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Was it all based on a lie? |
You know what’s always hilarious? Humorless douchebags pontificating on “why women aren’t funny.”
Our text today: A set of comments on the Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) proboards forum. Madashell gets the ball rolling:
In my entire life I haven’t met one single women who is funny especially compared to the numerous men who are able to make myself and many other people laugh. I’m sure this is true for almost all of us.
If you can’t think of a single funny women you’ve ever met, you either 1) have no sense of humor whatsoever, or 2) you’re such a flaming misogynist your brain simply can’t process humor when it comes from females or 3) you live in a hole in the ground eating bugs. Or some combination of the above. In the case of Madashell, I’m guessing it’s a mixture of 1) and 3). (He just seems like a bug-eater to me.)
Now, I’m not even going to bother to provide a little list of women in history who are fucking hilarious, because every single reasonable person on planet earth should be able to come up with a little list of their own.
Instead, let’s hear what the MGTOWers have to say on the subject. Here’s Whytry:
Because laughter is a sign of joy and women aren’t capable of emotion. They’re literally creatures of lust and animal behavior.
Hanzblinx, meanwhile, offers a little list:
1. humor is related to wit which is related to intelligence
2. humor requires seeing the world outside of the 1st person perspective
3. humor is used by men as a tool to attract women by display of wit, however, women attract men with display of skin, no wits required.
Of course, when a woman laughs at your joke, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she actually has a sense of humor. At least according to dontmarry, who suggests that laughter is sort of a female version of a boner:
Interesting theory, but I’m a little stuck on the notion that George Carlin and Rowan Atkinson represent the highest pinnacle of achievement in human humor history.
rebel has a somewhat more elaborate, if somewhat less coherent, explanation:
Because le rire est le propre de l’homme- laugh is specific to man.
MAN is the only creature on the planet that has a capacity for humour and laughter. When you really think about it, humour is a gift from God. It sets MAN apart from all other creatures: on a higher level of existence.
To me, the question is irrelevant. Does my dog have a sense of humor? The question is irrelevant because only Men have a sense of humor. By design.
Adam was the first sentient creature (so they say… I don’t know). Then Eve was produced to provide some blow jobs whenever Adam felt bored. Eve was content to be Adam’s receptacle (in Latin: vagina):she didn’t have to be funny: only have a deep throat. But that was before feminism took the bag away…but humor has not returned…
“LOL!!!” Really?
I guess I just don’t understand humor after all.
EDIT: Looks like the humor-discussers have discovered this post.
>Magnolia: We screwed up our economy and our country IT'S YOUR FAULT.This argument is true!For sure, feminism is an expensive experiment, as the entire feminist movement is non-productive.Basically spoken, feminism costs us all more money than it is earning.For this reason we have seen Hillary in China, rather silent about human rights and women rights in that country, because she was asking for some money.Feminism is not for every woman, obviously – so let the Chinese women (and men) work in the Chinese factories for low pay and ask money from the Chinese government to cover the demands of American women.Some US-feminist groups openly admit, that they are non-productive and are living from public fonds.http://www.tahirih.org/2010/09/tahirih-is-being-tested/This grant has provided critical funds ($500,000 over a two year period) to fund our direct legal services for women and girls fleeing domestic violence and sexual assault. We’ve recently received news that the grant will not be renewed this year. This was not anticipated and will have a devastating impact on our ability… You see, this is the BIG difference between feminism and the MRAs. MRAs do not need money from others, we pay for our own expenses…Magnolia said… That's it. The interwebs have finally rendered me to hysterical laughter. Men complaining about everything wrought at the hands of men as womens fault. Don't worry about that, Magnolia, your hysterical laughter will end and your wallet will be empty.MRAs never say, it's all the fault of ALL women, MRAs say this is the fault of feminism, which is a hateful parasite movement.MRAs favor a policy to cut off public funds, sponsorships and other resources which are financing feminism – no money and feminism is a part of the past.
>Ok David, I know I said I was never going to help you with any more links, but here's Christopher Hitchens also saying that women aren't funny. I dare you to make a post ripping on his article.
>Once upon a time, Hitchens was a decent writer. Over the past ten or fifteen years he's degenerated into an increasingly reactionary hack. That article of his was dumb 3 years ago when I first read it and it's just as dumb today.
>So why not make a post ripping into it then? Are you afraid that he will see it and challenge you to a debate? Seeing as how you couldn't last more than a few rounds with Paul Elam I don't blame you for being deathly afraid of Hitchens. It's so much easier to pick on random people in small forums, isn't it?
>Um…getting back to the question of whether men are ever so much funnier than women, and operating off of the experience marrying one man and raising three sons……there is truth to the adage that "men fear that women will laugh at them"…derisively.So we tone it down "at large," but there are few gatherings more hilarious than a bunch of menopausal women celebrating whatever.
>It's a 3-year-old article, and it's already been pretty well rebutted on Salon and Slate and elsewhere, and it's actually pretty mild in its misogyny.
>(note, my past comment was a reply to cold) ahunt, that's pretty much what Laura Kipnis said in Slate:"If Hitchens is right and women are less funny than men, this insight applies to the public sphere alone. Women can be scathingly funny in private, especially when it comes to finely honed observations about the romantic conduct of men. "
>"I dare you to make a post ripping on his article."Yah…just because one trifling little man assumes that his sense of humor defines all humor…we are to bow before his admittedly entertaining style…is boy privilege in action.
