discussion of the day I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny western women suck

>Women: Completely useless, or only partly?


Women: They can’t even walk properly

Have you ever sat down to write up a little list of pros and cons, only to find that you can’t think of any pros at all? That was the dilemma faced by a number of regulars on the grotesquely misnamed NiceGuy MGTOW [Men Going Their Own Way] forums when the subject of “what women offer” to men came up the other day. Nightstorm introduced the topic thusly:

It just seems women cannot offer a man anything these days. The days of “well.. I have a pussy”, just doesn’t seem to cut it anymore.

Don’t I know it! I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with the ladies that go just like this:


DAVID sits eating a delicious steak while his date, a SEXY LADY, picks nervously at her tiny salad.
So why am I paying attention to you?

Well, I have a pussy.


A pussy, you say?


Yeah. Right down here, in my pants.


That might work with some guys, but that it ain’t gonna work with me! Pussy just doesn’t cut it any more! 


But, pussy?


(Holding up hand)
Meet Pamela Hand-erson — the only pussy I’ll ever need!
SEXY LADY quietly weeps.
Oh, by the way, you’re paying for dinner.

And … scene!

Nightstorm, a fair and open-minded fellow, did concede that women had some good points, a few of them anyway, and set out to write up a list of pros and cons. First, the pros. Read this carefully, ladies. These are the only good things you bring to the table:


Emotional support (if its a decent chick) which can ranged from listening to you, to snuggling, ect.
Something cute to look at while they are young
A cure for lonliness

Yes, “lonliness.” Spell-checking is for bitches and hoes.

Predictably, Nightstorm’s “Cons” list was a lot longer. Some selected highlights:

Bankrupcy. A chick will cause your wealth to go DOWN. One of my cousins knew a guy who would literally be a millionare if his wife didn’t spend.
Bitching. Yes, they nag and vex your soul to death when they do not get their little ways.
Manipulation and Control. What? You don’t want to do the dishs for me? No sex tonight!!!

Loud. Women have high pitched voices, who’s bright idea was it to use it all the time making screetching noises?
Trashy. Once they get what they want (marriage), then they stop working on themselves. Now they let themselves go.
Divorce. See Bankrupcy. Once you wake up to these ho’s, they have alittle secret.. their taking HALF of what you own.
Cheaters. They will go sleep with other men if things don’t work out with you, you don’t mind.. right?
Entitlement. They deserve it all because they have been born with a pussy hole.
Dangerous. You can’t be you around women. One false word and it could be jail time for you till the manginas say its enough.

Naturally, others piped up with their own observations. Not many “pros.” Lots of “cons.” Some found it hard to think of a single good thing to say about women. IHateRegistering summed up his feelings with an enigmatic one-liner, declaring women: “Reused and retreaded wares at government-mandated retail prices.” (Uh, what?) Cherishthehate, living up to his name, concluded that women were more or less entirely useless:

I have let this question ruminate for the last couple of hours while doing other stuff. Basically I came up with nothing.

Pussy? Meh. …  I once thought of trying gay just to get a decent blowjob. (jk of course 🙂 ) …

Companionship? Again, I have known very few women who you could have a decent conversation with that didn’t focus on clothes, TV or their friends’ love lives. …

Women basically contribute nothing to a relationship, the onus is always on the man to keep them happy. If you ever ask a woman what she brings to the table in a relationship you will be mostly met with blank stares. It is a total non sequitur for them.

True, a couple of commenters did stand up to defend the virtues of women. Well, sort of. Seems like the ladies can be worth keeping around, so long as you keep them in check. As fschmidt put it:

I would like to remind the gentlemen here that most of the cons listed are the result of mistakes made by men, mistakes like giving women the vote. When properly managed, women are an asset.

Ah, giving women the right to vote. I always knew that was a terrible idea.

That and modern sanitation.

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Dr. Deezee
14 years ago

>I applaud the way you stood your ground with that Sexy Lady, David.

The Apprentice
14 years ago

>Do they get women confused with birds or something? That would explain why they think we just stand around unintelligibly screeching.

14 years ago

>I didn't know that I could vex a man's soul to death. Crazy skills I have!

14 years ago

>Here they are! The Top 10 reasons to date a trans girl!1.- guy has been trashed by g-girls in the dating scene.2.-guy wants a girl who will do her best to look good for him…always3.-guy wants a girl who can really understand him.4.-guy wants a girl who is not a nag and knows when to shut up.5.-guy wants a girl who is NOT after his money or wants to get married.6.-guy wants a girl whose biological clock is non existent along with periods and mood swings.7.-guy wants a girl who only shares his interests for the short period of time needed to "catch him".8.-guy wants a girl who knows what "space" is and how to give it to him.9.-guy wants an "old school type girl" Sometimes it takes a man to know what a woman should act like. Many women have forgotten.10.-guy is bored and wants a new and exotic person in his life.

