotected sex, not gender. If a woman discovers that a man she's had unprotected sex with (even setting aside whether that was consensual sex or rape) seems to have had a lot of unprotected sex with assorted partners in rapid succession, she has every reason to worry about STDs. If you reverse the genders, it's still true.Obviously Assange could have gotten an STD from a women. That, in fact, is precisely what the women were, according to their account, worried about — that he had gotten an STD from one of the women he'd previously slept with, and possibly given it to them. If Assange really does make it a practice to engage in unprotected sex with new women in every city he visits, he's an idiot if he's not in a "tizzy" about STDs himself.

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>Oh, and Naomi Wolf. She's said a lot of idiotic things about the case. Well, she's said a lot of idiotic things about a lot of things since writing her one decent book nearly 20 years ago, but in the last couple of years she's gone all conspiracy-nut. But don't take my word for that. This piece is a good analysis of the Assange case that deals in detail with some of the dumb things Wolf has said about it:

David Futrelle
14 years ago

>And one last thing: some posts got spamfiltered, and are up now. Spamfilter has gone into overdrive tonight for some reason.

14 years ago

>BOYCOTT AMERICAN WOMENWhy American men should boycott American women am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.BOYCOTT AMERICAN WOMEN!

14 years ago

>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha ha, and I hahahahahahahahha In a nutshell, ahahaha, phwahahahaha, ha, ha, hahahaha, hahahaha, etc. Therefore, hahahahaha hahaha ha.Ha, ha, hahaha and bwahaha, ahahha. HAHAHAHAHAHA, to say the least.This comment is my attempt to…wait…hahahahaha, holy SHIT hahahahaha, and ha, and hahaha haha. HA!

14 years ago

>@John MoralesNo, you are projecting onto me!pppppppttttttt!

14 years ago

>You know, American man, I'm going to have to thank you for boycotting me. Your heroic endeavor has reduced by one my chances of being hit on by a misogynist creep. On behalf of American women everywhere, thank you. But I'll be sure to warn my overseas ladyfriends about your interest.

14 years ago

>"American Man"–Will you respect your own fucking boycott and leave us the fuck alone? Why are you spamming on sites you know we read? Someone's in denial for what attention he wants…