>Well David…what can I say? We love our men, and want them to feel good about themselves…so we tone it down, because it is a loving thing to do.Chicks! Man, they suck!
>Do you all realize that you sound like the scared conspiracy theorists that huddle in the basement and talk about Area 51?Are you aware of that?Women caused the financial fall. Right..with their glass ceiling, rampant sexism and misogyny keeping them in place and the completely political lack of wherewithall to even get equal -salaries- much less accumulate such power as to direct this Male dominated sphere of business and commerce to do anything that they want.You know? I've decided what it is you all are. Sad, privileged men realizing that their time at being vastly superior simply because of the color of their skin and the cock between their thighs is coming to an end. You are reactionaries…not revolutionaries. Gripping desperately to the stolen privileges and self deception and lies that you sell and are sold. You are sad caricatures of the relics of the past. The only reason that you deserve any small measure of attention and monitoring is that reactionaries are historically more violent.Your short comings? Are your fault. Your issues? are Your fault. Get a fucking therapist and stop blaming other people for your lack of social skills and ability to survive without the enhanced privilege you cling to so damned desperately. Equality is not the same as oppression. You loosing privilege? is not oppression. It's balancing the scales and the moment that you realize that you're screaming for rights and status that you only earned on the backs and suffrage of is the moment that you join the rest of the non white, non male world who has EVERY right that you do.
>David,You must have a seriously strong constitution to work through this stuff. Particularly given the way some of them follow you home.I find them fascinating, and not a little sad. What price masculinity if it's so fragile that it cannot withstand a world in which some female human beings dare to dream that they are the equals of male human beings?Why does it have to be a zero-sum game? Why do some men believe they aren't respected unless women "treat them like kings"? (as one put it in the recent-ish thread about western sex-tourists). Bizarre.I'm just glad I've never met anyone like this in real life; I know plenty of men (and women) with whom I disagree sometimes, but as far as I know none of them have doubts over whether I'm a person, and "capable of emotion", just because of my XX. Although I suspect that many of these comments are only half-serious anyway – they're just the product of twits egging each other on from behind the safety and anonymity of their screens.
>David,I think your blog is great and I support the work you're doing, but I don't think I can come back. It's too depressing 🙁 These MRAs are totes awful!
>Magnolia said… ….. Women caused the financial fall. Right..with their glass ceiling, rampant sexism and misogyny keeping them in place and the completely political lack of wherewithall to even get equal -salaries- much less accumulate such power as to direct this Male dominated sphere of business and commerce to do anything that they want.What a stupid comment…There is no law existing nowadays in Western countries which says a man can and a woman cannot.The gender pay gap does not exist, as even EU-ministers have to admit. It's a difference if you work 30 hours or 50 hours and if you work from Monday to Friday only or if you are willing to work on holidays or during night time. It's a difference if there are more jobs than applicants in a certain sector, or if there are more applicants than jobs. etc. etc.So far the feminist movement failed to create anything, which can be called productive. To create a quota for women in the CEO level cannot be seen as productive. It cannot be denied, that countries with the most advanced feminism are running the highest national debt and still continue such life-style with excessive deficit spending. USA is selling out its debits to China, the deficit of feminist fortresses like Iceland and UK are a serious problem, and Sweden just sold its Volvo-Car-production, and guess to which country.Economically seen, feminism is only into spending, but not into producing anything. No money and feminism is finished and it is about the time…
>Sweden? Norway?
>Yohan–you do realize you sound like a complete sociopath? I mean, priding yourself on not being one of those lazy govt-dependant WOMEN AND GIRLS FLEEING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT???Men's rights advocates want to stand up for men in abusive relationships right? What happens when one of them is forced to leave his house with nothing but the clothes on his back or get murdered? Do you really say, "sorry bub, don't bother asking for a lawyer if you can't afford high lawyer fees"?Oh, and–Tina Fey and Margaret Cho forever!!! 😀
>@SarahI have no idea, what my postings have to do with American actresses.I don't really understand what you want to say with this comment to me.And to be forced to leave the house (HIS house) with nothing but a few clothings, this happens to men all the time.
>@Yoha, again, please stop talking about the US when you know nothing about it. 75% of US debt is to owned by its own citizens, only 25% is foreign owned at all. In regards to foreign owned debt, only 27.3% of that is owned by China (including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the mainland). Japan is a close second with 20.2%,and the UK owns 9.2%. The remaining debt is mixed between Russia, Brazil, oil producing countries, and the Carribean. 6.8% of total US debt is all that China owns, US citizens and companies own a whopping 75%. The concern about China taking over the US via its debts is mostly just good old fashioned racist fearmongering. It is also funny how you like to pontificate about the law, but every statement I have seen you make about US law was either blatantly false or displayed deep and extreme miscomprehensions. Again, I understand that you are not an American and reiterate rhat it would be fine if you knew nothing of US culture, economics, or law if it weren't for the fact that you can't seem to ever shut up about it.
>"Man, do you who I trust to have a valid opinion on what's funny? Some guy who had to look up Dorothy Parker on Wikipedia."Sam for the win today!, though I feel that Dorothy might like our MRA/MGTOW commentariat more than we do:"I require three things in a man: he must be handsome, ruthless, and stupid."— Dorothy Parker Let's give them the benefit of the doubt on the handsome.
For the record, vagina is Lating for “scabbard”, not receptacle.