discussion of the day I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny western women suck

>Women: Completely useless, or only partly?


Women: They can’t even walk properly

Have you ever sat down to write up a little list of pros and cons, only to find that you can’t think of any pros at all? That was the dilemma faced by a number of regulars on the grotesquely misnamed NiceGuy MGTOW [Men Going Their Own Way] forums when the subject of “what women offer” to men came up the other day. Nightstorm introduced the topic thusly:

It just seems women cannot offer a man anything these days. The days of “well.. I have a pussy”, just doesn’t seem to cut it anymore.

Don’t I know it! I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with the ladies that go just like this:


DAVID sits eating a delicious steak while his date, a SEXY LADY, picks nervously at her tiny salad.
So why am I paying attention to you?

Well, I have a pussy.


A pussy, you say?


Yeah. Right down here, in my pants.


That might work with some guys, but that it ain’t gonna work with me! Pussy just doesn’t cut it any more! 


But, pussy?


(Holding up hand)
Meet Pamela Hand-erson — the only pussy I’ll ever need!
SEXY LADY quietly weeps.
Oh, by the way, you’re paying for dinner.

And … scene!

Nightstorm, a fair and open-minded fellow, did concede that women had some good points, a few of them anyway, and set out to write up a list of pros and cons. First, the pros. Read this carefully, ladies. These are the only good things you bring to the table:


Emotional support (if its a decent chick) which can ranged from listening to you, to snuggling, ect.
Something cute to look at while they are young
A cure for lonliness

Yes, “lonliness.” Spell-checking is for bitches and hoes.

Predictably, Nightstorm’s “Cons” list was a lot longer. Some selected highlights:

Bankrupcy. A chick will cause your wealth to go DOWN. One of my cousins knew a guy who would literally be a millionare if his wife didn’t spend.
Bitching. Yes, they nag and vex your soul to death when they do not get their little ways.
Manipulation and Control. What? You don’t want to do the dishs for me? No sex tonight!!!

Loud. Women have high pitched voices, who’s bright idea was it to use it all the time making screetching noises?
Trashy. Once they get what they want (marriage), then they stop working on themselves. Now they let themselves go.
Divorce. See Bankrupcy. Once you wake up to these ho’s, they have alittle secret.. their taking HALF of what you own.
Cheaters. They will go sleep with other men if things don’t work out with you, you don’t mind.. right?
Entitlement. They deserve it all because they have been born with a pussy hole.
Dangerous. You can’t be you around women. One false word and it could be jail time for you till the manginas say its enough.

Naturally, others piped up with their own observations. Not many “pros.” Lots of “cons.” Some found it hard to think of a single good thing to say about women. IHateRegistering summed up his feelings with an enigmatic one-liner, declaring women: “Reused and retreaded wares at government-mandated retail prices.” (Uh, what?) Cherishthehate, living up to his name, concluded that women were more or less entirely useless:

I have let this question ruminate for the last couple of hours while doing other stuff. Basically I came up with nothing.

Pussy? Meh. …  I once thought of trying gay just to get a decent blowjob. (jk of course 🙂 ) …

Companionship? Again, I have known very few women who you could have a decent conversation with that didn’t focus on clothes, TV or their friends’ love lives. …

Women basically contribute nothing to a relationship, the onus is always on the man to keep them happy. If you ever ask a woman what she brings to the table in a relationship you will be mostly met with blank stares. It is a total non sequitur for them.

True, a couple of commenters did stand up to defend the virtues of women. Well, sort of. Seems like the ladies can be worth keeping around, so long as you keep them in check. As fschmidt put it:

I would like to remind the gentlemen here that most of the cons listed are the result of mistakes made by men, mistakes like giving women the vote. When properly managed, women are an asset.

Ah, giving women the right to vote. I always knew that was a terrible idea.

That and modern sanitation.

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7 years ago

Alan the woman would be full of cum and mental issues . That is what the analogy means.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee… yes men produce oxytocin too. But the amounts are neglijable.

actually the pads are the most popular form and it does not fall off because you wear underwear.

Why would you care how good I am in bed? I will not have sex with you even if you pay me.

“Is this your way of telling us that you want to prey on young girls?” It depends what you mean by young. A woman’s desirability starts around 17 peaks around 19 and then goes down until it hits the wall at around 30. Depending on how they live their life this can vary by +-5 years.

“How else besides looking at age can you tell how many partners a woman has had? ” Most times you can and it depends from case to case: they tell you, you realize by how they act in bed, and in the more extreme cases they have the 1000 cocks look.