Jason Beautis
12 years ago

I’m pretty sure women nowadays have become much more miserable and in deeper dire straits due to their societally programmed bitchiness and manhaterish attitude. They love to slander men and accuse them of every evil in existence but deep down they’re just hating on the fact that guys pass em up for a nicer saner woman (or a hotter one).

11 years ago

I agree with a lot of it. But women know they are useless, this is why they will try to chase you and lock you down by showing you a lot of love. I still agree with this article because even after they try so hard to please me, I still feel annoyed and resentment for some reason.

10 years ago

“Pussy just doesn’t cut it any more!”

(Holding up hand)
“Meet Pamela Hand-erson — the only pussy I’ll ever need!”

Dude, that’s pretty pathetic. No hand in the world matches the feeling of a tight, wet pussy. I would agree that women’s pussy is not enough of an aspect from women, and that most women at large are rather useless beyond sex, but still, forsaking the option of pussy for your own hand is pretty damn sad.

10 years ago

Oddly enough, by presenting the other sides arguments and not making the effort to create a rebuttal, your site seems to promote the views expressed by giving them a wider audience. In addition, I believe the gender roles today are being examined closely by men and they are concluding (and rightly so) that women really don’t bring anything to the table anymore. Allow me to clarify. The typical college educated woman today has a useless degree in sociology, psychology, (insert unmarketable liberal arts degree here). She also has no idea how to cook or clean and is probably overweight and saddled with $20K-$40K in college loans. This same woman will have already slept with between 10-20 guys in college and upon graduation either she will be unemployed and living with her parents or making $25K-$40K a year while renting a crap apartment. So, to sum it up, women only offer companionship and perhaps a reliable sexual partner today. They used to take of the children, clean, cook, and also fulfill the role of companion and sex partner. So men are justified in their assessment because men are continuing to fulfill the roles that women expect of them (i.e. good provider, protector, father figure, handyman) while women have cast their roles aside, making them not only useless to modern day men but also emotionally and mentally lost as to what exactly they should be doing in life.

9 years ago

Truthseeker nails it with the following:
“They used to take [care] of the children, clean, cook, and also fulfill the role of companion and sex partner.”

I’m 37 and do not have a single happily married friend. I constantly get friend requests from my married ex-girlfriends who are miserable and talk to my last actual “girlfriend” who’s engaged. (Her fiance has no idea and we’ve even met up in Vegas for a ridiculously freaky sex filled 36 hours – no really, I like to have fun but we did some messed up stuff – shout out to Grey Goose)

Realistically the only thing Truthseeker missed is how the internet has completely ruined relationships in today’s world. Women are all cheaters and liars. That may sound cynical and you may think, “This guy is just pissed because he’s been sh*t on…” But the truth is I haven’t. I’ve just been the guy on the side soooo many times I can’t even imagine spending my time much less my money on a permanent pussy.

Let’s be honest fellas every pussy over the age of 25 has been through a carousel of cocks…. Don’t kid yourself – She tells you she’s had 3 sex partners, she’s banged the entire local Sig Ep chapter. (Yup, including me!) The real problem is after a few months the fun runs out and the comfortable sets in. How excited are you to hit it after she’s complaining about how bad her monthly flow is and clogging the toilet by dropping an arm sized deuce.

To sum it all up, if you want to be a dad, adopt a kid….
If you’re looking for a “real woman” in 2015, try Australia – But do it soon, they have been watching waaaay to much USA reality TV……
If you REALLY want to get married – Mail Order – No really, trust me on this but don’t go Russian, go Asian…..
And lastly, if you’re trying to find a partner in life, to have and to hold until death do you part – Get an Xbox…..

9 years ago

Truthseeker nails it with the following:
“They used to take [care] of the children, clean, cook, and also fulfill the role of companion and sex partner.”

Google “the second shift” and you’ll find that women are still doing this in addition to having a paid job.

I’m 37 and do not have a single happily married friend. I constantly get friend requests from my married ex-girlfriends who are miserable and talk to my last actual “girlfriend” who’s engaged. (Her fiance has no idea and we’ve even met up in Vegas for a ridiculously freaky sex filled 36 hours – no really, I like to have fun but we did some messed up stuff – shout out to Grey Goose)

Anecdotes aren’t data. All you’ve proved is that you’re a miserable asshole with a social circle full of other miserable assholes. If anecdotes are data here, I can counter you by saying I’m a 35 year old woman and all my married friends and acquaintances are happily married.