“And I’ve met plenty of married women who have had multiple partners before marriage” manginas and suckers do exist. Are they now divorced by any chance?

“Just because you’re a creep who want to be with young and naive girls” that is not the point. The point is that I want healthy children I can be sure to be my own and that I can know I am more than a number of checkboxes to her.


“won’t mind that you are bad at sex” shaming methods do not work on me manatee.

” Lots of men understand that women are people and look for more than a low “n count” in a partner.” it has nothing to do with being people. It has to do with being a whore. If you had so many partners what is the difference between you and a high class prostitute ? Oh yeah the prostitute has a fix price, you want to take all my money.

“Women are not cars. Women are people” Never said they are cars. It is just an analogy. And cars are perfect for the analogy.

dslucia classic reaction from a feminist!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

The point is that I want healthy children I can be sure to be my own and that I can know I am more than a number of checkboxes to her.

Says the troll who interchangeably commodifies women like used cars, and has very specific opinions regarding optimal age and vagina size.

actually the pads are the most popular form and it does not fall off because you wear underwear.

You’re wrong.

According to the Simmons National Consumer Survey, in 2016 69.11 million women in the US used pads, while 105.28 women used tampons. Tampon use is expected to continue increasing.

Try getting your facts from the real world. It’s refreshing!

7 years ago

“Is this your way of telling us that you want to prey on young girls?” It depends what you mean by young. A woman’s desirability starts around 17 peaks around 19 and then goes down until it hits the wall at around 30. Depending on how they live their life this can vary by +-5 years.

So, that’s a yes, then?

Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago


Why is it only the women that are full of mental issues? What about men who’ve had multiple partners? What about gay and bisexual men? Is cum acidic and/or psychoactive?

Do you have a source for your oxytocin claim?

“Desirability” only peaks around 19 if you’re an insecure misogynistic control-freak. Your point about that reveals how little you think of women and how wrong you are.

So what kind of care are YOU?

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ cyp

the woman would be full of cum

I’d have to consult r/badwomensanatomy, but I’m pretty certain that’s not how it works.

As an aside, both 10cc and The Lovin’ Spoonful derive their names from ejaculate.

7 years ago
Reply to  Feline

Buttercup my opinion as you call it is based on biological facts. My opinion on pads is based on how the people that sell them adapt. If you go to any general store (at least in my country) you will find pads, but there are big chances you do not find tampons. I wonder why is that. Also it seems there are no more tampon commercials on tv but plenty of pad ones. So yeah, I am the one that is wrong. Not sure about the survey I am stating just some facts. And they do have some logic especially with the popularity of thongs.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee I never said my car. I said I would not buy that kind of car. And yes there are cars that belonged to criminals police sells at low prices . Some where involved in shootings.

Oh and Alan modern women also come with lots of STD’s.

Feline “So, that’s a yes, then?” Any man prefers a young woman to an old one. And according to the law once you are 18 you are no longer a girl but a woman. Laws of statutory rape no longer apply. And about preying on young women… in what fantasy world you live on? They are adults and should be responsible for their own actions. They are not deer and I the wolf. We are both adults. Please stop twisting my words. I know you are salty because no one wants you anymore because you are old but let it go already. It will not change men’s preferences.

7 years ago

You know, this is actually the first time I’ve been called a feminist. I mean, sure, I’ve been called “SJW”, “white knight”, and “cuck” a million times before, but this is the first time someone has just jumped right to “feminist”.

Anyway. I’m not sure what about my reaction is only typical of feminists. Do non-feminists just not care about boring, tedious trolls who apparently weren’t paying attention during their high school biology classes?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Alan the woman would be full of cum and mental issues . That is what the analogy means.

That’s not how it works. Jiz washes off. Also, people who have a lot of casual sex tend to use condoms. TMI alert: I’ve had multiple sex partners and my vagina has never been ejaculated into.

Also, if touching a penis causes mental health issues, you dudes should probably stop masturbating. Of course, when I studied psychology, I can’t say I was ever taught that theory.

actually the pads are the most popular form and it does not fall off because you wear underwear.

I haven’t looked at the stats because I don’t care that much, but all of the cis women I know, none of whom are virgins, wear pads. We all wear tampons or diva cups.

I can’t tell because you’re not a very good writer. Are you trying to say that pads don’t fall off because of underwear? Or are you trying to say that underwear keeps tampons from falling out? Because that’s not how it works at all.

Why would you care how good I am in bed? I will not have sex with you even if you pay me.

I don’t care if you’re good in bad. I’m just pointing out that you’re indicating that you aren’t.

A woman’s desirability starts around 17 peaks around 19 and then goes down until it hits the wall at around 30. Depending on how they live their life this can vary by +-5 years.

Again, stop universalizing your preferences. The majority of people date within their own age group. I’m also wondering how you reconcile your biotruths about how women should be monogamous with this hit the wall crap. If god or nature or whatever wanted women to be with one partner all our lives, god or nature or whatever wouldn’t create women to be only sexually viable for a couple of years. Here in the real world, uterus havers can and do reproduce into their forties.

I’m also wondering why you think that young, pretty, virginal women would want you? What do you bring to the table. So far, we’ve established that you aren’t intelligent, you aren’t a good writer, you’re not a nice person, you’re a bad lay and you hate the people you’re ostensibly attracted to. Without even knowing whether or not you’re conventionally attractive, I’m going to go ahead and assume they don’t want you.

Are they now divorced by any chance?

Some are, some aren’t. What does that have to do with anything. You said men don’t marry women who have had partners before marriage. Don’t shift the goalposts. Those men that are still married to their non virginal partners are a lot happier than you seem to be though. They don’t necro seven year old blog posts to whine about how horrible it is that women have sex.

that is not the point. The point is that I want healthy children I can be sure to be my own and that I can know I am more than a number of checkboxes to her.

Um, no. The health of children has nothing to do with whether or not their mother had more than one sex partner. In fact, giving birth is a lot more dangerous for both mother and child when the mother is a teen. You also don’t own children. Children are people. You really don’t seem to grasp that anyone besides yourself is a real human, do you?

We can add would be a terrible father to the list of why you are an undesirable potential partner.

shaming methods do not work on me manatee.

I’m not mocking you for your benefit. I’m doing it because it entertains me. Besides, you should be ashamed of being a shitty person.

it has nothing to do with being people. It has to do with being a whore. If you had so many partners what is the difference between you and a high class prostitute ? Oh yeah the prostitute has a fix price, you want to take all my money.

The difference between a woman who is a sex worker and a woman who isn’t is that the woman who doesn’t do sex work isn’t a sex worker. Glad I could clear that up for you.

And what makes you think that sexually experienced women are more likely to be after money than virgins? These things aren’t connected. In fact, a seventeen year old has limited earning potential so if you marry one, you’ll have to provide financially for her. A 30 year old with a job provides for herself and doesn’t need or want your money.

It is just an analogy. And cars are perfect for the analogy.

Cars are not perfect for the analogy though. You haven’t demonstrated that women are anything like cars. Because, having sex doesn’t damage the body. Until you prove that it does, the analogy fails. You also, BTW have to prove that men don’t get damaged by sex. Why shouldn’t women want a young virginal man. Sperm ages you know.

7 years ago

Makroth I never said only women. But I am neither gay or bi. About men having multiple partners well the increase in demands is valid also. About mental issues thing is once a man has a lot of them he might try suicide and might succeed. While women have the most suicide attempts, men have the most suicides. So there would not be as many men with mental issues. It is a sad truth. Being gay in my humble opinion is a mental issue cause by a combination of hormonal imbalance and trauma. “Is cum acidic and/or psychoactive?” no is not. Is just that the behavior of women that have lots of partners seems to be caused in most cases by psychological issues. Also since women believe men value an “experienced” woman which is not true they fall through a lot of depressions when they get dumped by the guy that considered them just cum dumpsters. Being dump hurts a lot especially when you are not used to it.

Yes there are a number of studies that show this correlation but as a result of the new Google policy to hide results that are not SJW I had a hard time finding them in the limited time I had available.

““Desirability” only peaks around 19 if you’re an insecure misogynistic control-freak”- no, is biology. That is because women have a limited fertility window and nature wants us to reproduce.

“So what kind of care are YOU?” do not understand the question

Alan Alan while technically you are wrong is more of a psychological thing. if I took a towel cummed all over it then washed it would you use it to wipe your face?

10cc and The Lovin’ Spoonful??? I never mentioned anything like that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Personally, I’m glad we had this troll because I am absolutely loving that he thinks tampons are held in place by underwear.