Realistically the only thing Truthseeker missed is how the internet has completely ruined relationships in today’s world. Women are all cheaters and liars.

Citations needed

That may sound cynical and you may think, “This guy is just pissed because he’s been sh*t on…” But the truth is I haven’t. I’ve just been the guy on the side soooo many times I can’t even imagine spending my time much less my money on a permanent pussy.

You don’t sound cynical. You sound like a misogynist. You also sound pretty pathetic insecure bragging about your sexual exploits. I’m not convinced you’re even telling the truth here.

Let’s be honest fellas every pussy over the age of 25 has been through a carousel of cocks…. Don’t kid yourself – She tells you she’s had 3 sex partners, she’s banged the entire local Sig Ep chapter. (Yup, including me!)

Ellipses have 3 dots. Not 4. Also, you’re wrong. Only a small minority of the population of any gender has had over 10 sex partners. But if someone has had lots of partners, so what? You haven’t actually explained how that diminishes someone’s value as either a person or a romantic or sexual partner.

The real problem is after a few months the fun runs out and the comfortable sets in. How excited are you to hit it after she’s complaining about how bad her monthly flow is and clogging the toilet by dropping an arm sized deuce.

You object to the fact that women poop? Everyone poops. It’s incredibly pathetic that you are bothered by this.

To sum it all up, if you want to be a dad, adopt a kid….

I hope nobody would want to adopt children out to creepy necro trolling red pillers.

If you’re looking for a “real woman” in 2015, try Australia

Calling SFHC! I’m sure she’ll be flattered!

– But do it soon, they have been watching waaaay to much USA reality TV……

Now your ellipsis has 5 dots. Why?

If you REALLY want to get married – Mail Order – No really, trust me on this but don’t go Russian, go Asian…..

I’m shocked that you’re racist as well as misogynist.

And lastly, if you’re trying to find a partner in life, to have and to hold until death do you part – Get an Xbox…..

On this, we can agree. Please do go your own way with your Xbox.

9 years ago

You’re an imbecile.

8 years ago

The Good old fashioned women were certainly the Best compared to today.

8 years ago

Go Asian (Far East) to find female partner is best solution these days.
So I did 25 years ago being white myself.
Best choice I done in my life.
It is sad to say but as per my observations 95+% of white women 20-40yo are useless shitty scum.
Good for nothing.
Call me a racist if you wish – I am proud of it.

8 years ago

I have alot of technical skills and hobbies, but on my collage campus all I find are useless sjw type women with no real tangible skills. Sorry if everyone on this site disagrees but from an unexperienced millenial standpoint I’m seeing allot of worthless people of both genders. I hope the liberal arts collage system falls apart, its a fucking joke, just indoctrinating people, If I had things to do over I would have gone to a tech school, maybe there I would find decent people, women especially. When I saw Trump stressing trade schools I realized that he was going to be the best president in my lifetime.

Kogarasu Maru
Kogarasu Maru
7 years ago

First…. thank you guys, for sharing this on a platform girls could find. I’ve learnt so much.

I’m quite floored. Its just so much worse than any of us could understand. Seriously. And to make the problem burn even brighter, there’s a truth in everything those above have said.

We’ve allowed ourselves to be lied to about freedom emancipation and the essence of womanhood. I feel esp bad about this because even I can see it. And I don’t see how it will change. We aren’t brought up to be practical, rational or genuine. And too much money is going into derailing us further.

7 years ago

Someone askef why the number of sexual partners matters. So here are the reason:
1. the more sexual partners you have the more youbdemand from the current one. This is valid for men also. And why is bad is because with each increase of demands the number of partners able and willing to satisfy them decreases. if as a woman you rich 10 that number is 0.
2. oxytocin causes women to bond with the man she has sex with for long term. On the first partner the level released is x at the second 50%x at the third10-20%x and starting with the fourth 0. So starting with her 4th partner she becomes unable to maintain a long term relationship, at least a meaningful one.
3. The more sex a woman has her vagina losens up so both her and her partners feel less pleasure doing sec. As someone said: rarer is better.

I will take attacks ad hominem as an admission of defeat so unless you bring arguments better not respond.

7 years ago

Since I’m bored, your necrothreading gets a response:

1/ Damned right. The more you do something, the better you get at it, so you want more skill from the person you’re playing with. Levelling up is a problem? Since when?

2/ Hormones don’t work like that. At all. It’s rather the opposite – oxytocin release decreases over time with the same partner. Not with new ones. Same goes for men.

3/ Some vaginas are, shockingly, different sizes. The number of partners doesn’t stretch a vagina – it’s not a cheap sweater. Hell, many women tighten back up after giving birth, and no guy has a dick the diameter of a baby’s head.

Come on, try harder. 2 and 3 are Bio 101 level shit. 1 is, admittedly, personal preference here – who the hell wants a virgin? Someone who knows what the hell they are doing and knows what she likes is way more fun.

7 years ago

1. I never said you get better at something. Quite the opposite. What I said is logic. Please level up and grow an inch in height and we will talk.

2. It is never stated this. Actually quite the contrary is observed. But yeah believe the feminist lies. I wish you happiness with our 10 cats!

3. that was not the point. Think of it like a piece of rubber. And every man will honestly tell you the more men a woman has the harder it is to feel anything.

About not wanting a virgin, first off sex is not rocket science and one can learn what to do very fast in days before internet from a prostitute and in today’s day from Internet. Let alone the fact it is instinctual, humans have been doing it for millenia without anyone teaching them how to do it.So your comment is dumb. About who wants virgins? Men do, because no one wants a used car. Yes men will have sex with “experienced” women but they will not marry them.

That is why people go MGTOW. Because women have no longer anything to offer but demand the heavens and the earth. You can believe what I said or not, it will still remain true.

7 years ago

I will take attacks ad hominem as an admission of defeat so unless you bring arguments better not respond.

You lose.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ cyp

no one wants a used car

A new car depreciates 30% the moment you drive it off the lot. Loads of people want used cars; there’s like an entire market based on that.

ETA: I’ll leave others to address the rest of your ‘points’ assuming they can be bothered.

7 years ago

Alan would you buy a car that has been used by 5 people before, has been abused so hard that nothing works as it should and has blood stains and gun holes all over it? I am sure some would. Personally I would not.

7 years ago

I vote we just ban this boring, tedious biotroof troll.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The whole misconception about oxytocin being a female only hormone comes straight from conservative Christian approved sex ed. I honestly think that no sex ed at all is better than abstinence only sex ed.

Not only do men produce oxytocin, so do most other animals. So that would obviously include a whole lot of animals that do not practice monogamy. So much biofail.

Speaking of biofail, I’m pretty sure the misconception that a vagina stretches out from sex is pure ego. Men who possess really fragile masculinity just want so desperately to be believe that their penes are so big and important that they literally destroy the bodies of those they have PIV with. It’s not true though. Vaginas are very elastic and a penis is nothing. A large one can hurt, but will still snap back. So much biofail. So much.

Tell me troll, why is that the tampon remains the most popular form of menstrual hygiene product if sex makes vaginas so loose that they can’t even provide much pleasure anymore? Wouldn’t a tampon just fall right out? They are thinner than most penises are. Do you think only virgins use them?

About not wanting a virgin, first off sex is not rocket science and one can learn what to do very fast in days before internet from a prostitute and in today’s day from Internet.

Thanks for advertising that you’re shit in bed. Yeah, anyone can accomplish the act of PIV, but being responsive to your partner’s needs and desires and being able to effectively communicate your own needs and desires takes practice and maturity. You’re not going to learn that from watching porn on the internet.

About who wants virgins? Men do, because no one wants a used car. Yes men will have sex with “experienced” women but they will not marry them.

Is this your way of telling us that you want to prey on young girls?

How else besides looking at age can you tell how many partners a woman has had? You can’t tell by the vagina. Sorry, but you really can’t.

And I’ve met plenty of married women who have had multiple partners before marriage. You fail again. Just because you’re a creep who want to be with young and naive girls in the hopes that they’ll put up with your misogyny and let you control them and won’t mind that you are bad at sex, doesn’t mean that all men are that insecure and fragile. Lots of men understand that women are people and look for more than a low “n count” in a partner.

Which brings me to the final point. Women are not cars. Women are people. I don’t know why misogynists are so obsessed with car analogies in particular, but they are a fail.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ cyp

Well the problem with your analogy is that women aren’t cars. Although perhaps that’s where your confusion about them having rubber parts comes from?

As to your point generally, no one here is interested in my preferences. What I would say though is that, whilst I wouldn’t presume to speak for all men, my own experience and that of every guy I know, is that we’re perhaps less fussed on the virgin hang up than you seem to be.

Must confess though if a woman was covered in blood and full of bullet holes my immediate thought wouldn’t be to ask her out, I’d probably enquire as to whether she wanted an ambulance; but I’m a bit old school like that.

ETA: ninja’d somewhat by WWTH

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m also wondering what Cyp does in his car that he thinks used ones are typically full of blood and bullet holes.

Scratch that. I don’t think I want to know.

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