7 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee I have answered most of those.
“I don’t care if you’re good in bad. I’m just pointing out that you’re indicating that you aren’t.” based on what? the fact you are a salty old hag?
“The health of children has nothing to do with whether or not their mother had more than one sex partner” It is if the mother has STD’s . And I never said teens. By 18 the state acknowledge a woman as an adult.
“I’m also wondering why you think that young, pretty, virginal women would want you?”many things but since you are already this salty what does it matter? On other hand what do you bring to the table apart from bad sex? I have a nice job, a house, a bit of knowledge on everything, and other things.
“you should be ashamed of being a shitty person.” I am a shitty person because you say so? :))
” you’ll have to provide financially for her” no problem with that. Even if you would marry a woman with a job you would still have to pay the essential bills for her (electricity, tv, internet, rent,etc) . Most of her salary will go on clothes, shoes, cosmetics, restaurants, jewelery so I prefer a woman that will stay at home.
” have to prove that men don’t get damaged by sex” it was about multiple partners not sex and I never said men are not affected by this. They do get affected. Not as much but still. So nothing to prove here.
” Why shouldn’t women want a young virginal man. Sperm ages you know.” I never said she should not want this. Is her choice whom she chooses. And sperm does age but extremely slow. Even a 70 man that is in shape can have healthy children. Look at Genghis Han.

dslucia you have a female name as a username (lucia is feminin luca is masculin) and the image shows you have very feminine features. Anyway my point was that feminists just censor anyone that brings good arguments against the poison of feminist lies.

7 years ago

You mean they’re not?!!! My life is a lie.

Regarding trolly – Nah. Incapable of keeping to his own terms, so not worth more answers. I think he’s a very sheltered 14.

The second hand car thing was amusing though – where the hell does he live that cars like that make it onto the market? 😛

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ cyp

if I took a towel cummed all over it then washed it would you use it to wipe your face?

Well maybe not if you’d washed it; I’m not convinced that you’d be any more competent at laundry than any other issue you’ve demonstrated.

But I stop in a lot of hotels so who knows what’s gone on with those towels before? Doesn’t bother me none.

(It’s not an issue for anyone following me as I’m always courteous enough to take the hotel towels home with me.)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Yes there are a number of studies that show this correlation but as a result of the new Google policy to hide results that are not SJW I had a hard time finding them in the limited time I had available.

Oh of course. It’s not that you can’t back up your assertions because they are straight from your ass. It’s all a big Google conspiracy to make men sleep with slutty 30 year olds! Even though Google is probably mostly run by men and you’d think that given men’s supposed universal preference for teenage virgins, they’d want studies that support manosphere theories about women to be more visible not less.

Of course, the key word here is correlation. It isn’t causation. Say you are correct that women with mental health issues have more partners. That doesn’t mean that having sex caused the issues. Mental illness is just that. Illness. They’re caused by things like chemical imbalances in the brain. And the issues tend to start before adulthood. I had my first and to this date most severe depressive episode when I was 14 and very much a virgin.

The more likely explanation for such a correlation would be things like a manic episode causing impulsive behavior. Or self medicating through pleasure seeking.

If you’re going to continue to assert that you are superior to all women and all men who aren’t raging misogynists, you’re going to have to learn basic high school level biology and psychology. Otherwise, you aren’t going to look too credible.

That is because women have a limited fertility window and nature wants us to reproduce.

False. Nature doesn’t want anything. That’s not how evolution works. Also, the fertility window is not that limited. Menopause generally occurs in the forties. Fertility only drops slightly after 30.

Anyway, if nature did want us to reproduce, it wouldn’t give us a two year fertility window. Dumbass.

7 years ago

“limited fertility window” = “17-19”

Wow, that is pretty limited.

It’s also generally the time people are least-prepared for being parents.

Hell, I’m now older than my mom was when she had me, and she’d already had my older brother, and I can’t even imagine being a parent myself.

Oh, also, she had my younger half-brother when she was approaching 40. So, again, you fail at basic biology.

7 years ago


Oh, also, she had my younger half-brother when she was approaching 40

Partner was pushing 50 when she had our youngest. Which really is a bit too old, but hey, accidents happen. She’s younger than most of her nieces and nephews. 😛
We’re both still grumbling about having to make it beyond 70 to see her safely out of the house and starting her own life though.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think he’s a very sheltered 14.

Maybe. But I think it’s more likely that he’s middle aged and mad that teenagers don’t desire him anymore now than they did when he was one.

if I took a towel cummed all over it then washed it would you use it to wipe your face?

By this logic, women can only have sex once in their entire lives because ejaculate permanently destroys them. Kind of contradicts the whole nature wants us to reproduce thing. Having sex once doesn’t guarantee a pregnancy will occur that once.

It also means that men can only ejaculate once. So any pubescent boy that has a wet dream has been destroyed and dirtied forever before he can even have sex.

The cum = forever dirty and damaged theory seems to be a really inefficient way to ensure reproduction.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

Typically, I am much more friendly and cheerful in these things, but today I am in no mood for it.

1) Oxytocin. Stimulates pair bonding emotions.

1a) “pair bonding emotions” aren’t a fungible resource. The effect does not diminish over time.
1b) Biological males produce oxytocin in their testes. It has similar effects in them. Ovaries produce more for childbirth purposes.
1c) Vasopressin has similar effects on biological men as oxytocin to bio women. Vasopressin’s responsible for erections, and is a general autonomic hormone. If your theory of “fungible pair bonding emotions” is true, men lose the ability to pair bond every time they get a boner.

Your knowledge of “oxytocin reduces womens’ ability to pair bond” is based on reading a New Scientist Magazine article – at best. That article was garbage meant to make a controversial claim, to sell magazines/eyeballs. You’re a mark.

2) Women “get less tight” the more men they have sex with.

2a) Wrong. What’s true is that underdeveloped women – teenaged girls – haven’t got fully developed sexual organs, leading to them being tighter.

The “women get loose” argument is nothing more than pedophilia.

3) The more partners you’ve had, the more you demand from your partner.

3a) Wrong. Some people enjoy – and feel honoured and humbled by – being with an inexperienced partner. They get to show them things, to be with them for their first time doing X, to explore new things with the partner they care about.
3b) Every person has their own desires and habits and quirks when it comes to sex. Every new partnership is a brand new exploration. That doesn’t change with the number of partners.
3c) In a loving relationship, if one person has sexual desires that the other isn’t able to fulfill, they deal with it. Ask people with disabilities preventing them from having vigorous sex how they manage it.

The only people who worry about their sexual partner “demanding” too much see sex as transactional and aren’t in it for a relationship.

Buttercup my opinion as you call it is based on biological facts

You wouldn’t know a biological fact if it slapped you on the ass. Your opinion is based on triple-recycled fluff articles that take a single weakly-supported scientific finding and blow it up to a styrofoam sledgehammer.

You’ve never read the actual science behind any of this. You rely on the word of propagandists and marketers who aren’t interested in telling you the truth – they’re interested in selling you to advertisers.

You don’t understand thing-one about women – which is not shameful in and of itself, since our society’s so shit about anything related to women. What is shameful is how you’ve inserted your self-consoling wish fulfillment fantasies where facts ought to be.

Let’s see your citations.

7 years ago

dslucia you have a female name as a username (lucia is feminin luca is masculin) and the image shows you have very feminine features. Anyway my point was that feminists just censor anyone that brings good arguments against the poison of feminist lies.

HAHAHAHAHA, okay, I’ve changed my mind, I’m amused now.

Not that I need to defend myself, but just for the record, if that picture showed just a bit more of my face you’d see quite a large beard. And while I know that “Lucia” is feminine-coded (for the record, from the Latin root the masculine is “Lucius”, not that I would expect you to know that), the reason it’s part of my username is quite simply because it’s my surname.

Also, I don’t know why I always need to repeat this across multiple websites (that’s a lie, I do mostly understand it), but kicking you off of a website is not “censoring” you. You are still free to go kicking and screaming back to your MGTOW subreddit to crywank about how you showed all of us mean femonsits who’s boss.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

““Desirability” only peaks around 19 if you’re an insecure misogynistic control-freak”- no, is biology. That is because women have a limited fertility window and nature wants us to reproduce.

Age is not one of the morphological characteristics associated with universal sexual attractiveness. Symmetry, skin clarity, and health are.

Try again.

7 years ago

Also, I know it’s not what the troll meant, but I choose to interpret his accusation that I have feminine features as him saying I’m cute. So thanks for that! I don’t usually get compliments.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

I wanted to read this troll thread but I couldn’t even get past his very first example!

1. the more sexual partners you have the more youbdemand from the current one.

“I want to have sex with inexperienced women because they have no idea what good sex is. Women who have had good sex expect me to actually put some effort towards their pleasure in bed. :-(“

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

OMG this thread whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

7 years ago

You do have some stylish glasses and a nice haircut.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Me seeing this creepy troll try and beat everyone over the head with his “nature wants me to reproduce with young teenagers; all modern women are demons; using the term ‘manginas’ unironically” bullshit.
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